Dreptul românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire.
Dimensiuni și tendințe
Romanian Law 100 Years After the Great Union. Dimensions and Trends
Contributor(s): Legal Research Institute “Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” Romanian Academy (Editor)
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Philosophy of Law, EU-Legislation, Sociology of Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: Romanian Law ; European Union Law; Romanian Unitary National State; Legal System .
Summary/Abstract: The Great Union and the completion of the process of establishing the Romanian unitary national state represented a decisive moment in the modernization, occidentalization and development of Romanian law in the spirit of its traditions. In the 100 years since then, he has undergone great transformations in line with historical developments, presenting himself today as a complex legal system facing the challenges of European integration and the assertion of globalization.Thus, a multidimensional radiography of the state of Romanian law is required, by identifying the founding principles, the traits and the defining evolutions, the establishment of connections and interdependencies with European Union law, the influences of comparative law and the metamorphoses due to the impact of globalization.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-606-39-0247-5
- Page Count: 531
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Romanian
Înnoirea legislației civile - așteptări și rezultate. Privire specială asupra unor instituții de drept succesoral
Înnoirea legislației civile - așteptări și rezultate. Privire specială asupra unor instituții de drept succesoral
(Renewal of civil law - expectations and results. Special consideration of succession law institutions)
- Author(s):Bogdan Pătrașcu, Ilioara Genoiu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:12-16
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:monistic vision; legal language; inheritance; succession indignity; succession representation; will; succession option.
- Summary/Abstract:The authors make a comparative assessment of succession law institutions, taking into account the Civil Code of 1864 and the Civil Code in force today. In this context, are also considered issues with wider coverage but with impact on one or other of the legal institutions. We refer, for example, to the monistic vision of private law, and also to the concepts of law, to the legal language in general.
Succesiunea reglementărilor de drept material aplicabile moștenirii după Marea Unire
Succesiunea reglementărilor de drept material aplicabile moștenirii după Marea Unire
(The Succession of Substantive Material Rules Applicable in Legacy Matter after the Great Union)
- Author(s):Silviu Dorin Şchiopu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:17-22
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:inheritance; applicable law; substantive law; succession of laws; conflict of laws.
- Summary/Abstract:Although it brought together the historical provinces, the Great Union from 1918 did not mark as well the moment of a legislative unification in the matter of inheritance law. The territory of Romania resembled to a legislative mosaic consisting of the Romanian Civil Code from 1864, the Austrian Civil Code, the Hungarian customary law, the Hungarian laws and the Imperial patents as well as the Islamic law. This was the starting point of an evolution that, in terms of legislative unification, culminated with the extension of the civil legislation from the Old Kingdom to the other historical provinces. Since more than once the succession procedure is neglected by the heirs, even over several generations, the study of the succession over time of the regulations of substantive law applicable to the inheritances does not lack practical utility, still being encountered situations in which could be invoked dispositions of material law that ceased to be in force in Romania since the first half of the century or more recently, such as the case of the Romanian Civil Code from 1864. Remembering the past and looking into the future, the Regulation (EU) no. 650/2012 provides us a new perspective on what conflicts of laws mean in a world of the free movement of goods, service, people and capital, conflicts which may also lead to adaptations of the national regulations of substantive law applicable to the inheritance.
Bunurile imobile cu valoare universală – moștenire, protecție, necesitate.
Bunurile imobile cu valoare universală – moștenire, protecție, necesitate.
(Real Estate with Universal Value - Inheritance, Protection, Necessity.)
- Author(s):Adela Teoteoi-Pirlica
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:23-28
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:cultural heritage; real estate with universal value; the protection of assets with universal value
- Summary/Abstract:Begining with the fact that the year 2018 had a double significance, being the European year of cultural heritage as well as the year of the centennial celebration of the Great Union of 1918, I believe that it is necessary to protect real estate with universal value. The simples definition of real estate is: the assets are , by their nature or by their destination, or by the object to which it applies, immovable. You find this definition in the internal or international legislation. The real estates with universal value are assets transmitted or inherited from one generation to the next. These assets must be proctected and exploited because of universal value. Both the internal legislation as well as internațional legislation include a lot of rules about protection, preversation, restoration, and transfer of reale estate with universale value. These rules aim to protect reale estate with universal value in time of peace or war.
Moștenirea legală. Drepturile succesorale ale soțului supraviețuitor.
Moștenirea legală. Drepturile succesorale ale soțului supraviețuitor.
(Legal Succession. Inheritance Rights of the Surviving Spouse)
- Author(s):Clarisa-Violeta Băluță
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:29-34
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:surviving spouse; legittimate family; law governing; inheritance law.
- Summary/Abstract:To bring the notion of "right to the surviving spouse's inheritance" may appear to be a disreputable subject, but given that the law governing it dates back to 1944, the issue of inheritance law is a continuous struggle between the interests of the legitimate family and the surviving spouse , we hope that by analyzing it to motivate the existence of a succession in favor of the husband, the person who, without wickedness, must benefit from this help, which, after the death of one of the spouses, "embraces a new legality, that of the right to an inheritance."
Evoluția contractului ca mijloc de transmitere a proprietății în 100 de ani de la Marea Unire
Evoluția contractului ca mijloc de transmitere a proprietății în 100 de ani de la Marea Unire
(The Evolution of the Contract as a Means of Transmitting Property in 100 Years from the Great Union)
- Author(s):Radu Stancu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:35-40
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:evolution; contract; blockhain; smart contract.
- Summary/Abstract:As it appears from the title, this paper proposes the chronological presentation of the contract in Romanian law during the 100th anniversary of the Great Union.The development of the subject is interwoven around the role of the middle contract of ownership and the particularities of its fulfillment in every historical period traversed from 1918 to the present day. At the same time, this paper brings to light the effects of new technology on the positive law and, above all, on the notion of contract.
Despre obligativitatea formei autentice la încheierea promisunii de vânzare a unui bun imobil în vederea pronunțării unei hotărâri care să țină loc de act autentic
Despre obligativitatea formei autentice la încheierea promisunii de vânzare a unui bun imobil în vederea pronunțării unei hotărâri care să țină loc de act autentic
(About the Obligation of the Authentic Form at the End of the Promise to Sell a Real Estate with a View to Pronouncing a Judgment to take the Place of an Authentic Act)
- Author(s):Victor Marcusohn
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:41-44
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:sell promise; authentic form; court decision
- Summary/Abstract:The curent study has as main objective to analize a recent decision of the Romanian Supreme Court of Justice, ruled in order to solve a general legal issue, according with the provisions of article 520 paragraph 8 of the Civil procedure code and of article 275 paragraph 1 of the Regulation on organising and administrative functioning of the Supreme Court of Justice, republished, with further modifications. It is about Decision no.23/2017 by which the Supreme Court has stated that „in the interpretation and aplication of article 1.279 paragraph 3 first thesis and article 1.669 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code, the authentic form is not mandatory for the conclusion of a sell promise of an imobile good, in order to pronounce a decision which substitutes an authentic act.
Considerații privind Proiectul de modificare și completare a Legii nr. 17/2014 privind unele măsuri de reglementare a vânzării terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan
Considerații privind Proiectul de modificare și completare a Legii nr. 17/2014 privind unele măsuri de reglementare a vânzării terenurilor agricole situate în extravilan
(Considerations on the Draft Amending and Supplementing Law no. 17/2014 on some Measures that Regulate the Sale of E xtravilan Agricultural Land)
- Author(s):Cristian Jora
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:45-49
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:judicial movement of the lands; lands sale;right of preemption; acquiring the right of private ownership of land by foreign citizens; stateless persons and foreign legal persons.
- Summary/Abstract:The judicial movement of the lands brought up the necessity to adopt a normative act providing for the alienation of land, the conditions for the acquisition of the private ownership right on lands, but also the possibility for foreign citizens, stateless persons and foreign legal persons to acquire the private ownership right of lands in Romania. Thus, Law no. 312/2005 on the acquisition of the private ownership right on lands by foreign citizens and stateless persons, as well as by foreign legal persons. Then, Law no. 17/2014 regarding certain measures for regulating the sale and purchase of agricultural lands situated in unincorporated areeas and amending Law no. 268/2001 on the privatization of commercial companies which hold the management of the State public property and private property with agricultural destination and the establishment of the Agency of State Domains. These normative acts contain many debatable provisions and require certain changes. Thus, an amending and completing draft to the Law no. 17/2014 is in debate at the Chamber of Deputies, on which we will make some clarifications.
Câteva aspecte privitoare la clasificarea prejudiciului din perspectiva răspunderii civile delictuale
Câteva aspecte privitoare la clasificarea prejudiciului din perspectiva răspunderii civile delictuale
(Several Aspects Regarding the Classification of Injury from the Perspective of Civil Liability)
- Author(s):Florin Barbu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:50-54
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:classification; patrimonial damage; corporal injury; moral damage.
- Summary/Abstract:The issue of tort criminal liability must be analysed in a dynamic, evolutionary context, taking into account everything that is social actuality. Originally viewed from the point of view of its sanctioning function, civil liability has claimed and claimed new trends in its purpose. For practical reasons, the replanting of civil liability was questioned, not in relation to the author of the offense, but to the person injured by the civil offense. Thus, the centre of gravity of the tortuous civil liability is the victim of the illicit deed, the main person interested in the settlement of the civil dispute being this.Also in this respect, the hierarchical restructuring of the functions of the civil tort liability is necessary. Starting from the assumed assumption, that the pillar of tort liability is the person injured by the illicit act, we appreciate that the reparatory function of liability acquires correlative ground at the expense of its sanctioning function. Injuries can be classified according to several criteria. Thus, we distinguish according to some authors, the following criteria: the instinctive nature of the prejudices; the possibility of providing damages at the time of production; the degree of generality; the patrimonial or non-patrimonial character.
Marea Unire și impactul ei asupra legislației în materia cărților funciare
Marea Unire și impactul ei asupra legislației în materia cărților funciare
(The Great Union and its Impact on Land Law Legislation)
- Author(s):Nora Andreea Daghie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:55-59
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:land registration; political unity; legislative unification process; foreign influences
- Summary/Abstract:The political unity achieved in 1918 was not doubled, at least in the immediately next period, by the legislative unity. Consequently, what happened in 1918 had a direct impact on the land registry legislation, as well. Legislative unification was an historical, political, but also legal imperative for contemporaries.The legislative unification process was done in time and with difficulty. The opposition took various forms, from peaceful ones, of intellectual type, to acts tolerated by excessive indulgence. Certain regulations of social relationships were considered more advanced, which resulted in taking over their essence in normative acts applicable throughout the unified Romanian territory. This is the case of the Decree-Law no. 115/1938 for the unification of the land registry provisions, by which the Transylvanian land registration system, much more rigorous than that of transcriptions and inscriptions borrowed from the Napoleonic Code and used in the Old Kingdom, was replaced.The theme of the influence of the European legislation on the Romanian legislation in the field of land registries is well known both from the recitals of the normative acts adopted, as well as from the specialized literature.
Perspectivele codificării dreptului privat european
Perspectivele codificării dreptului privat european
(Perspectives of Codification the European Private Law)
- Author(s):Andrei Duțu-Buzura
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:60-63
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Codification ; private law ; EU law ; civil code
- Summary/Abstract:The project proposed in 2001 by the European Commission, regarding a possible conceptualization of European contract law has determined the emergence of a continental academic debate, on the theoretical and practical outcomes of such a codification project, encompassing a significant part of European private law. The scientific research structures thus created has proven to be extremely productive, by publishing a number of seven complex works, encompassed in a very concrete codification proposal. Next to the already existing “Principles of European Contract Law”, these can be considered to be a real and cohesive theoretical corpus that sooner or later will inevitably become a European Civil Code. This paper proposes a brief analysis of the implications of a “Project on a Common Frame of Reference” regarding private law and its frame of existence, enouncing several possible hypothesis on its emergence and evolution, given the present political and legal European context.
Aspecte ale evoluției dreptului familiei din epoca Marii Uniri și până astăzi
Aspecte ale evoluției dreptului familiei din epoca Marii Uniri și până astăzi
(Aspects of the Evolution of Family Law from Great Union Era to the Present Day)
- Author(s):Cristiana Mihaela Crăciunescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:64-69
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:family; evolution; child; matrimonial regimes.
- Summary/Abstract:Like any other area of the law, the evolution of the family law has recieved the influences which are inherent to the succession of the political regimes in Romania during the last century.If we analyze the essencial aspects with regard to marriage, the personal rapport and the patrimonial issues, as well as the relationship between the parents and their children, this evolution will reveal on one hand the perpetual importance that the family has in the Romanian society, and on the other hand the way that the social and political conception of every social class have influenced the aforementioned process.What is important is that Romania’s integrity during these times had been the fundament of the homogeneity of the reglementations concerning such a sensitive and fundamental area of the Romanian society. These reglementations have mostly kept the family’s conservative and protective nature as a foundation for the present and future society.
Accepțiunile noțiunii de familie din anul 1918 și până în prezent
Accepțiunile noțiunii de familie din anul 1918 și până în prezent
(The Acceptations of the Notion of Family from 1918 to the present)
- Author(s):Mihaela-Gabriela Berindei
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:70-75
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:famille; mariage; famille de fait; famille de droit; centenar.
- Summary/Abstract:Dans le contexte de l'anniversaire du centenaire de la Grande Union, nous avons proposé d'analyser les acceptations de la notion de famille à partir du sens sociologique et étymologique du mot, mais aussi d'un point de vue juridique, dès les premiers actes normatifs qui ont marqué leur empreintes sur les relations familiales à travers notre pays dans le siècle qui a suivi l'année mémorable de 1918.
Reglementări în sfera relațiilor de familie, între consolidare și inovare
Reglementări în sfera relațiilor de familie, între consolidare și inovare
(Regulations in the Field of Family Relations, Between Consolidation and Innovation)
- Author(s):Oana Ispas
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:76-81
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:family law; marriage dissolution; divorce, Regulation (CE) no. 1259/2010
- Summary/Abstract:The author critically analyzes the changes of the institution of divorce in Romanian law from the historical perspective of the last century through a double examination: the interdependence relationship with the social, political and cultural context of modern Romania, and the content of the most important normative provisions. The result of the research highlights the current sphere of marriage dissolution regulations as characterized by the relaxation of the conditions of possibility, compared to the analogous regulations of the sec. XX. The author's conclusion shows that the axiological dimension, revealed by the historical research method, allows co-existence of the cultural tradition strengthening the legal norm with the legislative innovation due to the new paradigm of politico-economic globalization at European Union level.
Exercitarea şi limitele de exercitare ale drepturilor și obligaţiilor nepatrimoniale ale soţilor
Exercitarea şi limitele de exercitare ale drepturilor și obligaţiilor nepatrimoniale ale soţilor
(Exercise and Limitations in Exercising Non-patrimonial Rights and Obligations of Spouses)
- Author(s):Nicoleta-Roxana Șerbănoiu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:82-88
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:non-patrimonial rights and obligations of husbands; cohabitation; fidelity; name
- Summary/Abstract:The evolution of contemporary private law is due to the recognition of the importance of human rights, knowing a real progress in the last period of time, which has led to the promotion and protection of the person's subjective civil rights. It is very important that, in addition to legal coercive values, society should accept the importance of civil subjective rights and respect them. Correspondences to civil subjective rights are the obligations, and in terms of family law, the personal obligations of spouses are of particular importance.
Opinii privind exercitarea exclusivă a autorității părintești în cazul decesului unuia dintre părinți
Opinii privind exercitarea exclusivă a autorității părintești în cazul decesului unuia dintre părinți
(Opinions on the exclusive exercise of parental authority in the event of the death of one of the parents)
- Author(s):Marius-Ionel Nicolau
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:89-93
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:the exclusive exercise of parental authority; deceased parents; minor
- Summary/Abstract:As a rule, the parental rights and duties ― those related to the minor as well as those related to his/her property — are exercised by both parents jointly and equally by virtue of full equality of rights of the parents, which is an additional guarantee in regard to the protection of the best interest of the minor. Thus, on the basis of this fundamental principle, the parents do not act in a dispersed manner, each on his/her own, but in concert, as they are obliged to unite their efforts for an overall action. The rule that both parents exercise parental authority in common cannot lead to the conclusion that there can be no situations ― whether in law or in fact — in which its exercise rests entirely with only one of the parents. Thus, if one of the parents is deceased, declared dead by a court order, declared mentally incompetent, is suspended from the exercise of parental rights or, if for any reason is unable to express his or her will, the other parent exercises parental authority alone. Interpreting the provisions of art. 110 par. (1) of the Civil Code, one can see that the death of one of the parents automatically leads to the exclusive exercise of parental rights and duties by the surviving parent without the need for the intervention of the Central Family Court respectively when the end of the parental rights and duties of the deceased spouse occurs. The transmission of the exercise of parental authority to the surviving parent is simple and complete in the sense that it is accomplished through the mere fact of the death of the parent exercising the parental authority in common and covers the entire ensemble of parental rights and duties. The ensemble of the prerogatives of parental authority is given to the remaining parent, under the sole reserve of the rights that could not have been withdrawn from the parent affected by a partial forfeiture. Intervening by virtue of law, the transmission is carried out in full and it is not necessary for the holder to request it in court
Considerații cu privire la stabilirea caracterului de ordine publică sau de ordine privată a normelor de competență teritorială a instanțelor judecătorești
Considerații cu privire la stabilirea caracterului de ordine publică sau de ordine privată a normelor de competență teritorială a instanțelor judecătorești
(Considerations Regarding the Determination of the Public Order or Private Order Nature of the Rules of Territorial Jurisdiction of the Courts)
- Author(s):Nicolae-Horia Ţiţ
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:96-102
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:competence; absolute competence; relative competence; exclusive competence.
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyses the criteria on the basis of which the public order or private order character of territorial jurisdiction rules is determined by reference to the characterization of the elements of the juridical relationship inferred to the judiciary and the exclusivity of the rule of competence.
Arhitectura procesului civil din perspectiva doctrinei civile și procesual civile a Codului Civil și a Codului de procedură civilă
Arhitectura procesului civil din perspectiva doctrinei civile și procesual civile a Codului Civil și a Codului de procedură civilă
(The Architecture of the Civil Trial from the Perspective of Civil Doctrine, Civil Procedure, Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure)
- Author(s):Pavel Filip
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:103-111
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:: Architecture of civil trial; Civil Code; Code of Civil proceedings; constitutive elements of civil trial
- Summary/Abstract:The Civil Code and Code of Civil proceedings, in force, have configured a new architecture of civil trial by valuing some of the opinions expressed in the legal papers, related to the definition of notion of civil action, by three significations, procedural, material and as a range of proceeding means, by express ruling of litigious legal report and thus by a logic connection between two elements of civil trial.Therefore, the material signification of civil field was ruled in the form of a material right to action with own scope, by art. 2500 of Civil Code, whereas the procedural signification was ruled in the form of a procedural right to action with own scope, by art.30 of Code of civil proceedings, and consists in the notification of competent court by filing a summons.The overall signification of procedural means of civil action was ruled by art. 29 of code of civil proceedings.The ruling of material right to action in the civil code has entailed the analysis of it comparatively to what is called subjective civil right in the specialised legal literature, when noticed differences between actual civil subjective right and material right to action as well as the similarities to the right of notification of court.The code of civil proceedings rules expressly, by art.36, the basic element from the architecture of civil trial, respectively the litigious legal report, the occurrence of which give the holder of subjective civil right the possibility to exercise, concomitantly, the material right to action and the procedural right to notify the competent courts.By the new ruling of architecture of civil trial, connecting logically the constitutive elements of civil trial, we believe that it is no longer justified to express a different opinion in the legal literature about what is defined by the notions of civil action, material right to action and right to notification.
Completarea hotărârii judecătorești civile. Încălcarea dreptului la un proces echitabil
Completarea hotărârii judecătorești civile. Încălcarea dreptului la un proces echitabil
(Completing the Civil Court Ruling. Violation of the Right to a Fair Trial)
- Author(s):Dumitru Dinu, Mariana Stan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:112-114
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:court decision; deliberation; completion of the court decision; disinvestment of the court; the right to a fair trial.
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyses the stage of the deliberation and the pronouncement of the court decision, the divergences appeared, the clarifications and completions of the pronounced decision, the contradictions occurred and the subsequent completion of the decision.
Despre posibilitatea tribunalelor arbitrale de a adresa întrebări preliminare Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene - ipoteza României prin raportare la ultimele tendințe
Despre posibilitatea tribunalelor arbitrale de a adresa întrebări preliminare Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene - ipoteza României prin raportare la ultimele tendințe
(On the Possibility of Arbitral Tribunals to Ask Preliminary Questions to the Court of Justice of the European Union - the Hypothesis of Romania by Reference to the Latest Trends)
- Author(s):Maria-Magdalena Cardiş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:115-120
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:arbitral tribunals; preliminary rulings; “courts or tribunals of a Member-State”; Romanian arbitral tribunals.
- Summary/Abstract:At a national and international level, the arbitral tribunals are acknowledged and accepted as being judicial bodies having a similar activity with the one of a national court or tribunal. In spite of this, at the level of the European Union, these are not seen as being very similar, given their conventional nature. At first, the point of view of the CJEU was that an arbitral tribunal cannot be seen as a ‘court or tribunal of a Member State’, today the rule seems to also know some exceptions in several specific cases. In this manner, it can be observed that in a few situations an arbitral tribunal has been considered as being a ‘court’, as for in other situations this quality has been denied. In the present context, the CJUE analyses in deciding whether an arbitral tribunal can make a referral for a preliminary ruling, among other factors, the domestic law of the Member Sate of the specific arbitral tribunal. Taking into consideration the provisions of Art. 146, d) of the Romanian Constitution, it would be interesting to see if a request for a preliminary ruling coming from a Romanian arbitral tribunal would be solved by the CJEU, or it would be rejected, for the arbitral tribunals are not “courts or tribunals of a Member-State”.
Tendințe de eficientizare în lumina noilor Reguli române de procedură arbitrală
Tendințe de eficientizare în lumina noilor Reguli române de procedură arbitrală
(Trends of Efficiency in the Light of the New Romanian Rules of Arbitration Procedure)
- Author(s):Cristina Florescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:121-126
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:arbitration; new arbitral procedural Rules, efficiency tools
- Summary/Abstract:Arbitration is the preferred method of settling disputes for the majority of professionals in the field of commerce, for whom celerity and resolving their dispute in flexible, confidential conditions and by specialists chosen by them constitute a priority. Even though the arbitration increased with the support of the courts and the state, however, over time it became more autonomous and thus developed its own procedural rules. The Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania has adopted new Arbitration Rules developed from good practices and international rules in the field. The paper presents the methods of efficiency proposed by the New Rules to be applied by arbitrators assigned with intensified powers and with an increasingly active role to control case management. The rules, and especially the efficiency tools, are designed to correct the parties' attitudes and to respond to their needs and the latest trends in order to make the procedure more efficient and to ensure the most favourable climate for optimal resolution of disputes in high professional conditions
O privire comparativă asupra cauzelor de desființare a contractului de vânzare în Legiuirea Caragea și Codul civil român
O privire comparativă asupra cauzelor de desființare a contractului de vânzare în Legiuirea Caragea și Codul civil român
(A comparative look on the causes of termination of the sale contract in Caragea Law and the Romanian Civil Code)
- Author(s):Andra-Ioana Alexe
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:127-131
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:: the nonexistence of legal acts; the rescission of the contract; the nullity of the contract; the Romanian Civil Code; the Law of Caragea
- Summary/Abstract:The drafting of this study started from the finding that the regulations in the Caragea Code and the current Romanian Civil Code in the matter of the causes of the dissolution of the sale are strikingly similar.The present study aims to analyze cases from both regulations in order to better understand the tradition of our civil law, which has been largely preserved since 1818 to the present. Of course, the current Romanian Civil Code regulates the cases of abolition of the sale in an evolved way to Caragea Law, being adapted to the social reality of our day.
Manifestări ale autonomiei de voinţa în cazul contractelor aleatorii
Manifestări ale autonomiei de voinţa în cazul contractelor aleatorii
(Manifestations of Autonomy of will in the Case of Random Contracts)
- Author(s):Andreea Mariana Sima
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:132-136
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:autonomy of will; random contracts; constraints.
- Summary/Abstract:The essence of private Romanian law itself, the autonomy of the will was elevated to the standard of a principle, transposing abstract legal relations into the plan of social reality. The theory of autonomy of will, closely related to freedom of contract, knows, aş any other right or freedom, boundaries and fencing, not being absolute. These occur, however, due to its need to adapt to the new economic and social realities and manifests through the supremacy of law or a part, who imposes certain conditions, detrimental to contractual equality.
Noi evoluții legislative privind acţiunea directă a lucrătorilor împotriva beneficiarului, în contractul de antrepriză (art. 1.856 NCC)
Noi evoluții legislative privind acţiunea directă a lucrătorilor împotriva beneficiarului, în contractul de antrepriză (art. 1.856 NCC)
(New Legislative Developments Regarding the Direct Action of Workers against the Beneficiary in the Contractor Agreement (Article 1.856 NCC))
- Author(s):Dumitru Dobrev
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:137-142
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:EU Directive no. 2014/24; Law no. 98/2016; Government Decision no. 395/2016; construction service; contract; subcontractor.
- Summary/Abstract:The study presents recent developments in the direct action regulations in Romanian law under the impact of the transposition rules of the EU Directive no. 2014/24.
Recalificarea unui contract civil ca având natura juridică a unui contract de muncă
Recalificarea unui contract civil ca având natura juridică a unui contract de muncă
(Requalification of a Civil Contract as Having the Legal Nature of an Employment Contract)
- Author(s):Raluca Dimitriu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:143-148
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Employment contract; civil contract; legal will; simulation
- Summary/Abstract:Re-qualification of a civil contract as an employment contract is the work of unlocking its true legal nature, by removing the improper terms used by the parties and bringing into light the true agreement between them. The re-qualification can be done by a fiscal control body, by a labor inspection body, or it can be done by the courts themselves, most often at the request of the worker, who thus seeks to benefit from the protective labor law rules inaccessible to the person who concludes a simple civil contract.This paper aims at highlighting the situations in which the re-qualification of the civil contract, as a labor contract, by the different state authorities, the relationship between their competences and their methodology of each of them and the effects of the re-qualification. The paper is finalized with a series of conclusions and proposals meant to improve the legal provisions and to bring added consistency to the current legislative structure in the field.
Soluționarea conflictelor de muncă. Dreptul la grevă
Soluționarea conflictelor de muncă. Dreptul la grevă
(Settlement of Labor Disputes. The Right to Strike)
- Author(s):Mariana Stan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:149-152
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:strike; the right to strike; trigger strike; legal conditions; economic and social interests.
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyses the right to strike and the strike as an instrument of exercising the right to strike, history and development, internal provisions, limitations on the exercise of this right, and strike conditions.
Evoluția reglementării Contractului de ucenicie la locul de muncă
Evoluția reglementării Contractului de ucenicie la locul de muncă
(Regulatory Evolution of Apprenticeship Agreement at the Work Place)
- Author(s):Anca-Verginica Lăcraru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:153-158
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:apprenticeship contract; legislative evolution; patron/employer; student/ journeyman/apprentice.
- Summary/Abstract:The apprenticeship apprenticeship at the workplace begun to be regulated at the legislative level since 1884, successively until 2005. Throughout the legislative changes the parties to the apprenticeship contract have experienced various changes during the evolution of legislation, from employer and student to apprentice and apprentice. Also, the minimum age a person had to have to be able to work as an apprentice ran from 11 to 16. However, in general, the components of apprenticeship (work combined with vocational training), the rights and obligations of the parties to the apprenticeship contract, have always been the same, even though the conditions of exercise have changed over the years, adapting to the new changes at the social level.
Principiul consensualismului și reglementarea contractului de muncă în dreptul românesc
Principiul consensualismului și reglementarea contractului de muncă în dreptul românesc
(The Principle of Consensualism and the Regulation of the Labor Contract in Romanian Law)
- Author(s):Dan Ţop, Lavinia Savu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:159-162
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:consensualism; individual employment contract; Labour Code; written form
- Summary/Abstract:Although not explicitly expressive in the Civil Code from 1864, the existence of the principle of consensualism has not been questioned, being present in the first regulations of the individual labour contract in our country. The regulation of the individual labour contract did not have adequate legislative provisions at the beginning of the 20th century, it was rather regulated by the provisions of art. 1470, 1471 and 1472 of the Civil Code. The 1929 labour contract law involved consensualism as a rule with regard to the individual labour contract. The consensual character was also preserved by the Labour Code of 1950 or 1972. Even though the 2003 Labour Code provided the written form for the conclusion of the individual labour contract, the consensual character was not at all mitigated, the written form being required only ad probationem. The regulation of the written form as a condition for the validity of the individual labour contract as a result of the amendment of the Labour Code in 2011 led to the mitigation until the consensual character of the individual labour contract, the return to functioning of the principle of consensualism as a fundamental principle of labour law being again enshrined as a result of the changes in 2017.
Transformările din ultimul secol în materia legislației brevetării invențiilor din România
Transformările din ultimul secol în materia legislației brevetării invențiilor din România
(Transformations of the last century in the field of patenting legislation for inventions in Romania)
- Author(s):Paul Popovici
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:163-171
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:the field of patent law; industrial creations; patents for inventions; protection of inventions
- Summary/Abstract:The present study briefly examines the main provisions of the 1906 Patents Act, since the period in which it was in force is included in the timeframe we are interested in.In the Romanian specialty doctrine it was stated that this law would not be the first act by which industrial creations benefit from protection. Although it seems to go beyond the article, a brief analysis of the issue is not unrelated because it clarifies whether the law of the past one hundred years was or was not the first legal measure in the matter, with all its consequences.Current legislation, with all inherent imperfections, is nevertheless a real breakthrough in lawmaking, in connection with international provisions, or in the reception of practical problems, leading to the development of consistent, unitary and up-to-date legal provisions, including terminological and registration procedures. The last hundred years in the field of patent law was a period of time in which the most qualitative-positive changes took place, reaching today an efficient regulation system linked to the imperatives of a state of law.
Administratorul societății – privire retrospectiv-istorică, evoluție legislativă, repere contemporane
Administratorul societății – privire retrospectiv-istorică, evoluție legislativă, repere contemporane
(Company Administrator - A Retrospective-Historical Look, Legislative Evolution, Contemporary Landmarks)
- Author(s):Dragoș-Mihail Daghie
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Civil Law
- Page Range:172-175
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:company; administration; evolution; director
- Summary/Abstract:Our regulation in the field of companies has faced and undergone numerous changes both in terms of ideology but especially in terms of circumstances. Without making an exhaustive and complete historical presentation of the evolution of company regulations in Romania, we mention only the provisions of the Commercial Code and of Law no. 31/1990 as the contemporary benchmarks with regard to the relevant provisions of the regulations on (commercial) companies with legal personality but also in the matter of the administration of companies.These two pieces of legislation have successively undergone changes as a result of the need to adjust them to the current social reality and then as a result of need to align them with the standards imposed by the Community law in the matter of companies and that of the administration of companies.The Commercial Code, in its initial form, mentioned the position of administrator at art. 90 par. (8) when specifying the content of the instruments of incorporation or the statutes of anonymous companies and those of limited partnerships. This form of the article was preserved until 23.08.1940 when it was modified by the Commercial Code of Carol II - Decree-Law no. 2773/1940 for the implementation of the Carol II Commercial Code.This form of the Commercial Code, except for the provisions regarding the company and administration abrogated by the Law no. 31/1990, remained in force until the entry into force of the new Civil Code.
Dimensiunea axiologică a dreptului
Dimensiunea axiologică a dreptului
(The Axiological Dimension of Law)
- Author(s):Ion Craiovan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:178-181
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:axiology; law; juridical values; romanian society; contemporaryity.
- Summary/Abstract:Man is also an "aestiman", a being who inherently chooses. The value implies a relationship between "something" worthy of prize and "someone" able to give appreciation, a relationship between the valorized object and the valorizing subject. Introducing the notion of value into the center of legal theory means to appreciate precisely the way in which the law defends individual and collective interests. A value-based, minimal and open value system could include: legal truth, freedom, justice, legal security, public good. The concentrated expression of this system, its paradigm could be human dignity, in the broadest sense, as respect for the human condition in all its variety. In contemporary societies, in democratic states, the establishment of law is made by the recipients of legal norms by citizens by promoting the interests and values shared by them in democratic processes that confer lawfulness and legitimacy to law (J. Habermas). This process is not exempt from disruptions, manipulations, perverse effects, in which the law is always imperfect but perfect, and social values guide that. Romania makes the historical experience, in specific ways, of the value dimension of law. The overcoming of negative, crisis phenomena can not be done outside the promotion of culture as a patrimony of humanity. The culture of time and of society is the factor that, ultimately, gives value to democratic processes and controls the law. Also, education, social innovation processes, where technology and the information society are value-oriented, protect the identity and dignity of the human being, their right to a decent life, fundamental rights and freedoms, where law has a prime role rank and in which Justice as a value is the principle of coordination among human beings that tends towards harmony, congruence, proportionality, emerges as the original value of law, in solidarity with other social values.
Contribuții românești la dezvoltarea filosofiei dreptului în ultima sută de ani - Vălimărescu, Ionașcu, Pandrea, Drăghicescu, Speranția, Djuvara
Contribuții românești la dezvoltarea filosofiei dreptului în ultima sută de ani - Vălimărescu, Ionașcu, Pandrea, Drăghicescu, Speranția, Djuvara
(Romanian Contributions to the Development of the Philosophy of Law Over the Last Hundred Years - Vălimărescu, Ionașcu, Pandrea, Drăghicescu, Speranția, Djuvara)
- Author(s):Mihai Bădescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:182-197
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:philosophy of law; law; moral; normative; legal encyclopaedia; the right of society to punish.
- Summary/Abstract:In the last hundred years, starting with the year of the fulfillment of the forever dream - the union of all Romanians - and the exertion of our country’s sovereignty for the first time, both internally and externally, among the incontestable Romanian achievements in the fields of politics, poetry, prose, criticism, mathematics, medicine, philosophy and history, philosophers and jurists, prominent representatives of Romanian creativity, have made themselves noticed. The Romanian philosophers of law, during the period mentioned, were numerous. The space allocated to this study can not encompass all (or most of them). Through this paper, we want to highlight the ideas, conceptions, theories of the Romanian authors, their real contribution to the development and affirmation of the philosophy of law in the attempt to explain and evaluate the principles on which one of the major dimensions of human existence is based: the normative dimension (ethical and juridical). To the consistent questions about the basis, the role and the importance of the law in society, the Romanian authors have found relevant, well-reasoned answers. What is the Encyclopedia of Law? What is the relationship between the Encyclopedia of Law, the Philosophy of Law, and the General Theory of Law? What is the law? What is the relationship between norm and normativity? But between subjective right and objective right? Is it, as Jhering said, a kind of "Horn head" of the philosophy of law, the relationship between law and morality? What are the coordinates of the modern doctrine of punishment? These fundamental questions were answered, among others, by Alexandru Vălimărescu, Traian Ionaşcu, Petre Pandrea, Dumitru Drăghicescu, Eugeniu Speranţia, Mircea Djuvara.
Considerații privind evoluția conceptului de cultură juridică în gândirea juridică românească în perioada 1918 - 2018
Considerații privind evoluția conceptului de cultură juridică în gândirea juridică românească în perioada 1918 - 2018
(Considerations Regarding the Evolution of the Concept of Legal Culture in Romanian Legal Thinking During the Period of 1918 to 2018)
- Author(s):Claudiu Ramon D. Butculescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:198-201
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:legal culture; juridical thinking;legal theory
- Summary/Abstract:This paper briefly presents some aspects regarding the evolution of the concept of legal culture in Romanian legal thinking in the last century. Legal culture is a concept that has no precise definition, although it is of relevance to understanding the formation and evolution of legal phenomena. In the general theory of Romanian law, the concept of legal culture has an important role in analyzing the elements that contribute to the configuration of law, being influenced by the system of law and in turn influencing this system. The idea of legal culture entered the Romanian legal doctrine in the first decades of the century. XX, later being developed in several specialized works. At present, legal culture cannot exist in the Romanian legal system as a completely independent concept of European and international legal cultural, given the current tendencies of normalization of the legislation, especially at the level of the European Union.
Paradigme și curente ale dreptului în gândirea juridică românească: Școla dreptului natural și Școala istorică a dreptului
Paradigme și curente ale dreptului în gândirea juridică românească: Școla dreptului natural și Școala istorică a dreptului
(Paradigms and Currents of Law in Romanian Legal Thought: The School of Natural Law and the Historical School of Law)
- Author(s):Viorel Miulescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Philosophy of Law
- Page Range:202-205
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:paradigm; law; natural right; historical school; knowledge; research.
- Summary/Abstract:The concepts that helped describing the juridic reality have not always been the same, over the course of the entire history of law science: the concepts have either been used in different periods, different juridic concepts, either there have always been used the same concepts, but with a different signification from a period to another. The recognized research on the way law schools have been reflected in the romanian juridic thinking – as an example, the one from the first half of the XX century until the end of the world war two – has represented an owed restitution after 1990.
Pravila de la Govora – întâiul izvor de drept românesc
Pravila de la Govora – întâiul izvor de drept românesc
(Pravila from Govora - the First Source of Romanian law)
- Author(s):Ion Ristea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History of Law
- Page Range:206-208
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Matei Basarab Prince; typography; collection of laws; church rules;laic law.
- Summary/Abstract:“Pravila de la Govora” represents the first collection of legal-canonical and civil laws, written in Romanian and using a Cyrillic alphabet. It represents a code of laws punishing the violation of the Romanian traditions and customs; it also represents a synthesis of the byzantine law applied in the traditional Romanian area.The princeps edition of the paper has been printed in 1640 at the Govora Monastery from Valcea County. In 1884 the Romanian Academy published a second edition of this paper in Romanian, by using the Latin alphabet. The third edition, published in 2016 with the blessing of the Ramnicu Valcea Archdiocese. In fact, the launching of this paper, event to which I took part, together with other national and local personalities, in the presence of a large audience, represents the reason for which I am writing the current article.
Unele consideraţii despre dimensiunile şi tendinţele dreptului românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire
Unele consideraţii despre dimensiunile şi tendinţele dreptului românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire
(Some Considerations on the Dimensions and Trends of Romanian Law 100 Years After the Great Union)
- Author(s):Valentin-Stelian Bădescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History of Law
- Page Range:209-216
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Romania; Great Union; Romanian law; European Union law; national state; nation
- Summary/Abstract:The happy context of preparing the country for an exceptional national event - Celebration of the Great Union, Commemorative Year of the Makers of the Great Union of 1918 and the Homage Year of Unity of Faith and Nation throughout Romania and the territories inhabited by Romanians - may also be for Romanian law, the moment of its relaunch, our legal culture. The harmony and consistency of the legal culture, its viability and originality, its romantic and democratic character are expressed in the way that the Romanian scholars, throughout the centuries, from the chroniclers to the exegetes today, comprehensible to their pioneering mission, the creators and leaders of the progress of culture, art and science, have understood to make their political and practical actions - manifested by the establishment of publications, educational institutions and national-cultural societies, with a primary role in the development of the Romanian people's self-consciousness, his great aspirations - a belief in their general activity - creative for the public benefit. Of course, the militant character of our legal culture has often been spoken of as a specific feature, highlighted in all the crucial moments in the history of the Romanian people, a history linked by a nation and a national state, to a particular territory where the earth leaves its way the soul of those who break it.
Aspecte selective privind evoluția reglementărilor referitoare la puterea judecătorească în constituţiile române şi în dreptul românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire
Aspecte selective privind evoluția reglementărilor referitoare la puterea judecătorească în constituţiile române şi în dreptul românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire
(Selective Aspects Regarding the Evolution of the Regulations Regarding the Judiciary in the Romanian Constitutions and in the Romanian Law at the 100th Anniversary of the Great Union)
- Author(s):Nicolae Pavel
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History of Law
- Page Range:217-226
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:the judiciary; the Romanian constitutions; the doctrinal references; the Constitutional Court decisions
- Summary/Abstract:This study has the following title: Selective aspects regarding the evolution of the regulations regarding the judiciary in the Romanian constitutions and in the Romanian law 100 years after the great unionUsing a Key- Scheme, the following parts of the study are analyzed successively, called: 1. Preamble. 2. The identification of the constitutional regulations on the judicial power in the Romanian constitutional system - selective aspects. 3. Romanian doctrinal references on the judicial power. 4. Judicial references on the judiciary in the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Romania. 5. Conclusions.
Dimensiunile și tendințele interpretării normei juridice în Dreptul românesc din perioada 1918 – 2018
Dimensiunile și tendințele interpretării normei juridice în Dreptul românesc din perioada 1918 – 2018
(The Dimensions and Trends in Interpreting the Legal Norm in Romanian Law from 1918 to 2018)
- Author(s):Iosif Friedmann-Nicolescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:227-230
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Interpretation of the legal norm; Legislative unification; Constitution; Law; Dimensions and trends; National law
- Summary/Abstract:The interpretation of the legal norm in the Romanian Law has seen new dimensions and tendencies after the Great Union of 1 December 1918 in the European and global geo-political and geo-strategic context of the last 100 years
Câteva reflecții privind consolidarea și eficientizarea sistemului juridicar
Câteva reflecții privind consolidarea și eficientizarea sistemului juridicar
(Some Reflections on strengthening and Increasing the Efficiency of the Legal System)
- Author(s):Andrei Constantin
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:231-233
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Legislative reform; stability; predictability; independence; impartiality; unitary practice.
- Summary/Abstract:Within the judiciary, legislative reform measures are a priority in making the whole activity more efficient. A stable and predictable regulatory framework is an indispensable requirement for increasing the quality of justice in general. Legislative and institutional reforms must be coupled to lead to irreversible guarantees in ensuring full independence and impartiality.
Suveranitatea - evoluție conceptuală în contextul aderării la Uniunea Europeană
Suveranitatea - evoluție conceptuală în contextul aderării la Uniunea Europeană
(Sovereignty - Conceptual Evolution in the Context of EU Accession)
- Author(s):Emilian Ciongaru, MIHAIL NIEMESCH
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History of Law
- Page Range:234-238
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:sovereignty;European construction; the Treaty of Lisbon
- Summary/Abstract:The sovereignty of the people can remain a simple fiction when the people as a whole do not become aware or not aware of the complete and complex role they have as the sole sovereign title holders of the right of state power. In the chronology of international stages, sovereignty was understood to be the quality of not being the object or "subject" to any other matter of law. It therefore presupposes the independence of the state and the fullness of its competences in the sphere of international relations.
Magistratul militar General Alexandru Petrescu: Cursus honorum.
Magistratul militar General Alexandru Petrescu: Cursus honorum.
(Military Magistrate General Alexandru Petrescu: Cursus Honorum)
- Author(s):Iuliu Crăcană
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):History of Law
- Page Range:239-249
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Alexandru Petrescu; magistrate; justice; political trial; corruption
- Summary/Abstract:Alexandru Petrescu was the president of the law courts that imposed the heaviest sentences for political offences in the 1950s. Petrescu’s inclination towards corruption and compromise, his versatility and the ability to get in contact with people at the highest political level, made him a reliable man during all the political regimes. Thus, he was selected for the highest offices. Until 1942 Petrescu imposed heavy political sentences on legionnaires and communists. Between 1942 and 1944 he was appointed Director General of the Directorate for Prisons by Ion Antonescu. Although he was accused of war crimes, after 1944 he became pawn in the communists’ attempt to annihilate the Romanian elite through judicial procedures.Finally, the general was appointed President of the Military Court of M.A.I. departments, the highest court of appeal for political trials. Petrescu’s political obedience did not prevent him from delivering favorable verdicts to some defendants in exchange for favors. For that reason he was called the “black market of justice”.
Justiția constituțională în România. Evoluţie şi perspective
Justiția constituțională în România. Evoluţie şi perspective
(Constitutional Justice in Romania. Evolution and Perspectives.)
- Author(s):Marius Andreescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law
- Page Range:250-255
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Constitutional justice ;constitutional control of laws ; historical stages of its constitutional control of laws in Romania ; contemporary features of constitutional justice; possible new powers of th
- Summary/Abstract:The supremacy of the Constitution is a reality also because of the role of the Constitutional Court, as defined in art. 142 paragraph (1) of the Constitution. The Constitutional Court's powers contribute essentially to the rule of law and, therefore, a historical analysis of the evolution of this important constitutional institution is likely to highlight the legitimacy of the constitutionality control of the laws in Romania, but also its perspectives. In our analysis, we are arguing for the concept of constitutional justice, from a historical point of view, which includes the main attribution of a constitutional court, namely the control of the constitutionality of the laws. From this perspective, we point out the main evolutive moments of the constitutional control of the laws in Romania, analyzing briefly the particularities of the constitutional regulations during the evolution of the constitutional justice in our country. At the same time, we emphasize the contemporary features of the constitutionality control of the laws in Romania, and we argue that guaranteeing the supremacy of the Constitution, through constitutional control, must be seen in the broad sense and in terms of the attributions of the judicial courts in this field. We believe that the role of the Constitutional Court must be amplified by new powers, including through future revisions to the Fundamental Law, as this creates new guarantees regarding the reality of the principle of separation and balance of power in the state, and obviously guaranteeing the supremacy of the Fundamental Law.
Constituționalismul românesc sub influența regimurilor politice
Constituționalismul românesc sub influența regimurilor politice
(Romanian Constitutionalism under the Influence of Political Regimes)
- Author(s):Antonia-Luciana Mîrzac
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law
- Page Range:256-260
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:constitution; political regime; doctrinal influences
- Summary/Abstract:Since its earliest manifestations, Romanian constitutionalism demonstrated over time, flexibility and adaptability to social and political changes that occurred. Constitution as an instrument of achieving the state of law, transposed in its rules, historical doctrinal developments, being connected to the needs of the political class. Although the communist period destabilized native constitutional institutions, with the reaffirmation of democracy, national fundamental values successfully abolished totalitarian tendencies. Thus, modern constitutionalism connected permanently to the requirements and realities of Romanian society.
Consideraţii privind evoluţia regimului minorităţilor naţionale în România
Consideraţii privind evoluţia regimului minorităţilor naţionale în România
(Considerations on the Evolution of the National Minority Regime in Romania)
- Author(s):Marius Balan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:261-266
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:national minorities; Romania; space of togetherness.
- Summary/Abstract:In the last century, the Romanian regime of national minorities made possible the preservation of most of the communities of citizens differing from the rest of the population in respect to ethnical belonging, language or religion. Despite of long time spans of hostile or even aggressive minority policies, national minorities survived on a greater scale and today the status of minorities is deemed to be superior to the European average. This is explicable by the relative stability of state structures, which even during the political cataclysms of the 20th Century conserved a limited space of togetherness and fulfilled the elementary tasks of any polity.
Delegarea legislativă – necesitate sau oportunitate pentru Guvernul român?
Delegarea legislativă – necesitate sau oportunitate pentru Guvernul român?
(Legislative Delegation - Necessity or Opportunity for the Romanian Government?)
- Author(s):Oana Șaramet
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law
- Page Range:267-271
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:principle of the separation and balance of powers; executive power; legislative delegation
- Summary/Abstract:One of the simplest definition of the notion of constitution (politeia) says that this represents “on orderly distribution of power”, as a way of organizing the offices of the city-state, particularly the sovereign office, in Politics, Aristotel added that a constitution must be the foundation of the state organization which has to include the organization of the sovereign power, a state can function well only if it is organized in three components corresponding to three public powers provided by the modern constitutions: legislative power, executive power and judicial power. But Aristotle also underlined that the settlement of any government, perfection must not be achieved, but the government must be practicable. Throughout time, the political and constitutional history of states has shown that the organization of the state can not only involve a separation of these three powers, the mutual cooperation and control between them must ensure their equilibrium. Not even in an ideal, utopian society, those three powers could not function separately, their constitutional role and attributions forcing them to relate each other. In this context, nowadays, a practicable, a practicable government must provide viable solutions for situations when, for example, the legislative power cannot, for objective reasons, exercise its legislative function, and this solution is the legislative delegation, as it has been identified and written in the modern constitutions. Thus, the constitutional lawmakers have regulated a legal institution that allows the government to "legislate" temporarily in place of the legislature. However, "legislating" without going through the parliamentary steps of this procedure, with a weak or almost non-existent parliamentary control, encourages any government to take full responsibility for the law-making.
Noțiunea de funcționar public din perspectiva reglementărilor legale actuale
Noțiunea de funcționar public din perspectiva reglementărilor legale actuale
(The Notion of Public Servant from the Perspective of Current Legal Regulations)
- Author(s):Adela-Maria Cerchez
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:272-276
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:civil servant; public position; public authorities, public interest
- Summary/Abstract:The Notion of Public Servant from the Perspective of Current Legal Regulations
Considerații referitoare la raportul dintre dreptul intern și dreptul internațional public
Considerații referitoare la raportul dintre dreptul intern și dreptul internațional public
(Considerations on the Relationship Between Domestic Law and Public International Law)
- Author(s):Carmen Moldovan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):International Law
- Page Range:278-283
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:rule of international law; execution of international obligations; interdependence
- Summary/Abstract:The issue of establishing the relationship between domestic and international law which is the prerogative of the sovereign State is still present, although the crystallization of the doctrines in this regard were mainly the concern of authors in Public International Law in the nineteenth century. In the context of Romania's accession to the European Union, the relationship between national and EU rules has been very clearly established by the Romanian Constitution, revised in 2003. The effective respect of the rules of international law by States includes the process of enforcement of obligations which they have assumed by treaties to which they are a party or by a certain conduct as part of a customary rule. Adopting a conduct in order to give effect to the rules of international law or a conduct contrary from the rules and principles concluded by States has an influnece on the issue of relantionship between the international law and the domestic law. In this context, it may be of interest to examine whether between international law and the norms of domestic law emerges a relationship of subordination or interdependence.
Considerații privind oportunitatea menținerii mecanismului de cooperare și verificare pentru România
Considerații privind oportunitatea menținerii mecanismului de cooperare și verificare pentru România
(Considerations on the Opportunity of Maintaining the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism for Romania)
- Author(s):Ina Raluca Tomescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):International Law
- Page Range:284-288
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Cooperation and Verification Mechanism; European Union; internal legal order; CVM report; European Commission
- Summary/Abstract:During the period preliminary to the adherence of Romania to the EU in 2007, it was agreed that further efforts were required in key areas to address weaknesses in the judicial reform and in the fight against corruption. This led to the creation of a framework to support Romania and monitor progress recorded in these areas, namely the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM). The decision required regular presentation of reports by the Commission and a continuation of the mechanism till the achievement of the CVM aims and a satisfactory fulfillment of all four main targets
Diplomația românească la 100 de ani de la inaugurarea primei misiuni diplomatice oficiale românești în SUA
Diplomația românească la 100 de ani de la inaugurarea primei misiuni diplomatice oficiale românești în SUA
(Romanian Diplomacy 100 Years after the Official Inauguration of the first Romanian Diplomatic Mission in the US)
- Author(s):Cristina-Monica Kassai
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):International Law
- Page Range:289-292
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:The Romanian-American bilateral diplomatic relations; the first diplomatic mission; foreign policy strategy.
- Summary/Abstract:The history of the Romanian-American bilateral diplomatic relations begins officially 135 years ago. On June 14, 1880, US President Rutherford B. Hayes signed the letter informing Prince Carol I about the appointment of Eugene Schuyler as a diplomatic agent / US general consul in Romania, this time marking the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations. The first meeting of the members of the Romanian diplomatic mission with the American officials took place on 15 January 1918, when Dr. Constantin Angelescu was received in the White House Diplomats Salon, where he presented his letters of credence to President Woodrow Wilson.The relationship between Romania and the US defines the entire foreign policy strategy of our country and, more than anything else, received special attention from every government. Romania is currently pursuing a broad and successful diplomatic activity aimed at new relations between states, equality and respect among nations, security, thus contributing significantly to the creation of a proper geopolitical climate.
« Habitat III. New Urban Agenda ». Organizarea și funcționarea marilor orașe în sec. XXI, din prisma documentelor ONU
« Habitat III. New Urban Agenda ».
Organizarea și funcționarea marilor orașe în sec. XXI, din prisma documentelor ONU
(Habitat III. New Urban Agenda . The Organization and Functioning of Major Cities in the Twety first Century, From the UN Documents Point of View)
- Author(s):Mădălina Virginia Antonescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):International Law
- Page Range:293-298
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:2030 Agenda; Istanbul Declaration; Habitat III; sustainable urban development; good urban governance, urban democracy; right to city
- Summary/Abstract:The UN efforts to solve the phenomenon of rapid urban globalization (that qualifies the XXIst century as”the urban century”) were materialized in several international summits on cities and on their development. Thus, the Quito Conference (2016), known as ”Habitat III” continued the states efforts to improve urban living standards, to reinforce the ”shelter for all” principle, to eradicate the urban poverty proliferation and the deterioration of environment due to inappropriate living conditions and to unsustainable urban patterns of development and consumption. As an expression of the ”Habitat III”, the New Urban Agenda claims to represent a specific tool of the 2030 Agenda, focusing on implementation at national level, of its SDG-s (creation of ”resilient, sustainable, secure, productive, inclusive cities”).
Dreptul intern și dreptul internațional al investițiilor; Ouo vadis?
Dreptul intern și dreptul internațional al investițiilor; Ouo vadis?
(Internal Law and International Investment Law; Quo vadis?)
- Author(s):Cristina-Elena Popa (Tache)
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):International Law
- Page Range:299-302
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:international investment; review; transparency.
- Summary/Abstract:Faced with global movements review, Romania reached the moment having to rely on comprehensive legislation, which reflects the complete regulations harmonized with international law and foreign investment. Remaining in regulatory threshold the objectives, purpose, conditions of entry, registration and authorization, the rights and guarantees given to the investor, the obligations of the investor, promotion and facilitation, as well as sufficient regulations on how to settle disputes, institutional rules and last but not least, the relationship with international agreements and transparency.
Cooperarea administrativă în domeniul fiscal între statele membre ale Uniunii Europene prin schimb automat obligatoriu de informații și protecția datelor cu caracter personal
Cooperarea administrativă în domeniul fiscal între statele membre ale Uniunii Europene prin schimb automat obligatoriu de informații și protecția datelor cu caracter personal
(Administrative Cooperation in the Field of Taxation Between the Member States of the European Union Through Mandatory Automatic Exchange of Information and Protection of Personal Data)
- Author(s):Arina Dragodan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):International Law
- Page Range:303-310
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation; tax authorities; Directive 2011/16/EU; Directive 95/46; Regulation (EU) 2016/679
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, the challenge posed by tax fraud and tax evasion has increased considerably and has become a major focus of concern within the Union and at global level. The automatic exchange of information constitutes an important tool in this regard. Recovery of taxes as well as the fight against tax evasion and tax evasion are the competences of the Member States on the basis of fiscal sovereignty. However, the new means of combating tax evasion and avoidance adopted within the European Union and at international level provide the Member States with a legal framework and the tools needed to deal effectively with cross-border tax issues and to exchange best practice .Processing of personal data under the mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation as well as cross-border information reporting under the Directive 2011/16/UE must comply with the European rules on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.As regards mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation, given the particular importance of information to combat fraud effectively, we have a limitation on certain rights and obligations under Directive 95/46/EC(respectively, Regulation (EU) 2016/679.). Member States'tax authorities need comprehensive and relevant information on Groups regarding their structure, transfer-pricing policy and internal transactions in and outside the Union.Council Directive 2011/16/EU already provides for the mandatory automatic exchange of information in a number of fields.But the scope of the mandatory exchange of information had extended to include the automatic exchange of information on the country-by-country report.
Noțiunea, esența și reglementarea conceptului de control bugetar
Noțiunea, esența și reglementarea conceptului de control bugetar
(The Notion, Essence and Regulation of the Budget Control Concept)
- Author(s):Petruța-Gabriela Stroe
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:311-316
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:control; financial control; public audit; public external audit
- Summary/Abstract:The integration of Romanian into the European Union supposed the alignment of national legislation with the acquis communautaire and the financial field confrontal with the necessity over time to adopt new normative acts and to modify the existing ones in this field, so as to allow for the implementation of much more current concepts of control, in accordance with the Union´s standards and best practicse. This study was meant to highlight the role of state control at general level and the role of budgetary control in the apprpriate functioning of national economy, the main purpose of which in the knowledge of the competent institutions of the state how the state financial resources are managed and spent. Organizing and carrying out an effective bugetary control ensures the creation of a financial balance and the achievement of an economic and financial efficiency that leads to development of the national economy in permanent change.
Considerații asupra cadrului legislativ şi instituţional din România cu privire la producerea, comercializarea și utilizarea dronelor în contextul reglementărilor europene și internaționale
Considerații asupra cadrului legislativ şi instituţional din România cu privire la producerea, comercializarea și utilizarea dronelor în contextul reglementărilor europene și internaționale
(Considerations on the Legislative and Institutional Framework in Romania Regarding the Production, Marketing and Use of Drones in the Context of European and International Regulations)
- Author(s):Laura Magdalena Trocan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):International Law
- Page Range:317-323
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:drone; unmanned aircraft; civil aircraft; airspace; Civil Aviation Code
- Summary/Abstract:Unmanned aerial vehicles - drones, are the most important innovation in the military field in recent years. If, until recently the drones were used only in the theaters of war, their use in the civilian field has various uses, the drones industry being in rapid growth worldwide, given the extremely useful and immediate applications of these technologies in multiple domains. In Romania, although the drones market is at the beginning, forecasts are extremely favorable given the particular opportunities these technologies are shaping. In this context, it is necessary to develop the legislative and institutional framework in Romania regarding the production, marketing, registration and use of the drones in the national airspace, in order to accommodate the European and international trends, taking into account the possible evolutions of these technologies in future and with integrated safeguards related to the protection of privacy, personal data and the patrimony
Aspecte privind evoluția protecției mediului în dreptul românesc
Aspecte privind evoluția protecției mediului în dreptul românesc
(Aspects Regarding the Evolution of Environmental Protection in Romanian Law)
- Author(s):Oana-Maria Hanciu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:324-327
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:environmental protection; property protection; community law; environmental damage
- Summary/Abstract:The protection of nature on Romanian soil begins, although indirectly, from the prehistoric period and then from the Dacian times. Subsequently, the protection of nature materialized through measures that primarily had patrimonial purposes, related to the protection of property. At present, due to the necessity of harmonizing the national legislation with the acquis communautaire in the field, within the pre-accession process to the European Union, by GEO no. 195/2005 established a new framework regulation in the field transposing Community law in the field of environmental protection. However, the many legislative changes unfortunately have had negative effects at the level of real and effective implementation of environmental regulations.
Regimul juridic al protecţiei Mării Negre împotriva poluării
Regimul juridic al protecţiei Mării Negre împotriva poluării
(Legal Status of Black Sea Protection against Pollution)
- Author(s):Izabela-Mihaela Honciu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:328-331
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:protection; pollution; marine environment; Black Sea; legal regime.
- Summary/Abstract:Designed today as a specially protected area, the Black Sea is the largest continental basin in the world. It is a remnant of the Sarmatian Sea and presents a number of unique aspects in the world. The entire Black Sea ecosystem is in an advanced process of degradation. The adoption of the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution is in the broader context of the area's concerns over the last few years to multiply its economic, political, cultural and scientific cooperation, including through the establishment of appropriate institutional structures. The Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution has succeeded in establishing intergovernmental cooperation on a permanent basis with regard to other conventions on the protection of the marine environment, and to capitalize on some of the experience of adopting and applying other documents in the field.
Evoluții în dreptul mediului la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire
Evoluții în dreptul mediului la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire
(Developments in Environmental Law 100 Years after the Great Union)
- Author(s):Georgiana-Florina Ionescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:332-334
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:the right to a healthy environment; the protection of the environment; romanian legislation
- Summary/Abstract:The Constitution revised through referendum in 2003 consecrates, in art. 35, the right of every person to a healthy and balanced environment. This consecration differentiates the right to a healthy environment from the right to health ab initio, offering a much needed individualization. The recognition of this right was the base of creating the environmental law in Romania.
România – parte activă a procesului de realizare a ideii de unitate la nivel european
România – parte activă a procesului de realizare a ideii de unitate la nivel european
(Romania - an Active Part of the Process of Achieving the Idea of Unity at European Level)
- Author(s):Augustin Fuerea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:335-339
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:european integration; esperanto appeal; The Man of tomorrow; European Union.
- Summary/Abstract:From an evolutionary and conceptual point of view, the European Union is the current form of economic integration, which started in 1952. If we were to refer to the legitimacy of Romanians and Romania's concerns regarding the emergence and evolution of the idea of european integration, we cannot forget the presence of the great diplomat Nicolae Titulescu in such a context, a personality who, in his capacity as president of the League of Nations, has greatly contributed to strengthening the thesis of "european unification", but also to removing the danger of a new global conflict. Today, seemingly hard to believe, it is astounding that, over 80 years ago (in 1934), Romania launched an esperanto appeal for the realization of the United States of Europe. In the same spirit can be invoked the novel „Omul de maine”(„The Man of tomorrow”), a novel published by Cugetarea Publishing House in 1942 under the pen of the editor and writer Petre Georgescu-Delafras. In his approach, the author talks about "organising Europe in a large federal state with only one political and economic leadership".
Patrimoniul cultural la nivelul Uniunii Europene: viziune, regim juridic, inițiative legislative și programe
Patrimoniul cultural la nivelul Uniunii Europene: viziune, regim juridic, inițiative legislative și programe
(Cultural heritage at EU level: vision, legal regime, legislative initiatives and programs)
- Author(s):Sorin Ivan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:340-345
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:cultural heritage; European Union; vision; legal regime; European Year of Cultural Heritage
- Summary/Abstract:The cultural heritage is a domain of major importance in the European Union’s area of concerns. Its protection, preservation, consolidation and promotion are a priority theme of the EU legislation and policies. The priority status is reflected on the legal level through the legislative provisions, through the references to the “cultural and linguistic diversity”, to “the European cultural heritage”, and to “the cultural, religious and humanist inheritance of Europe”. Its regime of a major theme is also translated into the policies of the European Union through a series of programmes addressed to the European cultural heritage. Among these programmes, of which the most important are: Raphael, Culture 2000, European Capital of Culture, Creative Europe, a programme of special importance, by its substance and scope, is the European Year of the Cultural Heritage 2018, established by the Decision (EU) 2017/864 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017.
Transferul de credite neperformante potrivit dreptului concurenţial al UE - aspecte de drept comparat şi practică judiciară relevantă
Transferul de credite neperformante potrivit dreptului concurenţial al UE - aspecte de drept comparat şi practică judiciară relevantă
(The Transfer of non-Performant Loans under EU Competition Law - Comparative Law Issues and relevant Jurisprudence)
- Author(s):Alexandra Stănciulescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:346-350
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:non-performing loans; Member States; European Commission; competition law
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the present paper is one of current interest and the concerns regarding the nature of a non-performing loans transfer from the competition law perspective are becoming more frequent. In the financial crisis context, a series of important measures were adopted in the European Union in order to reinforce financial stability and to diminish the risk in the bank sector. If, from the financial-banking legislation perspective, the efforts to unblock the situation regarding the existence of a high ratio of non-performing loans in several member states were crystalized in concrete measures taken towards this, from the competition law perspective, these transactions remain under question because of the lack of a uniform practice among member states, but also because of the different interpretations given to the national legislation. The objectives of the present paper are to analyze the different existing aspects of comparative law and the relevant jurisprudence in order to observe what is the approach that the involved authorities from several European Union member states have on this matter.
Evoluția reglementărilor concurențiale de la aderarea României în Uniunea Europeană până în prezent. Tendințe și perspective.
Evoluția reglementărilor concurențiale de la aderarea României în Uniunea Europeană până în prezent. Tendințe și perspective.
(The Evolution of Competitive Regulations since Romania's accession to the European Union to Present Date. Trends and Perspectives.)
- Author(s):Roxana-Daniela Păun
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:351-355
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Competition; Single Market; abuse of dominant position; restrictive practices; monopoly; undistorted competition; concerted practices; protectionist policy
- Summary/Abstract:If at first the competition seemed to be an abstract notion, difficult to manage for a society coming from a totalitarian regime, where everyone was equal, after the accession of Romania to the European Union, this concept begins to be felt by every European Romanian citizen, but also by every European citizen who enters competitive relations with the rest of European citizens including non-Europeans. This study proposes a synthetic overview of the stages Romania had to go through, in order to become a member of a performing Union, with a Functional Single Market, but also with an aging population, waiting for a revival and an infusion of new human capital
Dezvoltarea comerțului internațional în sincronicitate cu dinamica pieței interne a UE. Studiu de caz - produse tradiționale românești, recunoscute la nivelul UE, pe piețele emergente ale continentului America
Dezvoltarea comerțului internațional în sincronicitate cu dinamica pieței interne a UE. Studiu de caz - produse tradiționale românești, recunoscute la nivelul UE, pe piețele emergente ale continentului America
(Develop international trade in synchronicity with the dynamics of the EU internal market. Case Study - Traditional Romanian products, recognized at EU level, in emerging markets of the continent of America)
- Author(s):Speranța-Liliana Neagu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:356-362
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:: trade; the international commerce; Traditional Romanian Products
- Summary/Abstract:Publicly we talk about the EU agricultural potential, and implicitly about that of Romania`s. In the same context it is criticized the fact that it is pre-eminently the primary agricultural products that are sold, instead of the processed ones, which create capital gain to the resource owners. At present, regularly, the gain preponderantly goes to the making a valuable final contribution. Therefore, we could rethink certain models, in certain possible niches, contingent on the supply and demand, at an advantageous win-win price, of course.The diaspora and the traditional, diplomatic, scientific, cultural, sport and business relationship may play an essential role in the sustainable development of the trade, or even of the know-how development, resulting quantifiable results for Romania.Combing elements from Edward de Bono theory with the maieutic principles and with the climate changes construct, we can configure new development measures to the international commerce, connected to the adjacent fields.
Reflectarea principiului prezumției de nevinovăție în dispozițiile actualului cod de procedură penală
Reflectarea principiului prezumției de nevinovăție în dispozițiile actualului cod de procedură penală
(The Reflection of the Principle of the Presumption of Innocence in the Provisions of the In Force Code of Criminal Procedure)
- Author(s):Anca-Lelia Lorincz
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:364-367
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:the presumption of innocence (benefit of the doubt); criminal trial; principles of procedural criminal law enforcement; the current Code of Criminal Procedure; legislative changes
- Summary/Abstract:The current Code of criminal procedure recognises, under the name of "principles of procedural criminal law enforcement", a number of fundamental principles of criminal process (the principle of separation of judicial functions in criminal procedure, the fairness and reasonableness of the trial period, the obligation criminal action closely related to the alternative of opportunity, the principle of "ne bis in idem"), and ingénue some in the old regulations (the principle of legality of criminal process, truth finding, the principle of presumption of innocence, the right to defense, the right of human dignity, the official language).So, among the "classical principles," the regulation of which is maintained in the current code, there is also the presumption of innocence, along with other provisions of the Code, which constitute procedural safeguards for the observance of this principle; the analysis of some of these provisions is useful in determining the extent to which the Romanian Criminal Procedure Code needs to be amended in order to implement Directive No.343/2016 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union
Excesul neimputabil. Evoluția istorică a conceptului, aspecte de drept comparat și practică judiciară.
Excesul neimputabil. Evoluția istorică a conceptului, aspecte de drept comparat și practică judiciară.
(Imputable Excess . Historical Evolution of the Concept, Comparative Law Aspects and Jurisprudence)
- Author(s):Maria Oprea, Gina-Gabriela Oprea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:368-372
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:justificative causes; non-imputable causes; non-imputable excess; overpassing self-defense limits; legal circumstance of incitement.
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from three cases ruled by Buzau County Tribunal, the Criminal Section, as a primary instance, we are aiming to analyse the conditions in which can be considered that the facts provided by the criminal law have been committed taking into account the self-defense, non-imputable excess of self-defense or excusable excess (overpassing the limits of self-defense) or the stage of incitement. The analysis is completed by the evolution of non-imputable excess, aspects of comparative law and de lege ferenda proposals
Principiile Curții Europene a Drepturilor Omului în cazurile de malpraxis medical din România
Principiile Curții Europene a Drepturilor Omului în cazurile de malpraxis medical din România
(The Principles of the European Court of Human Rights in Cases of Medical Malpraxis in Romania)
- Author(s):Lorena-Mihaela Zidaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:373-378
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:medical negligence; health-care services; effective investigation; shortcomings of domestic law; European Court of Human Rights case-law
- Summary/Abstract:Legal and judicial shortcomings of the domestic justice system are undeniable given that in recent years the European Court of Human Rights has repeatedly found the Romanian state guilty for violating several articles of the European Convention. Numerous convictions have been given in medical malpractice cases developed in sanitary facilities that have resulted in injuries of body integrity or death of the patients concerned. Even though the Romanian state has solved most of the problems it faced at the time of the facts and which have, in fact, led to violations of citizens' rights, as found by the Court, there are still issues for which no solutions have been identified.
Evoluţia măsurilor de protecţie a tinerilor în contextul garantării dreptului fundamental la informaţie
Evoluţia măsurilor de protecţie a tinerilor în contextul garantării dreptului fundamental la informaţie
(Evolution of Youth Protective Measures in the Context of Guaranteeing the Fundamental Right to Information)
- Author(s):Alina Popescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:379-383
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:the right to information; freedom of expression; measures to protect young people
- Summary/Abstract:The foundation of any knowledge-based society are the individual's right to information and the freedom of expression, both of which stand as the basis of a democratic society and of the other rights and freedoms. When it comes to the right to information, one must bear in mind that everyone has the right to access information, which is imperative for their social development. At both European and national level, the right to information is guaranteed, but it is a right likely to be limited.Within the study I will analyse the manner in which the limitation of the right to information is made in order to provide measures for the protection of young people. In a society with a rapidly evolving information technology, accessible to a growing number of people (including minors), it is necessary to adopt technical and legislative measures meant to ensure a harmonious development of young people without affecting them physically, mentally or even economically.On the other hand, as with any approach to the guarantees and limitations of a fundamental right, a balance must be maintained between the two measures, so that the right itself should not be emptied of content and the measures be circumscribed to the objective pursued, the protection of young people. The challenges in this area are even greater as we are already talking about instantaneous, immediate communication, which does not comply with well-defined rules, especially in the on-line environment.
Efectele Deciziei nr.1/2016 a ÎCCJ-Completul pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept în materie penală asupra unor subiecţi de drept în materie contravenţională
Efectele Deciziei nr.1/2016 a ÎCCJ-Completul pentru dezlegarea unor chestiuni de drept în materie penală asupra unor subiecţi de drept în materie contravenţională
(The Effects of the Decision No. 1/2016 of the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The Judges Panel for the Final Solution Regarding some Issues of Penal Law on Subjects in Contraventional Matters)
- Author(s):Carmen-Adriana Domocoș
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:384-390
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:legal person; legal personality; individual enterprise; defendant; offender
- Summary/Abstract:Owing to the fact that the Supreme Court decided that individual enterprise, a bussiness managed by an individual person under the Law no. 44/2008, is not a legal person and it is not responsible under the criminal law, the issue arrises whether an individual enterprise could be the offender under the civil law as a legal person. In our opinion, under the current legislation, the individual enterprise cannot be an offender if the law penalizes the legal person, due to the fact that this enterprise is not a legal person, neither under the civil law, nor under the penal law.
Răspunderea penală a funcționarilor publici
Răspunderea penală a funcționarilor publici
(Criminal Liability of Public Servants)
- Author(s):Mihnea-Alexandru Cerchez
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:391-395
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:public administration; penal responsibility; civil servant; offence; the functions of the public position.
- Summary/Abstract:The public administration is established on the legality principle, enforcing the law as it is, the infringement of the law, as the commitment of some facts that defy the protected laws , this supposes the juridical responsibility in its numerous forms. The judicial institution stated that the responsibility of the civil servant can be consisted in: disciplinary responsibility on the basis of the infringement of the disciplinary norms mentioned in the service report; contraventional liability for the assumption of committing some antisocial facts considered as minor offences by the law; patrimonial responsibility on the basis of the provisions of Law no. 52 from the Constitution of Romania and the Law no.554/2004 of the contentious administrative; civil responsibility as a consequence of the personal facts of the civil servants, by causing some damages to the third, independently by the responsibilities of the public position; penal responsibility when the civil servant commits facts that are considered offences in the Penal Code or by the special laws. As far as the provisions are concerned, the Status of the civil servants, the guilty infringement of the service duties by the civil servants leads to disciplinary responsibility, contraventional liability, civil and penal responsibility and the responsibility of the civil servant for the offences committed during the service or that are in connection with the responsibilities of the position that he occupies, is related to the penal law.
Legea penală ca instrument al politicii penale în ultimul secol (1918-2018)
Legea penală ca instrument al politicii penale în ultimul secol (1918-2018)
(Criminal Law as an Instrument of Criminal Policy in the Last Century (1918-2018))
- Author(s):Roxana Ifrim
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:396-398
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:criminal law; short history; criminal policy; purpose.
- Summary/Abstract:In the present communication, it is stated that in every social order (1918-2018), criminal policy, criminal law and punishment, expressing the will and the legal conscience of the ruling class in that order, aim at defending against crimes, essential social relations for the existence of that society, relations that ensure the dominant position of the class holding the economic and political power.
Omorul prin omisiune
Omorul prin omisiune
(Murder by Omission)
- Author(s):Mioara-Ketty Guiu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:399-404
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:guarantee obligation; guarantor; personal prior dangerous activity
- Summary/Abstract:In short, this paper ascertains two aspects: on the one hand, the fact that the crime of omitting to aid one whose life is in peril is a crime against life; on the other hand, the fact that it is important that, within the group of crimes against life, it be introduced a new crime, that of omitting to impede death, which should be stipulated within two normative means.
Infracțiuni cuprinse în Codurile Silvice din 1918 până în 2018
Infracțiuni cuprinse în Codurile Silvice din 1918 până în 2018
(Crimes Covered by the Forest Codes from 1918 to 2018)
- Author(s):Sorin - Alexandru Vernea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:405-411
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Forest Code; Environmental Crime; History of Law.
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to highlight the main criminal regulations found in Romanian Forest Codes, enforced in the last century.In order to establish a frame for the content of this article, its structure shall be divided in six parts.The first part will point out the terminology used in Romanian Criminal Codes of 1864, 1936, 1968 and finally 2009 that were enforced simultaneously with the Romanian Forest Codes of 1910, 1962, 1996 and finally 2008, which shall prove to be necessary for the analysis proposed.The second, third, fourth and fifth parts will focus on specific criminal provisions found in each of the Romanian Forest Codes from 1910, 1962, 1996 and finally 2008.The sixth part will consist of a brief conclusion, considering the manner in which forest legislation has evolved in the last century.
Particularitățile conținutului constitutiv al infracțiunilor silvice, în situația subiectului activ persoană juridică
Particularitățile conținutului constitutiv al infracțiunilor silvice, în situația subiectului activ persoană juridică
(The Particularities of the Constitutive Content of the Forestry Offenses, in the Situation of the Legal Entity as Active Subject)
- Author(s):Andreea Vernea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:412-417
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Forest Code; Environmental Crime; Liability of a legal entity.
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper the author will point out the main particularities of criminal regulations found in the Romanian Forest Code, namely Law no.46/2008, when the perpetrator of the crime is a legal entity.For the purpose of this article, its structure shall be divided in three parts.The first part will briefly point out the relevance of this study by reference to the necessity of environmental protection.In the second part, each of the crimes provisioned in art.106-110 of the Romanian Forest Code will be briefly analyzed, only in regard of the constitutive structure of the crime, if the perpetrator is a legal person.The third, and final part, will consist of a brief conclusion, pointing out the main deficiencies in enforcing the law in this particular type of cases.
Soluții juridice pentru stoparea fraudei fiscale a multinaționalelor din România
Soluții juridice pentru stoparea fraudei fiscale a multinaționalelor din România
(Legal Solutions to Stop Tax Fraud of Multinational Corporations in Romania)
- Author(s):Constantin Neacșu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:418-423
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:tax evasion; state budget; transfers pricing; de lege ferenda proposals
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of tax fraud is the subject of many debates, focusing on both domestic and global economic space. Unlike world concerns, domestic concerns to reduce tax evasion are particularly limited to taxing small businesses, knowingly avoiding the sphere of tax havens.
Evoluția infracțiunii de favorizare a făptuitorului în legea română. Unele elemente de continuitate
Evoluția infracțiunii de favorizare a făptuitorului în legea română. Unele elemente de continuitate
(The Evolution of the Offense of Favoring the Perpetrator Romanian Law. Some Elements of Continuity)
- Author(s):Ioana Rusu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:424-430
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Crime; judicial content; importance; continuity.
- Summary/Abstract:In the present study we briefly examined the offense of favoring the offender, in a special manner since the first mention, namely that of the Criminal Code from 1864 to the present day.We also presented some opinions promoted by the doctrine of time, as well as some cases settled by the case law, highlighting the consistency of the Romanian legislator in the provision of the group of crimes against justice and the crimes examined, as well as the progress of the criminalization regarding its legal construction.Last but not least, I have insisted on some similarities between the crimes of this fact in the four criminal codes.The elements of novelty consist both in the examination carried out and in highlighting some aspects regarding the continuity of incrimination and the continuous improvement of the text of incrimination.The work may be useful to students and master students from faculties, as well as practitioners in the area of applying more favorable criminal law.
Tăinuirea în legea română. Evoluția incriminării de la Codul penal de la 1864 la Codul penal în vigoare. Unele aspecte care privesc consecvența legiuitorului român
Tăinuirea în legea română. Evoluția incriminării de la Codul penal de la 1864 la Codul penal în vigoare. Unele aspecte care privesc consecvența legiuitorului român
(Concealment in Romanian Law. The Evolution of Incrimination from the Criminal Code from 1864 to the Penal Code in force. Some Aspects Regarding the Consistency of the Romanian Legislator)
- Author(s):Bogdan Bîrzu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:431-436
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Offense; legal content; doctrine; jurisprudence.
- Summary/Abstract:In the present study we proceeded to the brief examination of the constitutive content of the crime of concealment, as well as the evolution of this criminalization since the first express mention, respectively, of the Criminal Code of 1864.Also, during the examination, I also presented some comments of the time doctrine, as well as examples from the jurisprudence of some Romanian courts, including the supreme court.Last but not least, I highlighted the Romanian legislator's consistency in mentioning this crime in the four criminal codes, as well as its evolution, especially in terms of legal content.The novelty of this work is the comparative examination of the offense, the evidence of consistency and the progress made in its legal content, as well as the presentation of some comments of the doctrine of time, supplemented by specific jurisprudence.The work may be useful for students and master students of faculty in the country, practitioners in the field, as well as for all persons interested in the progress of this incrimination over time.
Infracțiunile contra înfăptuirii justiției în legislația română de la Marea Unire până în zilele noastre. Continuitatea incriminării
Infracțiunile contra înfăptuirii justiției în legislația română de la Marea Unire până în zilele noastre. Continuitatea incriminării
(The offenses against justice in the Romanian legislation from the Great Union to the present day. Continuity of Incrimination)
- Author(s):Ion Rusu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:437-443
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Crime, justice; evolution; Romanian criminal law
- Summary/Abstract:In the present study we briefly examined the group of crimes against the accomplishment of the act of justice provided by the Romanian criminal law starting with the first Romanian Criminal Code from the modern age of Romania to the present day, as well as the continuity of the criminalization of such facts. The examination also took into account some decisions of the jurisprudence of those times as well as some opinions promoted in the Romanian doctrine. The novelty elements that are promoted in the paper aim at the brief examination of the group of crimes foreseen in each of the four Romanian criminal codes, as well as highlighting the concern of the Romanian legislator for the criminalization of these categories of facts in separate chapters or titles. Another element of novelty is the comparative analysis of the continuity of criminalization of facts starting with the first Criminal Code and to date. The work may be useful for students and master students from the law faculties in the country, as well as for researchers or practitioners concerned with the evolution of the criminalization of this group of facts over time in the Romanian criminal law.
Despre pragul valoric la infracțiunea de abuz în serviciu în legislația noastră penală. Dimensiuni și tendințe
Despre pragul valoric la infracțiunea de abuz în serviciu în legislația noastră penală. Dimensiuni și tendințe
(About the value threshold for the crime of abuse of service in our criminal law. Dimensions and trends)
- Author(s):Ion Ifrim
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:444-450
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:value threshold; crime abuse; normative acts
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this communication is to present the dynamics of the value threshold to the crime of abuse of service, some controversial issues related to the threshold value criteria for this crime, and finally, we propose some solutions.
Incriminarea transmiterii HIV în Europa
Incriminarea transmiterii HIV în Europa
(Incriminating HIV Transmission in Europe)
- Author(s):Mihaela Aghenitei, Luiza-Tatiana Pricop
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:451-453
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Criminalization; HIV; AIDS; public health; international human rights.
- Summary/Abstract:HIV transmission have been on the increase across Europe - most noticeably in a series of cases in Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. During this same period, HIV incidence and prevalence has increased, particularly in the countries of Eastern Europe and the Western and Central Asian Republics. In light of this and high profile media coverage of HIV transmission cases, there is concern that States might increasingly choose to legislate the criminalization of the transmission of HIV and prosecute people who transmit HIV, leading to the infringement of the human rights of people living with HIV or AIDS (PLWHA).
Ordinul european de anchetă – cel mai nou instrument de cooperare internaţională în materie penală
Ordinul european de anchetă – cel mai nou instrument de cooperare internaţională în materie penală
(European Investigation Order - the Newest Instrument of International Cooperation in Criminal Matters)
- Author(s):Daniela Dediu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:454-457
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:European investigation order; principle of mutual recognition; judicial cooperation in criminal matters; mutual legal assistance.
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to analyze the newest instrument for international cooperation in criminal matters – the European Investigation Order. The Order was laid out in the Directive 2014/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 and the main goal was the introduction of a single instrument for the gathering of evidence between EU Member States in cases with a cross-border dimension. The paper tries to systematize the general framework in which the European Investigation Order works and to present the novelties for the instruments of judicial cooperation in criminal matters under the principle of mutual recognition. However, the presentation is not exhaustive; it is meant to offer a preliminary analysis of the provisions of the Directive and to open new direction of research.
Recursul în casație. Perspective istorice și actualitate
Recursul în casație. Perspective istorice și actualitate
(The Appeal in Cassation. Historical Perspectives and Actuality)
- Author(s):Versavia Brutaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:458-462
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:appeal; extraordinary appeal; control; judgement; cassation
- Summary/Abstract:The study does not intend to make an in extenso presentation of cassation appeal as an extraordinary way of attack, but only briefly outlines the evolution of regulations in this field, as well as actual trends in recent history. Remedies are means provided by the law by which the State, through the Public Ministry, and the persons designated by law promote a judicial control in which criminal judgments are verified in order to abolish those judgments which contain factual and legal errors and replacing them with judgements in accordance with law and truth. Remedies against court decisions, both ordinary and extraordinary, are based on the need to control the work of the courts. Following the exercise of judicial control, possible errors in the judicial process can be avoided either in establishing facts or in law enforcement.
- Price: 5.00 €
Drepturile şi libertăţile cetăţeneşti în contextul realizării securităţii naţionale. Mandatul de securitate naţională.
Drepturile şi libertăţile cetăţeneşti în contextul realizării securităţii naţionale. Mandatul de securitate naţională.
(Citizens' Rights and Freedoms in the Context of National Security. National Security Mandate.)
- Author(s):Cristian Popa, Romeo-Ioan Gârz
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:463-467
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:national security; fundamental rights and freedoms; restraining the exercise.
- Summary/Abstract:The enactment of national security must aim at the achievement of a legal framework for the immediate necessities of a state law, that is to own intelligence specialized institutions, to enable them with powers, sufficient to ensure learning, preventing and counteracting any action that might represent a threat to the national security, to preserve the state lawfulness, the balance and the social,economic and political stability, which are the perequisites for the existence and the development of the national Romanian state, as a sovereign, independent, unitary, indivisible entity, maintaining the constitutional order as well as carrying out the proper climate for free exercise of the rights, liberties and the fundamental duties, as stated by the Constitution.The law of the national security consists of stipulations meant to ensure the protection of the fundamental rights and liberties of the citizens in relation to the means used to obtain the intelligence as well as to the measures of preventing, learning, or counteracting, carried out by the national institutions empowered to act as such.These regulations aim to eliminate any possibility of ignorance, harm or infringement of the fundamental rights and liberties, as they consist of a plethora of juridical premises that convey the activity of the national institutions commissioned for this purpose, into a necessay and possible activity, within a climate of fully preserving the fundamental rights and liberties.The situations defined by art. 3 from Law nr 51/1991 are considered threats to the national security and represent the legal basis for the commissioned government institutions to take steps in order to obtain the national security warrant in view of carrying out actions, that aim at and justify the temporary limitation of the fundamental rights and liberties
Aplicarea principiului lex mitior dispozițiilor procesual penale
Aplicarea principiului lex mitior dispozițiilor procesual penale
(Applying the Principle of Lex Mitior to Criminal Procedure Provisions)
- Author(s):Ionuț Nefliu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:468-472
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:tempus regit actum; tempus regit judicium; material criminal procedure dispositions; preliminary plea; repressive law.
- Summary/Abstract:The principles of timely application of the criminal procedure law have been changed vision in the last 30 years. The Spanish Constitutionmaker from 1978, the Portuguese lawmaker from 1987 and afterwards the West European doctrinal debates have emerged consistent reasons for a full-guaranties profile in this domain, because the citizen shoudn't be a mere instrument for the triumph of social defence necessities.
Aspecte controversate în procedura obținerii datelor financiare ale unei persoane
Aspecte controversate în procedura obținerii datelor financiare ale unei persoane
(Controversial Issues in the Procedure of Obtaining a Person's Financial Data)
- Author(s):Valentin Trif
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:473-478
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:evidence; financial transactions; controversy
- Summary/Abstract:Obtaining data on a person's financial transactions is one of the most severe intrusions in private life, so that the need to correlate criminal procedural law with these modern investigative methods, steps to ensure compliance between the criminal procedural regulation and the requirements of the fundamental law, both of these are edited in the Romanian Constitution as well as with the normative and jurisprudential requirements stemming from art. 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights
Aspecte doctrinare și jurisprudențiale privind măsurile de supraveghere şi obligaţiile impuse de instanţă în cazul amânării aplicării pedepsei și suspendării executării pedepsei sub supraveghere
Aspecte doctrinare și jurisprudențiale privind măsurile de supraveghere şi obligaţiile impuse de instanţă în cazul amânării aplicării pedepsei și suspendării executării pedepsei sub supraveghere
(Doctrinal and Jurisprudential Aspects Regarding the Supervisory Measures and the Obligations Imposed by the Court in Case of Postponement of the Punishment and Suspension of Execution of the Punishment under Supervision)
- Author(s):Mihai Mareş
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:479-484
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:alternative sanction; probation measures and obligations; deferred sentence; suspended sentence on probation.
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper aims at examining the configuration of the probation measures and obligations that are comprised in the individualisation modalities of deferred sentence and suspended sentence on probation, both in theoretical terms and in the light of their enforcement dynamics. For a thorough understanding of the current lawmaker’s design of these criminal law institutions, the prior establishing of several diachronic regulatory elements at national level as well as the indication of certain international legal instruments that set standards in these matters are required, which reflect the regulatory evolution of these alternative forms to the custodial sentence. Furthermore, the cumulative conditions for ordering the deferred sentence and suspended sentence on probation as well as the content of the related probation measures and obligations are outlined. Finally, the conditions for modifying or terminating the obligations imposed by the court of law are analysed, especially from the case-law perspective, by pointing out various issues of law encountered in the course of resolving applications submitted in this respect.
Liberarea condiționată din pedeapsa închisorii – considerații asupra condițiilor de acordare din perspectiva evoluției acestora
Liberarea condiționată din pedeapsa închisorii – considerații asupra condițiilor de acordare din perspectiva evoluției acestora
(Conditional Release from Imprisonment - Considerations on the Conditions of Granting from the Perspective of their Evolution)
- Author(s):Nicoleta-Gabriela Chihaia
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:485-491
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:conditional release; conditions;custodial sentence; history; more favorable criminal law.
- Summary/Abstract:Conditional release is an institution of substantial criminal law, of great importance to both convicted person and the criminal policy of our state, which can only be ordered by the court, accessible to any convicted person, after enforcement of a part of the custodial sentence and the fulfillment of other conditions foreseen by the law, which consists in executing the last part of the custodial sentence in liberty with the purpose to stimulate and prepare the convicted person for his final release and for his quicker reintegration into society, subject to the fulfillment of both prior and post-release conditions.The paper seeks to analyze the conditions that a convicted person has to fulfill in order to benefit from conditional release, both objective and subjective, from the perspective of its evolution. The paper starts with a presentation of the purpose of the institution as it follows from the definitions given in doctrine, and continues with a short history of it in the Romanian legislation. The last part presents an analysis of the conditions for the granting of conditional release from imprisonment, aiming to highlight the conditions maintained by the legislator in the old regulations and, on the other hand, highlights the new conditions introduced by the current, more restrictive regulations, but established with a view to achieving better training for persons sentenced for final release and easier reintegration in society.
Evoluția reglementării faptelor de corupție în codurile penale române
Evoluția reglementării faptelor de corupție în codurile penale române
(The Evolution of Regulation of Corruption in Romanian Criminal Codes)
- Author(s):Niculae Gamenț
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:492-497
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:criminal law; prevention of corruption; bribery; influence trafficking; undeserved goods.
- Summary/Abstract:In this study, the author analyzes the evolution of the regulations on corruption offenses in the five Romanian Penal Codes, aiming at highlighting the preoccupation of the legislative power to find effective solutions for fighting and sanctioning corruption during 1918 and so far. At the same time, there was an appreciation of the particularities of the regulations in each of the Romanian criminal codes analyzed. In the final part of the study, taking into account the changes expected to be implemented in the Romanian criminal law, including corruption, we tried to bring to the attention of the legislator more proposals to develop the effectiveness of the fight against corruption at the current stage.
Importanța predictibilității procedurilor penale în faza de urmărire penală
Importanța predictibilității procedurilor penale în faza de urmărire penală
(The Importance of Predictability of Criminal Proceedings during the Criminal Investigation Phase)
- Author(s):Denisa Barbu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:498-502
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:equality of arms; right to defence; predictability of procedures; obligations; finding the truth.
- Summary/Abstract:Generic presentation of the overall image în the indictment, of the criminal activity, without being specified concretely and în detail, with a pertinent reference to the evidence they support, the criminal activity of each defendant violates the equality of arms and the predictability of the criminal proceedings. Also, limiting the prosecutor to indicating the evidence on which the accusation is based on an enumeration of evidence and a faithful reproduction and în a generic context of the content of certain evidence, without, of course, including a particular and pertinent analysis of the factual circumstances în which a particular conduct is alleged to be attributable to a particular defendant would, în our view, constitute a breach of the right to effective protection, thus violating the fairness of the proceedings, în article 6 par. 2 of the Directive 2012/13 / EU of the EU Parliament, and the principle of finding the truth provided by art. 5 C.C.P. In many cases, art. 6 (4) of the Directive 2012/13 / EU on the right to information în criminal proceedings is breached, although România is obliged to respect (“the suspected or accused persons to be promptly informed of any change în the information provided ... where necessary to ensure the fairness of the proceedings”), more art. 29 of the preamble to the Directive, stating that all changes must be communicated to the suspected and timely persons în order to enable the effective exercise of the right to defence.
Luarea măsurii preventive a controlului judiciar pe cauţiune în faza de cameră preliminară
Luarea măsurii preventive a controlului judiciar pe cauţiune în faza de cameră preliminară
(Taking the Preventive Measure of Judicial Bail-Control during the Preliminary Chamber Phase)
- Author(s):Ion Flămînzeanu, Denisa Barbu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:503-506
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:judicial control; preliminary chamber; verification; replacement; cessation of measure.
- Summary/Abstract:If the measure of judicial control, namely that of judicial bail in the course of criminal prosecution, was ordered against the defendant, the Preliminary Chamber judge has the obligation to verify the legality and the merits of these measures within 3 days from the registration of the file, before the termination of their duration. The 3-day deadline is a term of recommendation, which does not have the nature of an imperative term, so exceeding this term does not lead to the cessation of the preventive measure, as the provisions of Art. 241 par. (1) lit. a) NCPP NCPP (New Criminal Procedure Code – NCPC). The Preliminary Chamber judge may order that the measure of judicial control/judicial control on bail (not taking such a measure, previously ordered during the criminal prosecution), replacing it with another preventive measure, the legal termination of the preventive measure. Verification of the legality and soundness of the measure of judicial control, ie judicial control on bail, is done in a council room, with the participation of the prosecutor and with the summoning of the defendant; legal assistance is mandatory in the cases provided by art. 90 NCPC. Subsequently, during the Preliminary Chamber procedure, the judge has the obligation to verify periodically, but not later than 60 days, if the grounds that led to the taking of the measure of judicial control, namely the judicial control on bail, under the sanction of the legal termination of the preventive measure.
Dreptul inculpatului de a încheia un acord de recunoaștere a vinovăției
Dreptul inculpatului de a încheia un acord de recunoaștere a vinovăției
(The Right of the Defendant to Enter a Plea Bargaining Agreement)
- Author(s):Ioana Stoenac-Cîrstea, Ciprian Stoenac
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:507-510
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Guilty agreement; thedefendant; procedure; judicialprocess
- Summary/Abstract:With the conclusion of a guilty acquittal agreement, the defendant forgoes the right to be tried in a joint judicial process and deprives himself of a series of rights. Regarding these issues, the defendant will have to weigh vigorously if necessary to initiate such a procedure, and will proceed only if it has certain benefits and will fully understand theconsequences of such a procedure.
Crimigrația în Europa: concept, evoluție, tendințe
Crimigrația în Europa: concept, evoluție, tendințe
(Constitutionality Control of Laws in Romania. Evolution and Perspectives)
- Author(s):Delia Magherescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:511-514
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:crimmigration; immigration phenomenon;criminality;
- Summary/Abstract:The crimmigration phenomenon has known a significant extension in Europe in the last period of time. The states from the Western Europe have been permanently confronted with massive immigrant population movement came from different areas of the world, one of the most frequent case being Syria, which has produced an intense immigration flow to the European countries because of the internal conflicts, which have crumbled this country. Other countries, such as Afghanistan, also increased the number of immigrant population but the example of Syria remained, in this context, one of actuality. Taking into account this phenomenon, in the current paper I would like to analyse the concept of crimmigration, to discuss about its causes as well as the evolution it passed and its consequences as well.
Riscuri asimetrice emergente în societatea contemporană: Radicalizarea. Aspecte criminologice
Riscuri asimetrice emergente în societatea contemporană: Radicalizarea. Aspecte criminologice
(Emerging Asymmetric Risks in Contemporary Society: Radicalization. Criminological Aspects)
- Author(s):Viorel Gheorghe
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:515-522
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:rule of law; individual; radicalization; terrorism; legal system; social nonconformity; security
- Summary/Abstract:In front of an arguable evolution of the contemporary society, the individual faces a real and complex struggle for adaptation to social realities, dominated by the confusion generated by transformations across all levels of social life, especially those in the regulatory framework. The justified and constant need for equity, proportionally, the perfect interaction of individual socio-psychological factors, social, political, ideological and religious factors, a less important role of culture, the existence of real identity problems corroborated with the effects of traumas, of other mechanisms triggering anti-social behaviors, as well as the need for group membership, its dynamics, psycho-radicalizing factors / manipulators, and the role played by the diversity of social networks, all these require the immediate, justified intervention of the state entitled to implement and guarantee the enforcement of the law in a multidisciplinary manner.The reality of the rise of social nonconformism - an identified cause of radicalization, with unfavorable social consequences - generates responses from legal bodies and, with specialists in law and science being called upon to provide solutions to questions arising from an obvious social rebound:What are the causes that contribute, generate and augment this social phenomenon?Is there a uniqueness in approaching the causality of the phenomenon?Are there viable solutions legally, and at the social level should be applied to diminish this phenomenon? Pro-causes or pro-effects?
Repere istorice privind probațiunea în România
Repere istorice privind probațiunea în România
(Historical Landmarks Regarding Probation in Romania)
- Author(s):Aura Preda
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:523-526
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Historical Milestones; Grand Union; Legislative Unification; Penitentiary System; Evolution and Trends
- Summary/Abstract:The chosen theme refers to the main legislative aspects that marked the evolution of the penitentiary system in our country after the 1918 Great Union event. The first part presents the context in which the union was made, and the sections show the main characteristics of the periods conventionally delimited by the author, respectively 1918-1990 and 1990-present, pointing to the normative acts and some of their effects.
Reguli și procedee tactice criminalistice privind audierea victimelor traficului de persoane
Reguli și procedee tactice criminalistice privind audierea victimelor traficului de persoane
(Forensic Tactical Rules and Procedures for Hearing Victims of Human Beings Trafficking)
- Author(s):Adrian Cristian Moise
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law
- Page Range:527-531
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:victim; trafficking in human beings; forensic tactical procedures; hearing.
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents and analyzes the main forensic tactical rules and procedures for hearing victims of trafficking in human beings. Hearing of victims of trafficking in human beings takes place during the following stages: preparing and planning the hearing of the victim of trafficking in human beings; familiarizing the trafficked person with the hearing process; the actual hearing of victims of trafficking in human beings; verification and appreciation of the victim's statement of trafficking. Victims of trafficking in human beings are both adults, men and especially women and children. The process of hearing victims of trafficking in human beings should be conducted at a pace appropriate to the needs of victims of trafficking in human beings. Investigators have the duty to ensure that the forensic tactical procedures and rules of hearing that will be used will not have a negative impact on respecting both the dignity of victims and other rights they have in the criminal process.