Evoluția infracțiunii de favorizare a făptuitorului în legea română. Unele elemente de continuitate
The Evolution of the Offense of Favoring the Perpetrator Romanian Law. Some Elements of Continuity
Author(s): Ioana Rusu
Subject(s): Criminal Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: Crime; judicial content; importance; continuity.
Summary/Abstract: In the present study we briefly examined the offense of favoring the offender, in a special manner since the first mention, namely that of the Criminal Code from 1864 to the present day.We also presented some opinions promoted by the doctrine of time, as well as some cases settled by the case law, highlighting the consistency of the Romanian legislator in the provision of the group of crimes against justice and the crimes examined, as well as the progress of the criminalization regarding its legal construction.Last but not least, I have insisted on some similarities between the crimes of this fact in the four criminal codes.The elements of novelty consist both in the examination carried out and in highlighting some aspects regarding the continuity of incrimination and the continuous improvement of the text of incrimination.The work may be useful to students and master students from faculties, as well as practitioners in the area of applying more favorable criminal law.
Book: Dreptul românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire. Dimensiuni și tendințe
- Page Range: 424-430
- Page Count: 7
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Romanian