Infracțiunile contra înfăptuirii justiției în legislația română de la Marea Unire până în zilele noastre. Continuitatea incriminării
The offenses against justice in the Romanian legislation from the Great Union to the present day. Continuity of Incrimination
Author(s): Ion Rusu
Subject(s): Criminal Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: Crime, justice; evolution; Romanian criminal law
Summary/Abstract: In the present study we briefly examined the group of crimes against the accomplishment of the act of justice provided by the Romanian criminal law starting with the first Romanian Criminal Code from the modern age of Romania to the present day, as well as the continuity of the criminalization of such facts. The examination also took into account some decisions of the jurisprudence of those times as well as some opinions promoted in the Romanian doctrine. The novelty elements that are promoted in the paper aim at the brief examination of the group of crimes foreseen in each of the four Romanian criminal codes, as well as highlighting the concern of the Romanian legislator for the criminalization of these categories of facts in separate chapters or titles. Another element of novelty is the comparative analysis of the continuity of criminalization of facts starting with the first Criminal Code and to date. The work may be useful for students and master students from the law faculties in the country, as well as for researchers or practitioners concerned with the evolution of the criminalization of this group of facts over time in the Romanian criminal law.
Book: Dreptul românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire. Dimensiuni și tendințe
- Page Range: 437-443
- Page Count: 7
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Romanian