Manifestări ale autonomiei de voinţa în cazul contractelor aleatorii
Manifestations of Autonomy of will in the Case of Random Contracts

Author(s): Andreea Mariana Sima
Subject(s): Civil Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: autonomy of will; random contracts; constraints.
Summary/Abstract: The essence of private Romanian law itself, the autonomy of the will was elevated to the standard of a principle, transposing abstract legal relations into the plan of social reality. The theory of autonomy of will, closely related to freedom of contract, knows, aş any other right or freedom, boundaries and fencing, not being absolute. These occur, however, due to its need to adapt to the new economic and social realities and manifests through the supremacy of law or a part, who imposes certain conditions, detrimental to contractual equality.

  • Page Range: 132-136
  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Romanian
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