Transformările din ultimul secol în materia legislației brevetării invențiilor din România
Transformations of the last century in the field of patenting legislation for inventions in Romania
Author(s): Paul Popovici
Subject(s): Civil Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: the field of patent law; industrial creations; patents for inventions; protection of inventions
Summary/Abstract: The present study briefly examines the main provisions of the 1906 Patents Act, since the period in which it was in force is included in the timeframe we are interested in.In the Romanian specialty doctrine it was stated that this law would not be the first act by which industrial creations benefit from protection. Although it seems to go beyond the article, a brief analysis of the issue is not unrelated because it clarifies whether the law of the past one hundred years was or was not the first legal measure in the matter, with all its consequences.Current legislation, with all inherent imperfections, is nevertheless a real breakthrough in lawmaking, in connection with international provisions, or in the reception of practical problems, leading to the development of consistent, unitary and up-to-date legal provisions, including terminological and registration procedures. The last hundred years in the field of patent law was a period of time in which the most qualitative-positive changes took place, reaching today an efficient regulation system linked to the imperatives of a state of law.
Book: Dreptul românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire. Dimensiuni și tendințe
- Page Range: 163-171
- Page Count: 9
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Romanian