O privire comparativă asupra cauzelor de desființare a contractului de vânzare în Legiuirea Caragea și Codul civil român
A comparative look on the causes of termination of the sale contract in Caragea Law and the Romanian Civil Code
Author(s): Andra-Ioana Alexe
Subject(s): Civil Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: : the nonexistence of legal acts; the rescission of the contract; the nullity of the contract; the Romanian Civil Code; the Law of Caragea
Summary/Abstract: The drafting of this study started from the finding that the regulations in the Caragea Code and the current Romanian Civil Code in the matter of the causes of the dissolution of the sale are strikingly similar.The present study aims to analyze cases from both regulations in order to better understand the tradition of our civil law, which has been largely preserved since 1818 to the present. Of course, the current Romanian Civil Code regulates the cases of abolition of the sale in an evolved way to Caragea Law, being adapted to the social reality of our day.
Book: Dreptul românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire. Dimensiuni și tendințe
- Page Range: 127-131
- Page Count: 5
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Romanian