Marea Unire și impactul ei asupra legislației în materia cărților funciare
The Great Union and its Impact on Land Law Legislation
Author(s): Nora Andreea Daghie
Subject(s): Civil Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: land registration; political unity; legislative unification process; foreign influences
Summary/Abstract: The political unity achieved in 1918 was not doubled, at least in the immediately next period, by the legislative unity. Consequently, what happened in 1918 had a direct impact on the land registry legislation, as well. Legislative unification was an historical, political, but also legal imperative for contemporaries.The legislative unification process was done in time and with difficulty. The opposition took various forms, from peaceful ones, of intellectual type, to acts tolerated by excessive indulgence. Certain regulations of social relationships were considered more advanced, which resulted in taking over their essence in normative acts applicable throughout the unified Romanian territory. This is the case of the Decree-Law no. 115/1938 for the unification of the land registry provisions, by which the Transylvanian land registration system, much more rigorous than that of transcriptions and inscriptions borrowed from the Napoleonic Code and used in the Old Kingdom, was replaced.The theme of the influence of the European legislation on the Romanian legislation in the field of land registries is well known both from the recitals of the normative acts adopted, as well as from the specialized literature.
Book: Dreptul românesc la 100 de ani de la Marea Unire. Dimensiuni și tendințe
- Page Range: 55-59
- Page Count: 5
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Romanian