Înnoirea legislației civile - așteptări și rezultate. Privire specială asupra unor instituții de drept succesoral
Renewal of civil law - expectations and results. Special consideration of succession law institutions

Author(s): Bogdan Pătrașcu, Ilioara Genoiu
Subject(s): Civil Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: monistic vision; legal language; inheritance; succession indignity; succession representation; will; succession option.
Summary/Abstract: The authors make a comparative assessment of succession law institutions, taking into account the Civil Code of 1864 and the Civil Code in force today. In this context, are also considered issues with wider coverage but with impact on one or other of the legal institutions. We refer, for example, to the monistic vision of private law, and also to the concepts of law, to the legal language in general.

  • Page Range: 12-16
  • Page Count: 5
  • Publication Year: 2018
  • Language: Romanian
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