Туризмът - отвъд очакванията. Сборник юбилейна международна научна конференция: 100 години УНСС и 30 години катедра "Икономика на туризма"
Tourism – Beyond Expectations. Conference Proceedings: Jubilee International Scientific Conference: 100 Years of UNWE and 30 Years Department Economics of Tourism
Contributor(s): Manol Ribov (Editor), Nikolay Tsonev (Editor), Tanya Parusheva (Editor), Mariana Ianeva (Editor), Elenita Velikova (Editor), Asya Pandzherova (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Tourism
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: tourism; shared economy; smart tourism; digital economy; university education
Summary/Abstract: On the occasion of 100 years of UNWE and 30 years since the establishment of the Department “Economics of Tourism”, a jubilee international conference "TOURISM - BEYOND EXPECTATIONS" was held. The conference aims to enable a large number of researchers in the field of tourism science to present their work in the six main areas set as a priority by the conference organizers: 1. The future of tourism - new sources of growth; 2. Smart tourism; 3. New realities in the shared economy; 4. Unique tourism - success stories; 5. The digital economy; 6. New dimensions of science in university education. The conference was attended by 96 scientists from Bulgaria, the United States and Russia, who presented 78 papers.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-297-7
- Page Count: 844
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English, Bulgarian
Туризмът в обсега на дигиталните технологии
Туризмът в обсега на дигиталните технологии
(Tourism in the Scope of Digital Technologies)
- Author(s):Manol Ribov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:21-30
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:paradigm; leader; offline and online; non-price factors; digital platform; internet of things; big data; artificial intelligence; robotics; blockchain; shared economy
- Summary/Abstract:The report explores digital technologies and their application in the tourism industry in the context of a non-linear economic development. In the context of non-price supply factors, digital platforms, the Internet of Things, remote monitoring, the Internet in tourist automation, big data, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchain and sharing economics are presented. The final part of the report addresses the difficulties experienced by tourism organizations in absorbing digital technology.
Тематичните паркове на бъдещето: успешни бизнес практики за управление на туристическите райони
Тематичните паркове на бъдещето: успешни бизнес практики за управление на туристическите райони
(The Thematic Parks of The Future: Successful Business Practices for Management of Tourist Districts)
- Author(s):Nikolay Tsonev, Asya Pandzherova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Tourism
- Page Range:31-51
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:tourist district; marketing management; brand; theme park; experience
- Summary/Abstract:The scientific report aims to explore the possibilities for integrated management of tourist districts as a prerequisite for tourism development. The emphasis is placed on theme parks as a new paradigm for the experience economy. The attention is drawn to product specialization in the management of tourist districts in Bulgaria. The authors argue that effective marketing management enables the structure of supply and demand to be synchronized through the formation of several tourism products, including theme parks. A successful business model of an innovative theme park is considered – Terme Bucharest – Romania which offers the highest standards of quality in the wellness and entertainment industry.
Състояние и развитие на предприемачеството в хотелиерството в община Приморско
Състояние и развитие на предприемачеството в хотелиерството в община Приморско
(Current State and Development of the Hotel Entrepreneurship in Primorsko Municipality)
- Author(s):Mariyana Bozhinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:55-62
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:entrepreneurship; tourism; hoteliers current state; development
Стимулиране на туристическите пътувания чрез художествената литература като комуникационен канал
Стимулиране на туристическите пътувания чрез художествената литература като комуникационен канал
(Stimulating the Tourist Trips Through the Public Literature as a Communication Channel)
- Author(s):Svetla Rakadzhiyska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:63-77
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:book; literary fiction; BTL advertising media; micromarketing; tourist destination; reading people
- Summary/Abstract:This research paper is dedicated to the literary fiction as a BTL advertising media. Some examples are cited and some conclusions are set. The need of good micromarketing is mentioned.
Сезонността като фактор за устойчиво развитие на туристическите дестинации
Сезонността като фактор за устойчиво развитие на туристическите дестинации
(Seasonality as a Factor for Tourism Destimations’ Sustainable Development)
- Author(s):Maria Vodenska, Alexander Boyadjiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:78-88
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:tourism destination; sustainability; seasonality; national resort; coefficients
- Summary/Abstract:The present research aims at the investigation of seasonality as a factor for tourism sustainability in the national resorts of Bulgaria. The reason for choosing them is that they represent separate destinations for which statistical and other data is readily accessible. Methods used are based mostly on secondary information – data from Bulgarian Statistical Institute is analysed and conclusions are drawn. Various seasonality and irregularity coefficients are used. For greater precision graphic methods are also widely used in the analytical process. The lack of primary data is the major research limitation.
Оценка на потенциала на културното наследство по пътя на коприната в България
Оценка на потенциала на културното наследство по пътя на коприната в България
(Evaluation of the Cultural Heritage Potential Along the Silc Road in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Stoyan Marinov, Krasimira Yancheva, Todor Dyankov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:89-106
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Silk Road; cultural heritage potential; evaluation; tourism demand; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:Тhe report is dedicated to the project Silk Road Local Culture – SILC – under the Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020. The programme is co-financed by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Romania. The purpose of the report is to present an evaluation of the potential for economic and tourism growth of the local cultural heritage along the Silk Road 90 on the territory of the Northeastern Region (BG 33) and the Southeastern Region (BG 34) in Bulgaria.
Система за мониторинг и оценка на устойчивото развитие на туризма в курортите с национално значение в България – основни принципи и подходи
Система за мониторинг и оценка на устойчивото развитие на туризма в курортите с национално значение в България – основни принципи и подходи
(Monitoring and Assessement of Sustainable Tourism Development in National Resorts in Bulgaria – Major Principles and Approaches)
- Author(s):Nikolina Popova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:107-115
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:sustainable tourism development; monitoring indicators
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presented takes into consideration some major theoretical and methodical issues related to the development of a system for monitoring and assessment of sustainable tourism development in national resort in Bulgaria. It focuses on some key issues: tourism regionalization as a basis for monitoring sustainable tourism development at local level; theoretical concepts, major principles, and approaches towards the identification/ selection, and structuring of indicators for monitoring and assessment of tourism development at local destination level. The author substantiates the necessity to regulate legally the implementation of a system for monitoring and assessment of sustainable tourism development as a key management instrument.
Геймификация в туризма – възможности и ограничения
Геймификация в туризма – възможности и ограничения
(Gamification in Tourism – Opportunities and Limitations)
- Author(s):Sonia Mileva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:116-125
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:gamification; tourism; destination; opportunities; limitations
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is considers gamification as marketing tool influencing the consumer behavior in the field of Tourism. Outlined are the major opportunities and benefits of gamification in Tourism, responsible for added value to the consumer. In parallel, critical analysis of the main limitations and risks of gamifications are presented. In conclusion is defined the major framework for effective application of gamification with possibilities to increase the benefits for Tourism.
Перспективи пред варненското ресторантьорство
Перспективи пред варненското ресторантьорство
(New Horizons of Varna Restaurant Industry)
- Author(s):Tanya Dabeva, Georgina Lukanova, Hristina Plamenova Filipova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:126-136
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:urban restaurant industry; dining establishements; restaurant managers; Varna; content analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The main purpose of the following paper is to present some perspectives for the development of the restaurant industry in the city of Varna. In this regard an analysis of the types and categories of dining establishments in the area was made. An in-depth interview with four restaurant managers was also conducted. The answers are used for the basis of a content analysis. Based on the results of the two research methods, conclusions and recommendations are made.
Икономически анализ на разходите – предпоставка за ефективно управление (на примера на Еница – 99 ООД)
Икономически анализ на разходите – предпоставка за ефективно управление (на примера на Еница – 99 ООД)
(Economic Analisys of Costs – a Prerequasite for Efficient Management (a Case Study of Enitsa-99 Ltd))
- Author(s):Galina Rashkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:137-148
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:analysis; cost; methods; hotel; restaurant
- Summary/Abstract:The correct assessment and efficient management of costs of a tourism enterprise is essential for its economic sustainability and solvency under the conditions of a market environment, which is characterized by instability, intense competition and the challenges of implementing new sources of growth – innovation of tourism operations. The report addresses some of these issues. Basic scientific cost analysis methods were examined. A practical study of real operating enterprise performing hotel and restaurant activities was performed. On this basis, certain comments were revealed and relevant conclusions were drawn.
Клъстери на туристическо търсене на атракции, основани на културното наследство
Клъстери на туристическо търсене на атракции, основани на културното наследство
(Clusters of Tourist Demand of Cultural Heritage Attractions)
- Author(s):Vasil Marinov, Mariana Assenova, Radenka Mitova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:149-162
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:territorial clusters; tourist demand; cultural heritage attractions
- Summary/Abstract:Secondary data on tourist demand for cultural heritage attractions do not reveal the true picture of visitors’ behavior when staying in areas with a concentration of attractions. The purpose of the study is to fill in the gap of primary information and to reveal the territorial concentration of tourist demand for cultural heritage sites long a selected route in 4 areas of the country, by identifying the immediate catchment area of attractions and the interconnection of cultural heritage tourist attractions. The research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey with visitors at selected cultural and historical attractions. The results demonstrate the formation of clusters of tourist demand, with clearly outlined hubs and their periphery.
Туристическите райони в България: състояние и проблеми
Туристическите райони в България: състояние и проблеми
(The Tourism Regions in Bulgaria: Status and Problems)
- Author(s):Ivan Markov, Tanya Yoncheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:163-173
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:tourism regionalization; tourism region; destination management organization; establishment;legal person;
- Summary/Abstract:In 2015 a Concept of tourism regionalization was approved in Bulgaria. Trough this concept, 9 tourism regions are outlined in the country. Each of them is managed by a single destination management organization (DMO). For the first time in the development of tourism in the country regional structures for management are legally defined. The object of this article is to clarify certain issues in relation to legal status of DMO as a specific type of legal person. The study examines the conditions for establishment, the membership, the governing bodies and activities of the analyzed organization. The advantages of introducing tourism regions and organizations of their management are discussed. Meanwhile, some gaps and imperfections of the legal framework are mentioned and the possible options for their removal are suggested.
Трансформационни процеси и влияния в туризма
Трансформационни процеси и влияния в туризма
(Transformation Processes and Impacts in Tourism)
- Author(s):Mariya Stankova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:174-182
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:tourism; transformation; digitalization; new communication approaches
- Summary/Abstract:Under the influence of information technologies, the life space is changing, dynamics is accelerating, the social and individual existence are being transformed, new channels of influence are being formed, both on nowledge and on daily life. Taking into account the direction of transformation, tourism as economic activity is increasingly aware of the importance of establishing approaches to optimize management activities, which goes beyond conventional perceptions. Thus, studying the topic, the conclusion is that the transformation in the conditions of a technological society and everyday life dependent on information technologies is inevitable. It also covers the industry of tourism, which, however, with its inherent trends, goals, expectations and influences, is not only a creator and consumer in the digital environment, but also a pre-eminent factor.
Новите изживявания в туризма
Новите изживявания в туризма
(New Tourism Experiences)
- Author(s):Irena Kirilova Emilova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:183-193
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:experience; destinations; trends; art; culture
- Summary/Abstract:Consumer requirements already have completely different parameters, which in order to be satisfied in the consumption of the tourist product must meet the condition to create authentic and unique experiences. In this case, an innovative and creative approach is used in the production of tourist products in destinations that correspond to modern consumer expectations.
Корпоративен растеж и обща факторна производителност в туризма
Корпоративен растеж и обща факторна производителност в туризма
(Corporate Growth and Total Factory Productivity in Tourism)
- Author(s):Snezhinka Konstantinova, Asen Konarev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:194-204
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:growth; corporation; factors; productivity; tourism
- Summary/Abstract:A survey of corporate growth in tourism was sampled from 13 public tourism companies, for period 2007-2018. The indicators are selected and models of the different types of growth are drawn up. On this basis, the level and growth rates are determined, showing that corporate growth and investment dynamics are low and returns are sharply declining. The analysis of the type of growth indicates that extensive growth prevails. To investigate the impact of total factor productivity on growth, two models were compiled. On their basis proves that total factor productivity has had a strong negative impact on corporate growth.
Приложение на концепцията „управление на приходите“ в хотелиерството
Приложение на концепцията „управление на приходите“ в хотелиерството
(Application of the Revenue Management Concept in the Hotel Industry)
- Author(s):Ivanka Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:205-214
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:revenue management; hotel industry; principles; tools
- Summary/Abstract:This publication aims to systematize the economic assumptions, tools, and techniques of the concept of revenue management for fixed and limited-capacity businesses in the specialized literature. The main stages of the evenue management process are outlined and the most commonly used indicators for measuring the results of revenue management in the hospitality industry are discussed. Possible strategies and tactics for implementing the revenue management concept are illustrated, with an example from the hotel industry. The importance and necessity of applying the concept of revenue management in current conditions is confirmed.
Възприятия на клиентите за дизайна на лайфстайл хотелите
Възприятия на клиентите за дизайна на лайфстайл хотелите
(Customer Perceptions of the Design of Lifestyle Hotels)
- Author(s):Maya Ivanova, Polina Basova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:215-224
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:lifestyle hotels; design; customer perceptions
- Summary/Abstract:Hotel design is one of the few tangible elements, that clients could see and assess before making an (online) purchase, therefore it is important to study its impact on the target clients. The current study aims to explore how customers perceive the design of lifestyle hotels, whether it creates additional value for the customer and which of its elements are most noticed and appreciated. The findings showed customers tend to appreciate most the comfort and the room interior design, with greater dominance of younger and female respondents to reflect that trend. Although not classified as a prime factor, hotel exterior and interior appearance proved its importance for the target clients of the lifestyle hotel segment.
Възможности за преодоляване на сезонността в туризма
Възможности за преодоляване на сезонността в туризма
(Opportunities for Overcoming Seasonality in Tourism)
- Author(s):Elenita Velikova, Stela Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:225-234
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:seasonality; alternative forms of tourism; organizing events;
- Summary/Abstract:Seasonality is a universal factor in tourism and is often seen as a problem, especially in economic terms. This article sets out its features and offers different ways to deal with it, aiming at giving a clear idea of the possibilities of attracting customers and increasing the attractiveness of the tourist product. All this determines the topicality and significance of the studied issues, which give rise to the need to seek adequate solutions to the problem of tourism seasonality as well as the resulting challenges facing the tourism industry.
Изследване потенциала за развитие на българския туризъм
Изследване потенциала за развитие на българския туризъм
(Research on the Potential for Development of Bulgarian Tourism)
- Author(s):Lyubka Ilieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:235-245
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:tourism; tourists; tourist flows
- Summary/Abstract:The main economic objective for Bulgaria is to develop those sectors, that have high added value. According to NSI data, for 2018 the Trade, Transport, Hotel and Restaurant Sector reported the highest gross value added – BGN 22 billion 014 million, which shows that the tourism industry is a major generator for the development of the national economy. The main objective of this study is to present the potential for the development of Bulgarian tourism. In order to achieve this goal, the flows forming the tourist demand are examined, the key markets are outlined and the financial flows from the expenditures for tourist services are analysed. On the basis of the performed analysis, guidelines for increasing the revenue for the tourism business are drawn.
Възможности за развитие на мистичен туризъм в България
Възможности за развитие на мистичен туризъм в България
(Opportunities for the Development of Mystical Tourism in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Lyubomira Todorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:246-251
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:mystical tourism; alternative tourism; tourism in Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:Tourism is a constantly evolving industry. This is evidenced by the continued growth of travelers, the increased number of tourist resources, the increasing resort capacity and the emergence of new types of tourism. Overcoming the downturn in the sector of our country requires investments for the completion of alternative forms of tourism. This would lead to the expansion of opportunities for the development of little-known species to allow the fuller utilization of the tourism potential of the country.
Социално предприемачество в туризма
Социално предприемачество в туризма
(Social Entrepreneurship in Tourism)
- Author(s):Miroslava Dimitrova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:252-260
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:social entrepreneurship; tourism; hospitality; sustainability
- Summary/Abstract:The social entrepreneurship is new concept that reflects the recent trends towards more responsible and sustainable businesses aimed at providing social and ecological solutions while maintaining financial viability and growth on the market. Those trends are also visible in the tourism and hospitality sector where this concept becomes increasingly popular. This paper presents a conceptual framework on social entrepreneurship in tourism and discusses two industry examples as a practical illustration of this concept.
Новите измерения на човешкия капитал в туризма
Новите измерения на човешкия капитал в туризма
(New Dimensions of Human Capital in Tourism)
- Author(s):Milena Metodieva Karailieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:261-271
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:human capital; organizational capital; client capital; intangible assets
- Summary/Abstract:Mega-trends in dynamic development of tourist industry worldwide lay ahead of the tourism business management a number of challenges, although identification of large number of good practices with elements of traditional management theory as well as innovative approaches. Global tourism surrounding defines the key role and new outlook of human capital with focus on intangible assets and inexhaustible potential as most important factor for business success. In this context, this paper examines the role of human capital in tourism and to outline the new dimensions of the human capital, requiring expanse means of adequate motivating impacts for activating straight-forwarding initiative, purposeful and constructive organizational behavior of the people occupied in tourism industry.
Особености на устойчивото развитие на хотелиерството
Особености на устойчивото развитие на хотелиерството
(Features of Sustainable Development of Hotel Industry)
- Author(s):Pavlin Bogomilov Pavlov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:272-277
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:hotel industry; sustainable development; tourism; good practices; tourism resources
- Summary/Abstract:Sustainable development of the hotel industry requires a constant pursuit of sustained economic growth, while respecting a number of requirements for social responsibility and environmental protection This research work aims to present the essence of the sustainable development of the hotel industry and to outline its peculiarities.
Туризъм на бъдещето – умни хотели и интерактивни клиенти
Туризъм на бъдещето – умни хотели и интерактивни клиенти
(Tourism of the Future – Smart Hotels and Interactive Customers)
- Author(s):Teodora Rizova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:278-284
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:hotel complexes; hotel chains; digitalisation; interactive clients
- Summary/Abstract:The processes of globalization and integration that are characteristic of the tourism industry today, as well as the industrialization of hotel services, lead to the development of large, well-organized, technically and technologically equipped hotel complexes that function either independently or as hotel chains – bringing together thousands of hotels across of the world. Modern tourist accommodation establishments seek optimal opportunities for effective development through technology. Thus, the tendency of the tourist market to make hotels “smart” is gradually needed. They use various technologies to optimize processes such as artificial intelligence, robots, guest authentication through biometric data, hyperpersonalization, virtual reality, as well as a luxurious and natural environment. The tourism of the future of smart hotels will evolve in the context of the development of digitalization and new information technologies, which in turn will shape the use of hotel services by interactive customers.
Луксозният туризъм като предпоставка за развитие на специализирани видове туризъм в туристическите райони на България
Луксозният туризъм като предпоставка за развитие на специализирани видове туризъм в туристическите райони на България
(Luxury Tourism as a Prerequisite for the Development of Specialized Types of Tourism in the Tourist Regions of Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Svetoslav Kaleychev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:285-295
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:luxury tourism; specialized types of tourism; tourist regions
- Summary/Abstract:The tourism industry is one of the most significant sectors of the world economy, which largely determines the economic and social development of many countries worldwide. In recent years, the global economy has alternated stages of growth and recession, which have had an impact on the development of many industrial sectors including tourism. But shoot be notice the fact that in the tourism industry there is one sector that has not been influenced, but on the contrary has systematically increased its market share, financial revenues and consumer interest, namely luxury tourism It can be defined as a specific experience that brings personal satisfaction, a sense of class and elitism. As well as enabling the use of the most modern technologies introduced in the modern tourism industry, defining concepts such as prestige and luxury, modelling the notions of modern society. The Bulgarian tourism industry also focused its efforts on the development and supply of certain forms and destinations of luxury tourism. Tourism organizations restructured their operations to offer luxury tourism products meeting the needs of contemporary tourists who have chosen Bulgaria as a destination for their tourist experience. The development of luxury tourism in Bulgaria is also a key element in the creation of marketing strategies in the newly created tourist regions, and it is also decisive for modelling innovative approaches to specialized tourism in the country.
Развитие на уменията на студентите по туризъм в стажантската програма на специалност „Туризъм“ на Софийски университет „Свети Климент Охридски“
Развитие на уменията на студентите по туризъм в стажантската програма на специалност „Туризъм“ на Софийски университет „Свети Климент Охридски“
(Developing the Skills of Tourism Students in the Internship Program in the Speciality “Turisme” of Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”)
- Author(s):Vasya Yaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:296-303
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:skills; internship; program; development; status; trends
- Summary/Abstract:The report presented is dedicated to the development of the skills of the interns majoring in Tourism Bachelor 2019. Their distribution by sectors and positions in tourism. An analysis of the current situation has been made and trends have been identified. Including a group summary of the skills acquired during the internship.
Да отгледаме или да си купим таланти – управление на талантите в българската хотелиерска индустрия
Да отгледаме или да си купим таланти – управление на талантите в българската хотелиерска индустрия
(Talent Management in Bulgarian Hospitality Industry – to Buy or to Build Talents)
- Author(s):Irina Petkova, Ivelina Tsenova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:304-313
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:talent, talent management; hospitality industry; identifying
- Summary/Abstract:Talent management is a contemporary tool that gives the company a strategic business priority. The study focuses on the management choice to identify, attract, develop and retain talents. Combination of opportunities – internal talent development or external talent use, through the prism and experience of the hospitality business in Bulgaria are also reviewed. The purpose of the study is not to offer a complete picture of the process but to capture the directions and trends in talent management in the Bulgarian hospitality sector. The findings exhibit that the concept of talent management has to be a strategic business priority, complex art of special techniques for special people.
Изживяванията по време на круизна програма
Изживяванията по време на круизна програма
(Experiences During the Cruise Program)
- Author(s):Nikola Gaydarov, Patrisia Tsankova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:314-325
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:experience economics; casino industry; cruise program; specialized products; cruise companies
- Summary/Abstract:Experiences during the cruise program are one of the products saturated with new leisure and on boarding needs that have seen increased consumption in recent years along with tourism development. This interest is conditioned by both the changes in the requirements of the modern consumer on one side and the high quality in terms of supply in the cruise industry on the other. This report examines the cruise product as one of the most competitive in the global tourism market, which gives numerous experience opportunities for tourists during the cruise tourism program. The global cruise industry generates about $ 38 billion annually from passengers only and it is the fastest growing sector in the travel business. In addition, it has established itself as one of the most intensive sectors in the world, with incredible modern crafts.
Влияние на веган движението върху ресторантьорството
Влияние на веган движението върху ресторантьорството
(Influence of the Vegan Movement on the Restaurant Business)
- Author(s):Nina Zlateva, Ege Can Esmer
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:326-339
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:veganism; restaurants; hospitality; tourism; Turkey
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this exploratory research is to investigate the influence of the vegan movement on the restaurant industry in Turkey and to find out what both of the sides are expecting and demanding. Another objective of this project is to evaluate how restaurants and their vegan clients perceive and treat each other. The authors examined the relationship between the demographic characteristics and particular beliefs and demands of 55vegan respondents applying Pearson Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U test. Additionally, six interviews with restaurant managers were conducted in order to analyse their understanding of veganism and strategies aimed at vegan customers. In general, the results demonstrate that Turkish restaurants are not oblivious about what veganism is anymore; they know who vegans are, and they are ready to offer more vegan dishes. In turn vegans in Turkey just want more vegan food options; to be welcomed as a guest and served with ease, without any complications.
Аналитични характеристики на културно-историческото наследство в туристически район „Долината на розите“
Аналитични характеристики на културно-историческото наследство в туристически район „Долината на розите“
(Analytical Characteristics of the Cultural and Historical Heritage in the Touristic Region of the Rose Valley)
- Author(s):Momchil Marinov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:340-344
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:cultural and historical heritage; Rose Valley; tourism economy
- Summary/Abstract:The article analyzes the general economic potential of the cultural and historical heritage in the specialized touristic region of the Rose valley. The author presents the main characteristic of the region’s diverse heritage – archaeological and architectural structures, sites, museums in the context of the opportunities for the valorization of the cultural and pilgrimage tourism.
Минералните води на Столична община – потенциални източници на туристически и икономически растеж
Минералните води на Столична община – потенциални източници на туристически и икономически растеж
(Mineral Waters of Sofia Municipality – Potential Sources of Tourism and Economic Growth)
- Author(s):Ivo Anev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:345-353
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:spa; tourism; mineral waters; economic potential; Sofia Municipality
- Summary/Abstract:The tourism y is one of the most effective ways for growth of the economic income. The development of the health culture makes the spa tourism more and more attractive. The presence of substantial mineral springs and traditional infrastructure on the territory of Sofia Municipality is an opportunity for attracting tourists and creating a direct and indirect economic value. Seven different examples were reviewed in the report, that was a base to an evaluation of the potential direct incomes, that they can generate.
Местата за настаняване в Рило-Пирински туристически район – състояние и тенденции
Местата за настаняване в Рило-Пирински туристически район – състояние и тенденции
(Accommodation Facilities in Rila-Pirin Tourist Region – Situation and Trends)
- Author(s):Vasil Marinov, Maria Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:354-364
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:accommodation facilities; Rila-Pirin region; Bulgaria; supply; demand; efficiency
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the current state, territorial features and long-term trends in the supply, demand and efficiency of accommodation facilities in the Rila-Pirin tourist region for a period of 20 years, which addresses the acute information gap regarding the situation and trends in the development of tourist regions. The region is emerging as one of the leading in Bulgaria, with the exception of the Black Sea regions. It is emphasized that its tourist development is determined by a limited number of municipalities, that the change in its position is determined mainly by the trends of domestic demand and that the rapid quantitative growth does not lead to a corresponding improvement of the performance of accommodation establishments.
Тенденции формиращи иновативни бизнес модели в дигитално трансформиращия се туристически сектор
Тенденции формиращи иновативни бизнес модели в дигитално трансформиращия се туристически сектор
(Trends Forming Innovative Buziness Models in the Digitally Transforming Business Sectror)
- Author(s):Katya Sotirova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:365-372
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:innovative tourism; digital transformation; entrepreneurial mind set; market approach; entrepreneurial
- Summary/Abstract:The digital transformation of the global business environment creates strong market competition, changing the economic development of sectors, which demand is accelerated by the instant access to information and services availability, without local presence. The tourism as a sector having no barriers for initial purchasing of services, is among the affected market sectors, which generates constant growth in consumption, but also flexibility, adaptability toward the consumers’ increasing expectations. The strong competition creates new market rules for the players – mandatory product innovation, constant technological adaptation, flexibility in finding successful marketing approaches and entrepreneurial mind set, which is resulting in a revolutionary new market subjects, in the tourist business environment. The current material has the purpose to present general trends that define innovative business directions in the digital transforming tourist sector.
Възможностите на винения туризъм предпоставка за развитие на българските области по течението на Долен Дунав
Възможностите на винения туризъм предпоставка за развитие на българските области по течението на Долен Дунав
(The Wine Tourism Opportunities Prerequisite for the Development of the Bulgarian Regions During the Lower Danube)
- Author(s):Tanya Risemova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:373-383
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:wine tourism; Danube tourist region; wine cellars
- Summary/Abstract:The available prerequisites for Bulgaria for wine production and wine tourism are considered in this report as a prerequisite for the development of the regions along the Lower Danube. To illustrate the possibilities of the region are listed wineries in the Bulgarian regions of the Lower Danube – Veliko Turnovo, Ruse, Silistra and Tutarakan and production of a series of wines. Wine tourism opportunities are presented, which can bring significant positive effects for both the local economy and winemakers in particular.
Бъдещето на спа туризма в България
Бъдещето на спа туризма в България
(The Future of the Spa Tourism in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Denitsa Dimova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:384-393
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:spa tourism; tendencies; analysis; perspectives
- Summary/Abstract:The tourism is one of the biggest sectors in the world economy, generating a significant share of revenue and employment worldwide. During a time of tourism growth, it is important to analyze the tendencies for further development. In this report, we mainly focus on spa tourism and its future progress on a global and national level. The aim of the report is to provide an understanding of the current condition and the trends in front of the spa tourism in Bulgaria, our position in the international tourism market for spa tourism, as well as our comparative and competitive advantages and disadvantages.
Възможности и предизвикателства пред туризма в България при предоставяне на услуги на медицински специалисти спонсорирани от фармацевтичната индустрия
Възможности и предизвикателства пред туризма в България при предоставяне на услуги на медицински специалисти спонсорирани от фармацевтичната индустрия
(Opportunities and Challenges to Tourism in Bulgaria in Providing Medical Specialists Sponsorship Provided by Pharmaceutical Industry)
- Author(s):Vladimir Boychev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:394-403
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:transparency; tourism; cooperation; codes; medical specialist
- Summary/Abstract:The cooperation of the pharmaceutical industry with healthcare professionals is a crucial factor in improving patient care. In order to ensure that patient well-being and satisfaction is at the heart of any collaboration, the pharmaceutical industry is introducing codes of conduct that create a sound, transparent and ethical basis for future relationships. This cooperation is based on voluntary self-regulation and so far the model has worked successfully. Nevertheless, the expectations of the society are increasing and, in particular, the expectations for the transparency of the system. The pharmaceutical industry is responding to these trends by working with increasing transparency and clarity, both in its dealings with healthcare professionals, on the one hand, and with tourism enterprises, on the other, mediating these relationships.
Конкурентни предимства на българските спа туристически обекти
Конкурентни предимства на българските спа туристически обекти
(Competitive Advantages of the Bulgarian Spa Tourism Objects)
- Author(s):Violeta Bashova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:404-413
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:competitive advantages; tourism; spa; Bulgaria; spa & wellness
- Summary/Abstract:The increased consumption of “exhaustive” resources in spa tourism is increasing at a rapid rate and is a function of the inexhaustible needs of consumers. It returns in a limited factor provision in the field of spa tourism, which creates the need for new and stimulating concepts in the supply of this type of business. Ccompetition in the field is growing exponentially, which necessitates considering and highlighting the competitive advantages that distinguish spa tourism sites in Bulgaria. The purpose of this report is to research and analyze spa facilities and their offerings, at the national level, to highlight the benefits of competitively successful spa and wellness tourism in seniors.
Въздействие на системите за планиране на интермодалните пътувания върху градския туризъм
Въздействие на системите за планиране на интермодалните пътувания върху градския туризъм
(Impact of Intermodal Journey Planners on Urban Tourism)
- Author(s):Christina Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism, Transport / Logistics
- Page Range:417-426
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:intermodal journey planners; urban tourism
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents the main characteristics and the role of intermodal journey planners for urban tourism development. The main aspects and elements of these planners are clarified and their impact on the touristic services in urban regions are discussed. An overview of the intermodal journey planners, applicable on the European level is made and the perspectives for their deployment in achieving the goals for sustainable urban mobility are outlined. The paper discusses the opportunities provided by the intermodal journey planners for working out urban mobility policies in order to achieve an adequate investments’ return and to guarantee compatibility and coherence with the others urban and regional measures. The role of existing infrastructure optimization and the application of big data systems is underlined with regards to better serving and governing the increasing demand for transport and mobility. The benefits of the deployment of intermodal journey planners in urban environment with the purpose of increasing efficiency and efficacy of urban touristic services are outlined. Finally, the main benefits and opportunities, related to the implementation of intermodal journey planners for developing the urban tourism are summarized.
Развитие на Варна като интелигентна туристическа дестинация
Развитие на Варна като интелигентна туристическа дестинация
(Development of Varna as Smart Tourist Destination)
- Author(s):Genka Rafailova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:427-440
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:smart tourism; smart destination; smart ICT
- Summary/Abstract:The main goal of this article is to present a method for the study of the state of a tourist destination in its development towards a smart destination. Smartness: considered as using innovative technologies for creating better value and achieving sustainability, is today a key characteristic of development, which contributes to steady competitiveness of the destination. Developing smart tourism leads to a higher quality of life for residents and for the attractiveness of the destination, primarily through exciting created experiences for the tourist. The article demonstrates application of an approach for analyzing and assessing Varna as smart destination. This study leads to conclusion that Varna is developing as smart destination but there are still underdeveloped characteristics and areas, such as infrastructure and application of smart technologies, big and open data, all of which are important determinants for achieving state of smartness.
Теоретико-методологични аспекти на конкурентоспособността на интелигентните туристически дестинации
Теоретико-методологични аспекти на конкурентоспособността на интелигентните туристически дестинации
(Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Smart Tourism Destinations Competitiveness)
- Author(s):Desislava Varadzhakova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:441-451
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:competitiveness; smart tourism destinations
- Summary/Abstract:The generation Y is actively entering the tourism market, which is the reason why tourism destinations direct their efforts towards meeting its needs. The expectations of constant internet connectivity and technological innovation cause more and more destinations to strive to increase their competitiveness through the application of information and communication innovations. The main objective of the present paper is to pay attention to the nature, significance and theoretical and methodological aspects of the competitiveness of smart tourism destinations.
Устойчив туризъм в България чрез GPS Tourist Guide с визуализация на околните обекти
Устойчив туризъм в България чрез GPS Tourist Guide с визуализация на околните обекти
(Sustainable Tourism in Bulgaria Through GPS Tourist Guide with Visualization of the Surrounding Objects)
- Author(s):Snezhana Ivanova, Aleksandra Eneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:452-459
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:economic sustainability; tourist infrastructure; GPS Tourist Guide
- Summary/Abstract:It has been reviewed the nature, development and concepts for sustainable tourism. It was carried an analysis of the problems and prospects for sustainable development of the tourism in Bulgaria. It has been reviewed marketing study for the future potential realization of a diversified tourist product – GPS Tourist Guide with visualization of the surrounding sites. The research was conducted through the Internet. The analysis of the results from conducted the researches questionnaire based on the information collected through 94 respondents from different regions of the country – Sofia, Stara Zagora, Gabrovo, Smolyan, Plovdiv.
Смарт туризмът в маркетинговото управление на хотелите
Смарт туризмът в маркетинговото управление на хотелите
(Smart Tourism in Tourism Marketing Management)
- Author(s):Maya Vasileva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:460-468
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:smart; intelligent tourism; marketing; marketing management; tourism
- Summary/Abstract:This article focuses on smart / intelligent tourism as a new and innovative method used in the marketing management in the hotels. The article addresses the issues related to the uses of intelligent tourism in marketing management as a method of attracting tourists, giving competitive advantage to the destination and / or hotel, and promoting products and services.
Консултантските проекти за развитие на смарт туризма
Консултантските проекти за развитие на смарт туризма
(Consulting Projects for Development of Smart Tourism)
- Author(s):Danail Alekov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:469-477
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:smart tourism; consulting; destinations; projects; technology
- Summary/Abstract:This report examines the implementation of integrated smart tourism within a destination development conception. Implementation of various good practices on EU level has been proposed through international consultancy. Tools of the smart tourism has been reviewed (mobile applications, Augmented reality and Near field communications).
Интернет и мобилните технологии – катализатор за развитието на споделеното настаняване
Интернет и мобилните технологии – катализатор за развитието на споделеното настаняване
(Internet and Mobile Technologies – a Catalyst for Growth of Peer-to-Peer Accommodation)
- Author(s):Elena Ilieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:481-491
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:tourism; shared economy; P2P-accommodation; internet; mobile technologies
- Summary/Abstract:The current changes in tourist accommodation transformed the tourist patterns dramatically. As modern alternative, the shared accommodation (or P2P-accommodation) competes the traditional hotel industry successfully through the last decade. One of the most common questions is: What makes it so preferred and catalyzes the growth and success of P2P-accommodation? To answer this question partially, the current paper tries to reveal the role and meaning of internet and modern mobile technologies as prerequisite and, at the same time, reason for the dynamic development of P2Paccommodation trough last years.
Предизвикателства пред икономиката на споделяне
Предизвикателства пред икономиката на споделяне
(Challenges to the Sharing Economy)
- Author(s):Milena Kunova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:492-499
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:sharing economy; definition; regulation; challenges
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, the term “sharing economy” has become increasingly popular, which is directly related to the development of modern technologies, the mass penetration of the Internet, mobile platforms and advertisements that make sharing easy and accessible. The topic is up-to-date and gaining in popularity, but needs further definition. The purpose of the report is to clarify the essence of the concept of a sharing economy and to guide its development.
Радикални идеологии застрашаващи туризма
Радикални идеологии застрашаващи туризма
(Radical Ideologies Threating Tourism)
- Author(s):Peter Atanassov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Political Theory, Politics and religion, Tourism
- Page Range:500-510
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:tourism; terrorism; radical ideologies; separatism
- Summary/Abstract:The tourism industry, which is essentially considered useful, connecting people and cultures and generating jobs and contributing to the development of accompanying services and transport businesses, has been attacked by radical ideologies at both ideological and practical levels of terrorism and vandalism. The purpose of this report is to examine some of these, both theoretically and practically radical ideologies.
Въздействия на споделената икономика в туризма
Въздействия на споделената икономика в туризма
(Impacts of the Sharing Economy in Tourism)
- Author(s):Yana Doneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:511-521
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:sharing economy; tourism; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:Tourism is a service-dominated sector and, as such, it is entirely subject to the particularities of consumer behavior. In last years, we have witnessed a change in the way we communicate in society, which has influenced consumer attitudes and points of view towards leisure. Following the trend of socialization and sharing, the sector and governments are going through a phase of reconfiguring the business environment so that it is conducive to its participants. The report examines the sharing economy and its impacts on tourism. The goal is to define the concept, to highlight the consequences and problems of the phenomenon for the tourism industry in Bulgaria.
Туристическият маркетинг в преход към Маркетинг 4.0 – споделената икономика чрез дигитални канали
Туристическият маркетинг в преход към Маркетинг 4.0 – споделената икономика чрез дигитални канали
(Tourism Marketing in Transition to Marketing 4.0 – Sharing Economy through Digital Channels)
- Author(s):Ivaylo Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising, Tourism
- Page Range:522-532
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Marketing 4.0; sharing economy; digital channels; tourism
- Summary/Abstract:It was the marketing in the field of Tourism who adopted new forms and approaches in the current global business environment. Digital marketing channels, with its ever-growing role, used as a source of advertisements or sales are making Marketing 4.0 a reality now. A review of Kotler’s et al., 2017 “Marketing 4.0 – Moving from Traditional to Digital” has been held to reveal the current global market conjuncture and appropriate strategies for the success of the modern company. The importance of social networks and sharing economy for the modern consumer is outlined, as well as the influence of YWN = Youth, Women, Netizens on company marketing approaches.
Социално-отговорните инициативи на бизнеса в дигитална среда, като част от изграждането на имиджа и репутацията на компаниите
Социално-отговорните инициативи на бизнеса в дигитална среда, като част от изграждането на имиджа и репутацията на компаниите
(Socially Responsible Business Initiatives in the Digital Environment as Part of Building the Image and Reputation of Companies)
- Author(s):Pavleta Vankova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:533-542
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:social responsibility initiatives; corporate social responsibility; digital communication tools; website; social media
- Summary/Abstract:In today’s digital age, the importance of adopting a new model of business behavior that generates real benefits for business and society is increasing. The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) means the set of attitudes, decisions and actions of an organization that are socially oriented. When the company’s attitudes, decisions and actions match those of the society, it acquires a socially responsible image. The social responsibility of the company is valued by others and has different manifestations. It covers business commitments to society, expanding their range beyond economic functions, and including social activities as indispensable. Corporate Social Responsibility is a strategic choice for the leadership of any organization that wants to integrate better into the environment in which it operates through a responsible attitude towards society and the environment. For this reason, the active role of managers is crucial to minimize problems in society, to ensure sustainable development and an optimal environment for the functioning of the organization they manage. The process of globalization, the development of digital technologies and the increased economic growth have led the beginning of the study and exploration of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the next level. On the other hand, globalization creates new stakeholders in the process and determines the need for constant communication with them. As a result, more than ever, companies are engaging in various socially responsible causes. And in this interconnected globalized world, the World Wide Web and the communication tools that have been created and developed based on it have changed the way people and companies inform, communicate and connect with each other. Digital tools enable companies to increase opportunities to promote their socially responsible initiatives and engage key internal and external company stakeholders – consumers, employees, shareholders and suppliers, as well as citizens and NGOs that are important to the organization. And thus, create the desired favorable image and reputation. The report summarizes the overall digital communication mechanism for promoting a socially responsible initiative and building a favorable image and reputation of the company. The purpose of the report is: to present the essence of the company’s socially responsible initiatives on the Internet and the benefits for the business; to outline the most important digital tools available to date in the arsenal of managers to build a favorable image and reputation of the company.
Споделената икономика и MICE туризмът
Споделената икономика и MICE туризмът
(Sharing Economy and MICE Tourism)
- Author(s):Ralitsa Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:543-551
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:sharing economy; MICE tourism; connection; relations
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper researches the interactions between the sharing economy and the forms of MICE tourism, which are the result of technological progress and digitalization of the processes. The relevance of the topic is determined by the technological innovations – a prerequisite of change in consumers’ behavior and preferences in the tourism sector. Hypotheses are placed, concerning the impact of the sharing economy, as a result of the digital progress and online processes, on MICE tourism forms – business meetings, intensives, conferences, exhibitions. In this regard, are examined the individual elements, part of the sharing economy, the profile of the business tourists and the characteristics, conditioning the specifics of MICE tourism.
Културните маршрути – споделен ресурс без граници
Културните маршрути – споделен ресурс без граници
(Cultural Routes – a Shared Resource without Borders)
- Author(s):Tanya Parusheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:555- 563
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:cultural route; shared resource; dialogue; intercultural cooperation; sustainable development
- Summary/Abstract:The scientific report aims to examine the cultural routes as an opportunity to guarantee the cultural integrity and the sustainable development of the regions. The attention is focused on cultural routes as an expression of the mutual enrichment of different cultures. A new model for preserving cultural values as a shared resource without borders is presented. Special emphasis is placed on the European Cultural Routes Initiative, launched jointly by the European Commission and the Council of Europe. Cultural routes are analyzed as an important resource for sustainable social and economic development. The author defends the thesis that cultural routes encourage many initiatives for the development of sustainable tourism products and the improvement of cultural heritage policies.
Туристическо търсене на атракциите, основани на културното наследство, в община Велико Търново
Туристическо търсене на атракциите, основани на културното наследство, в община Велико Търново
(Tourist Demand for Cultural Heritage Attractions in Veliko Tarnovo Municipality)
- Author(s):Vasil Marinov, Vera Nikolova, Mariana Assenova, Elena Petkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:564-577
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:tourist demand; cultural heritage tourist attractions; Veliko Tarnovo Municipality
- Summary/Abstract:Veliko Tarnovo Municipality is one of the most prominent examples of a cultural tourism destination in Bulgaria. The study of the tourist demand for the cultural heritage attrac565 tions offered in the municipality provides an opportunity to draw conclusions about the current state and development of cultural tourism in the area, the market segment, the attitude of visitors to the product offered and the quality of service, as well as to identify some emerging problems. The aim of the study is to perform, through tourist demand analysis, a quantitative assessment of the visitation and a qualitative assessment of visitor satisfaction from the cultural heritage tourist attractions.
Имиджът на китайския културен туризъм – инвестиции в уникални легенди, обекти и креативност
Имиджът на китайския културен туризъм – инвестиции в уникални легенди, обекти и креативност
(The Image of Chinese Cultural Tourism – Investing in Unique Legends, Sites and Creativity)
- Author(s):Sonya Alexieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:578-588
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:cultural tourism; image; China; legends; cultural sites; events; attractions
- Summary/Abstract:Building China’s image as an increasingly attractive cultural tourism destination draws from the country’s rich cultural heritage left by 5,000-years of Chinese civilization as well as from the unique UNESCO-listed sites. The development of various types of cultural tourism involves numerous tourism sites, museums, and special events from China’s calendar. History and heritage, in addition to attractions and technology demonstrate the country’s emergence as a destination which invests in the integration of culture and economy based on creativity, unique tourism sites, and modern infrastructure.
Иновации в туристическия продукт на София: проучване на избрани градски турове
Иновации в туристическия продукт на София: проучване на избрани градски турове
(Innovations in the Urban Tourist Product of Sofia: a Study of Selected City Tours)
- Author(s):Elka Dogramadzhieva, Radenka Mitova, Elena Petkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:589-598
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:city tours; innovation; experience
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents summarised results of a study on innovations in the urban tourism product of Sofia city, based on selected city tours and thematic routes. The study is focused on five organizations offering a combination of “free” (tip-based) and paid tours targeted mainly at the foreign visitors. These providers do not belong to the traditional tourism business but have recently enjoyed great market success. Qualitative analysis of information from a variety of sources has been performed covering vendor websites, semi-structured interviews with owners / managers and tour guides, and online customer reviews. Results outline the main aspects of innovativeness in the studied city tours of Sofia, as well as the key determinants of valuable tour experience from a customer perspective.
Пространствена конфигурация на обектите на недвижимото културно-историческо наследство (НКИН) на България
Пространствена конфигурация на обектите на недвижимото културно-историческо наследство (НКИН) на България
(Spatial Configuration of the Immovable Objects of the Bulgarian Cultural-Historical Heritage)
- Author(s):Maria Grozeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Cultural history, Geography, Regional studies, Applied Geography, Tourism
- Page Range:599-608
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:spatial configuration; cultural tourism; cultural and historical heritage
- Summary/Abstract:Anthropogenic cultural and historical values are an important resource for the development of cultural tourism. In our country they are found and continue to find a variety of valuable items from different cultures and civilizations left their traces in the Bulgarian lands. The total number of these in varying degrees preserved remains over 40 000 sites, of which only about 8000 are socialized, i.e. are suitable for tourist visits. In the proposed article, some of the major groups of objects in this category are classified according to their territorial forms in the space and configurations they shape.
Културният туризъм като конкурентно предимство на туристическата дестинация (на примера на Община Девин)
Културният туризъм като конкурентно предимство на туристическата дестинация (на примера на Община Девин)
(Cultural Tourism as a Competitive Advantage of a Tourist Destination (Example: Devin Municipality))
- Author(s):Malina Shiblova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:609-619
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:cultural tourism; competitive advantages; competitiveness
- Summary/Abstract:The impact of tourism on regional development arises directly through: the growth of tourism products development; attracting tourists’ personal savings; creating an active regional consumer market and increasing the investment attractiveness of the local tourism industry. Cultural tourism helps to discover, study, compare and preserve cultural heritage. The more unique, authentic and valuable the cultural heritage is, the stronger the appeal and attractiveness of the tourist destination in which it is located.
Иновативно използване на сензорния маркетинг в индустрията на гостоприемството и туризма
Иновативно използване на сензорния маркетинг в индустрията на гостоприемството и туризма
(Innovative Use of Sensory Marketing in Hospitality and Tourism)
- Author(s):Adriana Madzharov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising, Tourism
- Page Range:620-626
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:sensory marketing; scent marketing; ambient scent; consumer behavior
- Summary/Abstract:The present paper reviews recent academic research on sensory marketing and examples of its applications in tourism. In addition, the paper summarizes novel findings in the subarea of scent research (e.g., on product and ambient scent) and discusses their implications in the context of tourism. Finally, the paper suggests paths for future research on sensory marketing in tourism with particular focus on the underdeveloped subarea of scent.
Добри практики за усъвършенстване на операциите в хотелския фронт офис
Добри практики за усъвършенстване на операциите в хотелския фронт офис
(Good Practices for Operations Improvement in Hotel Front Office)
- Author(s):Jaklin Cohen
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:627-636
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:improvement; good practices; hotel operations; front office; Chain hotels
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this paper research are the best practices in the hotel industry, whose application is aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the hotel business. The need of usage the experience of large hotel organizations to apply managerial knowledge and skills, new ideas, activities and processes is revealed. The concepts of leading hotel chains for operationalization of front office activities which implement modern initiatives to optimize hotel operations are discussed. The influence of smart technologies has been researched as essential examples for improving front office processes. The goal is to come up with useful guidelines for improving operations based on the study and implementation of successful practices.
Mодел за управление на здравния туризъм като възможност за успех на дестинацията
Mодел за управление на здравния туризъм като възможност за успех на дестинацията
(Health Tourism Management Model as a Possibility for Destination Success)
- Author(s):Stiliyana Basmadzhieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:637-647
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:model; marketing management; destination management;health tourism;
- Summary/Abstract:Health tourism is one of the most developed specialized types of tourism worldwide. To establish a marketing model for a particular destination the initial step would be to select those best practices, which could be adapted to the current development state of the health tourism in Bulgaria. After that we need to analyse the regions with main or expanded specialization in the field of health tourism and to select the one which corresponds at the highest level to the chosen practice, taking into account it`s resources and opportunities. After we make an analysis of the current development state of the health tourism in the selected region, we could make recommendations that should serve as а basis for creation of a strategic marketing plan for the development of the destination for health tourism management.
Kak мобилните технологии промениха традиционното хотелиерство (по примера на световни хотелски брандове)
Kak мобилните технологии промениха традиционното хотелиерство (по примера на световни хотелски брандове)
(How Mobile Technology is Changing the Traditional Hospitality (Examples of Global Hotel Brands))
- Author(s):Ralitsa Grozdeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:648-656
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:mobile devices; traditional hospitality; innovations
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, people‘s daily activities have been linked to mobile technology, and as the surrounding world continues to become more digital, the traditional hospitality industry is transformed through digital technology. In view of this, the main focus of the development is to explore technological innovations that increase customer satisfaction and increase the financial performance of organizations in the sector. The report focuses on the use of mobile technology and innovation in all aspects of the service process as a way of dealing with competition and attracting a new breed of customers. The conclusion is drawn towards the use of smart technological solutions in the hotel sector, which should adapt to the rapidly changing attitudes and expectations of customers. Developing in the way that mobile technologies change consumer expectations, traditional hospitality needs to change the way it conducts its business, leading to major improvements and technological innovations.
Програмите за лоялност като история на успеха
Програмите за лоялност като история на успеха
(The Loyalty Programs: Success Story)
- Author(s):Irina Karadakova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising, Tourism
- Page Range:657-670
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:loyalty; customers; program; product; brand
- Summary/Abstract:In the present work we analyze the customer loyalty programs, considering them one of most significant tools of the modern marketing for retention of the existing customers. Customer loyalty is crucial for the company sales and the customer loyalty programs are one of the most reliable methods for its establishment and stimulation. Furthermore, the new generations are loyalty natives, since they have been members of such programs ever since they’ve been consumers and they demand bonuses and incentives in exchange of their consumption. As the loyalty programs evolve throughout the years, they offer much more options for their members, thus leading to even higher customer expectations that must be met by the business.
Уникалният туризъм в добрите практики на „зеленото“ хотелиерство
Уникалният туризъм в добрите практики на „зеленото“ хотелиерство
(The Unique Tourism in the Good Practices of Green Hotels)
- Author(s):Vlado Bozhilov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Environmental and Energy policy, Tourism
- Page Range:671-681
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:unique; good practices; green hotel management; electricity; water
- Summary/Abstract:This report seeks to identify and apply good practices in green hospitality, highlighting the uniqueness it offers through which hoteliers can implement similar environmental measures, reducing electricity consumption, conserving water resources and using recyclable packaging and materials. The implementation of separate waste collection, the use of environmentally friendly non-aerosol cleaners and the cooperation with suppliers applying the green supply cycle will improve the environmental status of the environment. The topic is very relevant because of the growing trend of responsible and environmentally friendly treatment of our planet in the face of ever-increasing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the desire to limit it.
Фактори за устойчивост на малкия бизнес в цифровата икономика
Фактори за устойчивост на малкия бизнес в цифровата икономика
(Small Business Sustainability Factors in the Digital Economy)
- Author(s):Alexander Averin
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Tourism, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:685-693
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:economic policy; small business; digital economy; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:The study considers factors, features and problems of sustainable development of small business in the context of the digitalization of the economy (for example, the Baltic countries for the period from 2009 to 2019). Identifies key problems in the implementation of entrepreneurial activity in countries with developing economies. Measures to ensure the sustainable economic development of small businesses are considered. The methodology of the article: the methodological basis of the article is General scientific research methods such as the method of statistical analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, interpretation of results, the method of orientation on the final result, the method of expert estimations and forecasting.
Въздействие на дигитализацията върху туристическото посредничество
Въздействие на дигитализацията върху туристическото посредничество
(Impact of Digitalization on Tourism Intermediation)
- Author(s):Petya Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:694-701
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:tourism; digitalization; intermediation
- Summary/Abstract:Changes in tourism intermediation, mainly due to the digitalization of the economy and society, are considered. A comparison has been made between traditional and online travel agents. The current role of local travel agents and relationships with primary producers in today’s market environment has been clarified. Current technological opportunities with application in the activity of tourist intermediaries are presented.
Дигитални инструменти и стратегии за стартиране на онлайн бизнес – изграждане на успешен онлайн магазин
Дигитални инструменти и стратегии за стартиране на онлайн бизнес – изграждане на успешен онлайн магазин
(Digital Tools and Strategies for Starting an Online Business – Building a Successful Online Store)
- Author(s):Nikolay Koychev Vankov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:702-715
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:e-store; e-commerce business; digital entrepreneurship
- Summary/Abstract:The report presents at the practicalities of digital tools and strategies for e-Commerce business creation, such as: knowledge of key concepts and tools in online commerce; researching, analyzing and defining a business idea, based on market signals and understanding and using the major online trading platforms. The goal is to present a successful e-Store from scratch. At the beginning of the report were laid the theoretical foundations and analysis in the development of online commerce, such as: the nature and functioning of the e-Store, the reasons for starting an e-commerce business by digital entrepreneurs, and presented various techniques and methods for finding a profitable idea for an online store, a suitable market and the perfect product for it. The analysis approaches used are the various digital tools and platforms available in the arsenal of entrepreneurs. The second part of the report presents techniques and methods for discovering a profitable business idea for an online store, an appropriate market and the perfect product for it, focusing on market analysis, niche and product, creating the image of the ideal online store customer. The process of product selection is reviewed, among the many entrepreneurial ideas for online business, the criteria for evaluating these entrepreneurial ideas related to the product, the methods and digital tools for validating the entrepreneurial idea are described, and finally the process for selecting and preparing a digital e-Store launch platform.
Бизнес планиране в туризма – нови реалности и измерения
Бизнес планиране в туризма – нови реалности и измерения
(Business Planning in Tourism - New Realities and Dimensions)
- Author(s):Margarita Misheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:716-723
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:tourism business; planning; new realities
- Summary/Abstract:In the article are presented and analyzed issues related to the new realities and trends in which the tourism business operates, with a focus on business planning. The report also looks at some essential aspects of business planning in the context of strategic management of tourism organizations. Attention is also focused on the application of some new trends and tools for improving planning in tourism companies, including information technology and the human factor.
Фактори за позитивно въздействие на иновационната дейност върху финансовото представяне на предприятията: теоретични аспекти
Фактори за позитивно въздействие на иновационната дейност върху финансовото представяне на предприятията: теоретични аспекти
(Factors for the Positive Impact of the Innovation Activity on the Financial Performance of the Enterprises: Theoretical Aspects)
- Author(s):Galya Taseva-Petkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Public Finances
- Page Range:724-739
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:innovation; financial performance
- Summary/Abstract:A review of the literature in the field shows that there is no direct positive causal link between the innovation activity of enterprises and their financial situation. A wide range of necessary prerequisites is established for realizing the positive impact of the innovative activity of the companies on their financial performance. These include: providing sufficient resources, including financial resources, for companies to benefit directly from the benefits of their innovation activity, reaching a minimum threshold for R&D expenditure, persistence of innovation, patenting, appropriate choice of innovation strategy, participation in innovation alliances, providing the necessary motivation for staff, long enough time to realize the benefits of innovation.
Дигитализацията при управлението на хотели
Дигитализацията при управлението на хотели
(Digitalisation in Hotel Management)
- Author(s):Zornica Zlatanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:740-749
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:digitalization; digital marketing; management
- Summary/Abstract:More than ever now, the digital economy is becoming an integral part of all areas of contemporary development and economics. In tourism, ICT is radically transforming the activities of the tourism enterprises. This requires new approaches, strategies and business models in order to maximize potential benefits and opportunities for innovation, competitiveness, profitability and satisfaction of the proposed tourism demand and behavior. In the theory and practice, popular strategies are being implemented, which contribute to the successful implementation and refinement of applications the internet marketing in hotel management. Based on the analyzed aspects of the studied strategies, it is possible to develop programs, which could be implement by marketing managers in order to optimize their management skills by effectively applying the elements of internet marketing.
Алтернативните начини на разплащане като възможност за повишаване на продажбите в електронната търговия в хотелиерството
Алтернативните начини на разплащане като възможност за повишаване на продажбите в електронната търговия в хотелиерството
(Alternative Payment Methods as an Opportunity to Grow Sales in E-Commerce in Hospitality)
- Author(s):Alexander Dimitrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:750-759
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:e-commerce; alternative methods of payment; online sales
- Summary/Abstract:The rapid development of internet technologies in the past few years attracts more and more people to spend their time online. Internet is becoming a preferred place for finalizing sales. At the same time most of the iconic hotels are available online and the guests can check and book them via the Internet. Along with the dynamic development of e-commerce, there are more methods of payment that are available to meet the customer needs. The subject of this report is the alternative methods of payments and the benefits for both sides – customer and hotelier.
Роля на социалните мрежи за ефективно използване на свободното време
Роля на социалните мрежи за ефективно използване на свободното време
(Role of Social Media for Effective Use of Leisure Time)
- Author(s):Ralitsa Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:760-769
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:social media; leisure time; Internet; mass tourism; effect
- Summary/Abstract:The scientific report aims to examine the role of social media for the effective use of leisure time. The positive and negative effects of the widespread use of the Internet and social media are analyzed. Special attention is given to the ways in which users can use their leisure time. The potential threats from the use of social networks are presented. The opportunities offered by the online space to consumers and businesses are discussed. The author defends the thesis that social networks give freedom and information in order to achieve optimization of the time-quality-quantity ratio, despite the possible negative effects observed.
Значение на кулинарния туризъм за мотивацията на туристите в дигиталната ера
Значение на кулинарния туризъм за мотивацията на туристите в дигиталната ера
(The Importance of Culinary Tourism for Tourists’ Motivation in the Digital Era)
- Author(s):Yoana Ognyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:770-779
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:culinary tourism; digitalization; culinary tourist; behavior; motivation
- Summary/Abstract:The scientific report aims to explore the role of digitalization in motivating tourists for culinary tourism. The attention is paid to the specific features of this type of alternative tourism. The opportunities for enhancing the prosperity of the local community are highlighted. The importance of gastronomy for preserving the identity of the culinary destination is indicated. The participation of digital technologies in culinary tourism through thematic websites, blogs and social networks is discussed. The special emphasis is placed on motivating culinary tourists. The author defends the thesis the digital technologies have great importance in the process of motivating tourists for culinary tourism.
Повишаване на конкурентоспособността на УНСС посредством инициативи за популяризиране на имиджа му
Повишаване на конкурентоспособността на УНСС посредством инициативи за популяризиране на имиджа му
(Increasing the Competitiveness of the UNWE Through Initiatives to Promote its Image)
- Author(s):Mariana Ianeva, Veselina Portarska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Education, Higher Education , Marketing / Advertising, Tourism
- Page Range:783-793
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:competitiveness; image; promotion; university education
- Summary/Abstract:The introduction of national education systems on the international market related to education services has intensified competition in the internal market and raised questions about the prestige and future of education at national level. In the last few years, the high activity of American, Russian and some European universities with a tourist profile, as well as the unfavorable demographic factors, have greatly influenced the reform of education systems in the process of globalization. One of the most important issues for any school is to increase its competitiveness not only locally but also internationally in terms of the quality of its educational product, as well as to make it recognizable to the new requirements of the modern consumer.
Интегриране на иновативни и е-подходи в обучението на студенти от специалността „Противодействие на радикализацията и тероризма” във Военна академия „Г. С. Раковски”
Интегриране на иновативни и е-подходи в обучението на студенти от специалността „Противодействие на радикализацията и тероризма” във Военна академия „Г. С. Раковски”
(Integration of Innovative and E-Approaches in the Study Process of the Specialty of “Countering Radicalization and Terrorism” at Rakovski National Defence College)
- Author(s):Petar Marinov, Valentina Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Higher Education , Distance learning / e-learning
- Page Range:794-803
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:e-learning; e-approaches; teaching countering radicalization and terrorism; flipped classroom
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents the benefits of integrating e-Learning and different types of eapproaches in the study process of the Master‘s Degree students in Security and Countering Radicalization and Terrorism at Rakovski National Defence College. Specific examples of application of innovative approaches in the curriculum (e.g. „flipped classroom“) are suggested. The benefits of this teaching model are explained and the challenges that accompany it are presented.
Обучение на екскурзоводите: национални стереотипи
Обучение на екскурзоводите: национални стереотипи
(Education of Tour Guides: National Stereotypes)
- Author(s):Atanas Kazakov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:804-813
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:segmentation; tourist market; national stereotypes
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper we look upon behavioral characteristics of six important for Bulgaria contemporary and future tourism market segments. This way we hope to make the work of Bulgarian Tour guides a bit easier when they are busy with organized groups or individual tourists.
Дистанция на властта между ръководители и подчинени – къде се намира хотелиерството?
Дистанция на властта между ръководители и подчинени – къде се намира хотелиерството?
(Power Distance between Managers and Employees: How Does the Hospitality Industry Score?)
- Author(s):Rumen Minkovski
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Psychology, Labor relations, Organizational Psychology, Tourism
- Page Range:814-823
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:рower distance; power distance index; human resource management; organisational culture; hospitality industry
- Summary/Abstract:Power Distance (PD) effects in Bulgarian organisations have been subject to scientific research for almost a quarter of a century now. However, that type of interaction between managers and employees is a relatively new area of study in the field of human resource management in hotels in Bulgaria. The paper presents the results from 12 empirical studies of PD using Hofstede’s model, two of which are in the hospitality industry. A comparative analysis has been carried out on the Power Distance Index (PDI) and its variables: fear among the employees, their understanding of an actual management style, preferred management style, etc. The results obtained in the hospitality industry show the highest PDI in comparison to other sectors. The paper also discusses some of the consequences high PDI can have for the human resource management practice in hotels. Some proposals are made as how to reduce the PDI.
Академични аспекти на съвременния курс по английски език за студенти по туризъм
Академични аспекти на съвременния курс по английски език за студенти по туризъм
(Academic Aspects of a Modern English Language Course for Students of Tourism)
- Author(s):Albena Stefanova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Higher Education , Tourism
- Page Range:824-833
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:tourism; English for tourism; ESP in tourism
- Summary/Abstract:In a globalised world with more opportunities to travel and work, knowledge of English has become a must along with the knowledge of at least one, preferably two other foreign languages. Hence, the language courses in English for tourism at tertiary level have to put greater emphasis on the acquisition of the integrated specialised English knowledge and skills providing for competitiveness on the labour market and for a successful career in tourism. Therefore, the major academic aspects of a modern course in English for students of tourism include syllabus optimisation, effective tasks and activities based on students’ interest in interactivity and social media, enhanced motivation, encouraged self-direction, development of critical thinking and increased usage of soft skills and creativity. These aspects contribute to the improved student performance and course effectiveness and ensure the satisfaction of all stakeholders in the sector.
Взаимодействие между университетското образование и туристическия бизнес в България
Взаимодействие между университетското образование и туристическия бизнес в България
(Interaction between University Education and Tourism Business in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Svetla Tagareva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Higher Education , Tourism
- Page Range:834-842
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:education and business; skills, competence; knowledge; change
- Summary/Abstract:This report aims to present the issue of the importance of interaction and feedback between universities and the tourism business in the country. In addition to being competitive, it is affected by new market trends. For this reason, future experts should be well prepared and aware of new solutions, have a good theoretical background, but not least well-developed logic, acquired communication and analytical skills.
Нов образователен подход към туристическия продукт, адаптиран към новото поколение потребители
Нов образователен подход към туристическия продукт, адаптиран към новото поколение потребители
(New Educational Approach to Tourism Product, Adapted Towards New Generation Customers)
- Author(s):Darina Suleva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising, Tourism
- Page Range:843-850
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Generation Z; new educational approach; new customers’ requirements; tourism product; classification of social generations
- Summary/Abstract:Following the logical time path, new generations are eager to discover and implement the novelties, while other generations deny to accept the continuous innovations and developments. This analysis includes the interrelation between three concept categories – the new generation of customers, adapted tourism product and new educational approach. The adaptation and the new approach respectively should be based on the characteristics of the first concept – the new customers – Generation Z, who represents the largest customer group in the world in 2020.