Туристическият маркетинг в преход към Маркетинг 4.0 – споделената икономика чрез дигитални канали
Tourism Marketing in Transition to Marketing 4.0 – Sharing Economy through Digital Channels
Author(s): Ivaylo Ivanov
Subject(s): Economy, Marketing / Advertising, Tourism
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Marketing 4.0; sharing economy; digital channels; tourism
Summary/Abstract: It was the marketing in the field of Tourism who adopted new forms and approaches in the current global business environment. Digital marketing channels, with its ever-growing role, used as a source of advertisements or sales are making Marketing 4.0 a reality now. A review of Kotler’s et al., 2017 “Marketing 4.0 – Moving from Traditional to Digital” has been held to reveal the current global market conjuncture and appropriate strategies for the success of the modern company. The importance of social networks and sharing economy for the modern consumer is outlined, as well as the influence of YWN = Youth, Women, Netizens on company marketing approaches.
- Page Range: 522-532
- Page Count: 11
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Bulgarian