Развитие на Варна като интелигентна туристическа дестинация
Development of Varna as Smart Tourist Destination

Author(s): Genka Rafailova
Subject(s): Economy, Tourism
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: smart tourism; smart destination; smart ICT
Summary/Abstract: The main goal of this article is to present a method for the study of the state of a tourist destination in its development towards a smart destination. Smartness: considered as using innovative technologies for creating better value and achieving sustainability, is today a key characteristic of development, which contributes to steady competitiveness of the destination. Developing smart tourism leads to a higher quality of life for residents and for the attractiveness of the destination, primarily through exciting created experiences for the tourist. The article demonstrates application of an approach for analyzing and assessing Varna as smart destination. This study leads to conclusion that Varna is developing as smart destination but there are still underdeveloped characteristics and areas, such as infrastructure and application of smart technologies, big and open data, all of which are important determinants for achieving state of smartness.

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