Трансформационни процеси и влияния в туризма
Transformation Processes and Impacts in Tourism

Author(s): Mariya Stankova
Subject(s): Economy, Tourism
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: tourism; transformation; digitalization; new communication approaches
Summary/Abstract: Under the influence of information technologies, the life space is changing, dynamics is accelerating, the social and individual existence are being transformed, new channels of influence are being formed, both on nowledge and on daily life. Taking into account the direction of transformation, tourism as economic activity is increasingly aware of the importance of establishing approaches to optimize management activities, which goes beyond conventional perceptions. Thus, studying the topic, the conclusion is that the transformation in the conditions of a technological society and everyday life dependent on information technologies is inevitable. It also covers the industry of tourism, which, however, with its inherent trends, goals, expectations and influences, is not only a creator and consumer in the digital environment, but also a pre-eminent factor.

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