Туристическите райони в България: състояние и проблеми
The Tourism Regions in Bulgaria: Status and Problems
Author(s): Ivan Markov, Tanya Yoncheva
Subject(s): Economy, Tourism
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: tourism regionalization; tourism region; destination management organization; establishment;legal person;
Summary/Abstract: In 2015 a Concept of tourism regionalization was approved in Bulgaria. Trough this concept, 9 tourism regions are outlined in the country. Each of them is managed by a single destination management organization (DMO). For the first time in the development of tourism in the country regional structures for management are legally defined. The object of this article is to clarify certain issues in relation to legal status of DMO as a specific type of legal person. The study examines the conditions for establishment, the membership, the governing bodies and activities of the analyzed organization. The advantages of introducing tourism regions and organizations of their management are discussed. Meanwhile, some gaps and imperfections of the legal framework are mentioned and the possible options for their removal are suggested.
- Page Range: 163-173
- Page Count: 11
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Bulgarian