Добри практики за усъвършенстване на операциите в хотелския фронт офис
Good Practices for Operations Improvement in Hotel Front Office

Author(s): Jaklin Cohen
Subject(s): Economy, Tourism
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: improvement; good practices; hotel operations; front office; Chain hotels
Summary/Abstract: The subject of this paper research are the best practices in the hotel industry, whose application is aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the hotel business. The need of usage the experience of large hotel organizations to apply managerial knowledge and skills, new ideas, activities and processes is revealed. The concepts of leading hotel chains for operationalization of front office activities which implement modern initiatives to optimize hotel operations are discussed. The influence of smart technologies has been researched as essential examples for improving front office processes. The goal is to come up with useful guidelines for improving operations based on the study and implementation of successful practices.

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