Европа през 21 век : Регионалната сигурност и необходимите реформи в Европейския съюз
Europe in the 21st Century: Regional Security and the Necessary Reformsin the EU
Collection of papers and scientific reports from International Round Table
Contributor(s): Nenko Doykov (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Political Theory, Civil Society, Public Administration, Sociology, Economic policy, Environmental and Energy policy, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Politics and law, Politics and religion, Criminology, Radical sociology , Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies, Globalization, EU-Legislation, Geopolitics
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: crisis; reforms; migrants; policies; European Union; migration; reforms; international relations; security studies; environment security; education; terrorism; radicalization; multiculturalism; security; border control; EU law; corruption; crime;
Summary/Abstract: The annual academic forum of National and International Security Department this year is devoted to regional security and reforms in the European Union. Foreign academics and researchers from Poland, Macedonia, Serbia, Russia and other countries are taking part in this broad forum.Why have we chosen this topic?Today, in the first quarter of the 21st century, it appears that the world is on the verge of tolerance of risks and threats. The range of these threats is enormously broad - from the danger of wars between countries and coalitions, to violence among people within states. The world is in a period of devastated global equilibrium and a slowly developing new equilibrium. The temporal distance between these two states opened a place for the manifestation of chaos.In this increasingly difficult to predict world, the European Union has not been so far under such a criticism as the present since its creation. It comes from the ultimate right and the ultimate left, pass through the center and involve more and more ideologists and representatives, even the classical left and center-right political parties. But even a glimpse of their criticism does not show a way out of the crisis. It does not show how to preserve what is valuable in politics, economics and democracy that Europeans have undoubtedly enjoyed and continue to enjoy and how to transfer it into a future European Project.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-954-535-953-8
- Page Count: 698
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: English, Bulgarian, Macedonian
От криза към реформи: „бежанската“ криза и опитите за нейното овладяване
От криза към реформи: „бежанската“ криза и опитите за нейното овладяване
(From crisis to reforms: the “refugee” crisis and the attempts for its containment)
- Author(s):Svetoslav Malinov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics, Migration Studies
- Page Range:11-17
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:crisis; reforms; European Union; refugees; migrants; policies;
- Summary/Abstract:This report focuses on crisis processes in the European Union, which give rise to the need for reforms in several areas: Greek debt, deteriorating relations with Russia, "refugee" flow, increase in the number of terrorist acts, the referendum in the UK. The author stresses that there are very few positive examples for consensus on long-term measures against future threats. Crisis prevention through deep anticipating reforms is something new in the European policy. However, the EU would not allow "refugee crisis" to remain unused.
Миграцията като предизвикателство пред ЕС: институционален отговор и нужда от реформи
Миграцията като предизвикателство пред ЕС: институционален отговор и нужда от реформи
(The migration as a challenge for the EU: institutional response and need of reforms)
- Author(s):Ognian Zlatev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:18-22
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:European Union; migration; reforms;
- Summary/Abstract:European Union, migration, reforms.The report examines the EU's position in the context of increased migratory pressure. It presents the effect of the agreement between the EU and the Republic of Turkey, emphasizing its potential to disrupt the business model of human traffickers. The emphasis is on the need for reforms in the Union, which should not lead to a change of values enshrined in its base.
Употребата на инструментите на меѓународната политика во сигурносните влијанија на САД и Русија на Балканот и поместување на сигурноста на европската унија
Употребата на инструментите на меѓународната политика во сигурносните влијанија на САД и Русија на Балканот и поместување на сигурноста на европската унија
(The use of the instruments of international politics in the U.S. and Russian security influences in the Balkans and security dynamics of the European Union)
- Author(s):Oliver Andonov, Goran Vasilevski
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):International relations/trade, Security and defense
- Page Range:23-38
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:USA; Russia; European Union; international relations; instruments for influence; security;
- Summary/Abstract:The use of energy resources and economic instruments as well as military effectives and political power in international politics is characteristic of the great powers to the countries and regions where they have interests. The interests of the US and Russia to the Balkans are even more pronounced in the use of instruments of influence, primarily as a result of the fact that the Balkans is a region that is very important and interesting for both countries. The main issue or dilemma arises when examining the pragmatic use of instruments by both countries, and especially the real scope and intensity of their use is in fact the result thereof. Namely, whether the resources deployed give support and result in the creation and implementation of pragmatic policies or whether they are used in vain. In this work, using the example of the Republic of Macedonia and the attitude of the citizens of Macedonia we will try to do a social construct of political pragmatism concerning the cost-effectiveness of instruments and resources used in creating public opinion and policy approach towards the citizens of Macedonia. This dilemma having an impact in the current political and security moment when Macedonia and the Balkans are in crisis and multilayer continuous endangering of security. Moreover, the not making out of the European Union concerning the safety impacts of European security space is perceived in all its negativity. The answer to the dilemma should be a multidisciplinary approach of many social aspects and the combination of theoretical models of the foreign policy of the United States and Russia, their realistic approach to the Balkans, especially in Macedonia and the perception of citizens resulting from a proper or improper use of the instruments. Above all, it is important to note that the created perception of the real positive support by using these instruments is the basis for creating public opinion about the level of friendship to the region or Macedonia, and for the infantile terms of European security policy, which follows exclusively someone’s strategic policy, ignoring their own interests. At the same time, it represents an archetype of accepting traditional values region or attempted insertion of new ones that are contrary to the perception of social norms and behaviors on the Balkans and Macedonia. Realizing the European security policy in this context, we recognize pale attempt to influence the current security risks and threats, which the European Union hardly manages. In this context, USA and Russia take the primary and dominant role in the security on the Balkans, confronting in the region and using their instruments to influence.
Studies for security in the context of international reforms in the European union
Studies for security in the context of international reforms in the European union
(Studies for security in the context of international reforms in the European Union)
- Author(s):Andrzej Soboń
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense
- Page Range:39-46
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Security studies; environment security; education; mobility window;
- Summary/Abstract:Events ongoing in the twenty-first century, argue that the security environment becomes different from generally known. It is an environment in which one of the basic traits becomes knowledge. For this reason, should be made to identify the nature and forms of known threats and challenges predicted for different types of security. In this context, it should be considered the changing demand for knowledge in the sciences of safety, but also the need for education of various conditions for internal and external environment. Reflections on the future security of every organization are important. Safety inside of each institution, its defense and protection against any diagnosed and forecasted threats are crucial and need.
Европейският съюз между федерализма, функционализма и свещения егоизъм на нациите. Политическото бъдеще на организацията
Европейският съюз между федерализма, функционализма и свещения егоизъм на нациите. Политическото бъдеще на организацията
(The European Union between federalism, functionalism and the “sacred egoism” of the nations. The political future of the organisation)
- Author(s):Hristo Georgiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics, Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:47-55
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:European Union; future; federalism; functionalism; reasonable egoism of nations;
- Summary/Abstract:Scientific report focuses on the independent variables, which are the core of this dynamic security on the European continent, reflecting its influence on the processes taking place within the EU, which require adaptation of its nature to changed conditions. It reflects the peculiarities and especially the result posed by the combination of the two main views about the development of the European Union – federalism and functionalism. The factors are presented causing the centrifugal tendencies in the Union and the gradual return of the sacred egoism of nations. Based on these analyzes possible options are outlined for the future development of the EU.
Европейска програма за сигурност 2016 г.: проблеми пред законодателството за подготвяне на условията за Съюз на сигурност
Европейска програма за сигурност 2016 г.: проблеми пред законодателството за подготвяне на условията за Съюз на сигурност
(European Agenda on Security 2016: legislative problems accompanying the way towards a Security Union)
- Author(s):Ekaterina Mihaylova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Inter-Ethnic Relations, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:56-62
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:terrorism; Union of security; radicalization;
- Summary/Abstract:This report focuses on the European security program "Preparing conditions for Union of security," announced by the European Commission on April 20, 2016. The measures described in this document are discussed, by which the EU should counter the terrorist threat. The priority areas in the fight against terrorism are presented in the context of the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria.
- Contributor(s):Nenko Doykov (Editor)
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:1-6
- No. of Pages:6
Европейският съюз и кризата на мултикултурализма
Европейският съюз и кризата на мултикултурализма
(The European Union and the crisis of multiculturalism)
- Author(s):Vihren Buzov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies, Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:63-69
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:multiculturalism; forced migration; EU and illegal migration;
- Summary/Abstract:Main Western leaders (Merkel, Sarkozy) recognized the crisis of multiculturalism several years before the current situation of rising tension within the EU caused by increasing migration pressure. The report focuses on the economization and securitization of forced migration to Southeast Europe and the European Union as a whole. Migrants are innocent victims of conflicts arising from unjust social and political order, military interventions, civil wars, oppressive regimes and ethnic tension caused by rich countries and their elites. Finding an adequate solution to the problem of forced migration and overcoming the violence that lies at its base should be a shared responsibility of the whole humanity. Political and economic elites cannot solve this problem – by their actions they contribute to its deterioration. The agreement between the EU and Turkey is a great success only to Erdogan.
Реформите в ЕС според доклади на Националната разузнавателна агенция на САЩ
Реформите в ЕС според доклади на Националната разузнавателна агенция на САЩ
(The reforms in the EU according to the reports of the U.S. National Security Agency)
- Author(s):Dimitar Yonchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:70-76
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:alienation; flexicurity; challenge; reforms;
- Summary/Abstract:Europe must reform social protection systems. Is this the right way? What is the challenge facing Europe and the world?
Крахът на Австро-Унгария, конфликтите и поуките за съвременна Европа
Крахът на Австро-Унгария, конфликтите и поуките за съвременна Европа
(The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the conflicts and the lessons for contemporary Europe)
- Author(s):Tihomir Stoychev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences
- Page Range:77-92
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:collapse; Austria; Europe; conflicts; disintegration;
- Summary/Abstract:After having shared international recognition with the other great powers, standing with dynastic ties in the American continent, but underestimating the management of the various conflicts that developed inside and outside, affecting its security, Austro-Hungary finally disappeared from the political map. If Europe does not draw lessons from its modern history, the Union also risks.
Тенденции в разузнавателната политика на ЕС
Тенденции в разузнавателната политика на ЕС
(Tendencies in the EU intelligence policy)
- Author(s):Yordan Nachev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Geopolitics
- Page Range:93-102
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:intelligence; EU; USA; geopolitics;
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the problems and prospects of setting up a unified EU system for obtaining and analyzing information with intelligence nature. Key moments in the development of the idea are indicated and some trends in this regard are highlighted. It also stresses that despite the difficulties, the EU will be forced to find a solution to the problem, because the process of cooperation in this respect with the main partner USA are very dynamic and do not ensure optimal allied policy in the future.
Динамика на сигурността в Междинна Европа (2013-2016 г.)
Динамика на сигурността в Междинна Европа (2013-2016 г.)
(Security dynamics in East-Central Europe (2013-2016))
- Author(s):Mihael Dimitrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Geopolitics
- Page Range:103-111
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:geopolitics; USA; Russian Federation; Intermediate Europe;
- Summary/Abstract:This text presents the main factors guiding the security dynamics in Intermediate Europe. The way in which they interact is described, and the result posed by them to internal players in the region. These processes are compared with initiatives to create different sub-regional formats, taking into account the reasons for an approach to configure the space into smaller volumes.
Възможности за повишаване на ефективността на трансграничното сътрудничество в Средиземноморския регион в контекста на преразгледаната Европейска политика на съседство
Възможности за повишаване на ефективността на трансграничното сътрудничество в Средиземноморския регион в контекста на преразгледаната Европейска политика на съседство
(Opportunities for the increase of the effectiveness of cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean region in the context of the revised European Neighborhood Policy)
- Author(s):Dafinka Sidova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics, Security and defense
- Page Range:112-121
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:cross-border cooperation; "wide" security; efficiency; European Neighbourhood Policy; correlation;
- Summary/Abstract:The study has two focuses. The first is the comparative analysis of cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean region for the programming periods 2000-2006 and 2007-2013, according to specified performance criteria – number of the accomplished cross-border projects and utilized funds relative to political, economic, social, environmental and cultural security. The second is putting the possibilities for increasing the effectiveness of CBC programs concerning the aspects of "wide" security in the context of the revised European Neighbourhood Policy through the application of statistical methods.
Нови заплахи пред сигурността и нови мерки за сигурност: дебатът за ограничаването на гражданските права
Нови заплахи пред сигурността и нови мерки за сигурност: дебатът за ограничаването на гражданските права
(New security threats and new security measures: the debate on the restriction of the civil rights)
- Author(s):Alexandra Atanasova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:122-130
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:security; terrorism; restrictions; rights;
- Summary/Abstract:The theme is dedicated to the current debate on limiting part of personal rights and freedoms of citizens, to enhance the public safety. After the rapid development of global terrorism and the numerous attacks in Western Europe in recent years, a large number of politicians, diplomats and experts in the field of security in the EU raised this discussion. In many countries, we are already seeing increased security measures. The paper examines measures to ensure human rights, presenting opportunities for their legal restriction against currently available spelled out documents. The report presents the position in favor of restricting human rights in order to enhance the security of society. The position "for" is definitely determined only under strict legally spelled out, not coming out of certain frames (including time), measures. Clear violation of human rights in any aspect is rejected. Different case studies are presented and various personal rights and freedoms are examined, which restric.
Насилието като инструмент на идеологията – предизвикателство пред националната сигурност на демократичните общества през 21 век
Насилието като инструмент на идеологията – предизвикателство пред националната сигурност на демократичните общества през 21 век
(The violence as an instrument of the ideology – national security challenge for the democratic societies in the 21st century)
- Author(s):Vasil Mavrodiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:131-134
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:ideology; violence; war; terrorism; genocide;
- Summary/Abstract:The report aims to explain in detail the relationship between ideology and violence. How people perceive ideology when they believe in it, how they perceive groups of people with opposing values and beliefs, what have caused people to each other in the past, believing that they uphold the principles of the “right” faith and beliefs and how naturally they have resorted to abuse each other with disastrous consequences.
Ефекти на миграцията върху икономиката на ЕС
Ефекти на миграцията върху икономиката на ЕС
(Effects of migration on the EU economy)
- Author(s):Tilcho Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economic policy, Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:135-143
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:migration; economic effects; European security;
- Summary/Abstract:Migration issues are one of the significant events of the decade, with increasing effects on regional security. Much of MEPs assess migration as one of the four main threats to European security. We could assume that today it is becoming more important and involves far-reaching effects in the future, both for security and for the economy of the country and Europe. The report aims to outline the main effects of migration on the EU economy. The conclusions on the effects form the basis for clarifying the differences in political positions of member states. They explain polarization and hardening of national security policies and turn to search Pareto – effective measures to solve the migration problem.
Аналитичен подход за изследване на новите предизвикателства пред сигурността в дигиталното общество
Аналитичен подход за изследване на новите предизвикателства пред сигурността в дигиталното общество
(Analytical approach for the study of the new security challenges in the digital society)
- Author(s):Zlatogor Minchev, Georgi Dukov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:144-154
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:cyber-physical space; threats and challenges; model research and analysis; validation and verification;
- Summary/Abstract:The dynamics of the new digital society creates a number of new challenges facing contemporary security. Today they develop into a complex cyber-physical mixed reality, including information space and objective reality. The article presents a methodological approach to model study of these new threats. We use systematic modeling and analysis based on questionnaires, interviews and expert knowledge. The subsequent probabilistic validation is used for simulation evaluation of identified threats in dynamics. The results were further verified with the active participation of the human factor. The proposed approach creates a good basis for analyzing future security challenges in the digital society.
Съвременни предизвикателства пред здравната сигурност на страните от ЕС
Съвременни предизвикателства пред здравната сигурност на страните от ЕС
(Modern security challenges to the healthcare systems of the EU member states)
- Author(s):Marina Bogdanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics, Security and defense, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:155-161
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:health; security; EU; illness; policy;
- Summary/Abstract:Health security is among the main priorities of the EU since its creation. In recent decades, more and more factors influence the level of health security. Some of the most serious challenges are deterioration of quality of life, aging, decreased health status of the majority of people and others. In addition, cross-border threats and the increasing risk of a financial deficit in national health systems contribute to a stronger sense of uncertainty. The EU needs a new policy for health security, so that it can deal with today's challenges.
Европейската миграционна политика във фокуса на националните интереси и дефицитите в законодателството и бежанското право
Европейската миграционна политика във фокуса на националните интереси и дефицитите в законодателството и бежанското право
(The European migration policy in the focus of the national interests and the legislation and refugee law deficits)
- Author(s):Milka Yosifova, Adela Bozmarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:162-169
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:migration; economic migrants; external borders; valid document;
- Summary/Abstract:EU migration policy remains a serious problem, both in financial terms and the security of Member States and the Union as a whole. Inability to limit the migratory pressures exacerbates relations between Member States and causes extreme statements and defensive positions of their leaders, which block taking fast and effective solutions to limit and return of illegal economic migrants and those coming from countries where there is no military actions and civil war. After the failure of the mechanism for displacement and relocation, hopes are directed to the Agreement with Turkey to hold the wave of migration and to accept economic migrants against the price of a number of conditions and demands. The report examines art. 4 pt. 1 of Regulation (EC) № 2007/2004 on the establishment of FRONTEX, which states that "External borders may be crossed only at border crossing points and within the fixed opening hours", which the migrants undoubtedly violate, and the requirement to possess valid document for crossing the border. Moreover, the admission of this crime raises smuggling, human trafficking and civic associations for detention of migrants.
Миграционният поток от Близкия изток – проблеми и перспективи
Миграционният поток от Близкия изток – проблеми и перспективи
(The migration flow from the Middle East - problems and perspectives)
- Author(s):Ivaylo Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:170-175
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:migration; problems; prospects;
- Summary/Abstract:The timeliness of the report consists in the growing power and unpredictable consequences for national security related to new forms of various threats in global and regional terms, with various socio-economic, political, ethnic and religious factors standing in their core. The question arises about the refugee wave of asylum seekers from Syria through Bulgaria and its neighboring countries to Western Europe as a way for the transit of foreign fighters-terrorists. Objects of the study is the migration flow seen on one hand as a result of the activities of the Islamic State, and the other hand - as a potential threat to the security of Bulgaria and hence Europe as a whole. The paper studies the various forms of threat and destabilization of order and security in the country and the EU. It outlines the main causes of migration wave as a tool for illegal crossing of militants through the territory of Bulgaria.
Новите предизвикателства пред Шенген
Новите предизвикателства пред Шенген
(The new challenges for the Schengen area)
- Author(s):Ivan Lolev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:176-183
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Schengen; border control; illegal migration; FRONTEX; Agency for Border and Coast Guard;
- Summary/Abstract:Creating an area of free movement of people without internal borders is one of the greatest achievements of European integration. Is Schengen threatened today and what will be the response of the European institutions and leaders? Answering these and other questions related to border security is sought in this report. The purpose of the analysis is to present a vision from different perspective on illegal migration and the reaction of the European institutions.
Бежанската вълна – заплаха за сигурността на Европа
Бежанската вълна – заплаха за сигурността на Европа
(The refugee wave - a threat to the European security)
- Author(s):Alexandra Valcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:184-190
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:migration; security; European Union;
- Summary/Abstract:This report examines the dynamics of the factors that underlie the migration crisis occurred after the destabilization of North Africa and the Middle East. The actions are presented, through which EU should limit the negative impacts on its security resulting from the event.
Реализация на концепцията за „мрежово-центрична война“ въз основа примера на Франция
Реализация на концепцията за „мрежово-центрична война“ въз основа примера на Франция
(Implementation of the concept of "network-centric warfare" based on the example of France)
- Author(s):Ivan Batalov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy
- Page Range:191-198
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:network-centric warfare; network capabilities; operational-oriented war defense policy of France; a network centrism;
- Summary/Abstract:The work analyzes the French approach to the concept of "network-centric warfare". The concept comes from the United States and quickly spreads to the defense departments not only in the US but also in Europe. The analysis of the French approach to the concept allows predicting the future of network-centric structures and their impact on the developed world.
Европейска критична инфраструктура – анализ на нормативната база
Европейска критична инфраструктура – анализ на нормативната база
(European critical infrastructure - analysis of the legal framework)
- Author(s):Teodora Gechkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:199-203
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:critical infrastructure; terrorism; EU;
- Summary/Abstract:This report is a brief chronological overview of the history of the protection of critical infrastructure. It presents the policy for the strategic EU sectors, which are essential for its normal functioning.
Регламент (ЕС) 2016/399 - промяна във визията на Европейския съюз за граничния контрол, отразена в Кодекса на шенгенските граници с Регламент (ЕО) №562/2006
Регламент (ЕС) 2016/399 - промяна във визията на Европейския съюз за граничния контрол, отразена в Кодекса на шенгенските граници с Регламент (ЕО) №562/2006
(Regulation (EU) 2016/399 - change in the vision of the European Union border control, reflected in the Schengen Borders Code in Regulation (EC) N562/2006)
- Author(s):Ivan Lolev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:204-211
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:border control; frontier crossing points; external borders; persons entitled to freedom of movement; a third country citizen;
- Summary/Abstract:The report has the task of building a theoretical construct of the vision for border security. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of Regulation (EC) №562 / 2006 establishing a Community Code on the rules governing the movement of persons across borders and Regulation (EU) 2016/399 of March 9, 2016.
Ефективна ли е правната рамка на eвропейската система за убежище?
Ефективна ли е правната рамка на eвропейската система за убежище?
(Is the legal framework of the Common European Asylum System effective?)
- Author(s):Angel Georgiev Anastasov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:212-218
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:EU law; asylum; non-refoulement;
- Summary/Abstract:The lack of a fair asylum system, which objectively take into account both the rights of asylum seekers and the legitimate interests of individual European countries, led to the need for harmonization of standards in this area. The report examined some trends in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights, which are important for the uniform application of the statutory requirements for asylum. A critical analysis is made of the legal framework of the European system, including the agreement between the EU and Turkey from March 2016.
Отношенията на Европейския съюз с държавите от Централна Азия – състояние и перспективи
Отношенията на Европейския съюз с държавите от Централна Азия – състояние и перспективи
(EU's relations with the Central Asian countries - status and perspectives)
- Author(s):Konstantin Poudin
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Nationalism Studies, Geopolitics
- Page Range:219-227
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:European Union; Central Asia; security; stability; partnership;
- Summary/Abstract:In today's world, there are many spots on the planet, where the interests of the big countries intersect. One of them is Central Asia. Region rich in strategic raw materials, bordering Russia and China object of intense diplomatic activity by the United States, and over the last decade by the European Union too. Namely, relations of Central Asia with the Union, their origin, status and development are the object this report.
Насоки за управление при кризи в киберсигурността
Насоки за управление при кризи в киберсигурността
(Crisis management guidelines in cybersecurity)
- Author(s):Uliyana Karakaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense
- Page Range:404-412
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:management; crisis; cyber security; cyberattack;cyber threat;
- Summary/Abstract:The report provides guidance for crisis management in cybersecurity, which is in a new security environment. Specific guidelines are related to: improve cybersecurity systems of public administration and critical information infrastructure; development of adequate legislative initiatives; active participation of the private sector in fighting against cyber threats; creation of units for information accumulation and analysis; improving the partnership between public authorities and private businesses; partnership with companies manufacturers of security technologies; consumer protection.
Методи за превенция и защита от киберпрестъпления
Методи за превенция и защита от киберпрестъпления
(Methods for the prevention and protection against cybercrime)
- Author(s):Georgi Radev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense
- Page Range:413-420
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:information security; cyber crime; information technologies; prevention methods in cybercrime;
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines current issues in the field of information security as part of the national and international one. In order to introduce the problems of the sphere we present the main types of cybercrime. The importance of considered issues is underlined through examples and statistical surveys. The report aims to achieve greater awareness of both the threats to information security and on methods for combating and preventing towards cybercrime. The end user awareness of potential threats is key to achieving high levels of security in information technology.
The need of public – private partnership and risk assessment
The need of public – private partnership and risk assessment
(The need of public – private partnership and risk assessment)
- Author(s):Svetlana Nikoloska, Ivica Simonovski
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:421-434
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:migrants; terrorism; public-private partnership; cooperation; exchange the information;
- Summary/Abstract:A long time, Europe is trying to find the strength to stay with the same values preserving individuals' rights and freedoms. Global concerns are put before the national. In such an environment there is no place for nationalist / populist ruling political structures. But a wave of migrants caused by tectonic movements in the Middle East and north Africa, as well as terrorist attacks in Paris, Ankara, Istanbul and Brussels, has created Europe to live with a "new normality". That feeling of fear that terrorist attack will happen again, changed the face of Europe. In this context, the governing structures are aimed at defending national interests, disregarding the global. This situation does not correspond to policy led by the EU. In a situation where we need to be united, there is separation.We can mention several reasons that led to it: The policy of integration of minorities in national societies. That policy has led these people to be excluded from the system or can not be integrated, and found solace in terrorism; Neglect of issues related to security challenges. Not investing in security structures. Different perception of security challenges such as: brothers bombers from Brussels, for the US they are terrorists, for Belgium they are criminals. The purpose of this paper will be based on analysis of the terrorist attacks in the last 15 years to determine the need to strengthen public - private partnerships, the timely exchange of information and identifying potential terrorists through profiling of high risk clients in the financial system, especially banking system. Through this platform of cooperation we will not guarantee that every terrorist attack carried out by a wolf - a loner or a cell of a terrorist organization who decided to die blow up with home made explosives will be prevented, but it will help in early identification of suspicious activities which must not be neglected by the security services. We mention this because for the last terrorist attacks in Belgium and Paris, law enforcement agencies had information but they ignored them thinking they are frivolous.
Характеристика на общите закономерности в историческата еволюция на геополитическата и геостратегическата среда в стратегиите за сигурност през ХХI век
Характеристика на общите закономерности в историческата еволюция на геополитическата и геостратегическата среда в стратегиите за сигурност през ХХI век
(Characteristics of the general laws in the historical evolution of the geopolitical and geostrategic environment in the security strategies during the XXI century)
- Author(s):Radoslav Bonev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense, Geopolitics
- Page Range:435-446
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:geopolitics; geostrategy; security strategies; regional security;
- Summary/Abstract:The report presents the current understanding of established researchers in the theory of national and international security on the importance of geopolitics and geostrategy in formulating security strategies in the XXI century. The used method is historical and political-geographical discourse about converged comparisons and descriptions of the evolution of the geopolitical and geostrategic environment in the context of regional security in the XXI century. The statement has emphasized the importance of strategic geography - a relatively new scientific discipline.
Процес на защита на критичната инфраструктура на Германия
Процес на защита на критичната инфраструктура на Германия
(Process of the protection of the critical infrastructure in Germany)
- Author(s):Teodora Gechkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense
- Page Range:447-457
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:defense; critical infrastructure; Germany;
- Summary/Abstract:The protection of critical infrastructure in the example of Germany takes central position in the report. Germany actively considers the issues on protection of critical infrastructure, guided by the principle of joint action by the state, society, business and industrial sector. Any infrastructure can be defined as critical if, due to structural, functional or technological threats it can lose its position within the overall system of sectors of critical infrastructure – the result of the interdependence of the elements.
Подходи, приоритети и бюджети в българската отбранителна политика
Подходи, приоритети и бюджети в българската отбранителна политика
(Approaches, priorities and budgets in the Bulgarian defense policy)
- Author(s):Daniela Tsaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics, Security and defense
- Page Range:458-465
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:approaches; priorities; budget; Bulgarian Defense Policy;
- Summary/Abstract:The report draws attention to the imbalance between tasks, defense expenditures and the size of the armed forces of the Republic of Bulgaria, despite its membership in NATO. Several negative results are accumulated: the economy is overloaded, taxpayers' money is not spent efficiently and the necessary defense capabilities to meet new risks, threats and challenges are not built on time.
Основни проблеми на политиката на сигурност в разширения европейски контекст
Основни проблеми на политиката на сигурност в разширения европейски контекст
(Key issues of the security policy in the enlarged European context)
- Author(s):Georgi Krastev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy
- Page Range:228-236
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:military and non-military solutions; Security Policy; European Union; NATO;
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines security through the prism of today's reality in which security policy should take into account both civilian and military aspects of dangers and threats. The author recommends the EU to decide on its role in security and defense, as well as to whether or not it is more effective these issues to remain within the competence of NATO, given the established and worked in this organization norms, rules and procedures. Union could be much more effective in the field of diplomacy. The question is about objectively possible, not desired field of activity and intensity to overcome the critical matching internal difficulties in EU to external dangers posed by the crisis in the former Soviet Union, Africa, and Middle East.
Аналитични платформи и Big Data в структурата на кризисен мениджмънт
Аналитични платформи и Big Data в структурата на кризисен мениджмънт
(Analytical platforms and Big Data in the structure of crisis management)
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:237-249
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:analytical platforms; big data; crisis management;
- Summary/Abstract:The report focuses on the combination of data and advanced analytical tools as key values that can be effectively integrated into platforms for crisis management. The balanced approach using data means to combine harmoniously elements such as information flow, security and responsibility.
Иран и Таджикистан - два подхода към международното сътрудничество по наказателни дела на пътя на афганистанските наркотици
Иран и Таджикистан - два подхода към международното сътрудничество по наказателни дела на пътя на афганистанските наркотици
(Iran and Tajikistan - two approaches to international cooperation in criminal matters on the path of Afghan drugs)
- Author(s):Todor Kolarov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):International Law, Criminology
- Page Range:250-257
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:international legal assistance; extradition; confiscation of criminal assets; cross-border crime; drugs;
- Summary/Abstract:This report focuses on the legal basis of Iran and Tajikistan in the field of international cooperation in criminal matters and seeks to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the legal regime in the surveyed countries. This article does not cover all aspects of international cooperation in criminal matters and elect three of them, which are key - international legal assistance, extradition and confiscation of criminal assets.
Корупция и промигрантски лобизъм в Европа
Корупция и промигрантски лобизъм в Европа
(Corruption and pro-migrant lobbies in Europe)
- Author(s):Nikolay Radulov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Migration Studies
- Page Range:258-266
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:international legal assistance; extradition; confiscation of criminal assets; cross-border crime; drugs;
- Summary/Abstract:This report focuses on the legal basis of Iran and Tajikistan in the field of international cooperation in criminal matters and seeks to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the legal regime in the surveyed countries. This article does not cover all aspects of international cooperation in criminal matters and elect three of them, which are key - international legal assistance, extradition and confiscation of criminal assets.
Може ли Европа да създаде единна армия като инструмент за отстояване на интересите си?
Може ли Европа да създаде единна армия като инструмент за отстояване на интересите си?
(Can Europe create a unified army as an instrument to defend its interests?)
- Author(s):Georgi Bahchevanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy
- Page Range:267-274
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:environment of uncertainty; European armed forces; violence; terrorism;
- Summary/Abstract:Europe must have the military power to defend and impose its interests and protect its values. Military force with built structure capable of functioning in a multilateral security organization with common operational procedures and an effective command and control, efficient logistic support, major transport facilities and well trained and capable of interchanging armed forces.The main problems related to the establishment of joint armed forces are: lack of a unified vision of the member states about such a need; complexity of the relationship "NATO and the European Union"; difficulty agreeing on geographical areas of operation; US policy; costs and others.
Основни характеристики на асиметричната война в теорията на военното изкуство и стратегиите за сигурност през ХХI век
Основни характеристики на асиметричната война в теорията на военното изкуство и стратегиите за сигурност през ХХI век
(Key features of the asymmetric war in the theory of warfare and security strategies in the XXI century)
- Author(s):Radoslav Bonev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:275-285
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:asymmetry; asymmetric threat; asymmetric war; security strategies;
- Summary/Abstract:The report presents the current understanding of the development of the main features of asymmetric war through the prism of theoretical levels in the art of war - strategic, operational and tactical, linking the impact of the asymmetric nature of military conflicts of the XXI century on security strategies. Military historical approach out in the statement seeks indirectly interpolated with concepts that today are considered baseline in a variety of research structures related to the theory of hybrid war.
Морските операции на европейската агенция Frontex в отговор на новите предизвикателства пред сигурността в района на Източното Средиземноморие
Морските операции на европейската агенция Frontex в отговор на новите предизвикателства пред сигурността в района на Източното Средиземноморие
(Maritime operations of the European Agency Frontex in response to the new security challenges in the region of the Eastern Mediterranean)
- Author(s):Kaloyan Pancheliev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:286-294
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:migrants; maritime operations; organization and management;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents new security challenges posed by the heavy traffic of migrants from Turkey to Greece in 2014 - 2015 At the center of the analysis are maritime operations of the European agency Frontex in the area of the Eastern Mediterranean, including the participation of Bulgaria with border police ship "Obzor" (525) in 2016. The possibilities are shown for improving the existing model for the operations in terms of its organization and management.
Електронна идентификация и сигурност при електронните комуникации
Електронна идентификация и сигурност при електронните комуникации
(Electronic identification and security of the electronic communications)
- Author(s):Maria Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:295-301
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:electronic identification; security; electronic communications;
- Summary/Abstract:The need to use electronic public services increases the need for electronic identification for citizens and businesses. The question arises how to achieve data security in electronic identification. Sector identification allows a higher level of security. The choice of identification method depends on legislation, standards, controls and capabilities of a country. The study discusses electronic identification systems – public and private. The project for electronic identification in Bulgaria provides solutions that will serve the future development in direction of mobile solutions.
Система за управление на сигурността на летище - перспективи на ЕС
Система за управление на сигурността на летище - перспективи на ЕС
(Airport security management system - EU perspectives)
- Author(s):Albena Popova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:302-309
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:aviation security; airport; efficiency; system and management;
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the need to introduce effective functioning system of security management that provides the airport with a structured approach to aviation management and security, as well as a tool for risk identification and management in a continuous and proactive way. We prove that the security system management is based on the already introduced security standards and successfully interacts with other management systems.
Съвременният тероризъм - негативен фактор в европейската среда за сигурност
Съвременният тероризъм - негативен фактор в европейската среда за сигурност
(Modern terrorism - a negative factor in the European security environment)
- Author(s):Yordan Ivanov Bakalov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:310-318
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:security environment; national security; violence; terrorisme;
- Summary/Abstract:Events in recent years have shown that terrorism is one of the greatest threats and challenges to humanity and the war against terrorism is a new kind of war. War waged by a new type of players with different methods and means of warfare. A war, in which civilians are involved and actually participate. Violence, threat of violence and the ability to carry out violence equals terrorism.
Environmental Security and Climate Change Impacts in South – Eastern Europe
Environmental Security and Climate Change Impacts in South – Eastern Europe
(Environmental Security and Climate Change Impacts in South – Eastern Europe)
- Author(s):Tsvetan Spasov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:319-326
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:climate change; adaptation; mitigation; environmental security;
- Summary/Abstract:Over the last decade, the number of scientists increases, who study in more depth topics related to environmental security and the relationships between socio-economic and natural processes and how the depletion of natural resources undermines human security. This article discusses the impact of climate change on communities and key economic sectors such as agriculture and energy. We will analyze the impact of current and potential future socio-economic processes catalyzed by climate change, which in combination with the population boom in traditionally unstable regions like the Middle East, already seriously affect the security and economic development of Bulgaria and the European Union.
За необходимостта от прилагането на по-ефективни методи и средства в борбата с тероризма
За необходимостта от прилагането на по-ефективни методи и средства в борбата с тероризма
(On the need of implementation of more effective methods and tools in the fight against terrorism)
- Author(s):Georgi Botev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:327-334
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:terrorism; terrorist attacks; counterterrorism;
- Summary/Abstract:The report presents data on the increasing frequency and losses from terrorist attacks in the world. Special attention is paid to attacks against targets of "Transport" sector. Concrete measures are proposed to improve the quality of the risk management of terrorist attacks.
Стратегически аспект на киберсигурността на национално и регионално равнище
Стратегически аспект на киберсигурността на национално и регионално равнище
(Strategic aspect of the cyber security on national and regional level)
- Author(s):Venelin Georgiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:335-345
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:cybersecurity strategy; sustainability; cyberspace; cybercrime;
- Summary/Abstract:Successful resolution of the problems facing security at different levels of security depends on a number of factors, including synergy and continuity in policies and strategies to address these problems. This statement also applies regarding the problems facing cybersecurity. On the other hand, the nature of the cybersecurity strategy expresses intentions of its authors on the way that it is expected resources to be used to achieve the objectives in the field of cybersecurity. The report presents the results of the study of cybersecurity strategies of Bulgaria and the EU. At the base is the thesis that the success of strategic documents in the field of cyber security at different levels of security largely depends on their degree of continuity and consistency with the principles, measures and actions.
Борбата с тероризма минава през неговото разбиране
Борбата с тероризма минава през неговото разбиране
(The fight against terrorism goes through its understanding)
- Author(s):Svetlozar Veshkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:346-353
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:counterterrorism; prevention; security; understanding;
- Summary/Abstract:There cannot be a widely applicable profile to develop so that it applies to all terrorists worldwide. Terrorism is a psychological phenomenon caused by some kind of frustration, desire for imitation or a sense of belonging to the cause. The metaphor of the staircase to terrorism as an attempt to contribute to the understanding of the context in which it occurs. Developing specific policies to prevent and combat that are appropriate for every potential terrorist, depending on his level.
Споделянето на информация в контекста на ответните действия за борба с тероризма
Споделянето на информация в контекста на ответните действия за борба с тероризма
(Information sharing in the context of counterterrorism measures)
- Author(s):Irina Mindova-Docheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Military policy
- Page Range:354-361
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:PNR; terrorism; necessity and proportionality;
- Summary/Abstract:The report discusses issues concerning the development of a common European approach to the collection and processing of PNR data at external EU flights for law enforcement purposes in serious crimes, terrorist crimes in the context of countering foreign terrorist fighters. The process of elaboration and the nature of the unified European legal framework as well as bilateral agreements with the US, Australia and Canada in the field are analyzed. This paper examines the correlation between the provision of reservation data to the founding principles of necessity and proportionality.
Европейският съюз - днес и в бъдеще
Европейският съюз - днес и в бъдеще
(The European Union - today and in the future)
- Author(s):Zahari Biserov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Geopolitics
- Page Range:362-369
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:geopolitics; subject of security; security systems; European Union; terrorist attacks; threats;
- Summary/Abstract:Following the events in the last few years in Europe and the world and the behavior of the European Union in terms of geopolitics, some analysts are beginning to ask the following question: Ultimately, whose project is the European Union? After several terrorist acts in conditions of severe migrant wave, it becomes clear that the EU is in crisis. Moreover, this crisis is not security crisis only. There is a crisis in the vision of what EU will do with himself. Security breaches are breakthroughs in general in the idea of the European Union. In this context, we can summarize: EU countries in any case have the resources to conduct security policies, what they lack is the political will of the leadership of Europe to state as sovereign and subject of security.
Генериране на финансова сигурност чрез реформиране на механизмите за прехвърляне на парични средства в ЕС в контекста на миграционните потоци
Генериране на финансова сигурност чрез реформиране на механизмите за прехвърляне на парични средства в ЕС в контекста на миграционните потоци
(Maintaining financial security by reforming the mechanisms for transfer of funds in the EU in the context of migration flows)
- Author(s):Gergana Yordanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:370-374
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Hawala; money laundering; terrorism financing;
- Summary/Abstract:Intensification of migration flows to Europe generates new challenges for the financial security of host countries, which include the latest trends in the flow of transactions concerning transfer of funds. In some observed cases, it is about a liquidity support to refugees and economic migrants. However, alongside these legitimate operations many remittances of illegal origin run, which impair the integrity, stability and reputation of the financial sector, and threaten the internal security. This requires reforms in regulatory and technical mechanisms of the transfer of funds within the Community in order to prevent endangering the domestic and international development.
Синергетично-цивилизационни аспекти на бежанската криза в Европа
Синергетично-цивилизационни аспекти на бежанската криза в Европа
(Synergistic-civilizational aspects of the refugee crisis in Europe)
- Author(s):Marian Ninov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Islam studies, Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:375-382
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:refugees; Islam; Europe; crisis; civilization; synergy;
- Summary/Abstract:The effects of immigration refugee flows on European Union are discussed from a synergistic perspective. EU is considered as a complex, open, non-linear system. Possible solutions are available (such as proceeding from the relation "Security - Culture") concerning the negative impact of large immigration communities with non-typical for the host environment civilizational values affecting security in the European Union.
Съвременното управление на сигурността – част от интегрирано управление на бизнеса
Съвременното управление на сигурността – част от интегрирано управление на бизнеса
(Contemporary security management - part of an integrated business management)
- Author(s):Plamen Sofroniev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Security and defense
- Page Range:383-390
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:security; management; assets; business; standard;
- Summary/Abstract:Modern security management can be seen as a direct reflection of business management. In other words, safety should be consistent with the business, which protect vision, mission and goals. That is why in recent years, integrated management systems are rapidly gaining in popularity, including security management. In terms of practice, the use of structured and standardized approach to security management is a guarantor for effective and efficient management while protecting the assets of the business. Despite the timeliness of information security and cyber-attacks, protection of natural assets remains a key factor in security management.
Ефекти от местния фискален капацитет в новите страни-членки на ЕС
Ефекти от местния фискален капацитет в новите страни-членки на ЕС
(Effects of the domestic fiscal capacity in the new EU member states)
- Author(s):Ardian Durmishi, Nikolay Patonov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:391-397
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:financial decentralization; local authorities; revenue powers of local authorities; tax bases; new members;
- Summary/Abstract:Aim of this study is assessing the effectiveness of building fiscal capacity of local authorities in the new member states. By methodology of regression analysis, the effect of the increased capacity of local authorities is evaluated to finance the production of local public goods. The analysis results support the logic of the expectations that property taxes are revenue source for local budgets with the highest level of reliability and the greatest efficiency is realized when these taxes are administered locally.
Интеркултурни различия и устойчивият процес на комуникация като условие за постигане на сигурност и стабилност в европейското публично пространство
Интеркултурни различия и устойчивият процес на комуникация като условие за постигане на сигурност и стабилност в европейското публично пространство
(Intercultural differences and the sustained process of communication as a condition for achieving security and stability in the European public space)
- Author(s):Svetoslava Kovacheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:398-403
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:intercultural differences; sustainable process; communication; security; stability; European;
- Summary/Abstract:This report examines communication processes in the European public space in the context of current and invariably existing intercultural differences. They explain the concepts of "sustainable", "adequate" “correct” communication process towards intercultural differences as a prerequisite to avoid misunderstanding and to obtain agreement and cooperation between communities. We interpret the thesis that an important prerequisite for achieving stability in the social, economic, cultural and political aspect in the European public space is to provide sustainable communication process in circumstances of the presence of intercultural identities, values, beliefs.
Гранични територии, гранични хора: българите мюсюлмани и националната сигурност
Гранични територии, гранични хора: българите мюсюлмани и националната сигурност
(Border areas, border people: Muslim Bulgarians and national security)
- Author(s):Milena Benovska-Sabkova, Ilia Nedin
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Islam studies, Security and defense
- Page Range:466-476
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:border; Bulgarian Muslims; identity; Zlatograd; national security;
- Summary/Abstract:"Border environment" is characterized by control of national states on their own territory, also by “separateness and otherness, i.e. to be culturally different from the core of the majority of the population"; areas of regional and international conflicts, but also of adapting trough their cultural heterogeneity and their role as areas of migration. Besides being barriers, boundaries can be characterized with the metaphor of the "bridge" that connects and enables the passage of people and their connectivity, incentives on trade and flow of goods. 467 The text is based on field research along the Bulgarian-Greek border in the regions of Zlatograd and Gotse Delchev. The following issues are addressed: the state borders of Bulgaria and Greece as a means to control the territories and people during the socialist period; the reasons for the treatment of Bulgarian Muslims as a threat to the national security of both Bulgaria and Greece during the period 1944-1989; changes in the functioning of borders and perception of border areas rather as a bridge of economic and cultural exchange during post-socialism; border as a bridge space of economic and cultural exchanges beyond 2010.
Опазване на обществения ред от „Териториална полиция“
Опазване на обществения ред от „Териториална полиция“
(Maintenance of public order by "Territorial Police")
- Author(s):Stanimir Kojuharov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:477-481
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:public policy; vulnerabilities; preventive actions;
- Summary/Abstract:This report analyzes the characteristics of public order and explores vulnerabilities. It analyzes activities of employees of “Territorial police” to prevent violations of public order. We refer preventive actions of the employees of "Territorial Police" to not allow public nuisance.
Основни рискове и заплахи при пътнотранспортни произшествия
Основни рискове и заплахи при пътнотранспортни произшествия
(Key risks and threats in road traffic accidents)
- Author(s):Bogdan Milchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Civil Society, Security and defense
- Page Range:482-489
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:accidents; vehicles; pedestrians;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this report is to identify the main indicators that influence the occurrence of accidents and to propose measures to reduce the damage. As a result of accidents on the roads each year damage is inflicted on the national economy amounted to 2% of gross domestic product. The outlined guidelines form the relevance of the chosen topic. The aim is to examine the possibilities, ways and means to manage more effectively the risk of accidents. The statement in this report does not claim to be comprehensive study, but only a brief summary of the problem and its impact on the security of the country.
Несигурност и сигурност с индустрия 4.0
Несигурност и сигурност с индустрия 4.0
(Uncertainty and security with respect to industry 4.0)
- Author(s):Marin Midilev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense
- Page Range:490-499
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Industry 4.0; security; insecurity;
- Summary/Abstract:The latest World Economic Forum was held under the motto "Introduction of Industry 4.0." Mission Innovation at the meeting in Paris adopted the concept to accelerate the revolution in clean energy through cooperation. Issues and decisions given in the "Report of the Board of the Club of Rome 1991" are relevant today also in Bulgaria. The Economy of Resources includes the Innovation Economy and Circular Economy. Autonomous technology applicable in Bulgaria are Integrated Systems for organic production, harvesting and providing fruits and vegetables for fresh consumption.
Ергономични изисквания към индивидуалната екипировка на антитерориста, използвана в обекти от критичната инфраструктура
Ергономични изисквания към индивидуалната екипировка на антитерориста, използвана в обекти от критичната инфраструктура
(Ergonomic requirements for the individual equipment used by the anti-terror forces deployed to protect critical infrastructure)
- Author(s):Svetlana Yaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense
- Page Range:500-503
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:ergonomic requirements; equipment; critical infrastructure;
- Summary/Abstract:The report discusses the ergonomic requirements for of individual equipment of counterterrorism fighter used in critical infrastructure sites. Requirements are indicated for anthropometric, physiological, functional and psychological compliance. Special attention is paid to issues related to ergonomic requirements for bulletproof vests for women.
Агротероризмът – мит и реалност
Агротероризмът – мит и реалност
(Agroterrorism - myth and reality)
- Author(s):Nikifor Stefanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:504-508
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:agro-terrorisme; risk; national security;
- Summary/Abstract:The early 21st century is marked by external and internal conflicts with multiple victims in countries such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and many others. Daily worldwide terrorist attacks occur with many wounded and killed. Migration increased dramatically, and the flow of immigrants to the European Union has a continuous nature. A real threat arises terrorist groups to "hit" the population by infected food in the chain from production to supply and cause crises with significant negative consequences for health, safety, security, economic or social well-being of the population in separate countries or regions on Earth.
Оперативно майсторство и сигурност
Оперативно майсторство и сигурност
(Operational excellence and security)
- Author(s):Nenko Doykov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:509-515
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:levels of security; operational security; covert operations;
- Summary/Abstract:This report will analyze the different levels of security, including personal security, operational security and the security of the mission, and will analyze how each level supports proactive investigations concerning counter-terrorism. We will also look at the various elements of operational skill used in covert operations and why they should be used.
Анализ на фрeнската система за противодействие на тероризма. Мрежа за ранна тревога
Анализ на фрeнската система за противодействие на тероризма. Мрежа за ранна тревога
(Analysis of the French system for counterterrorism. Early warning network)
- Author(s):Nenko Doykov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:516-522
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Internal safety council; division for combating terrorism; early alert network; marking and traceability;
- Summary/Abstract:The report argues that in present conditions, in order to respond adequately to terrorist attacks high-performance system needs to be structured that can be used by various organizations involved in the whole process of dealing with incidents caused by terrorist activities. To achieve this we will analyze some of the measures taken by France to respond to terrorist threats. Due to the limited format of the report, we cannot discuss in detail the overall French anti-terrorist policy, but our ambition is to outline the framework and its specificity.
Социална изключеност при извършителите на насилствени престъпления против личността
Социална изключеност при извършителите на насилствени престъпления против личността
(Social exclusion at the perpetrators of violent crimes against persons)
- Author(s):Kalin Gaydarov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, Security and defense
- Page Range:523-531
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:social exclusion; criminal personality; violent crimes against the person;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the role of social exclusion on the formation of criminal personality in perpetrators of violent crimes against the person. EU countries have a sustainable policy to tackle social exclusion, especially in relation to poverty and participation in social networks. Meanwhile many individuals remain outside these policies faced with the choice whether to participate in the criminal space, where they could find psychological support. In this sense, social exclusion is an underlying factor in the genesis of criminal behavior, especially for socially marginalized persons. Data are presented from empirical research on social exclusion of the perpetrators of violent crimes against the person.
Необходимост от високо ниво на физическа и спортна подготовка на състава на МВР и значението им за националната сигурност
Необходимост от високо ниво на физическа и спортна подготовка на състава на МВР и значението им за националната сигурност
(The necessity of high level of physical and sports training of the Interior Ministry staff and its importance for the national security)
- Author(s):Ivaylo Nikolov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:532-536
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:physical and sports training; national security; MI;
- Summary/Abstract:National security requires preparation of the population to respond to any kind of crisis, which is associated with a healthy, legally capable and educated population. Ministry of Interior (MI) of Bulgaria has traditional achievements in maintaining health status, psychophysical condition and preparation of its employees for the performance of professional duties. MI is an institution that is interested in development of sports and physical training as opposed to the widespread involvement of the younger generation in antisocial and criminal activities.
Един поглед върху промените в законодателството по използване на специални разузнавателни средства в Република България за периода 2013-2015 г.
Един поглед върху промените в законодателството по използване на специални разузнавателни средства в Република България за периода 2013-2015 г.
(A review of the legislative amendments on the use of special investigative methods in the Republic of Bulgaria in the period 2013-2015)
- Author(s):Iliya Savov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:692-698
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Criminal Procedure Code; Law on Special Intelligence Means; State Agency "Intelligence"; State Agency "Technical Operations"; special intelligence means;
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the changes in the implementing legislation of special intelligence means in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2013-2015. Review has been carried out on some of the changes in the Law on Special Intelligence Means. In the course of the legal and operational analysis, main objectives are set, achieved with the amendments to the legislation relating to the use of special intelligence means.
Военнопрофесионалната дейност като екстремална професия
Военнопрофесионалната дейност като екстремална професия
(Military professional activity as an extreme profession)
- Author(s):Veselin Madanski
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense, Military policy
- Page Range:685-691
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:extreme activity; education; security; defense;
- Summary/Abstract:The main thesis of the report is that the extreme conditions of military occupation are a complex of the tasks’ nature and environmental conditions requiring targeted actions by military personnel during the execution of professional duties based on professional readiness formed through specialized training.
Особеностите на конкурентната среда при обучението в професионално направление 9.1. „Национална сигурност” от област на висшето образование 9. „Сигурност и отбрана”
Особеностите на конкурентната среда при обучението в професионално направление 9.1. „Национална сигурност” от област на висшето образование 9. „Сигурност и отбрана”
(Features of the competitive environment of education in professional field 9.1. "National Security", area of higher education 9. "Security and Defense")
- Author(s):Stoyko Stoykov, Veselin Madanski
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Security and defense
- Page Range:667-684
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:science; education; security; defense;
- Summary/Abstract:The main thesis of the report is that the Universities must interpret with great responsibility the training in the professional field 9.1. "National Security" of higher education area 9. "Security and defense", complying with legal requirements, public attitudes and dynamics of the changing educational environment in this area. Good knowledge of the development of the competitive environment, taking into account the actual position of competitors and the actual capabilities of the university as a sustainable developing academic and scientific community with prestige and recognition in the educational environment will allow taking o prize places in the rating system of universities in Bulgaria.
Възникване и развитие на „Териториална полиция“ в периода 1946-1989 г.
Възникване и развитие на „Териториална полиция“ в периода 1946-1989 г.
(Origin and development of "Territorial Police" in the period 1946-1989)
- Author(s):Stanimir Kojuharov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:659-666
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:territorial police; territorial services; legislative base;
- Summary/Abstract:This report will examine the emergence and development of territorial services to the citizens by the Ministry of Interior. We will examine the activities of employees of “Territorial police” to prevent violations of public order. Various activities of the employees of "Territorial Police" will be examined, after legislative changes in the period 1946-1989.
Разходите за отбрана в Р България- състояние и сравнителен анализ със страните в ЕС
Разходите за отбрана в Р България- състояние и сравнителен анализ със страните в ЕС
(Defense expenditure in Bulgaria – current situation and comparative analysis with other EU member states)
- Author(s):Evgeni Genchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Supranational / Global Economy, Security and defense
- Page Range:653-658
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:defense-spending; security; comparative analysis; Bulgaria; EU;
- Summary/Abstract:Defense spending as a whole illustrate the operational capabilities of the armed forces of a country. Much of the literature in this area is aimed to investigate the relationships between defense spending and other economic categories (economic growth, government debt, GDP, etc.).This publication analyzes the state of defense spending in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2000-2015. Key trends are examined as growth, relative share to government spending, average costs per capita, etc. Comparative analysis was conducted of defense spending in Bulgaria with those of other EU countries. Data for the analysis are from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Основни рискове и заплахи при охраната на трезори и банкови офиси
Основни рискове и заплахи при охраната на трезори и банкови офиси
(Major risks and threats to the security of vaults and bank offices)
- Author(s):Bogdan Milchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:646-652
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:bank security; vaults; analysis; assessment;response;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this report is to present a different overview of the threats and challenges facing commercial banks, as well as a model for identifying the risks associated with the physical security of the vaults and offices in banks.This study does not claim to be exhaustive analysis, but only a brief summary of the problem and its impact on the security of commercial banks.
Корупцията в енергетиката
Корупцията в енергетиката
(Corruption in the energy sector)
- Author(s):Noncho Dimitrov, Milka Yosifova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Security and defense
- Page Range:637-645
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:corruption; anti-corruption measures; economics; energy security; energy strategy; crisis; anti-crisis management;
- Summary/Abstract:Most manifest civil discontent in Bulgaria is related to the pricing model for the production and consumption of electricity. In recent years, some contracts, annexes, agreements in the field of energy came to light, which raised a number of questions, the answers to which have not yet convinced citizens in their appropriateness, cost effectiveness and anticorruption merit. The article examines the European vision for the development of this sector, Bulgarian policies and strategic actions to ensure energy security in the context of countering corruption.
Устройството и безопасността на площадките за игра – елемент от сигурността на жизнената среда
Устройството и безопасността на площадките за игра – елемент от сигурността на жизнената среда
(The composition and safety of playgrounds - a security element of the living environment)
- Author(s):Gena Velkovska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Security and defense
- Page Range:628-636
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:playgrounds; safety; setting up of the living environment; legislation; security;
- Summary/Abstract:According to the text of Article 1, paragraph 2 of the Decree № 1 for terms and conditions of the structure and the safety of playgrounds, they are arranged in a manner to ensure safety and affordability in a game for all users, including disabled users by responding appropriately against possible risks endangering the lives and health of users and their companions. Playgrounds are an element of spatial living environment and their safety is an important condition for the stability and security of this environment. In this regard, territorial and urban legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria provides for specific rules and regulations concerning the structure and safety of playgrounds. Precisely those regulations are under consideration of the report, their synchronization with European legislation and their multifaceted role in ensuring the living environment.
Организация на дейностите по пожарна безопасност и защита на населението на Спасителния борд на Естония
Организация на дейностите по пожарна безопасност и защита на населението на Спасителния борд на Естония
(Organisation of the activities on fire safety and civil protection of the Estonian Rescue Board)
- Author(s):Martin Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Education, Civil Society, Security and defense
- Page Range:618-627
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:trends; factors; organization; Rescue Board of Estonia;
- Summary/Abstract:The materials for this report were collected after a three-month internship in the Department of Security Science, Emergency Response and Crisis Management at the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences in Tallinn on European program "Erasmus" at the time when I was a student at the Faculty "Fire Safety and Population Protection" of the Academy of the MI. The internship set by both academies – Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Tallinn, Estonia and the Academy of the Ministry of Interior, Sofia, Bulgaria, included 24-hour shifts in the Central Tallinn Fire Department during March, April and May 2013.
Изследване потенциалната опасност за населението и критичната инфраструктура при евентуална аварийна ситуация с изтичане на количества от опасни отпадъци, разположени на територията на предприятия и необходими мерки за предотвратяване и отстраняване
Изследване потенциалната опасност за населението и критичната инфраструктура при евентуална аварийна ситуация с изтичане на количества от опасни отпадъци, разположени на територията на предприятия и необходими мерки за предотвратяване и отстраняване
(Research on the potential danger for the population and the critical infrastructure in the event of an emergency due to leakage of hazardous waste located on the territory of enterprises and necessary measures for the prevention and elimination)
- Author(s):Antoaneta Simeonova, Angel Krumov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Evaluation research, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:611-617
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:critical infrastructure; accident; measures; consequences;
- Summary/Abstract:Research on the potential danger for the population and the critical infrastructure in the event of an emergency due to leakage of hazardous waste located on the territory of enterprises and necessary measures for the prevention and elimination of consequences // Protecting workers at the workplace and the general population, as well as the critical infrastructure must begin with removing, prohibition, substitution and other similar measures that quantitatively and qualitatively minimize exposure to hazardous substances and agents. This requires better systems for managing safety and health of workers at enterprise level, and operating systems, strategies and programs at national and regional levels. This work explores the potential danger in a possible emergency situation with leakage of hazardous waste in the work of the plant for production of dichloroethane, the operation of 612 which forms waste classified with a code: 07 01 07 * Halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues (heavy fractions ).
Регионализация и децентрализация в България и тяхното влияние върху националната сигурност
Регионализация и децентрализация в България и тяхното влияние върху националната сигурност
(Regionalisation and decentralisation in Bulgaria and its impact on the national security)
- Author(s):Radoslav Radoslavov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Regional Geography, Security and defense
- Page Range:604-610
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:regionalization; decentralization; municipal police;security;
- Summary/Abstract:Regionalization and decentralization in the European Union are leading trends. In many Member States of the Union reforms occur periodically to optimize the administrative-territorial structure and increasing the efficiency of regional and local authorities. Regionalization and decentralization are not ends in themselves processes. Depending on the nature of the polity, regional and local authorities in many European countries have important rights and obligations in the field of security. The attempt to decentralize security in Bulgaria is unsuccessful and ineffective, consisting mainly in maintenance of public order at municipal level through structures of the so-called municipal police in cities with regional division. Legislative changes are needed to adopt clear and explicit powers of the regional authorities (if in the near future form any) or regional governors and local security authorities.
Правен анализ на европейското законодателство относно граничен контрол на чужденците в Република България
Правен анализ на европейското законодателство относно граничен контрол на чужденците в Република България
(Legal analysis of the European law on border control of foreign nationals in the Republic of Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Elena Ficherova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:599-603
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:border control; Schengen Borders Code; Schengen; European legislation;
- Summary/Abstract:After the Republic of Bulgaria joined the European Union (EU) and in view of the upcoming accession to the Schengen area, our national legislation has undergone significant changes relevant for the border control, in order to align with EU law and the Schengen acquis. Any changes undertaken for the implementation of border control are in this connection. The control is carried out in a different way at Bulgarian border checkpoints on a border appearing as external border of the EU (e.g. our Black Sea state border) and at our future internal borders (with Romania and Greece). Schengen Borders Code is basic and leading among European legal instruments governing border control of foreigners in Bulgaria.
Проблеми в борбата с тежката престъпност и насоки за разрешаването им
Проблеми в борбата с тежката престъпност и насоки за разрешаването им
(Problems in the fight against severe crime and guidelines for their resolution)
- Author(s):Vasil Yanarliev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Criminology
- Page Range:583-598
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Serious crime; Operational and investigative activities; Toolbox of operational-search activities; The agents method;
- Summary/Abstract:The report identifies the main problems of police operational and investigative authorities to combat serious crime. Emphasis is placed on inadequate professional qualifications of these authorities, especially concerning full and comprehensive use of the elements of operational and investigative tools. The guidelines for its quality and lasting improvement is marked as a prerequisite for successful prevention, detection and documentation of serious crimes committed in conspiracy. We make a concomitant interpretation of the essential characteristics of serious crime; the nature and character of operational-search activity; specifics of its tools; key importance of the so-called. "Agents method" for aggressively countering serious crime.
Някои размишления спрямо правния статут и функционален режим на служителя от МВР на прикритие
Някои размишления спрямо правния статут и функционален режим на служителя от МВР на прикритие
(Some reflections on the legal status and functional regime of the undercover Interior Ministry personnel)
- Author(s):Iliya Savov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Public Administration
- Page Range:575-582
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:undercover officer; officer of the cover; trusted transaction; controlled delivery;
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the institute of "putting under cover" an MI employee in various bodies and organizations – state, municipal, public, NGOs and others. An attempt to describe the legal and functional status of the employee under cover according to the cited Regulation for gaining cooperation and organizing the cover of MI employees in government authorities, organizations and legal entities approved by the Minister of Interior. In the course of legal and operational analysis "rhetorical" questions arise, which need higher government authorities and MI management to give reliable answers in the legal space. The figures of "undercover officer" and "officer of the cover” mentioned in different legal documents and acting in the legal reality are in support of this unclear situation. A need appears to refine the details in legal status and functional purpose of both referred types of operating institute.
Логистика на корпоративната сигурност
Логистика на корпоративната сигурност
(Logistics of the corporate security)
- Author(s):Olesya Stroeva, Nadezhda Mironenko, Hristo Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Education
- Page Range:537-540
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Corporate Governance; Corporate Security;
- Summary/Abstract:Corporations are named differently: one-man corporation; collecting corporation; foreign corporation; local corporation; multinational corporation; quasi-communal corporation; municipal corporation; public corporation. Corporate governance for ensuring the security of business consists in purposeful creation of its own security system. Active corporate security as a business and service is achieved primarily through analysis and synthesis of information collected in overt or secret way.
Бизнес сигурността и финансовите и параметри
Бизнес сигурността и финансовите и параметри
(Business security and its financial parameters)
- Author(s):Nadezhda Mironenko, Tatyana N. Ivashtenko, Hristo Ivanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Security and defense
- Page Range:541-544
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:entrepreneurship; investment; innovation; information;
- Summary/Abstract:The business represents an economic activity, a trade. It also means any industrial, commercial, financial or other activity for profits or monetary gain. The latter is associated with finance, financing, saving and a buyers' market. Business security reflects the essential properties, parties and relations of studied essence; it appears as a category. Analyzed concept reflects scientifically substantiated experience in the field of general security, which as well as the business is a continuous process.
Противодействието на данъчните престъпления в системата за обезпечаване на национална сигурност
Противодействието на данъчните престъпления в системата за обезпечаване на национална сигурност
(Countering tax crimes in the national security system)
- Author(s):Hristina Yordanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Public Finances
- Page Range:545-551
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:national security; tax crimes; SANS; MI; countermeasures prevention;
- Summary/Abstract:The report presents a summary of current legal regulation of activity for combating crimes against the tax system in Bulgaria. It analyzes the competence of the relevant government authorities, the models of interaction between them, including specific practices and implemented initiatives. It discusses also organizational and professional constraints, reflecting on the effectiveness of investigation of tax crimes. The report offers ideas for optimizing the organization of this activity in the context of new security challenges.
Ефективната работа на службите за сигурност в република България е в пряка зависимост от предоставените им правомощия
Ефективната работа на службите за сигурност в република България е в пряка зависимост от предоставените им правомощия
(The effective work of the security services in the Republic of Bulgaria is in direct dependence on their respective powers)
- Author(s):Ivaylo Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:552-558
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:security system; development; modern legal framework;
- Summary/Abstract:The topicality of the study is determined by the major changes that have occurred in recent years in Europe, reflecting on the security of any country. This requires enactment of major reforms in all public systems, including security system. The actual in this case is determined by the lack of political will in Bulgaria over the past 25 years to make serious structural reforms. Creation and restructuring of institutions within the security system are processes that ensure protection of life and well-being of citizens, the main priority of the state. Efficient management and operation of the security services in solving a problem must be clearly stipulated in legislation, which gives a prerequisite for well-structured services with clear authorities. In recent years, a number of legislative changes were made in the security sector. This paper examines the strategic aspects of structural changes in the security system, and in particular: the creation of a new legal framework as a prerequisite for adequate and timely reaction of the services in a specific crisis situation.
Ислямистката радикализация в Eвропейския съюз и нейните български измерения. Политики и мерки за превенция и противодействие
Ислямистката радикализация в Eвропейския съюз и нейните български измерения. Политики и мерки за превенция и противодействие
(Islamist radicalisation in the EU and its Bulgarian dimensions. Policies and measures for prevention and counteraction)
- Author(s):Jivko Dimitrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Politics and religion, Radical sociology
- Page Range:559-568
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:radicalization; terrorism and prevention;
- Summary/Abstract:Over the past few years in the European Union, mainly among the large Muslim diasporas, there is a rapid spread and strengthening of Islamist radicalization. A similar process, albeit in a much more limited sizes began to be seen in Bulgaria. Radicalization that leads to violence is a phenomenon that can lead to acts of terrorism and endanger the fundamental values of the European Union – democracy, human rights, freedom and the rule of law. This demands the Member States of the Union to undertake adequate measures to counter effectively radicalization and terrorism, with a major emphasis on prevention.
Отговорности на България като външна граница на Европейския съюз
Отговорности на България като външна граница на Европейския съюз
(Bulgarian responsibilities as an EU external border)
- Author(s):Zahari Biserov, Alexander Alexiev, Borislav Dinkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Security and defense, Migration Studies
- Page Range:569-574
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:European Union; European Commission; Directorate "Border Police"; migrants; smugglers; border;border area;
- Summary/Abstract:Considering the responsibilities of Bulgaria as an EU external border we must first ask the question: Does Bulgaria succeed to protect its own borders? Because its responsibility to the Union is not less than that which brings to itself and its people. The events of the past few months have shown clearly the position in which Bulgaria is situated. Bulgarian border, respectively EU border is unable to stop migration flows. Authorized Service Directorate "Border Police" shows weakness, lack of capacity and professionalism. The army had to come to the aid, which does not mean that the way the border protection was organized would stop the migrants. It turned out that another service the Ministry of Interior 570 has parade but not required capabilities. The fact that they have formed voluntary squads in the regions around the "groove", says it all.