Необходимост от високо ниво на физическа и спортна подготовка на състава на МВР и значението им за националната сигурност
The necessity of high level of physical and sports training of the Interior Ministry staff and its importance for the national security
Author(s): Ivaylo Nikolov
Subject(s): Security and defense
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: physical and sports training; national security; MI;
Summary/Abstract: National security requires preparation of the population to respond to any kind of crisis, which is associated with a healthy, legally capable and educated population. Ministry of Interior (MI) of Bulgaria has traditional achievements in maintaining health status, psychophysical condition and preparation of its employees for the performance of professional duties. MI is an institution that is interested in development of sports and physical training as opposed to the widespread involvement of the younger generation in antisocial and criminal activities.
Book: Европа през 21 век : Регионалната сигурност и необходимите реформи в Европейския съюз
- Page Range: 532-536
- Page Count: 5
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Bulgarian