Ефекти от местния фискален капацитет в новите страни-членки на ЕС
Effects of the domestic fiscal capacity in the new EU member states

Author(s): Ardian Durmishi, Nikolay Patonov
Subject(s): EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: financial decentralization; local authorities; revenue powers of local authorities; tax bases; new members;
Summary/Abstract: Aim of this study is assessing the effectiveness of building fiscal capacity of local authorities in the new member states. By methodology of regression analysis, the effect of the increased capacity of local authorities is evaluated to finance the production of local public goods. The analysis results support the logic of the expectations that property taxes are revenue source for local budgets with the highest level of reliability and the greatest efficiency is realized when these taxes are administered locally.

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