Нови заплахи пред сигурността и нови мерки за сигурност: дебатът за ограничаването на гражданските права
New security threats and new security measures: the debate on the restriction of the civil rights

Author(s): Alexandra Atanasova
Subject(s): Security and defense, Inter-Ethnic Relations
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: security; terrorism; restrictions; rights;
Summary/Abstract: The theme is dedicated to the current debate on limiting part of personal rights and freedoms of citizens, to enhance the public safety. After the rapid development of global terrorism and the numerous attacks in Western Europe in recent years, a large number of politicians, diplomats and experts in the field of security in the EU raised this discussion. In many countries, we are already seeing increased security measures. The paper examines measures to ensure human rights, presenting opportunities for their legal restriction against currently available spelled out documents. The report presents the position in favor of restricting human rights in order to enhance the security of society. The position "for" is definitely determined only under strict legally spelled out, not coming out of certain frames (including time), measures. Clear violation of human rights in any aspect is rejected. Different case studies are presented and various personal rights and freedoms are examined, which restric.

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