Европейската миграционна политика във фокуса на националните интереси и дефицитите в законодателството и бежанското право
The European migration policy in the focus of the national interests and the legislation and refugee law deficits

Author(s): Milka Yosifova, Adela Bozmarova
Subject(s): Security and defense, Migration Studies
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: migration; economic migrants; external borders; valid document;
Summary/Abstract: EU migration policy remains a serious problem, both in financial terms and the security of Member States and the Union as a whole. Inability to limit the migratory pressures exacerbates relations between Member States and causes extreme statements and defensive positions of their leaders, which block taking fast and effective solutions to limit and return of illegal economic migrants and those coming from countries where there is no military actions and civil war. After the failure of the mechanism for displacement and relocation, hopes are directed to the Agreement with Turkey to hold the wave of migration and to accept economic migrants against the price of a number of conditions and demands. The report examines art. 4 pt. 1 of Regulation (EC) № 2007/2004 on the establishment of FRONTEX, which states that "External borders may be crossed only at border crossing points and within the fixed opening hours", which the migrants undoubtedly violate, and the requirement to possess valid document for crossing the border. Moreover, the admission of this crime raises smuggling, human trafficking and civic associations for detention of migrants.

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