Изследване потенциалната опасност за населението и критичната инфраструктура при евентуална аварийна ситуация с изтичане на количества от опасни отпадъци, разположени на територията на предприятия и необходими мерки за предотвратяване и отстраняване
Research on the potential danger for the population and the critical infrastructure in the event of an emergency due to leakage of hazardous waste located on the territory of enterprises and necessary measures for the prevention and elimination

of consequences

Author(s): Antoaneta Simeonova, Angel Krumov
Subject(s): Security and defense, Evaluation research, Environmental interactions
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: critical infrastructure; accident; measures; consequences;
Summary/Abstract: Research on the potential danger for the population and the critical infrastructure in the event of an emergency due to leakage of hazardous waste located on the territory of enterprises and necessary measures for the prevention and elimination of consequences // Protecting workers at the workplace and the general population, as well as the critical infrastructure must begin with removing, prohibition, substitution and other similar measures that quantitatively and qualitatively minimize exposure to hazardous substances and agents. This requires better systems for managing safety and health of workers at enterprise level, and operating systems, strategies and programs at national and regional levels. This work explores the potential danger in a possible emergency situation with leakage of hazardous waste in the work of the plant for production of dichloroethane, the operation of 612 which forms waste classified with a code: 07 01 07 * Halogenated still bottoms and reaction residues (heavy fractions ).

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