Възможности за повишаване на ефективността на трансграничното сътрудничество в Средиземноморския регион в контекста на преразгледаната Европейска политика на съседство
Opportunities for the increase of the effectiveness of cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean region in the context of the revised European Neighborhood Policy
Author(s): Dafinka Sidova
Subject(s): Politics, Security and defense
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: cross-border cooperation; "wide" security; efficiency; European Neighbourhood Policy; correlation;
Summary/Abstract: The study has two focuses. The first is the comparative analysis of cross-border cooperation in the Mediterranean region for the programming periods 2000-2006 and 2007-2013, according to specified performance criteria – number of the accomplished cross-border projects and utilized funds relative to political, economic, social, environmental and cultural security. The second is putting the possibilities for increasing the effectiveness of CBC programs concerning the aspects of "wide" security in the context of the revised European Neighbourhood Policy through the application of statistical methods.
Book: Европа през 21 век : Регионалната сигурност и необходимите реформи в Европейския съюз
- Page Range: 112-121
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Bulgarian