Mladá slavistika II: Vnější a vnitřní vazby a souvislosti ve slovanských literaturách, jazycích a kulturách
Young Slavistics II: External and internal connections and connections in Slavic literatures, languages and cultures

Contributor(s): Eliška Gunišová (Editor), Josef Šaur (Editor)
Subject(s): Language studies, Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Recent History (1900 till today), Czech Literature, Russian Literature, Slovak Literature, Slovenian Literature, Ukrainian Literature, Western Slavic Languages, South Slavic Languages, 19th Century, Philology
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: slavistics; language; studies; literature studies; translation studies; culture;
Summary/Abstract: Young Slavistics II is the fifth consecutive publication in a series of annual publications of Doctoral students from the Department of Slavonic Studies in Brno. The book was introduced by a study from Prof. Ivo Pospíšil called “The Problem of the Coherence and Incoherence of Slavonic Literatures”. There are also nine studies by Doctoral students of different Slavonic fields, in which the students examine the issues of context and connection in Slavonic literatures, languages and cultures through the investigation of individual examples. Their research is based on dissertations currently being prepared. Therefore, the publication is a presentation of current research topics solved in Brno by young students of Slavonic studies and at the same time they indicate the trends which this emerging generation of researchers brings to contemporary Slavonic research.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-8807-8
  • Page Count: 149
  • Publication Year: 2017
  • Language: Slovak, Czech
Problém spojitosti a rozpojenosti slovanských literatur

Problém spojitosti a rozpojenosti slovanských literatur
(The Problem of the Coherence and Incoherence of Slavonic Literatures)

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Využitie cestopisného žánru pri propagovaní česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti u Rudolfa Pokorného
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Koncept střední Evropy ve slovinské esejistice: příklad Draga Jančara
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Anna Horáková-Gašparíková v kontexte česko-slovenskej historiografie
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Obecná charakteristika vulgarismů ve slovenštině
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Z činnosti Jihoslovansko-československé ligy v Záhřebu do roku 1937
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Převod koloritních prvků z bulharštiny do češtiny
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