Anna Horáková-Gašparíková v kontexte česko-slovenskej historiografie
Anna Horáková-Gašparíková in the Context of Czech-Slovak Historiography

Author(s): Hana Hrancová
Subject(s): Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Recent History (1900 till today), Czech Literature, Slovak Literature
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Anna Horáková-Gašparíková; V. Chaloupecký; historiography; Czechoslovakia; T. G. Masaryk; irredenta;
Summary/Abstract: The aim of the research is to include Anna Horáková-Gašparíková in the context of Czech-Slovak historiography and to analyse her historical work with the intention to point out the fact that her work is predominated by factography, objectivity and a historical-documentary line. The subject of the analysis is her work published by the press, unpublished articles and notes regarding historical works deposited in the Literary Archives of the Slovak National Library in Martin. At the same time, it is about pointing out relations with the representatives of the current scientific scene which influenced her work. As a source document for the analysis of Anna Horáková-Gašparíková’s contacts with the historical community, we used diaries from the Masaryk family house, taking into account that they were written by the author herself and thus they are subjective to a large extent. In the paper, we point out that Anna Horáková-Gašparíková was more of a historian than a writer and in her historical works, the facts prevail over her significant literary talent.

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