Problém spojitosti a rozpojenosti slovanských literatur
The Problem of the Coherence and Incoherence of Slavonic Literatures

Author(s): Ivo Pospíšil
Subject(s): Studies of Literature, Philology, Geopolitics
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: various degrees of the coherence of Slavonic literatures; philological unity; clash between the area and the linguistic/ethnic character of Slavonic literatures; geopolitics and Slavonic studies;
Summary/Abstract: The present study contains the analysis of the famous contradiction between the Slavophile and anti-Slavophile conception of the Slavonic entity in general and the Slavonic literatures in particular. The author interprets various concepts going back to Pavel Josef Šafařík, Adam Mickiewicz, Josef Dobrovský, Alexander Pypin and Vladimir Spasovich, Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, Matija Murko, Jan Máchal, Jiří Horák, and Frank Wollman and his polemics with Polish slavists (Stanisław Kolbuszewski) in contrast with the new tendencies linked to the 20th-century modernist and avantgarde currents which complicated the relations of slavisms and antislavisms strenthened by the conflict between the area and linguistic/ethnic character of Slavonic literatures. In the course of the conflicting processes including the First and the Second World Wars, holocaust, intentional genocidal actions and the redrawing of the map of the world the Slavonic question, even the problem of the Slavonic literary coherence arose with an unexpected intensity. The waves of the interest and disinterest in the Slavonic coherence and incoherence continued after 1945 and even much later, after the big turn at the end of the 1980s (in German: „nach der Wende“). It cannot be excluded that this problem, even in its wider context, might become topical again, especially face to face with relatively new phenomena connected with the threat of the new, global wars of religions and civilizations.

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