Koncept střední Evropy ve slovinské esejistice: příklad Draga Jančara
The Concept of Central Europe in Slovenian Essay Writing: an Example of Drago Jančar

Author(s): Iveta Bůžková
Subject(s): Regional Geography, Studies of Literature, Slovenian Literature
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Central Europe; Drago Jančar; Terra incognita; Egiptovski lonci mesa;
Summary/Abstract: The idea of Central Europe is a phenomenon emerging across different social scientific fields. The discussions about Central Europe (re-)emerged in the 1980s when a number of Central European writers, including Slovenian, began to deal with this idea under the influence of Milan Kunderaʼs famous essay. Among the Slovenian writers and journalists, the issue of Central Europe was discussed mainly by Drago Jančar who belonged to the authors supporting the idea of a common cultural area of Central Europe. The paper analyses Jančarʼs essay work in the context of other selected Central European authors such as Milan Kundera, Adam Michnik, Győrgy Konrád or Danilo Kiš. While at the very beginning, Jančar (like other authors) is in favour of the Central European idea, with hindsight he perceives the debates and visions of Central Europe with a certain reserve and prevailing scepticism can be seen in his texts.

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