Konstitutivní předpoklady žánru válečného komiksu
Constitutive Assumptions of the War Comic Genre

Author(s): Pavel Pilch
Subject(s): Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Military history
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: war comics; military comics; genre of comic books; comic art propaganda;
Summary/Abstract: The paper deals with the search and definition of constitutive assumptions of the war comic genre, which has not been satisfyingly described yet. We proceed from several encyclopaedic definitions, which we do not find efficient and by using other sources as well as our previously published works, we comment and define assumptions of the war comic genre which are mainly the topics, characters, events and functions of the comic book, while we try to determine which of these assumptions or more precisely their specific features, are mandatory for war comics. It is necessary to correct the American definitions which are not only compatible with European experience, especially regarding the date of origin of the genre but also in some other aspects and to synthesize other available knowledge with them. The text is an attempt to make a wider, more comprehensive definition of the war comic genre and its goal is to become the starting point for our subsequent research in this genre field.

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