Пазарът на жилищни недвижими имоти в град Варна
The Residential Real Estate Market in the City of Varna

Author(s): Ivo KOSTOV
Subject(s): Economy
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: Development; Dwellings; Market; Real Estates; Varna
Summary/Abstract: The paper examines the development of the real estate market in the city of Varna, the subject focusing on the dynamics of the residential market in the region in the last few years. With regard of the available empirical data, some of the information used applies to Varna District. The paper analyzes in detail the following indicators: average housing prices, housing price indexes (including their changes), number, type and usable area of existing dwellings, various types of entries in the land registry (related to sales, donations, barters, legal mortgages, contractual mortgages), issued building permits (for dwellings, number of dwellings, total built-up area), the new buildings brought into use, the usable area of the new dwellings, and the new dwellings brought into use according to the number of rooms. Based on this analysis, a number of conclusions and summaries related to the subject of the study have been presented in detail.

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