Строително предприемачество и недвижима собственост. к с доклади от 33-та международна научно-практическа конференция – ноември 2018
Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property. Proceedings of the 33-rd International Scientific and Practical Conferеnce in November 2018
Contributor(s): Plamen ILIEV (Editor), Konstantin Kalinkov (Editor), Stoyan STOYANOV (Editor), Rumen KALCHEV (Editor), Yordanka Yovkova (Editor), Sergei Maksimov (Editor), Ivan ZHELEV (Editor), Ivan YOVCHEV (Editor), Bozhidar CHAPAROV (Editor), Todor RAYCHEV (Editor), Katya ANTONOVA (Editor), Ivo KOSTOV (Editor), Anna GOSPODINOVA (Editor), Sevdalina HRISTOVA (Editor), Milena Ivanova (Editor), Vanya ANTONOVA (Editor), Slawomir PALICKI (Editor), Izabela RACKA (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Energy and Environmental Studies, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
ISSN: 1313-2369
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: real estate (buildings); real estate agencies; construction; construction companies; urban economy
Summary/Abstract: The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property” is held every year since 1985 by the Department of Economics and Management of Construction. The topic of the Conference „Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property” has not changed since 2006, but the topics of the papers are up-to-date and comprehensive. The topic of the conference results from the special nature of the economic settings in Bulgaria and is largely predetermined by the continuing problems in banking, construction business and real estate management. The main focus is on the issues of economics and management of construction, urban planning and real properties
- Page Count: 336
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: English, Bulgarian, Russian
Ново териториално устройствено планиране на България. Обособяване на четири нови региона
Ново териториално устройствено планиране на България. Обособяване на четири нови региона
(New Territorial Planning of Bulgaria. Four New Regions)
- Author(s):Borislav Yankov Borisov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:13-27
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Planning Regions; Regions; Territorial /spatial/ planning
- Summary/Abstract:The hypothesis of a new spatial development of Bulgaria in four regions and the integration of regional and territorial / spatial / planning through unified territorial planning documents is a new theoretical concept for a scientifically motivated change in state planning through practical application in the legislation. By reducing the NUTS 2 planning regions from six to four, a more even distribution of the population by region is achieved, better EUROSTAT compliance, better and more rational management and more appropriate development according to functional spatial planning.
Необходимост от ново териториално устройствено райониране на Р. България – европейски изисквания
Необходимост от ново териториално устройствено райониране на Р. България – европейски изисквания
(Necessity of a New Territorial-Structural Division of the Republic of Bulgaria – European Requirements)
- Author(s):Konstantin Kalinkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:28-40
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Cohesion; Decentralization; Regions for planning; Self-government; Territorial-structural division
- Summary/Abstract:In the following scientific report, the author views the issue of the necessity of a territorial-structural division of our country and more specifically – a determination of the territorial range of the regions of level-2. This change is due to European requirements, saying that the regions of level-2 (NUTS-2) must contain between 800 000 and 3 000 000 residents. This way they will comply with EU’s requirements for the next program period after year 2020. The new division of the country will allow for achieving maximum opportunities out of the future cohesion policy of EU. For this purpose, the government has presented 3 options for discussion. The aim, which the author of the scientific report sets for himself, is to propose an alternative way for the territorial-structural divisionof the regions of level-2 and to point out the perspectives for the administrative-territorial structure of the country. The motives and criteria for this proposition are connected to the processes of urbanization in our country, and to the influence of the 10 Common European Transport Corridors, 5 of which pass through Bulgaria.
Факторы экономического роста строительных организаций
Факторы экономического роста строительных организаций
(Economic Growth Factors of Construction Organizations)
- Author(s):Marina Yudenko, Evgeniy Yudenko
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:41-49
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Administrative barriers; Construction organizations; Economic growth; Institutional factors; Transaction costs
- Summary/Abstract:The decrease in the growth potential of the economy of construction organizations over the past six years has led to the need to search for factors of economic growth of construction organizations. The purpose of the article is the processes of identifying concepts and parameters of economic growth, as well as the study of institutional factors affecting the changing economic potential of organizations. The presented material reflects the results of a study that search for a solution to the current problem of managing the process of economic growth of construction organizations through reducing the transaction costs of economic entities. The reduction of administrative barriers and the influence of opportunist behavior in the construction sector affects the reduction of construction time and cost, safety of works and the quality of construction facilities, which ultimately leads to economic growth in the construction sector, including the economic growth of construction organizations.
Някои варианти за погасяване на дългосрочни ипотечни кредити
Някои варианти за погасяване на дългосрочни ипотечни кредити
(Some Possibilities for Refunding Long-Term Mortgage Loans)
- Author(s):Rosen Nikolaev, Tanka Milkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Financial Markets
- Page Range:50-59
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Annuity; Amortization schedule; Mortgage loans
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays there is an increase in the relative part of houses bought by mortgage loans. This leads as a consequence to a stronger competition between the credit institutions and also to a steady growth in the specific needs and preferences of the clients of these institutions. Based on this, there is more and more a necessity for some flexible politics from bank institutions, which may lead to increase of their part from the mortgage loans market and also to guarantee a higher level of serving their clients. In the present paper, based on analysis of the existing methods for refunding home mortgage loans, the authors propose a methodology for adapting the amortization schedules to new options.
Реновация городских территорий: российская практика и возможные альтернативы
Реновация городских территорий: российская практика и возможные альтернативы
(Renovation of Urban Areas: Russian Practice and Possible Alternatives)
- Author(s):Sergei Maksimov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:60-70
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Government; Private business; Residential development; Renovation
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this article is a comparative analysis of residential renovation programs in two major Russian cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg. Their common features and differences, tasks and scales are revealed, the role of the state and private business in implementation of programs, the problems arising in the course of their implementation are analyzed. Proposals are formulated to improve the practice of renovation in Russian cities, in particular, to combine state and municipal participation with the involvement of private developers and the population living in the houses to be renovated.
Длъжности и работни места в бизнеса с недвижими имоти
Длъжности и работни места в бизнеса с недвижими имоти
(Positions and Work Places in the Real Estate Business)
- Author(s):Rumen KALCHEV
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:71-80
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Positions; Real estate business; Work places
- Summary/Abstract:At the beginning of the 21st century, the real estate business is one of the fastest growing in Bulgaria. In theory and practice, there are misconceptions about the essence of the work of some of the main subjects in the real estate business. There are also frequent cases of misuse of terms. The author of this report aims to make a critical review of the activities and job descriptions in the real estate business and to support the theory and practice in Bulgaria in the use of the concept apparatus in this field. The first part provides a brief overview of the activities in the real estate sector. The second part focuses on the practical use of the concept machine in the sector.
Измерение потенциала эффективной деятельности и развития строительных организаций
Измерение потенциала эффективной деятельности и развития строительных организаций
(Measurement of the Potential of Efficient Activity and Development of Construction Organizations)
- Author(s):Nicholay Chepachenko, Alexander Leontyev, Svetlana Nikolihina, Grigori Uraev
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:81-96
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Building organizations; Development; Economic efficiency; Measurement and evaluation; Potential
- Summary/Abstract:The role and importance methods of measurement and an objective assessment of the growth potential and development of industrial enterprises and organizations in the development and implementation of corporate strategies are shown. The methodical background and principles demanded for substantiation and development of methods for measuring and evaluating different types of potential are clarified. Revealed varieties of growth potential and development of construction organizations. A methodical approach is proposed to substantiate the method of measuring and assessing the potential of the effective main activity of construction organizations, based on the orientation to the “golden rule of enterprise economics” The method of measuring and assessing the growth potential of the economy of construction organizations is substantiated and proposed. Methods for measuring and assessing the development potential of construction organizations: reproduction, innovation, personnel, competitive, technical and technological is substantiated and develop.
Comparative Legal Regime of Conтracts for the Use of Agricultural Land
Comparative Legal Regime of Conтracts for the Use of Agricultural Land
(Comparative Legal Regime of Conтracts for the Use of Agricultural Land)
- Author(s):Biserka Marinova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Agriculture
- Page Range:97-105
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Agricultural Use; Contract; Land; Lease; Rent
- Summary/Abstract:The study focuses on the legal regime and the comparison of the two main types of agricultural land use contracts - the lease agreement and the rent agreement. The general legal features of these contracts, their peculiarities arising from the subject matter and the differences between them, are set out. Changes in the legal framework related to limiting the risks of fraud and abuse of agricultural lands are being considered. The applicability of the lex specialis to the legal settlement of the relationship between owner / co-owner and third party as well as the mandatory case-law on the admissibility of leasing contracts under the Special Agricultural Lease Act are analyzed.
Особенности концепций строительства энергоэффективных домов
Особенности концепций строительства энергоэффективных домов
(Features of the Concepts of Energy Efficient Houses Construction)
- Author(s):Svetlana Nikolikhina, Nadezhda Polovnikova, Olga Kovalevskaya
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:106-112
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Active house; House with zero energy consumption; Passive house; Secondary buildings; Wide houses
Logistics Clusters: Origins, Formation and Economic Effects
Logistics Clusters: Origins, Formation and Economic Effects
(Logistics Clusters: Origins, Formation and Economic Effects)
- Author(s):Waldemar W. Budner
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:113-123
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Development conditions; Location factors; Logistics clusters
- Summary/Abstract:The beginnings of the cluster‘s concept go back to neoclassical economics. These were the studies of A. Marshall, which 100 years later formulated in the general theory of M. Porter. Nowadays, the dynamic development of the logistics services market has resulted in the concentration of enterprises from the TSL sector. Logistic clusters have become a new element of the economic landscape of many countries. The purpose of the work is to present the concept of a logistics cluster, conditions of emergence, location factors and the economic consequences of their operation. It follows from the considerations that logistic clusters play an important role in improving the competitiveness of enterprises and the economy.
Етапи на приложението на информационните и комуникационните технологии при фасилити мениджмънта
Етапи на приложението на информационните и комуникационните технологии при фасилити мениджмънта
(Stages of Application of Information and Communication Technologies Facility Management)
- Author(s):Ivan ZHELEV
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:124-134
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Building information systems; Facility management; Information communication technologies; Stages of development
- Summary/Abstract:Facility Management is an activity that is responsible for non-core processes in organizations. Its development is directly related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which can provide powerful strategic and tactical tools that contribute, on the one hand, to a better quality of life in the workplace and, on the other, to improve the financial performance of organizations. The aim of the report‘s author is to outline the main stages of the implementation of ICT in Facility Management and on this basis to identify some of their features in order to support the theory and management practice in this field.
Динамика на жилищните цени и макроикономическите им ефекти – данни от България
Динамика на жилищните цени и макроикономическите им ефекти – данни от България
(House Price Dynamics and Their Macroeconomic Impact - Data from Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Hristo Mavrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:135-144
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Consumption; GDP; House price dynamics; Inflation; Unemployment
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the paper is to show the importance of the housing market for the stability of the macroeconomy. The AD-AS model is used as a theoretical framework to illustrate the possible mechanisms for transferring the impact of the housing market on the macroeconomy. Based on data from Bulgaria the house price dynamics over the business cycle is being studied. In addition to this a research is done on the relationship between housing prices and consumption, GDP, inflation and unemployment.
Възможности за оптимизиране на лизинговата дейност на строителното предприятие
Възможности за оптимизиране на лизинговата дейност на строителното предприятие
(Possibilities for Optimization the Leasing Activities of a Construction Company)
- Author(s):Radan Miryanov, Velina Yordanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Financial Markets
- Page Range:145-152
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Construction company; Dynamic models; Leasing
- Summary/Abstract:In the market conditions nowadays, the construction companies are forced to seek and apply new methods to achieve optimal economic and financial performance. One of these innovative methods is leasing, which is becoming more and more relevant as an effective financing tool. In this paper the authors offer some opportunities to optimize the leasing activities of a construction company. New conditions for the leasing scheme are introduced and dynamic optimization models are proposed in order to achieve an optimal strategy for replacing the subject of the lease using the criterion of optimality – obtaining maximum income for the whole period.
Institutional Investors in Ownership Structure of Construction and Real Estate Development Companies in Poland: The Impact on Financialisation Ratios
Institutional Investors in Ownership Structure of Construction and Real Estate Development Companies in Poland: The Impact on Financialisation Ratios
(Institutional Investors in Ownership Structure of Construction and Real Estate Development Companies in Poland: The Impact on Financialisation Ratios)
- Author(s):Paweł Oleksy, Andrzej Zyguła
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets
- Page Range:153-163
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Construction companies; Financialisation; Institutional investors; Ownership structure; Real estate development companies
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we examine whether the presence and position of institutional investors in ownership structure of construction and real estate development companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange affects basic financialisation measures. Our findings indicate that the value of specified financialisation indicators is more influenced by the presence of institutional investors in the ownership structure than by their relative dominance over noninstitutional shareholders. Additionally, considerably higher mean values of most financialisation ratios in development companies suggest their greater degree of financialisation as compared to construction entities.
An Attempt to Assess the Housing Standard on the Example of a Polish City
An Attempt to Assess the Housing Standard on the Example of a Polish City
(An Attempt to Assess the Housing Standard on the Example of a Polish City)
- Author(s):Izabela RACKA, Magdalena Kowalczyk
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:164-173
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Housing; Local Government; Real Estate Market
- Summary/Abstract:The authors discuss the issue of the housing standard and methods of its measurement. The housing standard is a problem in most countries in Europe and its level is still unsatisfactory. We discuss the problem of changes in the housing standard in a selected city in Poland. Particular attention has been paid to the standard of municipal real estate. We have made an attempt to evaluate the housing standard using self-constructed indicators.
Ефективност на инвестициите в жилищни имоти
Ефективност на инвестициите в жилищни имоти
(Efficiency of Investments in Residential Properties)
- Author(s):Milcho Bliznakov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:174-181
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Efficiency; Investments; Residential properties
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses the opportunities for investing in real estate in Bulgarian cities with population of over 120000 inhabitants. Different investment opportunities are examined. Based on data on rents and real estate prices from specialized real estate sites and statistical information from the National Statistical Institute for the period 2015-2018, current, capital, and total return on investment in different types of real estate in the cities under consideration was determined. It is concluded that there is an active real estate market in Bulgaria, which is a good alternative to investing in households.
Повишаване на ефективността на предприятията за недвижими имоти в България
Повишаване на ефективността на предприятията за недвижими имоти в България
(Improving the Efficiency of Real Estate Companies in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Nikolinka Ignatova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:182-192
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Construction companies; Efficiency; Real estate agencies
- Summary/Abstract:The following report aims to study the efficiency of real estate companies. The subjects of the study are five construction enterprises and five real estate agencies for the period of 2012-2015. For the study, the following indicators were analyzed: efficiency on the basis of the core capital, of the internal and the external one, and of the fixed and intangible assets. Comparative analysis and statistical methods of research are applied in the study. Based on the report’s criteria, real estate companies are differentiated according to their decline, preservation, and improvement of efficiency. The results are followed by guidelines for improving efficiency.
Оптимизация на планирането на работното време при изпълнение на малки строителни услуги
Оптимизация на планирането на работното време при изпълнение на малки строителни услуги
(Optimization of the Scheduling of Short-Time Construction Activities)
- Author(s):Deyan Mihaylov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:193-200
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Construction Activities; Cutting Stock Problem; Efficient Schedule
- Summary/Abstract:This report examines the possibility to optimize the scheduling of shorttime construction activities. For the purposes of the study, a “short” construction activity shall mean one whose execution time is shorter than the normal working day. Generally, different activities have different durations. It’s proposed to use the linear optimization model of one-dimensional cuttings when creating such schedules. The minimum number of working days needed for the execution of a large number of activities is accepted as a criterion of optimality. The proposed method allows to create more efficient schedules.
Възможности за придобиване на жилищни недвижими имоти на територията на град Варна
Възможности за придобиване на жилищни недвижими имоти на територията на град Варна
(Opportunities to Acquire Residential Properties in the City of Varna)
- Author(s):Yana Stoencheva, Dragomir Stefanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:201-212
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Price; Residential real estate property; Trend
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the current research is the market of residential properties in Varna. The dynamics of prices and the time span for the acquisition of a property is analysed. The analysis focuses on two-bedroom flats that are typically in high-demand. An upward trend in property prices is demonstrated for most of the surveyed neighbourhoods. A comparative analysis between of the residential property market in Varna and Sofia was carried out as well as the market of some seaside towns in Europe. The results could be useful to some potential investors.
Предимства от използването на соларни покриви в строителството в България
Предимства от използването на соларни покриви в строителството в България
(Advantages of Implementing Solar Roofs in Bulgarian Construction)
- Author(s):Anna GOSPODINOVA, Aleksandra Koleva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:213-222
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Construction; Manufactories; Residential Houses; Solar roof
- Summary/Abstract:There is a tendency for ecologically sound extraction and consumption of electricity in the field of macroeconomics nowadays. Two main prerequisites exist. First, the deficit of conventional energy fuels and second the environmentally friendly manufacturing of electricity for both domestic and industrial necessities. The purpose of the authors of this paper is, exploring the approach of the US company Tesla in the construction of solar-roofed buildings, to prove its beneficial characteristics implemented in Bulgarian infrastructure.
Строителството в България в условията на застаряване на населението
Строителството в България в условията на застаряване на населението
(Construction in Bulgaria in Terms of Aging Population)
- Author(s):Vanya Stoyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:223-228
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Aging population; Construction; Dwellings; Regression analysis; Statistical regions
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the change of newly built dwellings under the influence of economic and demographic factors in an aging population. The theoretical basis of the study is Modligliani‘s theory of income, consumption and savings life cycle. The choice of factors and their measures is based. A multifactorial regression model is being built for the districts in Bulgaria. The influence of the factors is measured with its help. The strength of the relation between the variables and the differences in the regional development is based.
Възможности за непреки инвестиции в недвижими имоти
Възможности за непреки инвестиции в недвижими имоти
(Opportunities for Indirect Investment in Real Estates)
- Author(s):Krasimira Naydenova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Financial Markets
- Page Range:229-237
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Bulgarian stock market; Real estate investment; Real estate investments trusts; Securitization
- Summary/Abstract:Real estate investments require high capital, and diversification of the portfolio - even higher. For investors with limited resources, the real estate market, in all its segments, is accessible through indirect investment, notably through the shares of the real estate investment trusts. These financial instruments provide both participation in the profits from the development and management of properties and from the increase in their prices as well as from the letting. In Bulgaria, these companies do not pay profit tax and are required to distribute 90% of it as a dividend.
Възможности за повишаване / оправдаване цената на жилищните имоти – концепцията „умен дом”
Възможности за повишаване / оправдаване цената на жилищните имоти – концепцията „умен дом”
(Opportunities for Increasing / Justifying the Prices of Residential Buildings – the Concept of “Smart Home”)
- Author(s):Ivan Apostolov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:238-246
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Home automation; Smart home; Smart system
- Summary/Abstract:The current situation on the real estate market in Bulgaria can be defined as a new property bubble. We have seen such a rapid rise in prices of real estate in the past, however, we remain with the impression that residential properties are not bought for the purpose of occupation, but for the purpose of investment. The only and logical outcome of the competition is the drop in prices, or to put on better quality materials and facilities, on which we will focus, and we are already seeing more modern solutions - housing prepared for the installation of „smart home“ systems.
Безжични системи за домашна автоматизация – бъдеще
Безжични системи за домашна автоматизация – бъдеще
(Wireless Home Automation Systems – The Future)
- Author(s):Ivan Apostolov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:247-255
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Home automation; Smart home; Wireless automation systems
- Summary/Abstract:Over the last decade, technological progress marks an incredible pace of development. Every device and piece of equipment to which human hand has touched becomes a smart one, capable of acting almost autonomously. The technologies become more mobile, versatile, wireless. Nowadays, there are a number of devices and even whole home automation systems, which, however, use different incompatible communication protocols and even technologically differ. This raises a number of questions about the choice of the most appropriate for both the contractors, who have decided to increase the value of their real estate, but so on the part of their future and current owners.
Динамика на пазара на кредитите за покупка на жилищни имоти в Р. България. Сравнителен анализ за 2017 г. спрямо 2007 г.
Динамика на пазара на кредитите за покупка на жилищни имоти в Р. България. Сравнителен анализ за 2017 г. спрямо 2007 г.
(Residential Property in Republic of Bulgaria in 2017 Compared to 2007)
- Author(s):Elena Parova, Angel Kusev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets
- Page Range:256-264
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Housing loan; Market; Property
- Summary/Abstract:The housing loan market is equally dynamic and largely dependent on the economic situation in the country. In 2017, there is a demand for better quality of properties of any type and also the buyers are more demanding when selecting and financing real estates. The buyers’ confidence in the construction sector has returned, and much of them went to buy a property “under construction”. The thrust of the banks to construction companies and also to buyers, who want to buy a home “under construction” with credit has returned. In view of the sustainability of low interest rates, the expectation for the housing loan market is to maintain good credit conditions from the banks both in 2018 and the following year.
Специфики на интервюто при подбор на брокери на недвижими имоти
Специфики на интервюто при подбор на брокери на недвижими имоти
(Specifics in the Interview When Selecting Real Estate Brokers)
- Author(s):Maria Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:265-275
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Broker; Human resources; Job interview
- Summary/Abstract:Turnover of people is one of the problems of companies in the real estate sector and especially real estate agencies. The reasons could be different: lack of skills and qualities to achieve effective sales, lack of motivation in the employee, etc. On the other hand, the shortage of quality candidates in the labor market forces managers to compromise on their requirements and on the efficiency of the recruitment and selection campaigns. Successful team forming depends on the correct choice of methods for the selection process in choosing new employees. This area of human resource management is continuing its development but there is still one method that is still consider as most effective – the job interview. Successfully conducted job interviews increases the possibility for successful employments.
Интелигентните градове в контекста на устойчиво градско развитие
Интелигентните градове в контекста на устойчиво градско развитие
(Smart Cities in the Context of Sustainable Urban Development)
- Author(s):Rumen Velev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:276-285
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Smart cities; Sustainable urban development; Urban infrastructure
- Summary/Abstract:The scientific report explores the problem of the transformation of cities in Bulgaria into intelligent ones in the context of sustainable urban development. The main aspects of the concept of „intelligent city“ are considered, outlining some of the factors determining the development of the cities in this direction. In Part Two are some of the main financial instruments provided by the state, EU structural funds and a number of innovative financial instruments supported by the European Investment Bank supporting the transformation of cities and turning them into „smart“ to achieve sustainable urban development.
Управление на риска чрез серия от международни стандарти ISO 31000
Управление на риска чрез серия от международни стандарти ISO 31000
(Risk Management through a Series of International Standards ISO 31000)
- Author(s):Miglena Staneva-Todorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:286-294
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:International standards; Management; Risk
- Summary/Abstract:The scientific paper explores the problem of risk management in organizations through a set of international standards. The existing standardization system is clarified and its levels are presented. The series of international standards for risk management in organizations has been explored, focusing on the most up-to-date version of the International Risk Management Standard ISO 31000 of February 2018. Тhe overall structure and current approaches to risk management are explained through the principles, framework and risk management process discussed in the updated version of the standard.
Инвестиционни и функционални предимства на жилищните комплекси в селищните образувания
Инвестиционни и функционални предимства на жилищните комплекси в селищните образувания
(Investment and Functional Advantages of Residential Complexes in Residential Formations)
- Author(s):Antoan Vlaev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:295-304
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:General development plan; Real estate investments; Residential complex; Urban environment
- Summary/Abstract:The advantages of residential complexes in the urban formations of the city of Varna are systemized in this scientific report. The market and real estate investments are investigated. Through analysis of construction land, its investment and functional characteristics are derived. The parameters of the zones in relation to the general development plan of the city of Varna and the rules and norms for its implementation are considered. The study is based on the example of the “Art Village” residential complex in Pchelina, Varna, presenting its advantages over the residential buildings and complexes in the central city areas.
Зелените сгради и агротуризма
Зелените сгради и агротуризма
(Green Buildings and Agritourism)
- Author(s):Denitsa Koseva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:305-315
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Agritourism; Development; Green buildings
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the report is to identify the opportunities for agritourism development in the context of the dynamics of the construction sector. People‘s growing concern about nature and energy scarcity leads to the need for a concept of „green“ or „sustainable“ building. The creation of „green buildings“ is a process of designing, building or operating buildings that guarantee people‘s well-being and create positive impacts on the climate and the natural environment. Agritourism meets specific tourism needs in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and nature conservation. Green houses built for agritourism are creating sustainable architecture in rural areas.
Интелигентен уеб базиран помощник за планиране на строителна и ремонтна дейност
Интелигентен уеб базиран помощник за планиране на строителна и ремонтна дейност
(An Intelligent Web-Based Assistant for Planning Constructive and Reconstructive Activity)
- Author(s):Radostina Petrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:316-326
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Automation; Construction; Intelligence; Planning
- Summary/Abstract:Building residential and road infrastructure are fundamental to every society. In the era of artificial intelligence, we have bigger buildings and fancier houses, so, we do need of better construction companies with qualified employees, who are able to make a high-quality reconstruction and to create innovative and even SMART building objects. The high-tech world is focused on users, who benefit from automatic tools and machines. This report aims to prove the necessity of an intelligent web-based assistant for planning constructive and reconstructive activities. It’s achieved by completion of three tasks. A research for the most common mistakes in construction has been made; good practices have been explored and analyzed; an intelligent web-based assistant was designed. The author considers that the project of the assistant could be adapted to every hardware and software.
Тенденции на пазара за луксозните жилища
Тенденции на пазара за луксозните жилища
(Trends of the Market for Luxury Homes)
- Author(s):Kristian Valchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:327-336
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Characteristics; Luxury homes; Survey results
- Summary/Abstract:The recovery of the economy from the crisis years has a positive impact on the real estate market. There is a significant increase in demand in the luxury segment, but in the conditions of the Bulgarian market, the idea of a luxury residential property is too broad - there is no standardization or characteristics to be met by such a homes. This implies the need for a wider study of this market segment, including the opinion of construction / investor companies, in order to outline the characteristics of luxury residential properties and the possibilities for their standardization. This report presents the results of a survey of the opinion of construction / investor companies about the market and the characteristics of luxury homes.