Строително предприемачество и недвижима собственост. Сборник с доклади от 34-та международна научно-практическа конференция – ноември 2019 г.
Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property. Proceedings of the 34-th International Scientific and Practical Conferеnce in November 2019
Contributor(s): Bozhidar CHAPAROV (Editor), Plamen ILIEV (Editor), Stoyan STOYANOV (Editor), Rumen KALCHEV (Editor), Yordanka Yovkova (Editor), Sergei Maksimov (Editor), Marina Yudenko (Editor), Ivan ZHELEV (Editor), Ivan YOVCHEV (Editor), Todor RAYCHEV (Editor), Katya ANTONOVA (Editor), Slawomir PALICKI (Editor), Ivo KOSTOV (Editor), Anna GOSPODINOVA (Editor), Sevdalina HRISTOVA (Editor), Milena Ivanova (Editor), Vanya ANTONOVA (Editor), Izabela RACKA (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
ISSN: 2683-0280
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: real property; construction; entrepreneurship; urban planning
Summary/Abstract: The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property” is held every year since 1985 by the Department of Economics and Management of Construction. The topic of the Conference „Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property” has not changed since 2006, but the topics of the papers are up-to-date and comprehensive. The topic of the conference results from the special nature of the economic settings in Bulgaria and is largely predetermined by the continuing problems in banking, construction business and real estate management. The main focus is on the issues of economics and management of construction, urban planning and real properties.
- Page Count: 230
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Bulgarian, Russian
Влияние трансакционных издержек на эффективность деятельности предпринимателей в строительстве
Влияние трансакционных издержек на эффективность деятельности предпринимателей в строительстве
(Impact of Transaction Costs on the Efficiency of Entrepreneurs in Construction)
- Author(s):Marina Yudenko, Ulia Golikova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:13-19
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Construction; Efficiency; Entrepreneurship; Transaction costs
- Summary/Abstract:The impact of all types of resources on the efficiency of construction as an economic activity has been concluded. It has been determined that transaction costs arise during all stages of construction works during the interaction of business participants in construction The authors propose a methodological approach to measuring and evaluating the efficiency of construction activities taking into account transaction costs.
Развитие инструментария эффективного управления деятельностью строительных организаций
Развитие инструментария эффективного управления деятельностью строительных организаций
(Development of Tools for Effective Management of Activities of Construction Organizations)
- Author(s):Nicholay Chepachenko, Alexander Leontyev, Nadezhda Polovnikova, Grigori Uraev
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:20-29
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Construction organizations; Economic efficiency; Effective management tools; Main activity; Measurement and Evaluation Methods
- Summary/Abstract:Presents the Results of research and development of actual directions of development of tools of effective management of the main activity of the construction organizations are presented. The methodical approach based on the concept of integral resource approach to measurement and an assessment of economic efficiency of the main activity of the construction organizations is offered. The classification of methods for measuring and evaluating the economic efficiency of the main activities of construction companies, which implements the systematization of potential areas of development of efficiency management tools. The proposed inequalities, realizing the potential of the concept of the „Golden rule of enterprise Economics“, being the constituent elements of the corporate management standard, develop the potential of methodological tools for managing the efficiency of the main activities of construction organizations and purposefully orient the staff to make effective management decisions.
Новые возможности применения графического калькулятора Casio FX-CG20 в вузовском курсе эконометрики на примере исследования рынка жилья
Новые возможности применения графического калькулятора Casio FX-CG20 в вузовском курсе эконометрики на примере исследования рынка жилья
(New Possibilities of Using the Casio FX-CG20 Graphic Calculator in Higher Education Econometry Course on the Example of Research the Real Estate Market)
- Author(s):Igor Vostroknutov, Alexander Lukankin, Anastasia Zayceva
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:30-39
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Analysis of economic processes; CASIO fx-CG20 graphical calculator; Correlation and regression analysis; Forecast of economic processes;Trend;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to assessing the didactic possibilities of using modern CASIO graphing calculators in a university course in econometrics. It is shown how it is possible to conduct a graphical analysis of economic processes in the housing market using real data from Rosstat open sources. It is shown how to identify a trend and a trend start point, how to forecast a trend development using the computing capabilities and the mathematical apparatus of the correlation and regression analysis of the CASIO fx-CG20 graphical calculator. Particular attention is paid of the analysis of the data obtained.
Модел за оптимизиране на запасите в строително предприятие
Модел за оптимизиране на запасите в строително предприятие
(Model for Inventory Optimization in a Construction Enterprise)
- Author(s):Rosen Nikolaev, Tanka Milkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:40-48
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Inventory management; Optimizing
- Summary/Abstract:One of the basic factors for ensuring high economic results and achieving the pre-set business goals is related to optimal inventory management in the logistics system. There are many science-based approaches in the specialized literature aimed at minimizing the costs associated with inventory in an organization. Most of these methods are universal in their nature and do not take into account the characteristic conditions of the activities in each particular organization. This paper proposes a modification of Wilson‘s classic inventory management model, which considers some of the specifics of inventory in a construction enterprise.
Экономическая конъюнктура на рынке жилой недвижимости России
Экономическая конъюнктура на рынке жилой недвижимости России
(Economic Situation in the Residential Market Estate of Russia)
- Author(s):Olga Kovalevskaya, Svetlana Nikolikhina
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy
- Page Range:49-57
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Economic situation; Housing construction price; Residential real estate; Residential real estate price
- Summary/Abstract:The Economic situation of the residential real estate market is a complex and multidimensional concept. Trends in this market depend on the factors of supply of residential real estate and on the factors of demand for it. In Russia, the residential real estate market has an unstable downward conjuncture, which is associated with the high cost of credit resources, high prices for residential real estate in certain regions, the introduction of project financing for the construction of residential real estate and other circumstances.
Насоки за прилагане на устойчив фасилити мениджмънт
Насоки за прилагане на устойчив фасилити мениджмънт
(Implementation Guidelines of Sustainable Facilities Management)
- Author(s):Ivan ZHELEV, Ivan YOVCHEV
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:58-70
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Facility Management; Implementation guidelines; Sustainable Development; Sustainable Facility Management
- Summary/Abstract:The existing building stock plays a central role in sustainable development due to high resource consumption. Facility managers, whose primary responsibility is in the building phase of climate change mitigation, by implementing sustainable facility management. The authors‘ goal is to explore some theoretical issues of sustainable facility management and to provide guidance on this its application in practice in order to support the theory and management practice of social, economic and environmental sustainable development.
Строителният клъстер като форма на конкурентоспособност
Строителният клъстер като форма на конкурентоспособност
(The Construction Cluster as a Form of Competitiveness)
- Author(s):Radan Miryanov, Velina Yordanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:71-77
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Cluster; Competitiveness; Construction
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, construction companies are forced to operate in a dynamic and quickly changing environment. This puts the stress on effective tools for them to change and to adapt in order to survive. Therefore, the question of the competitiveness of a construction company is relevant and often discussed. This paper examines the construction cluster as a tool for competitiveness. In the material, the main reasons that require the introduction of a cluster approach are considered, the benefits of cluster formation are presented, the construction cluster model is proposed, the basic principles that clusters must meet in order to ensure high competitiveness and efficient functioning, are offered with some possible steps to promote them.
Дигитализацията в строителството и необходимостта от иновативни модели за управление на данните
Дигитализацията в строителството и необходимостта от иновативни модели за управление на данните
(Digitalization in the Construction Industry and the Need of Innovative Database Models)
- Author(s):Snezhana Salova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:78-85
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Construction idustry; Database models;Digitalization;
- Summary/Abstract:The digital transformation is changing the modern economy fundamentally. Although at a slower pace, the use of sophisticated software applications based on new IT technologies is also entering the construction industry. The transformation process, in turn, increases the scope and volume of the data which is collected and stored. Regarding that this report takes a look at the changes that have taken place as a result of digitalisation in construction industry and the need to implement new models for data storage and management. The study is part of Project BG05M2OP001-1.002-0002-C02 „Digitalization of Economy in a Big Data Environment“.
Пазар за растеж на малки и средни предприятия
Пазар за растеж на малки и средни предприятия
(Small and Medium Enterprises Growth Market)
- Author(s):Ivan YOVCHEV
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets
- Page Range:86-96
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Capital Market; Growth Market;Small and Medium Enterprises (SME);
- Summary/Abstract:The report follows a new issue for the Bulgarian theory and practice, which is the growth market for small and medium-sized enterprises. In view of this, the advantages and requirements for organizing and operating such a market have been systematically examined, such as the rules on admission of financial instruments and disclosure of information, the requirements for advisers and trading on this market, etc. Basic data on the development of the capital market and measures to encourage small and medium-sized enterprises are also presented. On the basis of this, however, it is concluded that the development of such a market has its own reasons, but at the same time it will be quite difficult.
Сградно-информационното моделиране в инвестиционния процес
Сградно-информационното моделиране в инвестиционния процес
(Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the Investment Process)
- Author(s):Tsveta Zhekova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:97-104
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Building Information Model (BIM); Collaboration; Digitalisation;Facility Management;
- Summary/Abstract:Building Information Model (BIM) is a three-dimensional model that digitally represents the building and facilitates the planning, construction and operation of the building. in the investment project to work together in real time and visualize their changes. The main participants in it are designers, designers, contractors, owners, contractors, project managers, technical managers and facility managers. The digitalisation of the building sector is directly dependent on international standards for building information modelling.
Пазарът на земя във Франция и България – анализ и сравнителна характеристика
Пазарът на земя във Франция и България – анализ и сравнителна характеристика
(The Land Market in France and Bulgaria – Analysis and Comparative Characteristics)
- Author(s):Miroslav Krastev, Stoyan Tagarev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Agriculture
- Page Range:105-122
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Factors Affecting the Land Market; Land Market;Market Segmentation;
- Summary/Abstract:The current report presents the results from conducted comparative land market research in France and Bulgaria. It’s focused on analysis of the various factors by nature and importance, which have an effect, to one degree or another, on land prices, supply and demand of land. Some specific recommendations are presented about improving the functioning of the land market in today‘s conditions of sustained and continuous integration and globalization of world economy, complicated international relations and serious disturbances within the European Union. Specific measures are proposed with arguments about ensuring the efficient use of land resource in production processes on the territory of our country.
Практически въпроси при оценката на отстъпеното право на строеж в България
Практически въпроси при оценката на отстъпеното право на строеж в България
(Practical Issues in the Valuation of the Construction Right in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Ivo KOSTOV
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:123-131
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:BVS; Construction right; Practical issues; Residual method; Valuаtion
- Summary/Abstract:The paper explores practical issues in the assessment of construction right in Bulgaria. Some specific features of this particular subject of evaluation are considered, as well as cases where such assessments are required. The conceptual apparatus, in relation to the topic of the paper, was traced. The results of a survey among the valuers in the country are presented. A methodology for the assessment of construction right is proposed, based on a real-life example of market practice and the residual method. Some specifics of the current BVS have been sifted. Based on the study, some conclusions and summaries are presented.
Влияние на някои фактори върху равнището на наемните цени в град Варна
Влияние на някои фактори върху равнището на наемните цени в град Варна
(Influence of Some Factors at the Level of Rental Prices in the City of Varna)
- Author(s):Yana Stoencheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:132-141
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Factors; Rental price; Residential real estate property
- Summary/Abstract:The present report has a goal to review the specifics of the rental prices in the city of Varna, as well as the impact of certain factors in this process. To that end an analyses of the rental prices is carried out amongst different categories of residential properties and it is explored the strength and the direction of the connection between varies factors and the prices by sq. m. through the coefficient of correlation. Based on the conducted analyses it is established that the rental prices of residential properties of city of Varna are mostly influenced by the proximity of the property to the centre of town or to the seaside garden. It is also established that the quality of air and safety are no amongst the factors which significantly impact the decision about the price. The connection between the rental prices and the proximity to parks and green areas is relatively insignificant, while only two bedroom flats are influenced by this connection. The result could be useful to some potential investors.
Аутсорсинг индустрия, строителство на офис сгради и пазар на офис недвижимите имоти в България – тенденции и развитие
Аутсорсинг индустрия, строителство на офис сгради и пазар на офис недвижимите имоти в България – тенденции и развитие
(Outsourcing Industry, Construction of Office Buildings, and the Office Market in Bulgaria – Trends and Development)
- Author(s):Ivanka Kamenova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:142-153
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:A segment of the construction sector in the office buildings currently being built; Key factors; Office real estate market; Office space rental levels; Outsourcing
- Summary/Abstract:Emphasis is placed on the particularities in the development of the outsourcing industry - a main driver for both the dynamic development of the office space market in Bulgaria and the growth in the building sector’s segment of office buildings. Outlined are the main economic indicators for the business development of the IT services branch. Attention is drawn to the main factors influencing the choice of office real estate. Market trends in offices’ rental rates are put in the spotlight. A new direction is highlighted in the development of the shared office space segment.
Анализ на човешките ресурси в сектор F „Строителство“ в България
Анализ на човешките ресурси в сектор F „Строителство“ в България
(A Human Resources Analysis in “Sector F Construction” in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Nikolinka Ignatova, Nadya Gilina
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:154-163
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Hired employees; Human resources; Salary;Workforce;
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of matter in the research are enterprise from that very sector. The indicators are as follows: employees degree of education; expenditure on salaries; gross expenditure; the structure of workforce expenditure; R&D expenditure in the sector; expenses for personnel qualification; circulation of labor force; the productivity rate and its impact on the revenue. The goal is to distinguish the strengths from the weaknesses of the HR management in “Sector F Construction” and to establish guidelines for their improvement. You will find attached the comparative method, the index method, the incremental method, the correlation analysis, etc.
Реални опции при инвестиране в недвижими имоти
Реални опции при инвестиране в недвижими имоти
(Real Options in Investing in Real Estate)
- Author(s):Milcho Bliznakov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:164-170
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Investments; Monte-Carlo simulation; Portfolio reproduction; Real Options; Risk neutral probabilities.
- Summary/Abstract:The paper compares different approaches to assessing real options (abandon options) when investing in residential property. The value of the investment is determined by capitalizing on rents at a constant rate of growth model Gordon.The risk-neutral probability approache, and the Datar-Mathews method are applied to real estate market data and compared. The results obtained when evaluating the abandon option are comparable. Availability of real options increases the value of the investment.
Анализ на някои тенденции в развитието на строителната дейност на страните от ЕС
Анализ на някои тенденции в развитието на строителната дейност на страните от ЕС
(Analysis of Some Trends in the Development of the Construction Activity in EU States)
- Author(s):Dragomir Stefanov, Maria Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:171-181
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Construction; Persons employed; Production value; Trends;Value added;
- Summary/Abstract:The current report highlights on one of the sectors of the economy – Construction. Changes in the main indicators characterizing the sector are examined – values added and share of it in the Gross value added (GVA), persons employed in the sector, production value, etc. Analyzing the obtained data, the authors outline leading trends about the sector in both Bulgaria and the Member states of the European Union. In the context of the other EU members basic conclusions are made about the state of the construction activity in Bulgaria.
Публични разходи и жилищна политика
Публични разходи и жилищна политика
(Public Expenditure and Housing Policy)
- Author(s):Veniamin Todorov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy
- Page Range:182-191
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Comparative analysis; Housing policy; Public expenditure
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyzes the specific features of the public financing of the housing policy in the European union and delineates the idiosyncrasies of Bulgarian public expenditure in comparison to the EU as a whole and also in comparison to each of the member states. The study focuses on the share that these expenditures have in GDP and constructs indicators in relation to three main aspects: the amount, the volatility and the growth rate. It shows that Bulgaria is comparatively similar to the EU and the other countries with respect to the relative amount. It is quite different in relation to the volatility of the expenditure. As far as the average growth rate is concerned, Bulgaria exhibits a negative growth as do most of the other countries and also EU as a whole. However, the growth rate is fairly small (as an absolute value) which is in contrast with a large number of EU countries.
Използване на BMS при управлението на комплексите от затворен тип
Използване на BMS при управлението на комплексите от затворен тип
(BMS Role in Gated Communities Management)
- Author(s):Konstantin Bobchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:192-200
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Building Management System (BMS); Bulgaria;Gated communities;
- Summary/Abstract:The up-to-date conception for an intelligent building includes efforts for ensuring maximum comfort for its inhabitants and efficient energy use. BMS has crucial role in this process. The main points are: what is a gated community, how and when it appears in Bulgaria, how it is managed in the context of its life circle; what is a Building Management System and which are its typical components, what does it do, which are its benefits in improving tenant comfort conditions, energy management and reduced operational costs, as well as all other factors which make either a standard BMS or a mini-BeMS a ‘must have’ technology for all future commercial, industrial and domestic applications regardless of size or function.
Възможности за развитие на пазара на луксозни жилищни имоти
Възможности за развитие на пазара на луксозни жилищни имоти
(Opportunities for Development of the Market for Luxury Homes)
- Author(s):Kristian Valchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:201-210
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Characteristics; Development; Luxury homes; Model; Real estate market.
- Summary/Abstract:The luxury home market differs from the mass market by many criteria, some of which are the high price and the high demands of buyers. In these circumstances, the correctness of the announcement of this type of property on the market is of the utmost importance. The areas of concern indicate the need to develop a model by which real estate agents, as well as the people who buy or sell them, can make their own ad design in order to give buyers the most information about the characteristics of the home and to standardize the way of announcing luxury homes in Bulgaria.
Пазарът на недвижима собственост в условията на йорданската икономика
Пазарът на недвижима собственост в условията на йорданската икономика
(The Real Estate Market in the Jordanian Economy)
- Author(s):Nawaf Saleh Al-Fayez
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:211-219
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Development; Jordanian economy; Real estate market; Taxation
- Summary/Abstract:This paper attempts to analyze the properties and dynamics of the real estate market in the Jordanian economy, seeking to recognize the outcomes of state regulation on its development. The study suggests that property market is heavily influenced by population growth and foreign demand by neighboring countries. The most dynamic in its development are the low- and medium-sized apartment segments due to the strong immigrant flow from Syria, as well as highbudget projects financed by large foreign investors, mainly from neighboring countries of Jordan. Historically, government regulation of is both institutional and instrumental with great flexibility and a selective approach to market participants.
Some Critical Aspects in the Assessment of Certain Real Estate Groups for Taxation in the Republic of Moldova
Some Critical Aspects in the Assessment of Certain Real Estate Groups for Taxation in the Republic of Moldova
(Some Critical Aspects in the Assessment of Certain Real Estate Groups for Taxation in the Republic of Moldova)
- Author(s):Alexandru Paladi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Financial Markets
- Page Range:220-230
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Real estate taxation; Unauthorized Real Estate; Unfinished construction; Unregistered real estate
- Summary/Abstract:This study highlights some critical aspects in the evaluation/reevaluation process of unfinished constructions, unregistered as well as not authorized immovable property, for taxation purposes in the Republic of Moldova. The addressed problem relates to the field of research of the technical-economic expertise of immovable property, applicable in different sectors of the national economy. The study is based on the critical analysis of the normative framework and the established empirical practice in the domain and denotes the discrepancy of the actual conditions and the applicable legal framework of the branch. The obtained results aim to improve the situation in activity of data collection for the mentioned objects and subjects for taxation.