Строително предприемачество и недвижима собственост. Сборник с доклади от 32-ра международна научно-практическа конференция - ноември 2017
Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property. Proceedings of the 32nd International Scientific and Practical Conference in November 2017
Contributor(s): Plamen ILIEV (Editor), Konstantin Kalinkov (Editor), Stoyan STOYANOV (Editor), Rumen KALCHEV (Editor), Yordanka Yovkova (Editor), Sergei Maksimov (Editor), Vyacheslav Buzarev (Editor), Ivan ZHELEV (Editor), Petko Monev (Editor), Bozhidar CHAPAROV (Editor), Marina Yudenko (Editor), Slawomir PALICKI (Editor), Anna GOSPODINOVA (Editor), Sevdalina HRISTOVA (Editor), Katya ANTONOVA (Editor), Izabela RACKA (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
ISSN: 1313-2369
Published by: Икономически университет - Варна
Keywords: real property; construction; entrepreneurship; urban planning
Summary/Abstract: The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property” is held every year since 1985 by the Department of Economics and Management of Construction. The topic of the Conference „Construction Entrepreneurship and Real Property” has not changed since 2006, but the topics of the papers are up-to-date and comprehensive. The topic of the conference results from the special nature of the economic settings in Bulgaria and is largely predetermined by the continuing problems in banking, construction business and real estate management. The main focus is on the issues of economics and management of construction, urban planning and real properties.
- Page Count: 447
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: English, Bulgarian, Russian
Един аспект на достъпността на жилищата в България
Един аспект на достъпността на жилищата в България
(One Aspect of Housing Affordability in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Rumen KALCHEV
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:15-24
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Affordability; Customers; Housing
- Summary/Abstract:In Bulgaria, the problem of affordability of housing is not the subject of a serious discussion among scientific circles, unlike other countries, and it is an important topic for the citizens of each country. For every individual and every household, ensuring a proper, contemporary living habitation is a matter of paramount importance. The purpose of the author in this report is to examine a sample of clients of two- and three -bedroom apartments in Varna and on this basis to present his vision of the affordability of this type of housing in Bulgaria. A brief theoretical overview is made of the formulation of housing affordability and the indicators for its coverage. On the basis of data from a survey conducted on the territory of Varna, conclusions are drawn for the status of buyers of two- and three-bedroom apartments and their presence on the housing market.
Влияние институтов на экономический рост и эффективность строительных организаций
Влияние институтов на экономический рост и эффективность строительных организаций
(Influence of Institutes on Economical Growth and Effectiveness of Building Organizations)
- Author(s):Marina Yudenko, Evgeniy Yudenko
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:25-36
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Deregulation; Efficiency Entrepreneurship; Сonstruction; Organizations; Institutions
- Summary/Abstract:The article defines role of institutes in entrepreneurship. It has been revealed that ineffective institutes lead to an increase in transaction costs, create administrative barriers and deregulate business activities of entrepreneurs. It is offered to take a methodological principle of complementarity into account when designing institutes. That will allow us to consider each particular institute as interoperation, interdependence and interconditionality of its components – of formal and informal standards. The results of the research say that transaction costs form considerable part of all expenses of entrepreneurs. The calculations show that an income from transaction costs avoidance may considerably increase effectiveness of building organizations and their economical growth. In 2015 an income that could have been obtained by entrepreneurs from transaction costs avoidance and from overcoming administrative barriers would let the building business become a profitable type of economical activity.
Housing Aspirations and Preferences of the Poznań Agglomeration Inhabitants
Housing Aspirations and Preferences of the Poznań Agglomeration Inhabitants
(Housing Aspirations and Preferences of the Poznań Agglomeration Inhabitants)
- Author(s):Slawomir PALICKI
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:37-48
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Cit; Housing; Preferences; Real Estate
- Summary/Abstract:The paper shows results of the research concentrated on the preferencesand potential needs, aspirations of residents of the Poznań Agglomeration (Poland). The research was carried out between 2015 and 2016 on a representative sample of nearly 4,500 inhabitants of the analyzed agglomeration. Among the results of the survey, the latest tendencies and high aspirations of the population, due to the gradual increase of living standards in big cities in Poland, should be highlighted. Research questions were focused not only on the value of the potential housing itself, but also on the quality of their surroundings and even on the general locations where the future dwellings or houses would be situated. The results may be interesting both from the practical (application) and from the scientific (cognitive) point of view, as they are part of analyzing and explaining the evolution of the mechanisms and behaviors of the real estate market potential participants.
Неплатежоспособност при договорите за строителство
Неплатежоспособност при договорите за строителство
(Insolvency in Construction Contracts)
- Author(s):Margarita Bachvarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:49-56
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Bankruptcy; Construction contract; Insolvency
- Summary/Abstract:The present study analyzes the application of the prerequisites for the opening of insolvency proceedings due to failure to fulfill a construction contract. The main purpose of the author is to investigate the peculiarities of insolvency over a certain type of commercial transactions, which have as object the construction of a future property and the subsequent transfer of the object for the benefit of third parties. The scientific argument for the existence of a specific reflection of the normative regulation on the analyzed contracts is argued in the following directions: bearer of receivables and its origin; application of suspension of payments as a presumption of insolvency; determining the starting date of insolvency. The specific hypotheses in which a claim resulting from a construction contract arises have were systemized. An analysis of the specific impact of the normative requirements on this kind of agreements in practice was carried out.
Насоки за подобряване планирането на разходите за фасилити мениджмънт
Насоки за подобряване планирането на разходите за фасилити мениджмънт
(Guidelines to Improve Planning Expenses for Facility Management)
- Author(s):Ivan ZHELEV
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:57-68
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Expenses; Facility management; Planning
- Summary/Abstract:Facility Management is an activity that is responsible for not basic processes in the organizations. This activity requires that expenditures of a certain size are planned from a certain size to support the basic processes. The understanding of the Facility Management author is presented, its characteristics and the model of management according to European standards. As well as the facility management centers and some guidelines for the planning of the necessary costs to achieve the desired level of quality of service and provide a favourable working environment. The purpose of the report’s author is to investigate some cost planning problems for Facility Management and on this basis to provide guidance for improvement in order to support the theory and the practice in this field.
Ангажираност на публичните власти в процеси- те по изграждане, реконструкция и стопанисване на стадиони за футбол в България
Ангажираност на публичните власти в процеси- те по изграждане, реконструкция и стопанисване на стадиони за футбол в България
(Public Authorities Commitment in Construction, Reconstruction and Management Processes of Football Stadiums in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Bozhidar CHAPAROV, Anna GOSPODINOVA
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:69-78
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Commitment; Football; Public authorities; Stadiums
- Summary/Abstract:The world experience has shown that the availability of football stadiums undoubtedly has its economic and social significance to the cities and the district centers in which they are located. Depending on a number of factors such as: population size, age and gender structure, employment and average income per capita, as well as established football traditions, in some regions the social aspects of such facilities availability are leading, while in others they have found natural pathways to become an essential part of the local economy. All that implies their flawless future functioning to be ensured as early as in planning, construction or reconstruction processes, as well as in those processes related to stadiums management and maintenance in full compliance with the concept of sustainable development - ensuring conditions for future generations to develop their football potential. The realization of all this would not be possible, or at least not in the necessary completeness, without adequate commitment of public authorities, both in the construction and reconstruction processes and in maintenance of the football stadiums.
Об основных тенденциях развития жилищного строительства в регионах России
Об основных тенденциях развития жилищного строительства в регионах России
(Main Trends in Housebuilding in Russian Regions)
- Author(s):Vyacheslav Buzyrev, Alexey Buzyrev
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:79-90
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Housing problem; Industrial housing; Innovations in the construction; Low-rise construction; Panel-frame housebuilding; Region
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the main trends in the development of housebuilding in various Russian regions. Authors take into the specifics economic and social status and demographic situation of regions. We look at and estimate the ways of speeding up the solution of the housing problem on the basis of increasing the volume of housing construction, rising industrial housing construction, forming modern innovative developments and increasing the sector of low-rise construction in regions.
Программы реновации городских территорий и проблемы собственности
Программы реновации городских территорий и проблемы собственности
(Programs of the Renovation of Urban Territories and Problems of Property)
- Author(s):Sergei Maksimov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:91-99
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Urban areas; Renovation; Property rights; Distributed property
- Summary/Abstract:The largest projects of renovation of urban territories in Russia are analyzed (in Sochi, in preparation for the Olympics - 2014, «spot» renovation in Moscow in 1995-2017, program for renovation of built-up areas in St. Petersburg, program for renovating built-up areas in 2017 Moscow) in terms of reflecting in them the problems of ownership of urban real estate.
Условия и особенности решения жилищной проблемы на современном этапе развития экономики России
Условия и особенности решения жилищной проблемы на современном этапе развития экономики России
(Modern Aspects of Formation of Investment Proposals in Reconstructive and Construction Sphere)
- Author(s):Larisa Selyutina
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):National Economy
- Page Range:100-109
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Affordable housing; Housing problem; Housing sector
- Summary/Abstract:The article focuses on the problems that arise in the modern practice of formation and functioning of economic mechanisms to ensure housing for Russian population. The author critically evaluates the approaches to the solution of the housing problem in Russia where, despite all attempts to run a civilized effective market mechanism for affordable housing, the housing and construction industry remains difficult. The article shows that the housing market is necessary to create conditions for increasing effective demand through the development of various credit mechanisms, and to increase the supply of affordable housing by increasing the volume of housing construction in the area available for the mass market sector. Analyzing the features of solving the housing problem at the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the author point to the need for research on the housing sector as an integrated system in which trends that are taking place in one of its components, impact on the efficiency of other components.
Сохраняя объекты культурного наследия – творим будущее
Сохраняя объекты культурного наследия – творим будущее
(Preserving Cultural Heritage – Create Our Future)
- Author(s):Tatiana Maslova, Maria Gudz
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:110-118
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Cultural heritage site of Saint-Petersburg; Economic efficiency of investments; Discounting; Real estate; The estate E. G. Igala
- Summary/Abstract:The report considers the actual problem of analysis of the actual state, the search technique and assessment of economic efficiency of investments with the involvement in the economic turnover of unused objects of cultural heritage of St. Petersburg, which is in poor condition on the example of the estate E. G. Igala. Authors, calculations approach to the involvement of cultural heritage objects in economic turnover with the subsequent sale of the building. Considered are the issues of valuation of cultural heritage: it is proposed to compare the results of three approaches: cost, income, comparative on the basis of the average arithmetic weighed and to set the final price by negotiation with one of the grounded methods: ball estimates or mathematical expectation. Will be developing research towards justification of the method of determining the historical and architectural value of the object of cultural heritage and the attempt of monetization (monetary value).
Приложение на справедливата стойност при оценяване на недвижими имоти, оповестявани във финансовите отчети
Приложение на справедливата стойност при оценяване на недвижими имоти, оповестявани във финансовите отчети
(Appendix on the Fair Valuation of Real Estate Property, Stated in the Financial Statements)
- Author(s):Nadya Kostova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:119-130
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Buildings; Fair value; Investment properties; Non-current assets, announced for sale; Real estate properties
- Summary/Abstract:The normative legislation of the valuation and financial reporting is principles based and does not include specific valuation rules. The valuation of real estate property, stated in the financial statements, using the fair value model, is debatable, as it assumes: the application of a type of value, adequate to the requirements of the accountancy legislation; compliance with the accepted real estate property classification in accordance with the accounting standards; the use of appropriate approaches and methods in valuing the type of real estate property; the preparation of a valuation report in accordance with IFRS and the applicable base in relation to the statement of real estate property in the financial statements, accounted for using the fair value method.
Направления и экономические особенности обновления (воспроизводства) жилой недвижимости в Российской Федерации
Направления и экономические особенности обновления (воспроизводства) жилой недвижимости в Российской Федерации
(Directions and Economic Peculiarities of Updates (Reproduction) of Residential Real Estate in the Russian Federation)
- Author(s):Elena Shiyan
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:131-138
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:New construction; Renovation; Residential property
- Summary/Abstract:The article considers the main forms of renewal (reproduction) of residential real estate in the Russian Federation, the specifics of financing projects for the reproduction of residential real estate, as well as the aggravation of financing problems and the growth in the number of facilities that need to be replicated. As examples, the directions of reproduction of housing stock in large Russian cities are given. In particular, the work will touch upon the experience of implementing the renovation program in Moscow. However, the possibilities of implementing such programs depend very much on the value of the land plot and can only be adapted in those regions where there is a concentration of residential real estate with a high land value that needs to be updated.
Key Performance Indicators as a Tool of Performance Measurement of Real Estate by Local Government in Poland
Key Performance Indicators as a Tool of Performance Measurement of Real Estate by Local Government in Poland
(Key Performance Indicators as a Tool of Performance Measurement of Real Estate by Local Government in Poland)
- Author(s):Magdalena Kowalczyk
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Public Finances
- Page Range:139-150
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Fixed Assets; Key Performance Indicators; Local Government; Real Estate; Performance Measurement
- Summary/Abstract:Assets play a significant role in operations carried out by local government. According to the statutory scope of activities of local government, each local government is obliged to possess some fixed assets, to a smaller or greater extent. Assets include land, facilities, buildings, appliances and equipment necessary for proper execution of local government tasks. However, a crucial problem relies on the lack of sufficient information, on the issue of local government assets, that would facilitate their performance measurement. Another concern rests in the possibility to compare the results with other communes in Poland. Due to the above, the herein study constitutes an attempt to create a set of Key Performance Indicators, that would facilitate performance measurement of the fixed assets – especially real estate, management by local government. Compilation a set of Key Performance Indicators common for all local governments in Poland on the central level would allow for comparison of the results from specific communes. Local governments on the commune level constitute the subject of herein study and Key Performance Indicators are its object. The study is based on literature study and case study.
On Certain Aspects of Applying International Standards for Property Valuation in Countries with Economy in Transit
On Certain Aspects of Applying International Standards for Property Valuation in Countries with Economy in Transit
(On Certain Aspects of Applying International Standards for Property Valuation in Countries with Economy in Transit)
- Author(s):Olga Buzu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:151-159
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Property valuation; Types of standards; Valuation standards; Value bases
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the challenges of adapting international property valuation standards to the national legal and regulatory framework in countries with economy in transit. These standards are conceptual and discursive in nature, which circumstance complicates their application for practical purposes in property appraisals. The article presents a classification for property valuation standards according to their distinctive features such as geographical scope, the level of mandatory and the depth of detail. The author substantiates the relevance and necessity to develop national valuation standards, suggesting their indicative structure as well as some specific steps to adapt international standards to national property appraisal practices.
Specific Features of the Sale of Real Estate by a Trader
Specific Features of the Sale of Real Estate by a Trader
(Specific Features of the Sale of Real Estate by a Trader)
- Author(s):Biserka Marinova
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
- Page Range:160-170
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Real estate; Risk; Sale; Trader
- Summary/Abstract:The study is focused on the two features of the transactions concerned for sale: object – real estate, and subject – trader. Listed are the conditions a transaction to be subject to the legal regime of commercial law and differences in comparison with the legal Institute of the sale by the General rules of contract law. Follow the specifications relating to the conclusion, nullity, failure to comply with these agreements, including those related to the representative power. Particular attention is given to the risks of the buyer arising from the commercial quality of the seller, as emphasis is placed on any specific risks arising from the legal status of the trader which does not exist in the world of real estate, carried out by citizens-the exceptions claim which may be made by the trustee in bankruptcy proceedings against a trader; the stakes of the whole undertaking of the individual asset (immovable property) or on company share; nullity of the transaction in the presence of the public obligations of the seller.
Интерпретативни маршрути на основата на недвижимото културно наследство на Варна
Интерпретативни маршрути на основата на недвижимото културно наследство на Варна
(Immovable Cultural Heritage Interpretive Routes in Varna)
- Author(s):Velina Kazandzhieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Tourism
- Page Range:171-181
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Cultural heritage; Interpretation; Routes; Tourism
- Summary/Abstract:Fоr itеms which аttrаct visitоrs, intеrprеtаtiоn is аn intеgrаl cоmpоnеnt оf cоnsеrvаtiоn аnd mаnаgеmеnt аnd is undеrtаkеn fоr bоth еducаtiоnаl аnd rеcrеаtiоnаl purpоsеs. Thе immоvаblе hеritаgе оf Vаrnа is idеntifiеd аnd prоtеctеd аs а mеаns оf sеcuring аnd mаintаining lаndscаpе, plаcеs аnd оbjеcts vаluеd аs pаrt оf Bulgаriаn culturе. This paper aims to present and to evaluate the interpretative routes in Varna and to define the guidelines for their improvement. The research methods used in the publication are: processing and summarizing of quantitative and qualitative information, primary and secondary data, integrative SWOT analysis and assessment of interpretative routes. They are diverse in terms of thematic, with great potential for growth and improvement. The design of interpretative routes is аn appropriate and useful process to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of immovable cultural heritage of Varna like a tourist destination.
Availability of the Real Estate Information in Poland
Availability of the Real Estate Information in Poland
(Availability of the Real Estate Information in Poland)
- Author(s):Izabela RACKA
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy
- Page Range:182-192
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Information; Quality; Real Estate Market; Transaction Prices
- Summary/Abstract:The real estate market does not lack imperfections, which is reflected,among others, in the unavailability of full information about demand, supply, prices and features of real estate. This paper aims to identify problems connected with data acquisition and suggests ways to resolve them. For this purpose literature research, as well as analysis of transactional, offer and cadastral data have been conducted. Characteristics of the real estate market and the source of data have been indicated and a method of market research has been proposed. The author characterises the steps which should be taken to improve the availability of information and thus reduce differences between transaction prices and the value, as well as minimise the risk of investing in real estate. To solve the problem a complex database should be set up.
Пазарът на жилищни недвижими имоти в град Варна
Пазарът на жилищни недвижими имоти в град Варна
(The Residential Real Estate Market in the City of Varna)
- Author(s):Ivo KOSTOV
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:193-202
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Development; Dwellings; Market; Real Estates; Varna
- Summary/Abstract:The paper examines the development of the real estate market in the city of Varna, the subject focusing on the dynamics of the residential market in the region in the last few years. With regard of the available empirical data, some of the information used applies to Varna District. The paper analyzes in detail the following indicators: average housing prices, housing price indexes (including their changes), number, type and usable area of existing dwellings, various types of entries in the land registry (related to sales, donations, barters, legal mortgages, contractual mortgages), issued building permits (for dwellings, number of dwellings, total built-up area), the new buildings brought into use, the usable area of the new dwellings, and the new dwellings brought into use according to the number of rooms. Based on this analysis, a number of conclusions and summaries related to the subject of the study have been presented in detail.
Проблеми и насоки за повишаване възвръщаемостта на инвестициите в търговски молове в България
Проблеми и насоки за повишаване възвръщаемостта на инвестициите в търговски молове в България
(Problems and Guidelines for Increasing the Return on Investments in Shopping Malls in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Elitsa Gramatikova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:203-215
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Investments; Return; Shopping Malls
- Summary/Abstract:The article briefly analyzes the state of the built shopping malls in Bulgaria during the period 2006-2017. Despite a euphoric feeling by the building of modern shopping centers in our country, only a decade later many projects remain unrealized or started, but unfinished. The problems of domestic enclosed malls are revealed, among which are bad design, insufficient parking places, lack of a development program, poor mix of tenants and non-compliance with the lower purchasing power of Bulgarian consumers. Because of numerous problems, the first opened shopping malls in Bulgaria have to reposition themselves on the market due to insufficient number of visitors and financial default. The article presents guidelines for preventing mistakes in next projects and for achieving a higher return on investments in shopping malls.
Цикличност на цените на жилищата в България
Цикличност на цените на жилищата в България
(Cyclicality of House Prices in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Dimitria Karadimova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:216-224
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Cyclical fluctuations; House prices; Inflation; Spectral analysis
- Summary/Abstract:This report explores the dynamics of the average house prices, inflation and the cyclical fluctuations of the house price indices in Bulgaria. Absolute and relative indicators are used to characterize the rate of development of time series and spectral analysis of cyclical fluctuations. The results from the survey show, that the most significant rise in house prices and inflation are during the global financial crisis. The difference in the rate of house price developments and inflation shows that inflation is not the most important factor for their change. During the period under review, cyclical fluctuations in house price indices of different durations were observed. The local maximum of the periodic component of the research time series with the longest duration is approximately 10 years.
Някои възможности за оптимизиране на процеса на вземане на решение за покупка на жилищен недвижим имот
Някои възможности за оптимизиране на процеса на вземане на решение за покупка на жилищен недвижим имот
(How to Optimise the Process of Decision Making for Purchasing a Residential Property)
- Author(s):Yana Stoencheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:225-233
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Decision making; Purchase; Residential property
- Summary/Abstract:The process of purchasing a residential property is determined by the personal preferences and lifestyle of the potential clients. When a person has to make up their mind about a marriage, partner, friends or profession in most cases they feel calm and confident and influenced by their personal understanding they make their choice. However purchasing residential property is usually a much more complex and laborious process given the high barriers for access to the market as well as the specific characteristics of each given property. This paper discusses the incremental stages of the traditional process of decision making when purchasing an residential property, as well as certain current trends which could contribute to achieving maximum satisfaction of the buyer’s needs.
Покупка на жилище в строеж: предимства, недостатъци и рискове
Покупка на жилище в строеж: предимства, недостатъци и рискове
(Purchase of Property at Stage of Development: Advantages, Disadvantages and Treats)
- Author(s):Elena Parova, Vladislav Manov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:234-241
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Building company; Investor; Property at development stage; Property at “green”
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays large amount of residential property market are at buildings, which are in early stage of construction. That gives more freedom of buyers choice for ideal home, also on other hand to satisfied growing demands about construction process. Essential moment at the buyers choice in the profile of the investor/building company of the project, that`s why customers must make detail research. That is necessary to avoid the risk at this on other hand so emotional moment in our lives. At the current paper we would like to draw out what are the advantages and disadvantages of buying a property a building stage. What are the main treats and our recommendations, based on the experience and practice what we accumulate, according to the market today.
Длъжностната характеристика – инструмент при управлението на човешки ресурси в агенциите за недвижими имоти
Длъжностната характеристика – инструмент при управлението на човешки ресурси в агенциите за недвижими имоти
(Job Description – Tool for the Human Resource Management in Real Estate Agencies)
- Author(s):Maria Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:242-252
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Broker; Human resources; Job description
- Summary/Abstract:The dynamic environment of the business is constantly facing the management of the company with different challenges. Successful and growing companies rely on the tactical management of their key resource – the people who work in the firm. Each organization is different by itself, different people working in it, its goals and mission are individual. Due to the upper mentioned facts, the human resources management is so extensive. Managers must be familiar with the activities and tasks of each employee and each team in order to have successful human resource management. The company document which describes the duties and responsibilities of each employee is the job description. It could be and should be a reference point in any of the main human resource management activities.
Инвестиции в недвижимата собственост на висшите училища в Република България за периода 2013 – 2016 г.
Инвестиции в недвижимата собственост на висшите училища в Република България за периода 2013 – 2016 г.
(Investments in Real Property of the Universities in the Republic of Bulgaria for the Period 2013 – 2016)
- Author(s):Deyan Baev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:253-263
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Investments; Real property; Universities
- Summary/Abstract:The following paper examines the investments in real property of the state universities in Bulgaria for the period 2013 – 2016. The subject of study is the six largest state universities. They are ranked by number of students. At first, some theoretical concepts such as real estate, real property and investments are clarified. There are citations of well-known authors and legal definitions. Further, using data from public procurement, the author makes some analyses and conclusions about the investment activity of those state universities. Finally, the author points out good examples and gives recommendations for stimulating investments in real property of the universities.
Съвременни тенденции на пазара на луксозни жилища в световен мащаб
Съвременни тенденции на пазара на луксозни жилища в световен мащаб
(Modern Trends in Global Luxury Dwelling Market)
- Author(s):Kristian Valchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:264-271
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Luxury home; Market; Real estate; Search
- Summary/Abstract:The world real estate market has long-standing traditions and a sustainable segment of luxury homes. This property has different characteristics and price ranges across continents, but what sums them up is demand and added value. This added value in different parts of the world is expressed in a different form, but its characteristics such as location, sight, individuality continue to be a leading motive for their purchase. Despite declining demand and housing prices in the luxury segment as a consequence of the global financial crisis, the economy is recovering over the last three years, and interest is resumed. Some of the markets remain too intense in their growth, while others still balance the supply and demand gap.
Сравнителен анализ на качествените характеристики на обявените за луксозни, градски имоти в София, Лондон, Париж и Мадрид
Сравнителен анализ на качествените характеристики на обявените за луксозни, градски имоти в София, Лондон, Париж и Мадрид
(Comparative Analysis of the Quality Features of the Luxury, Urban Properties Announced in Sofia, London, Paris and Madrid)
- Author(s):Kristian Valchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:272-280
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Luxury homes; Quality features; Real estate market; Search; Standard
- Summary/Abstract:The recovery of the European economy from the crisis years also reflects on the real estate market. The growth of some of the most intensely developing sectors such as Information and Communication Technologies, Energy, and the High-tech Industries have the consequence of raising incomes in these economic sectors as well as the interest in investment. Sofia, as a European capital, is also evolving in this direction - the real estate market is growing intensively, demand is far ahead of supply, and luxury city buyers themselves have requirements that are quite different from those 10 years ago. There is a market niche with growing and increasingly sustainable interest, the consumers of which turn the luxury real estate market into the buyer‘s market. This, in turn, raises the issue of the qualitative characteristics of such property. When looking for these features, this study compares luxury, residential property listings in Sofia, London, Paris and Madrid.
Методические основы управления ростом и развитием строительных организаций
Методические основы управления ростом и развитием строительных организаций
(Methodical Bases of Management of Growth and Development of a Building Organization)
- Author(s):Nicholay Chepachenko, Anton Demin, Alexander Leontief
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:281-290
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Building organizations; Development; Economic growth; Measurement and evaluation methods
- Summary/Abstract:The actual directions of development of the theory and methodology in the field of managing the process of improving the quality of economic growth and socio-economic development of economic entities and in their structure of industrial construction organizations are determined. This made it possible to propose the systematization of current research areas and the improvement of the methodological foundations for managing the process of building the capacity of the quality of economic growth and the development of construction organizations operating in the construction market. The methodical approach to identification of signs of quality of economic growth of construction organizations is substantiated. The recommended signs of determining the quality of economic growth of construction organizations, reflecting the result of direct connection with the process of intensification of production, changing the structure of innovative products, building the potential of non-price competition over the price and assessing risks, helped to substantiate a methodical approach to calculating indicators of the change in the quality of their economic growth on the basis of economic analysis, evaluation, planning and monitoring for decisionmaking. The expert method is recommended to solve the problem of choosing a priority strategic target policy for shaping the trajectory of economic growth in the activities of the construction organization, reflecting alternative processes of production and sale of construction products.
Проблемы и перспективы развития ценообразования и стоимостного инжиниринга в строительстве
Проблемы и перспективы развития ценообразования и стоимостного инжиниринга в строительстве
(Problems and Prospects of Pricing and Total Cost Management in Construction)
- Author(s):Sergey Oparin, Yuri Oparin
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:291-300
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Construction; Investment project; Pricing; Real estate; Total cost management
- Summary/Abstract:This article discusses the trends in the development of pricing and total cost management in construction in conditions of uncertainty and risk arising from the mismatch of the current system of pricing and estimated rationing market conditions, used resources and innovative technology of building production. Disclosed operating cost risk management capabilities at the stage of project preparation of capital construction in drawing up estimates. Focuses on the reliability of the total cost management, determining the value of real estate and construction, taking into account the risk of the need for additional funding. The proposed methodology defines a unified treatment of uncertainty and risk and applies to justify the reserve for unforeseen work and cost budgeting and estimate calculations taking into account project, cenoobrazujushhego, contract industrial-technological and inflationary risks.
Формирование системы благоустройства жилых комплексов городов
Формирование системы благоустройства жилых комплексов городов
(Formation of the Landscaping System of Residential Complexes of Cities)
- Author(s):Svetlana Nikolikhina
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:301-307
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:: Complex of measures; Efficiency; Landscaping; Residential complexes
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to the formation of the landscaping system of residential complexes of cities. Actuality of this issue is related to the fact that housing at the present stage is not considered comfortable if the territory adjacent to the building is not landscaped in accordance with the requirements that meet today’s population needs. The article considers the concept of “landscaping”, describes the complex of measures for the landscaping of residential complexes and refers to the assessment of the effectiveness of decisions taken on the landscaping.
Соперничество и сотрудничество - две формы конкурентного взаимодействия в строительстве
Соперничество и сотрудничество - две формы конкурентного взаимодействия в строительстве
(Competition and Cooperation - Two Forms of Competitive Interaction in Construction)
- Author(s):Nadezhda Polovnikova
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management, Business Ethics
- Page Range:308-316
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Building; Competitiveness; Cooperation; Interaction; Rivalry
- Summary/Abstract:In today‘s business conditions, companies can not provide themselves with competitive advantages and increase business efficiency, only by reducing costs, so other means come to the fore. One of them is long-term cooperation with other business entities, which is of strategic importance and turns into an intangible resource that is difficult to copy by competitors. This method is equally important for construction, in which a lot of participants are involved, on the effectiveness of their interaction timely and high-quality construction of buildings and structures depends. This article is devoted to the competitive interaction of participants in the investment and construction process. In the article two forms of competitive interaction in construction are considered - competitiveness and cooperation. The disadvantages of the company‘s orientation only to compete with other market participants are presented. Also in this paper the concept of cooperation as the most significant ideology of business in a competitive environment, allowing to reduce production and transaction costs, to develop the innovative potential of enterprises is substantiated.
Имущественный комплекс как основа повышения уровня конкурентоспособности строительных предприятий
Имущественный комплекс как основа повышения уровня конкурентоспособности строительных предприятий
(Proprietary Complexes as the Basis of Improving Competitiveness of Construction Enterprises)
- Author(s):Tatyana Filippova, Dmitry Makeenko
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:317-324
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:A level of competitiveness of construction organizations; Factors of competitiveness; Property complex
- Summary/Abstract:Given the modern factors of competitiveness, from our point of view it is important to pay attention to such as the property complex of the contractor. This is due to the fact that it will be possible to characterize resource capabilities of construction organizations performing construction and Assembly works of a certain volume in front of the competitors. Thus, it will be possible to mitigate the disadvantages of conventional classifications to the assessment of competitive advantages of construction companies and to focus on the characteristics of the activities of contractors, namely: the location of construction sites, the deadlines. It is proposed to consider as a result of practical activities, applicable to specific types of transactions as part of choice-making with the aim of obtaining income from real estate ventures. In this case, the evaluation of the efficiency of real estate management it is proposed to implement in terms of quantity, proceeds of proceeds of real estate transactions, usually in the form of lease (sublease) all fees, income from the alienation of property, the implementation of investment projects with the purpose of including in the cash flow when performing construction and installation works.
Един подход за оптимизиране на финансовите взаимоотношения между предприемач и купувачи в строителния бизнес
Един подход за оптимизиране на финансовите взаимоотношения между предприемач и купувачи в строителния бизнес
(An Approach to Optimising the Financial Interrelations Between the EntrepreneuR and the Buyers in the Construction Business)
- Author(s):Rosen Nikolaev, Tanka Milkova, Radan Miryanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:325-332
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Annuities; Construction; Flats; Optimising
- Summary/Abstract:The growing tendency for presence of a highly competitive environment in every field of business processes does not pass by the Real estate’s market and construction business activities too. In this regard, it is necessary to look for all the opportunities that provide competitive advantages to companies operating in this sector. Such advantages might be found in different directions, one of which undoubtedly covers the financial relationships between seller and buyers. This present paper treats one aspect of the financial relationship between an entrepreneur and real estate buyers. An economic-mathematical model is proposed, allowing the optimal pay-out option to be chosen in which the expectations for maximum efficiency of both sides are met.
Някои измерения на икономическата ефективност на строителните фирми в България
Някои измерения на икономическата ефективност на строителните фирми в България
(Various Dimensions of the Economic Efficiency of Construction Companies in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Dragomir Stefanov, Svetlina Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:333-341
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Construction; Economic efficiency; Real Estate
- Summary/Abstract:This report presents and brings out various coefficients for calculating the economic effectiveness of construction companies. On this basis, a method for calculating a composite economic performance indicator that ranges from zero to one is described. The quantitative indicators used is this development are: average book value of total capital, average book value of attracted capital, total revenue, net sales revenue, average book value of tangible and intangible fixed assets, net income from sales of production and full costs. The aim is to analyze the efficiency of enterprises operating on the market of construction products. The survey period is 2008-2015. Based on the results of the survey, some conclusions are summarized and guidelines for increasing the economic efficiency of the construction companies in Bulgaria are proposed.
Features of the Economic-Mathematical Models for Optimizing the Production Program of a Construction Company
Features of the Economic-Mathematical Models for Optimizing the Production Program of a Construction Company
(Особености на икономико-матаматическите модели за оптимизиране производствената програма на строителното предприятие)
- Author(s):Velina Yordanova, Yordan Petkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:342-349
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Construction company; Optimization; Production program
- Summary/Abstract:In modern economic reality, each enterprise, including construction company, is forced to look for various tools to optimize its business to achieve high competitiveness. In this connection, the authors of this report look at such an instrument, namely the economic-mathematical models. This report attempts to point out some features related to the construction of economic-mathematical models for optimizing the production program of a construction company. The authors examine two main types of economic-mathematical models. The issue is related to the probability character of the parameters and two approaches are proposed to reduce the probability model to a determinate one. The main problem associated with defining the model‘s optimality criterion is considered.
Структурни различия, неравномерност и концентрация в отрасъл строителство по статистически райони на България за 2015 г.
Структурни различия, неравномерност и концентрация в отрасъл строителство по статистически райони на България за 2015 г.
(Structural Differences, unevenness and Concentration in the Construction Sector by Bulgarian Statistical Regions for 2015)
- Author(s):Vanya Stoyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:350-361
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Concentration; Construction sector; Statistical regions; Structural differences; Unevenness
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the structural differences, the unevenness and the concentration in the distribution of some indicators characterizing the activity of the Construction sector by statistical regions. The research is conducted through popular measurements, justifying the need for their use. Based on the results of the survey, there is a clear uneven distribution of statistical regions and insignificant structural differences and concentration. According to the magnitudes of the indicators used to characterize the construction activity, three groups of areas with similar values are distinguished. The first group is the Southwestern region where Sofia is located. The second group includes the northeastern and southeastern regions, which include the sea ports of Varna and Bourgas. In the third group there are southern central, north central and northwest regions, the latter being characterized by the lowest values of observed indicators. There are also observed regularities in the change of the indicators characterizing the sector.
Правото на строеж в контекста на данъчния контрол
Правото на строеж в контекста на данъчния контрол
(The Right to Build in the Context of Tax Control)
- Author(s):Bistra Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:362-369
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Barter; Right to build; Tax control; VAT
- Summary/Abstract:This report aims at exploring one of the specific features of construction, namely: barter transactions in which the right to build by individuals is created against the obligation to provide part of the built-up area after completion of the construction site, which are common in practice of the construction entrepreneurship in Bulgaria. In order to achieve this research objective, the following specific tasks have also been set: to make the construction law characteristic from a legal point of view; to clarify the specificity of taxation of transactions which are subject to that right under the VAT rules; as well as to outline and systematise the main directions for carrying out the subsequent tax control with respect to this object.
Контролни проблеми и предизвикателства пред строителния надзор
Контролни проблеми и предизвикателства пред строителния надзор
(Control problems and Challenges to Construction Supervision)
- Author(s):Plamena Nedyalkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:370-381
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Control; Construction supervision; Investor
- Summary/Abstract:The construction supervision is a complex control activity that requires a complex of knowledge and skills. He may be entrust various tasks relating to the quality performance of the investment project, which gives rise to the complexity of the supervisory activity and the variety of approaches and mechanisms to achieve the tasks assigned to the task. The construction supervision ensures that projects are built in accordance with the project and project specification, he is caring for the quality of the construction activities, as well as controlling the construction safety. Its scope also includes control over planning and monitoring of performance, monitoring of inputs and control of construction costs. Consequently, construction supervision may carry out different types of control actions and procedures, which is determined by the contracting authority as well as determined by the specifics and the type of the investment project. The construction supervision in the performance of its tasks, acts on behalf of its contracting authority, which is the challenge of this kind of control, skillfully combining proper compliance with the contracting authority’s requirements and, on the other hand, should not exceed its responsibilities.
Близостта до морeтo и жилищното строителство в България
Близостта до морeтo и жилищното строителство в България
(The Proximity to the Seashore and the Dwelling Construction in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Deyan Mihaylov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:382-392
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Correlation; Dwelling Construction; Fisher’s Exact Test
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper the impact of several factors on dwelling construction in the Republic of Bulgaria is assessed. The population includes all the districts of this country. The number of inhabitants, the total income, the proximity to the seashore and the volume of dwelling construction are examinated. It is clear that there are quantitative and categorical characteristics, so one method of correlation analysis and Fisher’s exact test are used. The obtained results show that the proximity to the seashore plays a positive role in the volume of dwelling construction. This impact is stable, so it may be expected that it will be observed in the future.
Учредяване на сервитутни права върху недвижими имоти за изграждане на електроенергийна инфраструктура
Учредяване на сервитутни права върху недвижими имоти за изграждане на електроенергийна инфраструктура
(Establishment of Easement Rights on Real Estate for the Construction of Electricity Infrastructure)
- Author(s):Lyubomir Tsvetanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:393-403
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Easement; Energy infrastructure; Real Estate
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents the legal order and possibilities provided by the Bulgarian legislation for construction of electricity infrastructure through establishment of easement rights upon real estate. The legal nature of easements is explained as well as their origin since their emergence as part of Roman civil law and development over the years to present day. Procedures for construction and subsequent operation of energy sites and adjacent infrastructure are examined in detail. The regulation of compensations for easement right for respective property owners is explained. Based on the possibilities provided by the legal framework, are summarized the advantages, limitations and perspectives of this legal order for the construction of electricity infrastructure in Bulgaria.
Възможности на дигитализацията за подобряване управлението на градската инфраструктура
Възможности на дигитализацията за подобряване управлението на градската инфраструктура
(Digitization - New Opportunities for More Efficient Management of Urban Infrastructure)
- Author(s):Rumen Velev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy
- Page Range:404-414
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Digitization; Urban development; Urban infrastructure
- Summary/Abstract:The scientific report presents the problem of efficient management of urban infrastructure and the opportunities that digitalisation provides for its solution. The main aspects of the digitization of urban infrastructure are discussed, and some of the factors determining the necessity of the digitization process are mentioned. It underlines the fact that information and communication systems in one city can improve many aspects of citizens‘ daily lives, but the „smart city“ becomes a fact when they are integrated with each other and evolve simultaneously with the processes in the city. Part Two outlines the possibilities of using digitization as a tool for more efficient management of urban infrastructure.
Предприемачески рискове при пазарна реализация на строителните инвестиционни проекти
Предприемачески рискове при пазарна реализация на строителните инвестиционни проекти
(Entrepreneurial Risks in Market Realization of Construction Investment Projects)
- Author(s):Miglena Staneva-Todorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:415-426
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Construction projects; Market realization; Risks
- Summary/Abstract:This scientific paper explores the problem related to the entrepreneurial risks in the stage of market realization of the construction investment projects. Theoretical concepts regarding investment, investment projects and the investment process are considered. The specificity of the risk and the reasons for the presence of risk in the construction investment projects are clarified. The notion of “entrepreneurial risk” is distinct and entrepreneurial risks have been identified in the market realization of the construction investment projects, being classified as external and internal for the construction entrepreneurs. On the basis of the theoretical study, a system of measures (recommendations) for the construction entrepreneurs for the successful realization of the construction products from the investment projects is presented in a tabular form.
Технико-икономически аспекти на иновативните фасадни решения при изграждането на високи сгради
Технико-икономически аспекти на иновативните фасадни решения при изграждането на високи сгради
(Techno-Economic Aspects of Innovative Facade Solutions in High-Rise Building Construct)
- Author(s):Antoan Vlaev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:427-435
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Economic efficiency; Energy efficiency; Facade solutions; High-rise buildings; Innovation
- Summary/Abstract:Energy efficiency and the environmentally-friendly lifestyle are increasingly relevant topics in every industry. They are a particularly important part of the design, construction and operation of modern high-rise buildings. The façade of buildings is a basic passive structural component which regulates heating and cooling loads in tall buildings, as well as their aesthetic look. The goal of the survey’s author are the technical and economic aspects of innovative façade solutions for high-rise buildings construction. Examples of massive ventilating and photovoltaic façades, as well as high-tech solutions such as the “double skin” and the “smart façades” from the Middle East, have been explored. Examples of combining ecology, energy efficiency, and façade engineering in tall buildings are also presented. Energy efficiency and economic feasibility are not the only important factors in the realization of the envelope in each high-rise building.
Мултифункционална уеб базирана система за строително предприемачество
Мултифункционална уеб базирана система за строително предприемачество
(Multifunctional Web Based System for Building Entrepreneurship)
- Author(s):Radostina Petrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:436-447
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Advertising media; Client; Entrepreneur; Social network; Web application
- Summary/Abstract:The report focuses on the necessity of creating a multifunctional web based system for building entrepreneurship which could function as a web application, social network and advertising media. It is assumed that the tertiary sector structure could be regulated by the use of information system which effectively and securely manages the interrelations between seekers and suppliers, seekers and seekers, suppliers and suppliers, suppliers and seekers of a particular service without the interference of the state, international organizations and private companies. The author proves the idea that both production factors: entrepreneurial capabilities and information / technology can change the economic situation in any organization. Three scientific tasks have been proven – reasons for IT innovation within the building entrepreneurship have been defined; empirical research regarding public opinion, requirements and attitudes towards the implementation of a multifunctional web based product for construction and repair has been conducted; the system itself has been designed.