Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului
Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development
Contributor(s): Vasile Meita (Editor), Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, Micro-Economics, Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Political Sciences, Governance, Public Administration, Sociology, Socio-Economic Research
ISSN: 2393-3208
Keywords: URBAN-INCERC; conferinţă; conference; urbanism; amenajarea teritoriului; spatial planning; construcţii; buildings; constructions;
Summary/Abstract: Includes full papers presented in the research conference on constructions, economy of buildings, architecture, urban and territorial development.
- Page Count: 104
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: English, Romanian
Tendinţe în evoluţia economico-socială a societăţii in condiţii de risc si incertitudine
Tendinţe în evoluţia economico-socială a societăţii in condiţii de risc si incertitudine
(Trends in the economic-social evolution of society under risk and uncertainty conditions)
- Author(s):Marilena Doncean, Gheorghe Doncean
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):National Economy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:5-14
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:risk; system; contraction; model
- Summary/Abstract:Systems emerge and develop according to objective laws that are uncovered by exploring massive amounts of information. In the field of invention, the possibilities for exploring anything new are considered and analysed with simple methods and with minimal errors. This is based on the objective laws of system development and contradiction (the improvement in one attribute irrefutably leads to deterioration in another). In terms of its methodology and theoretical-scientific underpinnings, the present paper draws on the comparative approach of works by contemporary domestic and foreign economists, on publications by specialists in the field, on technical and economic documentation, comments, periodicals and scientific articles.
Compatibilities between urban agglomeration and degrowth economy
Compatibilities between urban agglomeration and degrowth economy
(Compatibilities between urban agglomeration and degrowth economy)
- Author(s):Alina Haller
- Language:English
- Subject(s):National Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:15-22
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:degrowth economy; degrowth society; economic growth; urban agglomeration; ecosystem
- Summary/Abstract:Economic growth is the process that has changed the style and quality of life, has moved human activities from rural to urban and has favored the dynamics of urban agglomeration. In recent years, the consequences of these trends of progress and urbanization have begun to be negatively felt, by warming the planet, extreme phenomena, affecting the health of people, in large part, by a general negative effect of the ecosystem. The world is going through a period when precisely the growth factors are transposing into harmful factors that need impetuous safeguard measures. We reiterate the ideas of Georgescu-Roegen's entropy theory and bring to our attention the need for a new form of economic growth, that of the degrowth. Without having a negative connotation, degrowth supports increasing well-being by improving the ecosystem quality. In this context, the urban agglomerations appear in total contradiction with the principles of the degrowth economy and society. The analysis shows that the tendency of urban agglomeration can only be calibrated to the degrowth economy only when the level of people's consciousness rises to a higher level and through volunteers action doubled by effective economic policy measures.
Analiza energetica privind dimensionarea si evaluarea performantelor energetice ale instalaţiilor ce utilizează captatoare solare termice in România
Analiza energetica privind dimensionarea si evaluarea performantelor energetice ale instalaţiilor ce utilizează captatoare solare termice in România
(Energy analysis on the sizing and evaluation of the energy performances of the installations that use thermal solar heaters in Romania)
- Author(s):Horaţiu Gabriel DRAGNE, Florin Iordache
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:23-30
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:solar panels; efficiency; evaluation; thermal energy; renewable energy
- Summary/Abstract:The importance of energy is apparent in almost every aspect of development and historical data reveals that there is a significant relation between the availability of energy and the economic activity. The use of renewable energy especially solar energy in power generation as well as in domestic and building application has gained significant appreciation worldwide to meet the goals of sustainable development and environment conservation. The paper establishes several relationships for evaluating the degree of energy coverage of the heat requirement for heating and hot water preparation and shows the influence of the most important calculation parameters. The calculation method used applies to residential or non-residential buildings equipped with solar energy capture and use facilities for space heating and hot water consumption. This paper defines a new way of how solar energy performances can be estimated very easy for each city within Romania.
Elemente de inovaţie tehnică la execuţia unei construcţii inaugurate în urmă cu 115 ani: podul combinat (rutier şi de cale ferată) peste canalul Sf. Gheorghe din oraşul Giurgiu
Elemente de inovaţie tehnică la execuţia unei construcţii inaugurate în urmă cu 115 ani: podul combinat (rutier şi de cale ferată) peste canalul Sf. Gheorghe din oraşul Giurgiu
(Technical innovations in the execution of a construction inaugurated 115 years ago: the double bridge (road and rail) over St. George channel from the city of Giurgiu)
- Author(s):George M. Croitoru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:31-40
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:metal bridge; curve trajectory; foundation; reinforced concrete; caisson
- Summary/Abstract:The double bridge over the Sf. George Channel from the city of Giurgiu (tested and inaugurated on November 9, 1905) it’s very important for the history of constructions in Romania from two points of view. Firstly: introduction to design of some elements of technical innovation (the necessity of their adoption being imposed by the unfavorable geological specificity of the site). It’s the first bridge in Romania and in Europe who has a trajectory in angle on a horizontal level (curve trajectory), at this bridge was used the first reinforced concrete caisson with compressed air to the foundation of a bridge in Romania and was used the first inclined connection between transverse and longitudinal metal beams for route, following the trajectory of the railways. Secondly: professional collaboration between two great Romanian technical personalities, Anghel Saligny and Ion Ionescu, Professors at the National School of Bridges and Roads in Bucharest. Today, 115 years after the inauguration, this bridge is closed to road and rail traffic, is used only for pedestrian traffic and is one of the representative historical objectives of the built heritage of the city of Giurgiu, being classified as a historical monument.
Determinarea performanţei la foc a tencuielilor decorative silicatice
Determinarea performanţei la foc a tencuielilor decorative silicatice
(Determination of fire performance of plates decorative silicate)
- Author(s):Daniela STOICA, Adrian Simion, Horaţiu Gabriel DRAGNE
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:41-48
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:research; fire reaction; construction; decorative plaster; classification
- Summary/Abstract:At European Level, the classification of constructions products into fire reaction euroclasses, is provided as a mandatory condition for fulfilling the fundamental requirement fire safety, according to Regulation (EU) no. 305 / 2011 establishing harmonized conditions for the marketing of construction products. In this regard, the alignment of Romania with the European single market, by adopting at national level the Euroclass harmonized system for assessing the fire reaction performance of construction products, has led to the facilitation of trade in construction products between EU member countries, thus eliminating trade barriers generated by differences in test methods and classification systems for the constructions products. In Romania is used more test methods were used to determine the fire performance level of the construct materials. These metods are European harmonized and its used curently by the researchers from National Institute for Research and Development in Construction, Urban Planning and Sustenaible Spatial Development for testings to the fire reaction of the constructions materials.
Evoluţii şi probleme ale analizei pushover convenţionale
Evoluţii şi probleme ale analizei pushover convenţionale
(Evolutions and problems of conventional pushover analysis)
- Author(s):Florina FILIP, Adrian-Alexandru Ciobanu, Monica Cherecheş,, Andrei DUTA, Daniel Gherghel, Marius MÂRŢ
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:49-58
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:nonlinear analysis; pushover; adaptive pushover
- Summary/Abstract:Understanding the relationship between seismic movements and the dynamic response of structural systems, was the moments that changed the approach of seismic engineering. The development of the process was first possible by modeling the seismic response in the elastic domain through models with a single degree of freedom and elastic response spectra, then by modeling the elasto-plastic behavior using inelastic spectra. The shift to the automation of calculations, as well as the influence of historical earthquakes, has radically changed the traditional way of designing, in that the research of the behavior of structures throughout the elasto-plastic field, tends to become a current practical application technique for substantiating design solutions: the possibility of performing fast structural calculations, with increased repetitiveness, modeling nonlinear behavior at the section level, on the element level or global level. The opportunity to develop and, in particular, of applying new calculation methods, much more accurate methods of calculation, meant to replace the traditional methods of calculation, which proved to be deficient in many occasions. The main objective of this paper was to show the effectiveness of the conventional pushover analysis method, as well, the way in which the recent developments regarding the evaluation of the seismic performance have led to improve the analysis methods used.
Metode de valorificare a deşeurilor de tipul compozitelor post-consum provenite din industria materialelor de construcţii
Metode de valorificare a deşeurilor de tipul compozitelor post-consum provenite din industria materialelor de construcţii
(Methods for valorization of the post-consumption composites waste from the construction materials industry)
- Author(s):Cristian GRIGORASENCO
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:59-62
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:demolition; reuse; renovation
- Summary/Abstract:For several years, the construction sector has been focusing on minimizing the exploitation of resources and waste resulting on construction sites. This was one of the arguments of the political involvement of the capital of Brussels in favor of the implementation of a regional action plan for the circular economy, focusing on the reuse (and not the recycling) of the building materials, especially in the renovation projects. As part of a large development project (eco-quartier - pilot site), a concrete experiment was carried out on the demolition of building materials for reuse in the same building. Several tons of materials (wall and floor finishes) were recovered from a building by a demolition operator. These materials were prepared for reuse and then sold to the site owner in agreement with its architects. This reuse experiment is a good example of how circular economy is applied and to support sustainable development in the construction sector: the social and economic aspect has been reinforced by the use of low skilled local workers, the reuse benefits for the environment are mainly related to retaining the extraction of new resources and economic benefits mainly resides in the resale of valuable materials that were initially destined to be crushed and recycled by losing their value.
Obiectivele şi principiile diferite ale procesului de planificare a regenerării urbane. Cerinţele cadru pentru amplasarea/localizarea proiectelor de regenerare urbană în contextul elaborării P.U.G.
Obiectivele şi principiile diferite ale procesului de planificare a regenerării urbane. Cerinţele cadru pentru amplasarea/localizarea proiectelor de regenerare urbană în contextul elaborării P.U.G.
(The different objectives and principles of the urban regeneration planning process. framework requirements for location of urban regeneration projects in the context of elaborating G.U.P.)
- Author(s):Mihai-Alexandru Moţcanu-Dumitrescu, Mădălina Moţcanu-Dumitrescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Maps / Cartography
- Page Range:63-72
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:reconstruction; urban regeneration; industrial areas; criteria; transformation
- Summary/Abstract:Today, because of the population growth, the tendency on cities and urbanization increase gradually. Depend on these tendencies, the requirements of planning and location of the settlements and facilities areas on cities are came up with the migration from rural areas to urban areas. In this process, in addition to physical and environmental factors especially the socio-economic factors should be regarded as main component of sustainable urbanization. And also sustainable policies for urban development created by local governances have an effective role. Furthermore, determination of the urban development areas through the cities, land use and land cover structures are required as well. However, both the industrial areas, military facilities, public facilities areas are located in core of the cities even if without sub-scale urban land use planning. So these areas have to be re-allocated with urban regeneration projects to support for better urbanization. Based on the evaluations mentioned above, this paper outlines the requirements and criteria for location of urban regeneration areas. And also it is comprised to some approaches for integrated urban regeneration projects for provide the sustainability.
Managementul de protecţie a clădirilor istorice. Studii de caz - biserici romanice din judeţul Cluj, România
Managementul de protecţie a clădirilor istorice. Studii de caz - biserici romanice din judeţul Cluj, România
(Protection management of historic buildings case studies - Romanesque churches in Cluj County, Romania)
- Author(s):Anamaria Boca, Tudor Panfil TOADER, Anamaria Cătălina Mircea
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:73-80
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:built heritage; historic monument; Romanesque churches
- Summary/Abstract:The historical monument and its load-bearing structure reflect the historical, artistic, technical characteristics of a certain period as well as the most important social values. The aim of the current study is to present a brief analysis on the Romanesque churches from Cluj County, Romania, included on the National Register of Historic Monuments from Romania. The case studies will present the historic monuments built in Romanesque style and their structural and arhitectural characteristics and conformation. The causes of partial or total degradation of these buildings will be releaved along with any known intervention for protection or restoration of the buildings, where it existed. The Romanesque architectural style is considered the first European architectural style after the architecture of the Roman Empire, therefore the effort of indepth understanding of Romanesque ensembles as part of the built heritage, in the light of the material and spiritual values they carry, represents the first step in their preservation.
Generatoare termoelectrice: tehnologie şi aplicaţii
Generatoare termoelectrice: tehnologie şi aplicaţii
(Thermoelectric generators: technology and applications)
- Author(s):Mihail CHIRA, Andreea Hegyi, Henriette Szilagyi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:81-88
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:thermoelectric generators; Seebeck effect; silicon; polymers; ceramics
- Summary/Abstract:Power costs increasing, environmental pollution and global warming are issues that we are dealing with in the present time. To reduce their effects, scientists are focusing on improving energy harvesting-based power generators. Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) have demonstrated their ability to directly convert thermal energy into an electrical one via the Seebeck effect. Also, they are environmentally friendly because they do not contain chemical products, they operate silently because they do not have mechanical structures and/or moving parts, and they can be fabricated on many types of substrates like silicon, polymers, and ceramics. Furthermore, TEGs are position-independent, present a long operating lifetime and are suitable for integration into bulk and flexible devices.
Cercetări experimentale privind influenţa nanoparticulelor de TiO2 asupra proprietăţilor fizico-mecanice ale compozitelor cementoase
Cercetări experimentale privind influenţa nanoparticulelor de TiO2 asupra proprietăţilor fizico-mecanice ale compozitelor cementoase
(Experimental research on the influence of TIO2 nanoparticles on the physico-mechanical properties of cementitious composites)
- Author(s):Elvire Grebenişan, Andreea Hegyi, Adrian Lăzărescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:89-96
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:TiO2 nanoparticles; physico-mechanical properties; self-cleaning composites
- Summary/Abstract:Urban constructions are subject to deterioration and degradation due to the action of external factors, pollutants from air, water, compounds resulting from the combustion of fuels used for heating and transport, etc. currently, worldwide, the possibility of building cementitious composite materials with self-cleaning properties is reported due to the photocatalytic capacity of TiO2 nanoparticles, used as an addition or as a substitute for a part of cement. The aim of this paper is to present experimental research on the influence of the introduction of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2) on some physico-mechanical properties of cementitious composites. Experimental research has been carried out on cementitious composite material containing TiO2 nanoparticles, respectively, the evolution of the following parameters was analyzed: outlet time, apparent density, absolute density, porosity, water absorption, water absorption by capillarity and white degree. The main objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the presence of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles on the physico-mechanical properties of cementitious composites.
Tehnologii de realizare a materialului geopolimer cu sau fără tratament termic
Tehnologii de realizare a materialului geopolimer cu sau fără tratament termic
(Technologies for the production of geopolymer materials with or without heat treatment)
- Author(s):Brăduţ Alexandru Ionescu, Adrian Lăzărescu, Andreea Hegyi
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:97-104
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:geopolymers; fly ash; curring time
- Summary/Abstract:The term geopolymer was originally introduced by the French chemist Davidovits, representing a wide range of anorganic materials. According to him, among the nine different classes of geopolymers, geopolymer concrete is of particular interest, consisting of materials containing aluminosilicates that could be used to completely replace the amount of Portland cement in ordinary concrete. The aim of this study is to present relevant data in the field of alkali-activated geopolymer materials regarding the production of this type of materials using both ambiental and heat curring and studing the differences between the two procedures.
Tradiţie şi inovare în arhitectura lui George Matei Cantacuzino
Tradiţie şi inovare în arhitectura lui George Matei Cantacuzino
(Tradidition and innovation in the architecture of George Matei Cantacuzino)
- Author(s):Andreea Vasilca
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:105-114
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:architecture; tradition; functionality; Cantacuzino; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:The modern period of architecture brought with it essential prefaces in the international architecture programs, generated by industrialization and by the new perspective of development of the society. Internally, architects manifest themselves in three main directions - traditional, classical and modern, in an attempt to create a national style. The architect George Matei Cantacuzino, inspired by foreign experiences, manages to see the solution for a quality architecture - the symbiosis between tradition and functionality, without which we could not aspire to spirituality. The research is based on the critical analysis of the existing specialized works and on the field research, using as investigation methods the architectural survey of constructions, their photographic survey, visual observations and surveys on the construction materials used in the commissioning, where it was used. possible. Following the research of the architectural work of the architect George Matei Cantacuzino, the philosophical principle of his creation is clear - the relation to tradition, in which you must be permanently anchored, looking to the future, to the needs of the human being in a continuous dynamic. He created his own style, anchored in tradition, defined as a synthesis of the Renaissance architecture of Andrea Palladio and of the Byzantine architecture, specific to the Romanian people, from whose origins were born either architectural objects or original, innovative architectural elements. both for that time and for the present architecture, through the structures, the materials of construction, the solving of the parts or the reinterpretation of the traditional peasant architecture with the instruments of a cult architecture. The innovation at George Matei Cantacuzino consists in the fact that the architecture created by him is a synthesis of the great architectures - classical, from the point of view of the compositional principles, Byzantine - characterized by clean geometric forms, materials and vivid colors, Renaissance - by organizing the space and through programs of architecture, sobriety and delicacy of forms, lines and modernity - by synthesizing, purifying, transforming and bringing all volumes and decorations to the human proportion.