Elemente de inovaţie tehnică la execuţia unei construcţii inaugurate în urmă cu 115 ani: podul combinat (rutier şi de cale ferată) peste canalul Sf. Gheorghe din oraşul Giurgiu
Technical innovations in the execution of a construction inaugurated 115 years ago: the double bridge (road and rail) over St. George channel from the city of Giurgiu

Author(s): George M. Croitoru
Subject(s): Architecture
Keywords: metal bridge; curve trajectory; foundation; reinforced concrete; caisson
Summary/Abstract: The double bridge over the Sf. George Channel from the city of Giurgiu (tested and inaugurated on November 9, 1905) it’s very important for the history of constructions in Romania from two points of view. Firstly: introduction to design of some elements of technical innovation (the necessity of their adoption being imposed by the unfavorable geological specificity of the site). It’s the first bridge in Romania and in Europe who has a trajectory in angle on a horizontal level (curve trajectory), at this bridge was used the first reinforced concrete caisson with compressed air to the foundation of a bridge in Romania and was used the first inclined connection between transverse and longitudinal metal beams for route, following the trajectory of the railways. Secondly: professional collaboration between two great Romanian technical personalities, Anghel Saligny and Ion Ionescu, Professors at the National School of Bridges and Roads in Bucharest. Today, 115 years after the inauguration, this bridge is closed to road and rail traffic, is used only for pedestrian traffic and is one of the representative historical objectives of the built heritage of the city of Giurgiu, being classified as a historical monument.

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