Augustin Popaescu - un model de excelenţă în domeniul cercetării betonului precomprimat
Augustin Popaescu - A model of excellence in the research of prestressed concrete

Author(s): George M. Croitoru
Subject(s): Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture
Keywords: prestressed concrete; experimental tests; technical innovations; patents; standards;
Summary/Abstract: Augustin Popaescu (1938-2017) was an important personality in Romanian research in constructions which established itself as one of the great specialists in the theory, design and experimental tests of prestressed concrete elements. His scientific activity was complex and was characterized by concern to find new research directions of major interest worldwide. He proposed new technical solutions, many materialized in the patents and is concerned about the implementation of new technologies in the execution of prestressed concrete elements. His scientific and professional activity recommends him as a model of excellence in this field, which deserves to be better known, both by future generations of specialists and by the engineers of the present period.

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