Generatoare termoelectrice: tehnologie şi aplicaţii
Thermoelectric generators: technology and applications

Author(s): Mihail CHIRA, Andreea Hegyi, Henriette Szilagyi
Subject(s): Architecture
Keywords: thermoelectric generators; Seebeck effect; silicon; polymers; ceramics
Summary/Abstract: Power costs increasing, environmental pollution and global warming are issues that we are dealing with in the present time. To reduce their effects, scientists are focusing on improving energy harvesting-based power generators. Thermoelectric generators (TEGs) have demonstrated their ability to directly convert thermal energy into an electrical one via the Seebeck effect. Also, they are environmentally friendly because they do not contain chemical products, they operate silently because they do not have mechanical structures and/or moving parts, and they can be fabricated on many types of substrates like silicon, polymers, and ceramics. Furthermore, TEGs are position-independent, present a long operating lifetime and are suitable for integration into bulk and flexible devices.

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