Analiza energetica privind dimensionarea si evaluarea performantelor energetice ale instalaţiilor ce utilizează captatoare solare termice in România
Energy analysis on the sizing and evaluation of the energy performances of the installations that use thermal solar heaters in Romania
Author(s): Horaţiu Gabriel DRAGNE, Florin Iordache
Subject(s): Architecture
Keywords: solar panels; efficiency; evaluation; thermal energy; renewable energy
Summary/Abstract: The importance of energy is apparent in almost every aspect of development and historical data reveals that there is a significant relation between the availability of energy and the economic activity. The use of renewable energy especially solar energy in power generation as well as in domestic and building application has gained significant appreciation worldwide to meet the goals of sustainable development and environment conservation. The paper establishes several relationships for evaluating the degree of energy coverage of the heat requirement for heating and hot water preparation and shows the influence of the most important calculation parameters. The calculation method used applies to residential or non-residential buildings equipped with solar energy capture and use facilities for space heating and hot water consumption. This paper defines a new way of how solar energy performances can be estimated very easy for each city within Romania.
- Page Range: 23-30
- Page Count: 8
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Romanian