Зборник радова "Противрјечја савременог права" Том III
Collection of papers "Contradictions of the Contemporary Law" Vol III

10th Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Law. The conference was held on October 30, 2021 in Pale

Contributor(s): Sandra Stjepanović (Editor), Radomir V. Lukić (Editor), Dimitrije Ćeranić (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-99938-57-67-9
  • Page Count: 439
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English, Serbian, Italian
Diffusione del diritto romano e sistemi giuridici: Lettera di saluto

Diffusione del diritto romano e sistemi giuridici: Lettera di saluto
(Dissemination of Roman Law and Legal Systems: Welcome address)

Due essenziali e prioritari "problemi generali di diritto attraverso il diritto romano"

Due essenziali e prioritari "problemi generali di diritto attraverso il diritto romano"
(Two Fundamental and Principal "General Issues in the Context of Roman Law")

De civitatibus expellendis et ultimo supplicio tradendis in C. due sanzioni in contrasto?

De civitatibus expellendis et ultimo supplicio tradendis in C. due sanzioni in contrasto?
(De civitatibus expellendis and ultimo supplicio tradendis in C. Two Contradicting Sanctions?)

L'accessione verticale nei diritti dei Paesi dei Balcani occidentali - una prospettiva romanistica

L'accessione verticale nei diritti dei Paesi dei Balcani occidentali - una prospettiva romanistica
(Res accessoria on Land in Legislation of Western Balkan Countries - a Romanistic View)

Noxa, pauperies e magia nella legislazione decemvirale: condanne di falsa nossalità in ordine alla differente configurazione della responsibilità del pater per il danno provocato dal sottoposto rispetto a quello dell' animale

Noxa, pauperies e magia nella legislazione decemvirale: condanne di falsa nossalità in ordine alla differente configurazione della responsibilità del pater per il danno provocato dal sottoposto rispetto a quello dell' animale
(Noxa, Pauperies and Magic in the Decemviral Legislation: Sentences of False Nossality in Relation to the Different Configuration of Liability of the Pater for the Damage Caused by the Subject With Respect to That of the Animal)

La gestione di affari altrui necessaria e utile

La gestione di affari altrui necessaria e utile
(Necessary and Useful Benevolent Intervention in Another's Affairs)

Борба Срба за верску и просветну аутономију у Босни и Херцеговини 1896-1905. године

Борба Срба за верску и просветну аутономију у Босни и Херцеговини 1896-1905. године
(The Fight of Serbs for Religious and Educational Autonomy in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1896-1905)

Salus populi est suprema lex ele sfide della "pandemia" di epoca romana

Salus populi est suprema lex ele sfide della "pandemia" di epoca romana
(Salus Populi est Suprima Lex and "Pandemic" Challenges of the Roman Era)

The Influence of Rhodian Law on the Origin of the Actio Exercitoria

The Influence of Rhodian Law on the Origin of the Actio Exercitoria
(The Influence of Rhodian Law on the Origin of the Actio Exercitoria)

Autonomia in Sardegna e in Europa - Italia. L'esempio di Sassari: "Bidda" giudicale prima che "libero comune"

Autonomia in Sardegna e in Europa - Italia. L'esempio di Sassari: "Bidda" giudicale prima che "libero comune"
(Autonomy in Sardinia and in Europe - Italy. Example of Sassary. "Bida" from the Giudicati Period Before Free Commune)

Fonti romane della "procura"

Fonti romane della "procura"
(On Roman Sources of "Procura")

Јавни биљежници у Византији

Јавни биљежници у Византији
(Public Notaries in Byzantium)

Medieval Bosnia and Ius Commune: Analysis of the Testament of the Knight Pribislav Vukotić

Medieval Bosnia and Ius Commune: Analysis of the Testament of the Knight Pribislav Vukotić
(Medieval Bosnia and Ius Commune: Analysis of the Testament of the Knight Pribislav Vukotić)

Траст: англосаксонски институт у европскоконтиненталном праву?

Траст: англосаксонски институт у европскоконтиненталном праву?
(Trust: Anglo-Saxon Institute in European Continental Law?)

Pravna zaštita poreskih obveznika po Evropskoj konvenciji o ljudskim pravima

Pravna zaštita poreskih obveznika po Evropskoj konvenciji o ljudskim pravima
(Legal Protection of Taxpayers Under the European Convention on Human Rights)

Implementation and Benefits of the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, With Reference to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Implementation and Benefits of the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, With Reference to Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Implementation and Benefits of the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, With Reference to Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Combating Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance by Exchanging of Tax Information - Macedonian Experience on the Path to the EU Integration

Combating Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance by Exchanging of Tax Information - Macedonian Experience on the Path to the EU Integration
(Combating Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance by Exchanging of Tax Information - Macedonian Experience on the Path to the EU Integration)

Сарадња у пореским питањима између Србије, Северне Македоније и Албаније

Сарадња у пореским питањима између Србије, Северне Македоније и Албаније
(Cooperation in Tax Matters Between Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania)

Joint Audits from Bosnia and Herzegovina's Perspective: Should Domestic Relations Be Arranged First?

Joint Audits from Bosnia and Herzegovina's Perspective: Should Domestic Relations Be Arranged First?
(Joint Audits from Bosnia and Herzegovina's Perspective: Should Domestic Relations Be Arranged First?)

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