Diffusione del diritto romano e sistemi giuridici: Lettera di saluto
Dissemination of Roman Law and Legal Systems: Welcome address

Author(s): Pierangelo Catalano
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Roman law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Citizenship; Eurasia; Universalism; La Pira; Peace; Novi Sad;
Summary/Abstract: 1. European Union versus Roman model? Many countries nowadays Reject people who are different, especially migrants. This contradicts Roman concept of citizenship. 2. Eurasia. Legal unity of Eurasia can rest on Roman law understood as a "system of good and equity" as opposed to unified "Western law" or even so called "global law". Studying Roman law is beneficial in the context of "Eurasian solidarity". 3. From Karl Marx to venerable Giorgio La Pira. It is interesting to note the significance Karl Marx attaches to the "collective" aspects of the so called Quirite (Roman) property. The work published in 1941 by Italian socialist Francesco de Martino opposing Nazi interpretation of Roman law is of utmost importance. The work was praised by professor of Roman law Giorgio La Pira. 4. Colloquium of Romanists. Novi Sad. Colloquium of Romanists of socialist countries (later countries of central-east Europe and Asia), set up at the University of Karl Marx in Leipzig in 1977 criticized bourgeois individualism and "western" legal theorists. Based on conclusions drawn at the Colloquia (one of which was held in Novi Sad 2002) and subsequent Eurasian seminars on Roman law (the first of which was organized in Dushanbe, Tajikistan in October 2011) recognition of legal unity of Eurasia finally took place. 5. Salutation to peace and Fraternity. Giorgio La Pira noticed that Roman and Chinese empires both aspired to peace. He, personally, was a fervent supporter of world peace. In 1995 he went on a "pilgrimage" to Moscow setting off from Fatima; In 1965 he arrived in Vietnam, visiting on his way Moscow and Beijing. On this day East Sarajevo is the city that took this great responsibility of opening European Union towards Eurasia with the aim of accepting other peoples under its wing and with peace in mind.

  • Page Range: 1-9
  • Page Count: 9
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Italian
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