Autonomia in Sardegna e in Europa - Italia. L'esempio di Sassari: "Bidda" giudicale prima che "libero comune"
Autonomy in Sardinia and in Europe - Italy. Example of Sassary. "Bida" from the Giudicati Period Before Free Commune

Author(s): Vanni Piras
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Political history
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Sassari; Civitas; Commune; City; Giudicati legal order;
Summary/Abstract: Communal life in Sardinia is not part of local tradition - it was transplanted from abroad. In order to be able to understand concept and essence of transplantation of communal institutions in Sardinia we need to analyze from a scientific perspective legal status of Sardinia's local communities (among which Sassari) which developed before the Communes. These were "Bidas" from the period of Giudicati. The aim of the paper is to compare typically Sardinian status and Communes which were transplanted from northern Italy by identifying similarities and differences between them. One similarity concerns the pattern used - both Bidas and Communes can be related in its form to ancient Mediterranean city - Geek polis and Roman urbs civitas. This institution reached its full maturity in republican - imperial municipium. Major difference between Bidas and Communes concerns their relationship with feudal institution - in Sardinian's Bidas that relationship was non-existent, whereas in Italian and European Communes feudal institutions had dominant position. Particularly important example of Sardinian Communal experience is Free Commune of Sassari whose history (albeit short, somewhat less than half a century from 1272 to 1323) falls into late phase of otherwise long (five centuries) Giudicati period.

  • Page Range: 212-265
  • Page Count: 54
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Italian
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