Јавни биљежници у Византији
Public Notaries in Byzantium

Author(s): Mirjana Pupić
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Roman law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Tabellion; Tabellion documents in Justinian's law; Book of the Eparch;
Summary/Abstract: Byzantine contribution to the development of notary is significant, even greater than previously emphasized. However, tabellions in the emperor Justinian's time had not reach the level of significance they had later, in the tenth century. The author confirms this position with a detailed analyses of Byzantine tabellions in the Book of Eparch, written in that period. This collection of regulations governed the rules of conduct of many guilds such as dealers in bullion, bankers, wax and taper merchants, tanners, butchers, bakers, etc. The importance of the notary is reflected in the fact that the first chapter of this edict is dedicated to them, notably the most important profession among the twenty-two trade and craft guilds. Moreover, the chapter on the college of notary is most detailed one in the whole Manual. The chapter gives a meticulous account on many issues concerning the tabellions, making them into a more serious institution corresponding professional organization. It contains 26 paragraphs, while other collegia have significantly less space dedicated to them. The fact that some writers consider this part of the Book of Eparch to be the first notarial code in the world, further confirms the importance of this legislative undertaking.

  • Page Range: 288-297
  • Page Count: 10
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: Serbian
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