Членството на България в Европейския съюз: тринадесет години по-късно
The Membership of Bulgaria in the European Union: Thirteen Years Later
Nineteenth International Scientific Conference, 16 October 2020, UNWE – Sofia, Big Conference Room
Contributor(s): Svetlana Aleksandrova-Zlatanska (Editor), Vesselina Dimitrova (Editor), Kaloyan Simeonov (Editor), Svetla Boneva (Editor), Alexander Hristov (Editor), Dobroslav Emilov Mollov (Editor), Georgi Marinov (Editor), Silvia Kirova (Editor), Elif Dağdemir Uçkan (Editor), Mirko Tripunoski (Editor), Duško Dimitrijević (Editor), Silvana Jovcheska (Editor), Maia Tripunoska (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Energy and Environmental Studies, Sociology, Higher Education , Health and medicine and law, Migration Studies, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Financial Markets, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Marketing / Advertising, Socio-Economic Research, EU-Legislation, Commercial Law
ISSN: 2815-2719
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: European Union; Bulgaria; EU Development; EU Policy; International Economics; European Integration; Innovations; Digital; Cohesion; Sustainability; Energy; Decarbonization; Marketing; Business; Trade
Summary/Abstract: The international scientific conference organized by International Economic Relations and Business Department at the University of National and World Economy was held for 19th time (13th since Bulgaria's accession to the European Union). Traditionally, it is dedicated to the Bulgarian membership in the European Union as well as the development of various aspects of the EU – policies, economy, internal market, trade, innovations, etc. Official welcome address to the participants was given by Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, UNWE Rector, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Bakalova, International Economics and Politics Faculty Dean, Prof. Dr. Milanka Slavova, International Economic Relations and Business Department Head, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Svetla Boneva, Secretary General for Scientific Research Projects, and Mr. Dragomir Stoynev, Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds.
- Page Count: 372
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Bulgarian
Потребителско поведение в дигитална среда
Потребителско поведение в дигитална среда
(Consumer Behavior in Digital Environment)
- Author(s):Milanka Slavova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:15-26
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Consumer Behavior; Consumer Behavior Models; Google’s Model For Consumer Behavior; 5A Model
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses the consumer behaviour changes in digital environment. The traditional approaches to modelling the decision-making process are reviewed and summarized. The paper identifies the major approaches to the consumer behavior and consumer decision journey in the digitalized economy. The paper draws conclusions upon the common features and the differences between the two groups of models. The logic of the consumer path is similar. The major differences in the digital environment are the shortening of the decision-making process, the faster dissemination of information on the consumers’ experience and the impact on many more potential buyers.
Роля на потребителския опит във време на криза
Роля на потребителския опит във време на криза
(Role оf Consumer Experience in Crisis Times)
- Author(s):Alexander Hristov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:27-33
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Consumer Experience; Customer Experience; Marketing; Digital Marketing; Marketing Communications; Crisis
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents an overview of changes in consumption, mainly household one, after the crisis in 2020 caused by the pandemic. A connection is made with this to the analysis of consumer experience and its role in such a situation – understood as previous experience with the product or brand, based on which impressions are built, respectively, it can act decisively in the direction of making a purchase decision, postponing a purchase and other. The position presented is that the consumer experience in times of crisis increases its importance, which goes along with the rationalization of consumption.
Методите за управление на държавата и на бизнеса – синергичният ефект и успеха
Методите за управление на държавата и на бизнеса – синергичният ефект и успеха
(Methods for Management of the State and of the Business – The Synergy Effect and Success)
- Author(s):Nadia Marinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Public Administration
- Page Range:34-42
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Management Methods; Business; Regulation; Government
- Summary/Abstract:Effective public administration is based on the active use of the types of management methods. There is also a positive effect of their application in business regulation. The different methods are applicable in all steps and stages of management. The methods are interconnected and interact, so in different situations one method can take the lead and the others can take on a secondary supporting role.
Сензорен маркетинг в България
Сензорен маркетинг в България
(Sensory Marketing in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Valentina Makni, Monika Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:43-55
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Sensory Marketing; Multisensory Experience; Sensory Stimuli; Consumer Behaviour; Bulgaria
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this study is sensory marketing in Bulgaria and multisensory experience in the buying process in different retailers and services. Our goal is to assess the customers’ sensory perceptions in the purchasing process and their importance for the consumer behaviour. Through descriptive analysis we prove the significance of all senses in the buying process, hence the affirmation of multisensory impact strategy on human senses. Through principal components analysis (PCA) we explain the relationship among the five variables (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) by reducing them to a smaller number of factors. The obtained results provide guidelines for the search for marketing approaches by companies for а complex engagement of sensory stimuli in order to increase consumer value.
Оценки на финансовия сектор в България при подготовкта за ERM II
Оценки на финансовия сектор в България при подготовкта за ERM II
(Assessments of the Financial Sector in Bulgaria in the Way to ERM II)
- Author(s):Kaloyan Simeonov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:56-73
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Financial Sector; Asset Quality Review; Stress Test; ERM II; Banking Union of the EU
- Summary/Abstract:After the collapse of the fourth largest bank in the country in 2014, the confidence in the financial sector in Bulgaria has decreased substantially. However, only six years later – in 2020 Bulgaria succeeded to join simultaneously the Banking Union of the EU and the Exchange Rate Mechanism 2 (ERM II). In practice, for a very short period of time the country not only succeeded to re-establish the confidence in the financial sector, but also to join these two important EU mechanisms. This is due to many measures and reforms that have been realised in the banking and non-banking financial sector, taking also into account the lessons from the failure of the fourth largest bank. In the period 2015-2020 many assessments and analyses were organised in Bulgaria from national, European and international institutions. The current report makes a review of these assessments and analyses as well as of their importance for the preparation of Bulgaria to join the Banking Union of the EU and the ERM II.
Динамика на съотношението собствен капитал към активи на банките в страните членки на Европейския съюз
Динамика на съотношението собствен капитал към активи на банките в страните членки на Европейския съюз
(Dynamics of the Equity/Assets Ratio of the Banks in the European Union Member States)
- Author(s):Aglika Kaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:74-83
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Banks; Banking System; Equity; Equity/Assets Ratio of Banks
- Summary/Abstract:This research is dedicated to the comparative analysis of the dynamics of the equity/assets ratio of the banks in the EU member states. The major trends of the equity/assets ratio have been enumerated.
Състояние на основни показатели за социална конвергенция в България
Състояние на основни показатели за социална конвергенция в България
(Basic Indicators for Social Convergence in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Monika Moraliyska, Silvia Todorova-Petkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:84-98
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Social Convergence; Social Indicators; Bulgaria; EU
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this article is to examine Bulgaria’s social convergence in recent years – within the country and of the country compared to the EU. The paper’s tasks are to assess the current state of some basic social indicators and to analyze their performance both: by regions in Bulgaria and at national level compared to the European average. The methodology includes comparative, graphical and descriptive analysis based on statistical data. The main results are: an analysis of key indicators for social convergence in Bulgaria and a summary of EU’s recommendations for their improvement.
Младежкото доброволчество като конкурентен фактор за висшите училища
Младежкото доброволчество като конкурентен фактор за висшите училища
(Youth Volunteering as a Competitive Factor for Higher Education Institutions)
- Author(s):Violeta Toncheva-Zlatkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:99-111
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Youth Volunteering; Pro Bono Activities; Social Engagement; Volunteer Culture; Quality; Higher Education; Universities
- Summary/Abstract:This report highlights the significance and the role of the volunteering and youth activity, a review is conducted on the ideas regarding national policies for young people and their implementation, an observation is made concerning the regulatory and institutional framework governing the issues pertaining to participation of the young people and youth volunteering. The definitions and trends in the volunteering development are discussed, the author explains the advantages and challenges for the participants at an institutional level – students on the one side, and the universities – on the other. A snapshot of the existing student clubs in select Bulgarian universities is offered with their main characteristics presented. Steps which must be undertaken by the higher education institutions to promote youth volunteering are proposed in order to build up a specific culture and to visualize and promote volunteering activities. Author suggests examples of possible solutions and proposals for the implementation of a focused university policy and the establishment of a strategic program to support volunteers in the context of the European Education Area formation.
Ефективен болничен мениджмънт, базиран на оценка на риска
Ефективен болничен мениджмънт, базиран на оценка на риска
(Efficient Hospital Management Based on Risk Assessment Principles)
- Author(s):Boyko Mirazchiyski, Elisaveta Geretto, Rumen Iliev, Zlatitsa Petrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:112-131
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Risk Management; Quality; COVID-19; Risk Assessment; Security and Safety
- Summary/Abstract:Risk management is potentially more important in healthcare than in any other industry. It is the process by which an organization methodically studies potential risks in order to better healthcare quality. We surveyed the opinion of staff at University Hospital for Active Treatment – Burgas with regards to the challenges and difficulties of the work process within COVID-19 epidemic. Material and methodology: Anonymous survey of 265 medical staff was performed, questionnaire contains 27 questions. Conclusion: Risk management can be used proactively to identify and manage risks. An established, well-functioning risk management program contributes to the provision of error-free health care and contributes to quality health care.
Относно понятието за данъчно задължено лице в ДДС системата съгласно европейското и националното право
Относно понятието за данъчно задължено лице в ДДС системата съгласно европейското и националното право
(On the Concept of the Taxable Person in the VAT System in Accordance with the European and National Law)
- Author(s):Stoycho Dulevski
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:132-138
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:VAT Directive; Taxable Person; CJEU; Value-Added Tax Act
- Summary/Abstract:Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of value added tax (VAT Directive) outlines the key concepts that Member States should transpose accordingly into their national legislation. This is a guarantee of harmonization in the field of indirect taxes at European level. As one of the most significant in this matter is the concept of taxable person pursuant to Art. 9 VAT Directive. The purpose of the current study is to draw a parallel between the provision in question and the relevant text of the Bulgarian tax law. In this connection, other relevant provisions of the VAT Directive will be analyzed, as well as part of the relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). Attention will be paid also to some Member States’ national legislations on the concept of the taxable person.
Режими по ДДС – приложими за Северна Ирландия
Режими по ДДС – приложими за Северна Ирландия
(VAT Arrangements Applicable to Northern Ireland)
- Author(s):Lyubka Tzenova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Commercial Law
- Page Range:139-146
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:VAT Tax; Refund; Derogation
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the value added tax regimes that apply in Northern Ireland after the United Kingdom leaves the EU. The specific rules for taxation of supplies of goods and services performed by and for the EU are examined. The types of regimes that are applied for VAT refund are considered. The requested derogation from the VAT Directive in favor of Northern Ireland is indicated.
Пътят на Европейския съюз към декарбонизация на икономиката: приносът на Европейската схема за търговия с квоти за емисии на парникови газове
Пътят на Европейския съюз към декарбонизация на икономиката: приносът на Европейската схема за търговия с квоти за емисии на парникови газове
(The Contribution of the EU ETS for the Decarburization of the European Economy)
- Author(s):Svetla Boneva, Filip Petkov, Diana Marinova, Jasmina Saraivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:147-156
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Emission Trading Scheme; EU ETS
- Summary/Abstract:The objective of the research paper is to present the development of the EU Emission trading scheme as the first large scale initiative for regulation of the carbon dioxide emissions in the European union and one of the first initiatives on a global scale. Applying the methods of content analysis and following the logical approach, the paper has produced the following research results: 1. It has systemically presented the origin and development of the scheme; 2. It has outlined the way EU ETS functions.
Либерализацията на европейския електроенергиен пазар – постижения и проблеми
Либерализацията на европейския електроенергиен пазар – постижения и проблеми
(The Liberalization of the European Electricity Market – Achievements and Problems)
- Author(s):Nikolay Donchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:157-175
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Liberalization; Regulation; Integration; Electricity Market
- Summary/Abstract:The process of liberalization of the electricity market is ongoing for three decades. The expectations are major problems related to electricity price decrease, increase of the predictability, stability, safety and reliability of the energy supplies to be decided by the implementation of complete liberalization. For assessment of the achieved results, the objective necessity of liberalization of the electricity markets shall be clarified. On the next level, the major stages of implementation of this process in Great Britain and in the European Union has been reviewed. The major place in the research is for clarification of the conditions under which the two major instruments – coordination and competition – lead to higher effectiveness and higher benefits for all participants (consumers, producers, traders, operators of transmission and distribution networks, regulators).
В подкрепа на дигиталната трансформация на предприятията
В подкрепа на дигиталната трансформация на предприятията
(Supporting the Digital Transformation of Enterprises)
- Author(s):Margarita Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:176-182
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Digital Transformation; International Business
- Summary/Abstract:Among the many perspectives and challenges in managing the transformation of companies, this publication draws attention to the need for adequate management of the digitalization process. It should be consistent with the internal characteristics of the company and the conditions in its environment. Two priority areas are highlighted, which can increase the competitiveness of enterprises on international markets.
Иновации и възможности за стартиращи компании в ЕС
Иновации и възможности за стартиращи компании в ЕС
(Innovations and Opportunities for Startups in the EU)
- Author(s):Margarita Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:183-191
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Innovations; Start-ups; European Union
- Summary/Abstract:In the context of the opportunities, which the internal market provides, this paper is devoted to the innovations and the potential of startup companies. The cost of innovations in the enterprises in the European Union are studied. Member states’ data is analyzed as indication for the significance of the topic. The results can be useful in defining the strategic goals of startups and guiding them to international markets.
Влияние на пандемията от COVID-19 върху мерките в областта на опазване на околната среда, финансирани от Кохезионния фонд на ЕС в България
Влияние на пандемията от COVID-19 върху мерките в областта на опазване на околната среда, финансирани от Кохезионния фонд на ЕС в България
(Impact оf COVID-19 Pandemics on the Environmental Protection Measures, Financed by the EU Cohesion Fund in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Stoyan Neytchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:192-202
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:COVID-19 Pandemic; Environment; European Union
- Summary/Abstract:This report provides a brief overview and analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on environmental measures funded by the EU Cohesion Fund in Bulgaria. The main focus of the study is the implementation phase of the measures, namely the preparation of documentation for public procurement and conducting the award procedures and the impact of the state of emergency imposed in the country on the implementation of the measures. Circumstances related to delays in the implementation processes and their impact on the country’s obligations as a Member State of the European Union are analyzed.
Политика на Европейски съюз за миграции и екологична сигурност
Политика на Европейски съюз за миграции и екологична сигурност
(European Union Migration Policy, Environmental Security)
- Author(s):Maria Gyulemetovа
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Environmental and Energy policy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:203-212
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Policy; Migration; Environmental Security
- Summary/Abstract:The new security situation provokes interest, respectively mine, in the problem of migration, environmental security and sustainable development, because knowledge of these processes is a necessity, an important tool for successful management and development of the globalizing world economy and its consequences, including migration processes and environmental security. The proposed report is part of a scientific study on the problem as a desire to share it in a larger scientific audience.
Икономически ефекти от пандемията от КОВИД-19 върху работниците мигранти в ЕС
Икономически ефекти от пандемията от КОВИД-19 върху работниците мигранти в ЕС
(Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Migrant Workers in the EU)
- Author(s):Atanas Pavlov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Sociology, Migration Studies
- Page Range:213-232
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Migration; Labour Force; Economic Impact; Economic Growth
- Summary/Abstract:Globally, the migrant workers and their families are highly exposed, both directly to the COVID-19 pandemic and the risk of infection, as well as to the consequent negative economic effects. Prior to the pandemic, more than 270 million people are living outside their country of origin, sending nearly $ 700 billion in remittances to their home countries. As of mid-May 2020, the 20 countries with the most cases of COVID-19 receive 55 percent of the world‘s migrants, who send 54 percent of the world‘s remittances to their home countries. The living and working conditions of both international and internal migrants make them extremely vulnerable to the risk of contracting COVID-19. On the other hand, the negative economic effects of the pandemic and the anti-epidemic measures imposed by the countries have a particularly strong impact on the migrants workers around the world, which leads to a decline in the migrant remittances.
Необходимост от изграждане на Съюз на капиталовите пазари на ЕС за икономически растеж в Европа
Необходимост от изграждане на Съюз на капиталовите пазари на ЕС за икономически растеж в Европа
(Necessity for Establishing EU’s Capital Markets Union for the Economic Growth in Europe)
- Author(s):Vyara Tsvetanova Lavcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:233-249
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:European Union; Integration; Capital Markets; Financing; Investments; Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
- Summary/Abstract:With the process of economic integration, the countries of Europe gave an unprecedented impetus to the Union’s main economic objectives, such as the movement of capital, goods and services, facilitation of international investment and trade. It was precisely this new impetus that should have led to stability and economic prosperity, however many years after its creation, reality has proved that, if we remain “united in diversity” the result is a boost to instability and regression. The process of integration should have created convergence between the member states but undertaken as an economic course for development by countries with fundamentally heterogeneous economies, paradoxically the opposite effect was achieved. Thus, the economic reality now is profound divergence. Member States have abandoned a number of sovereign economic policies to try and achieve the objectives of integration, however partial policy integration has proved degrading in many areas. This economic reality has proved that the course of integration should be rethought and new ways for furthering integration should be soughed for several economic sectors where the lack of integration affects the community-wide performance. Hence, the idea of a new union was born, aiming to integrate a fundamental part of Europe’s economy left sovereign. That union is The Capital Markets Union (CMU), which aims to transfer economic integration into the capital and financial markets of Europe as a natural function of Europe’s economic integration process, consequently making capital markets truly unified.
Роля на управлението на знание в процеса на създаване на устойчиви иновации
Роля на управлението на знание в процеса на създаване на устойчиви иновации
(The Role of Knowledge Management in the Process of Creating Sustainable Innovation)
- Author(s):Beloslava Guevska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:250-260
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Innovation; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management System; Competitive Advantage; Management Concept
- Summary/Abstract:The theory of business management is changing rapidly, thus emerging concepts and paradigms are constantly being introduced and applied to organizational life. Knowledge management (KM) and open innovation are not new concepts in their core, but rather business areas on which in-depth research has only recently started to focus. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the two and how knowledge management can support the process creating sustainable innovations. The emphasis falls on the affiliation between sustainable development and innovation and the knowledge management strategy, as well as on the use of appropriate tools and models to improve business results. Attention is brought to the concept of open innovation and the importance of taking all stakeholders in the value chain into account.
Култура и етика в международния бизнес. Ролята на културния фактор в бизнеса с възобновяема енергия
Култура и етика в международния бизнес. Ролята на културния фактор в бизнеса с възобновяема енергия
(Culture and Ethics in International Business. The Culture Factor Role in the Renewable Energy Business)
- Author(s):Ivan Dimitrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Business Economy / Management
- Page Range:261-271
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Business Culture and Ethics; International Business; Renewable Energy
- Summary/Abstract:Ethics and the cultural factor are of great importance for international business in the modern world. International business operations are conducted by parties who follow certain rules, differentiated by their cultural and ethical differences. Knowledge of these aspects helps to increase the competitiveness of companies. This article outlines their relationship with the renewable energy business. For this purpose are used analysis and synthesis of empirical information, analysis of the content of various publications on economic, political, environmental topics. The results show that in the current economic situation, ethical and cultural aspects have an impact on market trends around the Globe.
Теориите за регионалната икономическа интеграция: къде са зелените теории?
Теориите за регионалната икономическа интеграция: къде са зелените теории?
(Regional Economic Integration Theories: Where Are the Green Theories?)
- Author(s):Filip Petkov, Stefan Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Political Theory, International relations/trade
- Page Range:272-286
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Regional Economic Integration Theories; Regional Economic Integration
- Summary/Abstract:The objective of the research is to briefly present and characterize main theoretical concepts of regional economic integration, based on which we observe forms of integration and cooperation conducted in the context of the international economic relations. Author suggests the actions for climate neutrality shall be reviewed in the context of the regional economic integration, referring to the EU climate goals and actions as an example. The following research tasks are completed to achieve the objective: i) analysis on the theoretical concepts defining the regional economic integration; ii) grouping of the main theoretical concepts for regional integration based on the principles and means of cooperation, nature of the partnership as well as the expected integration effects. The research methods are content analysis, comparative analysis, historical and logical approach. The research results are theoretical conclusions which assist in the practical understanding of the ongoing and emerging regional integration processes.
Тенденции в динамиката на потреблението на биологични продукти в ЕС и отделни държави членки (2010-2018 г.)
Тенденции в динамиката на потреблението на биологични продукти в ЕС и отделни държави членки (2010-2018 г.)
(Trends in the Dynamics of Consumption of Organic Products in the EU and Individual Member States (2010-2018))
- Author(s):Kamelia Biederman
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:287-299
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Organic Farming; European Union; Single Market; Variant-Product Equivalence
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this study is to analyze and assess the consumption of organic products in the EU and some Member States in order to identify trends that affect Bulgaria. Another aim is to outline the main factors influencing the market for organic products at Union and national level. Based on statistical information and comparative analysis, the state of Bulgarian consumption is shown, with emphasis on both trends and existing problems. The factors that will have the greatest impact on the further development of the consumption of organic products in the European single market are identified. In conclusion, there are conclusions and proposals for facilitating the Bulgarian producers in the process of reaching the consumer, resp. to free niches in the EU market.
Генеричната фармацевтична индустрия – международен бизнес със съществено социалноикономическо измерение
Генеричната фармацевтична индустрия – международен бизнес със съществено социалноикономическо измерение
(The Generic Pharmaceutical Industry – An International Business with Solid Social-Economic Dimensions)
- Author(s):Plamen Puvkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy
- Page Range:300-318
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Generic Medicines; Pharmacy; International Business
- Summary/Abstract:The report aims to prove the benefits of generic medicines for society through multi-component analysis. Data for Europe and Bulgaria in particular are studied in detail. The drives for the generic industry have been studied, with a positive sign for the aging population and the growth of chronic diseases, and a negative sign for the government‘s focus on costs, patent restrictions, the expensive and long process of science and development. The introduction of a generic drug policy through the measures of the legislation and the use of medicines has proven benefits in terms of providing the necessary medicines, with guaranteed quality, at affordable prices for the society. Generic medicines support the sustainability of healthcare delivery and help control pharmaceutical costs. The results of the present study are applicable in the development of the medicines policy of Bulgaria.
Сравнителен анализ на основните индекси за дигитална трансформация. Развитие на дигиталната икономика и общество в България
Сравнителен анализ на основните индекси за дигитална трансформация. Развитие на дигиталната икономика и общество в България
(Comparative Analysis of the Basic Indexes for Digital Transformation. Development of the Digital Economy and Society in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Ruslan Tsankov, Stella Valeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy
- Page Range:319-329
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Digitalisation; Digital Economy; Bulgaria; Digital Transformation Indexes
- Summary/Abstract:Digitalization has been a subject of research since the advent of computers in mass use. What makes its analysis relevant nowadays are the transformational effects that go beyond the narrow field of application of information technology, as well as the fact that major changes are ahead. State-level digitalization strategies are a visible part of this process. The effects of technologies such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality have yet to be explored. It is challenging to define and measure digital transformation due to its multifaceted and ever-expanding scope. This report takes a step forward in this regard. By summarizing scientific researches and the key indexes in the field of digital change, it also identifies their main weaknesses deepening the study to overcome them. The cognitive value of the information is analysed as well. The report presents the position of Bulgaria according to the main indexes for digital transformation. The country is a small open economy, a member of the EU and lagging in its digital development. Bulgaria’s policy in this area is an analytical basis for studying the results in depth. The findings concern as theoretical researches, lagging behind the practice as well as the need for more accurate measurement of effects to adapt more quickly to the change.
Мониторинг и оценка на въздействието на кохезионната политика за държавите-членки на ЕС от Централна и Източна Европа (2007-2018 г.)
Мониторинг и оценка на въздействието на кохезионната политика за държавите-членки на ЕС от Централна и Източна Европа (2007-2018 г.)
(Monitoring and Impact Assessment of the EU Cohesion Policy on the Member States from the Central and Eastern Europe (2007-2018))
- Author(s):Mariela Savkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:330-365
- No. of Pages:36
- Keywords:Socio-Economic Cohesion; Regional Disparities; Theory of Regional Disparities; Regionalism; Cohesion Borderland Poverty Line; Less-Developed and Catching Up Regions
- Summary/Abstract:The threat of major regional disparities in the EU affects the core of the European integration process. That is why in the 90s of the 20th century the Member States adopted socio-economic cohesion in the Union as their primary objective. Thus, from the first Multiannual Financial Framework (1988) until today, they allocate more than one-third of their budget to the regions that are lagging behind in their socio-economic development. How has this goal been implemented in the new member-states (MS) from the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries and does the European funds improve cohesion with the EU? The study evaluates the level of cohesion of eleven MS from the Central and Eastern Europe and their fifty-nine NUTS 2 regions, following the completion of a full multiannual financial framework with the EU. These are the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia. The subject of this study are the factors that accelerate and slow down the process of socio-economic cohesion within the EU. A theory of regional inequalities is studied, related concepts have been outlined and respective conclusions drawn.
Влиянието на чуждестранните инвестиции върху развитието на жилищните пазари в България
Влиянието на чуждестранните инвестиции върху развитието на жилищните пазари в България
(The Influence of Foreign Investments on the Development of the Housing Markets in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Marina Marinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy
- Page Range:366-372
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Housing Markets; Foreign Investments; Construction of New Buildings; House Prices; Income
- Summary/Abstract:The development of the housing markets is a reflection of the investment activity and is perceived as an engine of economic plants and a factor for the prosperity of the regions in Bulgaria. The report presents the distribution of foreign direct investment and the impact on macroeconomic indicators – volume of new construction, real estate prices and income in the settlement, indicators for assessing housing markets.