Влиянието на чуждестранните инвестиции върху развитието на жилищните пазари в България
The Influence of Foreign Investments on the Development of the Housing Markets in Bulgaria
Author(s): Marina Marinova
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Housing Markets; Foreign Investments; Construction of New Buildings; House Prices; Income
Summary/Abstract: The development of the housing markets is a reflection of the investment activity and is perceived as an engine of economic plants and a factor for the prosperity of the regions in Bulgaria. The report presents the distribution of foreign direct investment and the impact on macroeconomic indicators – volume of new construction, real estate prices and income in the settlement, indicators for assessing housing markets.
Book: Членството на България в Европейския съюз: тринадесет години по-късно
- Page Range: 366-372
- Page Count: 7
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Bulgarian