Либерализацията на европейския електроенергиен пазар – постижения и проблеми
The Liberalization of the European Electricity Market – Achievements and Problems

Author(s): Nikolay Donchev
Subject(s): Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Liberalization; Regulation; Integration; Electricity Market
Summary/Abstract: The process of liberalization of the electricity market is ongoing for three decades. The expectations are major problems related to electricity price decrease, increase of the predictability, stability, safety and reliability of the energy supplies to be decided by the implementation of complete liberalization. For assessment of the achieved results, the objective necessity of liberalization of the electricity markets shall be clarified. On the next level, the major stages of implementation of this process in Great Britain and in the European Union has been reviewed. The major place in the research is for clarification of the conditions under which the two major instruments – coordination and competition – lead to higher effectiveness and higher benefits for all participants (consumers, producers, traders, operators of transmission and distribution networks, regulators).

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