Потребителско поведение в дигитална среда
Consumer Behavior in Digital Environment

Author(s): Milanka Slavova
Subject(s): Economy, Marketing / Advertising
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Consumer Behavior; Consumer Behavior Models; Google’s Model For Consumer Behavior; 5A Model
Summary/Abstract: The paper discusses the consumer behaviour changes in digital environment. The traditional approaches to modelling the decision-making process are reviewed and summarized. The paper identifies the major approaches to the consumer behavior and consumer decision journey in the digitalized economy. The paper draws conclusions upon the common features and the differences between the two groups of models. The logic of the consumer path is similar. The major differences in the digital environment are the shortening of the decision-making process, the faster dissemination of information on the consumers’ experience and the impact on many more potential buyers.

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