Членството на България в Европейския съюз: осем години по-късно
The Membership of Bulgaria in the European Union: Eight Years Later
Contributor(s): Dimitar Hadjinikolov (Editor), Iordanka Stateva (Editor), Mirko Tripunoski (Editor), Ivan Stoytchev (Editor), Milanka Slavova (Editor), Svetla Boneva (Editor), Oleg Lozanov (Editor), Silvana Jovcheska (Editor), Maia Tripunoska (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Library and Information Science, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics, Energy and Environmental Studies, Classification, Electronic information storage and retrieval, Political Theory, Governance, Public Administration, Sociology, Labor relations, Economic policy, Environmental and Energy policy, International relations/trade, Political economy, Management and complex organizations, Economic development, Law on Economics, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Financial Markets, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Accounting - Business Administration, Marketing / Advertising, Human Resources in Economy, Socio-Economic Research, EU-Legislation
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Bulgaria; European Union; EU Development; Euro Area; Financial Crisis; Fiscal Stability; Fiscal Discipline; Banking Sector; Energy Security; EU Energy Policy; Management; Corporate Management; Digital Marketing
Summary/Abstract: This book collects scientific papers and reports presented on the conference ‘The Membership of Bulgaria in the EU: Eight Years Later’ organized by the International Economic Relations and Business Department at University of National and World Economy (UNWE), Sofia, Bulgaria. The conference, held on 2 October 2015, traditionally provided a stage for prominent academics, dedicated PhD students and professionals to discuss contemporary topics related to multiple aspects of the European integration, its effects on the Bulgarian economy, value chain and socio-economic environment, international business and relations, financial markets and banking.The contributors to this edition of the annual conference book reviewed the European integration and development though the perspectives of the fiscal and political measures to tackle the consequences of the financial crisis in both the Euro area and the other EU member states, implications on the banking sector, foreign direct investment, risk mitigation. The financial crisis and the results in the aftermath of it (capital liquidity imbalances, fiscal instability, banking volatility, quantitative easings and Euro area performance indicators, to name a few) are dominating among the majority of authors’ research. The contributors review issues related to the corporate management, corporate governance, sustainable education, organizational design, digital marketing, ethical PR and media, talent development in large organizations. Another group of researchers offer in-depth reviews of the current EU institutional framework, emerging questions related to the energy security and the EU energy policy as well as the environment on a global level, healthcare and business innovations. ‘The Membership of Bulgaria in the EU: Eight Years Later’ is an annually organized academic event with the vision to foster open dialogue, offer contemporary research and exchange of ideas between fellow academics, policy makers, businesses, stakeholders and the public.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-954-644-895-8
- Page Count: 364
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: English, Bulgarian
Дигитален маркетинг: опит за систематизиране на понятията
Дигитален маркетинг: опит за систематизиране на понятията
(Digital Marketing: Basic Concepts)
- Author(s):Milanka Slavova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Marketing / Advertising, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:13-21
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Digital Transformation; Digital Marketing; Social Media; Search Engines; Internet Marketing
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the paper is to explore and structure the major concepts used today to describe the key digital marketing decisions. Part of them describes the growing importance of new technologies (mobile marketing). Other terms refer to the changing role of the customers in the interaction with the companies (inbound marketing). Different terms appear and define the need to create content that attracts the customers to companies’ products and services in various communication channels. The author supports the idea that the digital marketing is an integral part of the overall marketing strategy of the organization. Its major purpose is to contribute to the long lasting relationships with the customers in the modern connected world.
Organizational Design Factor for The Optimal Use of Resources
Organizational Design Factor for The Optimal Use of Resources
(Organizational Design Factor for The Optimal Use of Resources)
- Author(s):Mirko Tripunoski, Aleksandar Nikolovski, Maia Tripunoska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Management and complex organizations
- Page Range:22-32
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Resources; Design Factors; Impact; Management
- Summary/Abstract:The appropriate organizational design (plan) is an important factor in achieving optimum use of the resources of the organization, and to achieve the objectives. Organizational design involves dividing the working activities of the organization in certain areas and connecting and coordinating these areas forming a unified whole. The manner in which this is done will affect the nature of the Manager, as the responsibility he or she has a number of people to match the number of management levels within the organization and so on. In return, depending on whether the structure of the organization helps or hinders managers is an impact on the success of the organization. Also, this will affect the wider society, whether the organization is private or public sector or not, or profitable or unprofitable. This paper will process issues that influence and form the structure of the organization and will consider configurations that organizations have traditionally adopted. Will indicate how organizations in their needs to get the best "alignment" between their structure and environment in which operate, how to adopt new approaches to the structure and will also discuss the forms that they receive.
Преките чужди инвестиции в България след приемането на страната в Европейския съюз
Преките чужди инвестиции в България след приемането на страната в Европейския съюз
(Foreign Direct Investments in Bulgaria After the Accession of the Country in the EU)
- Author(s):Oleg Lozanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy
- Page Range:33-42
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Bulgaria; Foreign Direct Investment; FDI; European Union
- Summary/Abstract:The article reviews the dynamics of the foreign direct investments (FDI) in Bulgaria after its accession to the European Union. The author analyses historical data from the '90s when the process of an economic transformation of the country from a state-controlled economy (pre-1989) into a capitalistic market model (post-1989) was initiated. The empirical data covers a period as early as 1996 till 2014. The main focus in this research is to review the progress, the form, the source and the implications of the FDI which would assist in determining trends, issues and conclusions. Author notes increase in the FDI activity after the year of 1997 when significant policy reforms were achieved in terms of institutional capacity, legal framework, governance and harmonization with the international practices – a currency board, anti-inflationary measures, denomination of the Bulgarian lev, development of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange and, since few years earlier – the establishment of a dedicated government agency to support foreign investors. FDI are peaking in the time frame 1997-2002 as well as 2003-2005 and 2006-2007 while 2008 brings less foreign investments – a trend that remains constant till the end the observed time period. This paper discusses certain specifics about the FDI in Bulgaria, origin of the investors and it suggests about the implications on the Bulgarian economy as a result of the different businesses subject of foreign investors’ interests.
Финансови инструменти – механизъм за финансиране на бизнеса: практика и научени уроци
Финансови инструменти – механизъм за финансиране на бизнеса: практика и научени уроци
(Financial Instruments as a Mechanism for Financing of Business: Practices and Lessons Learnt)
- Author(s):Svetlana Aleksandrova-Zlatanska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets, Public Finances
- Page Range:43-53
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Cohesion Policy; European Union; ERDF; Cohesion Fund; ESF; Structural Funds
- Summary/Abstract:The Cohesion policy of the European Union is aimed at mitigating economic and social disparities among the member states through support of the economic growth, competitiveness, innovations, sustainable development and living standard. The cohesion is carried out through the following structural funds – European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Social Fund (ESF), Cohesion Fund (CF). The total amount of the EU budget for the period of 2014-2020 is EUR1 082 billion out of which EUR351,8 billion are allocated for cohesion. The grants given to the beneficiaries of the operating programs are completed by resources through especially developed financial mechanism. The financial mechanism for project financing consists of financial products and schemes which provide additional financing to the beneficiaries during project execution. The utilization of financial instruments is not a novelty – their utilization is dating back in 1994 but during the 2007-2013 period their usage became more common. The applied financial instruments are part of the European Investment Fund (EIF) and the European Commission joint initiative – JEREMIE, JESSICA, JASMINE (for micro and small enterprises). The accumulated financial resource for the past period reaches 5% of the entire budget under the ERDF. The financial instruments are a manner in which the EU mobilizes private investment capacity for the execution of capital-intense projects in fields such as business, regional development and energy efficiency.
Влияние на финансовата криза върху банките в Еврозоната през периода 2007 – 2015 г.
Влияние на финансовата криза върху банките в Еврозоната през периода 2007 – 2015 г.
(Impact of the Financial Crisis on the Banks in the Euro zone for the Period 2007 – 2015)
- Author(s):Aglika Kaneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:54-61
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Banks; Banking Sector; Banking System; Financial Indicators; European Union; Euro Area
- Summary/Abstract:This publication is dedicated to the banking sector development in the EU for the period 2007-2014. Main banking sector indicators have been analysed in the EU for the period of January 2007 till June 2014. A comparative analysis on the dynamics of the financial parameters of the EU and Euro area banks has been conducted concerting the period of 2008-2014. Main trends on the banking sector development in the Euro area and the EU are being outlined.
Капитал и ликвидност на банките в ЕС – една година след въвеждане на новата регулаторна рамка
Капитал и ликвидност на банките в ЕС – една година след въвеждане на новата регулаторна рамка
(Capital and Liquidity of EU Banks – One Year After the New Regulatory Framework Implementation)
- Author(s):Maria Chankova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:62-68
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Banking; Banks; Capital; Liquidity; Regulations
- Summary/Abstract:On January 1, 2014 the new regulatory requirements for banks’ capital and liquidity entered into force as laid down in the legislative package of Directive 2013/36 /EU and Regulation (EU) 575/2013 of 26 June 2013. At the end of the first year of their introduction, capital positions and overall liquidity of credit institutions in the EU are subject of strict monitoring by the national and supranational supervisory authorities, in searching for the answer whether the uniform rules fit the European banks and whether they contribute to achieving the common goal – strengthened and stable EU banking system.
Капиталовите изисквания на Базел III и тяхното прилoжение в Европейския съюз – ефекти за банковия сектор
Капиталовите изисквания на Базел III и тяхното прилoжение в Европейския съюз – ефекти за банковия сектор
(Capital Requirements of Basel III and their Application in the European Union – Implications for the Banking Sector)
- Author(s):Silvia Kirova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:69-77
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Basel Capital Requirements; Bank Capital; Banking Union; Efficiency
- Summary/Abstract:In December 2010 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published a set of documents, containing the new capital requirements for banks, known as Basel III. Those rules are already being implemented and it is expected that they become fully effective in 2019. The fulfillment of the new, stricter requirements poses certain challenges before the banks around the world. This is especially valid for the banks in the European Union, where the implementation of the Basel requirements goes in parallel with a process of restructuring and establishment of a banking union. Therefore, the report aims at exploring at what extent the Basel III requirements are implemented in the European Union and to identify the economic effects of the above-mentioned processes for the European banking sector.
Ефекти от кризата в Гърция върху българската икономика
Ефекти от кризата в Гърция върху българската икономика
(Effects of Greek Crisis on Bulgarian Economy)
- Author(s):Kaloyan Simeonov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, International relations/trade, Tourism, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:78-88
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Crisis; Trade Integration; Foreign Direct Investments; Tourism
- Summary/Abstract:The crisis in Greece affected everybody and not only Greek citizens and companies. It affected also the neighboring countries like Bulgaria. The current article aims to analyse what are the consequences of the crisis in Greece for the Bulgarian economy and what are the prospects for further enforcing these effects. It focuses on such issues like trade relations between Bulgaria and Greece, foreign direct investments, the influence of the crisis in Greece to the tourism sector in Bulgaria, the role for the financial markets, the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, unemployment rate and other factors in the Bulgarian economy.
Възможни сценарии за Гърция при напускане на Еврозоната
Възможни сценарии за Гърция при напускане на Еврозоната
(Possible Scenarios for Greek lefting the Eurozone)
- Author(s):Hristo Panev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:89-101
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Greece, Euro Area; Eurozone; Drachma; Monetary Union
- Summary/Abstract:From the very beginning of the debt crisis in the euro area it is considered that Greece is only one step away from leaving the eurozone. In 2010 main concerns were that this could initiate a chain reaction and lead to the disintegration not only of the monetary union, but also of the entire EU and that was the reason why this option was considered as inadmissible. In 2015 the possibility of Grexit is thought and spoken about much more calmly and certain ideas and proposals of senior Greek and German officials in this regard became public. Given that the history of the European continent is rich in examples of collapsing monetary unions and the way they have walked through was also different, this study aims to summarize the scenarios that countries followed in similar situations and to build a hypothesis about the likely scenario which Greece would follow if it leaves or gets suspended from the eurozone.
Oценка на риска от разпространение на финансовата криза в Гърция върху страните от Югоизточна Европа
Oценка на риска от разпространение на финансовата криза в Гърция върху страните от Югоизточна Европа
(Assessment of the Risk of Spreading the Greek Financial Crisis to other CEE Countries)
- Author(s):Stefan Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Public Finances
- Page Range:102-115
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Financial Crisis; Greece; Financial Contagion; Contagion Risk; Risk Assessment; Financial Risk
- Summary/Abstract:The author analyses the risk probability which Greek financial crisis poses to the neighboring countries from the Southeastern Europe. The research highlights the inter-dependence between the countries in the region and their vulnerability to the processes in Greece which is an important trade partner. The author presents data on the debt-to-GDP ratio for Greece and the share of the export to Greece for select countries from Southeastern Europe. The relation between the financial crisis in Greece and its possible contagion that could spread on to the neighboring markets is examined through individual country risk assessment based on select economic indicators, Markov chain methodology used to determine the export between any pair of the countries reviewed as well as the country-specific contagion risk index for a time period. Author concludes that trade restrictions between the countries are directly related to the level of contagion risk. Even in cases where no financial crisis is observed, the negative impact of a hypothetical internal market depression could impact other partner countries in analogical to the financial contagion manner.
Разпространение и заразяване с финансови кризи
Разпространение и заразяване с финансови кризи
(Financial Crisis Contagion)
- Author(s):Stefan Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Financial Markets, Public Finances
- Page Range:116-125
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Financial Crisis; Financial Contagion; Contagion Risk; Financial Risk
- Summary/Abstract:This paper reviews the definitions, the nature and the implications of the financial crises, systematically describes main theoretical concepts regarding the financial contagion: concepts based on fundamental economic relations; concepts based on financial inter-relations; concepts regarding the behavioural investments and those pertaining to the liquidity. Author provides grouping of the different empirical test models on the financial contagion. The research concludes that the theoretical and empirical models for financial contagion do change as the time passes and this could be explained with the vision to reach quantifiable and measurable values of the observed relations and channels of financial contagion as well as the value of the financial contagion risk measurement.
Политики на количествени ограничения, провеждани от централните банки, теория за хеликоптерните пари като алтернатива и отражението им в България
Политики на количествени ограничения, провеждани от централните банки, теория за хеликоптерните пари като алтернатива и отражението им в България
(Quantitative Easing Policies Undertaken by Central Banks, Helicopter Money Theory as an Alternative Policy, and Their Reflection in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Petko Valkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, Economic policy, Financial Markets, Public Finances
- Page Range:126-134
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Quantitative Easing; Money Supply; Helicopter Money; Interest Rates; Economic Growth
- Summary/Abstract:In the recent years, the central banks in the world initiated Quantitative easing policies as a reply to the economic downturn. The European Central Bank was the last bank to start such a policy in the February 2015. Its aim is the provide stimulus to the economic growth and to raise the inflation expectations. There are even opinions that the quantitative easing increases the wealth inequality among the population. The results are so far dubious. The inflation stays negative by the end of the 3rd quarter. The helicopter money theory emerges as an alternative policy. The paper examines the implications of these policies on the Bulgarian economy and on the government’s activities.
Необходимостта от решителни политически действия за автономен растеж в държавите членки на Европейския съюз
Необходимостта от решителни политически действия за автономен растеж в държавите членки на Европейския съюз
(The Need for Decisive Political Action to Autonomous Growth in the Member States of The European Union)
- Author(s):Magdalena Kasnakova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic policy
- Page Range:135-144
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Political Action; Government; European Union; Growth
- Summary/Abstract:This report provides an overview of the current specific recommendations for economic reforms in the member states by the European Commission in the framework of European semester 2015. The attention is exclusively focusing on the Member States, which need to take decisive policy measures and implement specific monitoring by the European Commission. The author argues that the enhanced coordination at European level leaves enough political space for national governments who are, expected to undertake decisive political action in order to achieve autonomous growth. The national governments need to demonstrate and justify their political commitment to get over the macroeconomic imbalances and achieve economic recovery in their national reform programs and macroeconomic policies. At EU level, the decisive political action means the following: creation of new general and special laws, legislative amendments to the existing regulatory framework, fast and effective transposition of European directives, development and effective implementation of national strategies and programs for structural reforms as well as preparation of detailed and manageable plans. At the same time in order to achieve decisive policy action, justified key national targets for autonomous recovery should be set. The report has the character of a synthetic overview of the current state of the economic governance in the European Union and the role of the national governments in achieving sustainable economic growth, according to the priorities set out in the strategy "Europe 2020".
Съвременни инициативи за развитие на интеграцията в областта на фискалната политика на Европейския съюз
Съвременни инициативи за развитие на интеграцията в областта на фискалната политика на Европейския съюз
(Contemporary Initiatives for Development of Fiscal Integration Within the European Union)
- Author(s):Hristo Draganov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Economic policy, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:145-152
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:European Economic Governance; Fiscal Integration
- Summary/Abstract:The necessity to complement the European Monetary Union with integration in the field of member states’ public finance leads to the taking of initiatives by the Commission aimed at developing fiscal integration in the European Union (EU). The contemporary development of fiscal integration within the EU can be characterized by the initiatives in the period after the adoption of the two Regulations designed to strengthen the euro area budgetary surveillance ("Two-Pack"). The initiatives for development of the fiscal integration within the EU evolve over time. They start by setting ambitious goals and pass to moderate proffers. The suggested stages of fiscal integration include transition from surveillance of the national budgetary policies, to their coordination, subsequently to their correction, combined with relevant centralized authorities and financial funds, to reach fiscal union which at the time does not have fully specified characteristics.
Ценова динамика на банковите потребителски кредити в България
Ценова динамика на банковите потребителски кредити в България
(Price Dynamics of Bank Consumer Loans in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Valya Vasileva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:153-159
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Interest Rates; Annual Percentage Rate of Charge; Consumer Loans
- Summary/Abstract:The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the price dynamics of consumer loans granted by commercial banks in Bulgaria. The analysis covers the period from the beginning of our country’s membership in the European Union in 2007 until mid-2015. The main factors that determine the trends in the movement of the interest rates and the annual percentage rate of charge on consumer loans are outlined. In this context, attention is given to the latest amendments to the law, related to interest rate formation, fees and commissions, as well as the effects of these amendments.
Финансовият анализ в контекста на новото счетоводно законодателство в България
Финансовият анализ в контекста на новото счетоводно законодателство в България
(Financial Analysis in the Context of the New Accountancy Legislation in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Rositsa Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, National Economy, Accounting - Business Administration, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:160-170
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Directive; Financial Analysis; Information; Financial Statements; Methodology
- Summary/Abstract:At the end of July 2015, a draft of new Accountancy Law was submitted to the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria. The bill should be adopted and enforced as from 01.01.2016. The bill is aimed at introducing the provisions of Directive 2013/34/ЕС of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26.06.2013 on the annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings in the national accountancy legislation. This report highlights the provisions of the draft of new Accountancy Law that transpose the European accountancy rules in the country. The report further studies the methodology for financial analysis of undertakings in the context of the new accountancy rules of Directive 2013/34/ЕС. The objective is to develop theoretically justified, clear and applicable methodology for financial analysis based on the information contained in the undertakings’ financial statements.
Фактори за избор на стратегия на неорганичен растеж на фирмата: международните стратегически съюзи и партньорства като алтернатива на сделките по сливания и придобивания
Фактори за избор на стратегия на неорганичен растеж на фирмата: международните стратегически съюзи и партньорства като алтернатива на сделките по сливания и придобивания
(Factors in Selecting the Corporate Strategy of Inorganic Growth: the International Strategic Alliances as an Alternative to Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A))
- Author(s):Svetoslav Mladenov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Micro-Economics
- Page Range:171-183
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Firm Strategy; External Growth; Mergers; Acquisitions; M&A; Strategic Alliances; Strategic Partnerships
- Summary/Abstract:This paper studies the factors that the corporate management should take into consideration when choosing one of the two strategies of inorganic growth – strategic alliances or mergers and acquisitions (M&A). The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that this decision should be made after a thorough analysis of the costs and the potential rewards of each of the two strategies from the perspective of a set of internal and external factors (related to the environment, the industry, the nature of the transaction and the internal resources of the company). To achieve this goal a comparative analysis is made of three complementary methodological frameworks that can be applied to reduce the risks from the implementation of external growth strategies in the current scenario of internationalisation and globalisation of business activities.
Участие на България в глобалните вериги за доставка под влияние членството на страната в Европейския съюз
Участие на България в глобалните вериги за доставка под влияние членството на страната в Европейския съюз
(Participation of Bulgaria in Global Supply Chains Under the Influence of the EU Membership of Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Zhelyazko Valchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, International relations/trade, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:184-193
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:European Union; European Integration; Global Supply Chains; International Business
- Summary/Abstract:Global supply chains are a contemporary manifestation of international business, which allows different economies to utilize their competitive advantages to a greater level and participate in certain stages of a final product manufacturing process. One of the fundamental powers for their development in Bulgaria is the process of regional integration and in particular the preparation for accession and the subsequent membership of the country in the European Union. The supranational rules that apply to all member states, the free movement of goods, services, workers and capital and the step-by-step implementation of a common currency are the factors that let the Bulgarian economy restructure itself and participate successfully in global supply chains as a supplier of value-added goods and not as an exporter of raw materials.
Къси вериги за доставка на храни: европейски и български практики
Къси вериги за доставка на храни: европейски и български практики
(Short Food Supply Chains: European and Bulgarian Practices)
- Author(s):Dobroslav Emilov Mollov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Agriculture, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:194-203
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Supply Chains; Short Food Supply Chains; Sustainability; Rural Development
- Summary/Abstract:In recent times there is a rising interest in short food supply chains. This is due to the fact that these they are a convenient tool for the realization of the production of small producers and processors and a way to connect directly with consumers. Consumers themselves receive an opportunity to gain access to highquality, traditional and fresh food. Short food supply chains are a factor for the development of the local economy and promote the implementation and following the principles of sustainability. The report aims to clarify the essence, the main features and benefits of short food supply chains. It provides examples of European and Bulgarian practice and comments the challenges facing our country to take advantage of the mechanism of these supply chains.
Приложение на етичните правила в ПР и рекламата в европейски страни
Приложение на етичните правила в ПР и рекламата в европейски страни
(Application of Ethical Rules in PR and Advertising in EU Countries)
- Author(s):Alexander Hristov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Media studies, Communication studies, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:204-210
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Ethical Rules; Self-Regulation; Regulation; Advertising; PR
- Summary/Abstract:The article puts an emphasis to the implementation of the ethical principles in the advertising and PR, which is the current trends in the development and how the self-regulation activities are being implemented in the EU countries. An analysis of the good practices in the field is presented – it can be useful for basis for recommendations for the development of this field. This analysis also includes whether in the countries a compliance handling body exist, as well as the implementation of two interesting self-regulation practices – copy advice and pre-clearance.
Членството на България в ЕС и свързаните с него предизвикателства пред професионалните стандарти и етиката в медийната среда
Членството на България в ЕС и свързаните с него предизвикателства пред професионалните стандарти и етиката в медийната среда
(The Membership of Bulgaria in the EU and the Challenges Stemming from it for Professional Standards and Ethics in Media Surrounding)
- Author(s):Ena Lozanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Media studies, Communication studies, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:211-224
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Ethical Standards; Professional Standards; Journalism Standards; Journalism Ethics; Munich Declaration of the Duties and Rights of Journalists
- Summary/Abstract:This paper reviews fundamental for the contemporary journalism documents – ethical and professional standards such as Munich Declaration of the Duties and Rights of Journalists, code of conduct, responsibilities and rights of the press representatives. It reviews the media regulatory mechanisms, broadcasting regulations on a local level as well as the European institutional and legal framework in this regard. The author highlights regulatory mechanisms and establishments in Bulgaria and outlines their role in the effective control and governance of the ethical standards in the content provided by the media.
Стратегии на МСП от сектор машиностроене в България по пътя към европейския и световен пазар – възможности и перспективи
Стратегии на МСП от сектор машиностроене в България по пътя към европейския и световен пазар – възможности и перспективи
(Strategies of the SMEs from the Machine Building Industry in Bulgaria on their Way to the European and World Market – Opportunities and Perspectives)
- Author(s):Daniela Mihneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Accounting - Business Administration, Marketing / Advertising
- Page Range:225-236
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:International Marketing Strategies; Strategies; Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises; Mechanical Engineering
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the present paper/report is to present the successful Bulgarian small and medium-sized enterprises in the course of international expansion, while it analyses their experience in executing the various international marketing and management strategies; to outline their opportunities for development, their innovational and business activity in the dynamic and turbulent conditions – the new reality of the world economy. An example for international operations of a Bulgarian company, which manufactures a world class competitive product, is presented.
Имаджинеринг в туристическото стратегиране
Имаджинеринг в туристическото стратегиране
(Imagineering in Tourism Strateging)
- Author(s):Rumen Draganov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Tourism
- Page Range:237-242
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Imagineering; Tourist Attractions; Innovative Strategies; Hybrid Models
- Summary/Abstract:Imagineering is one of the cultural technologies with which the conceptual design of the model of the new tourism products was fixed. It is part of creating a model of the new product and its market introduction. In even greater extent this is true when creating hybrid models based on existing tourist attractions – cultural and natural tourist attractions, or attractions related to intangible cultural heritage. The study investigates the basic new trends in innovative Imagineering strategies in order with the improvement of competitiveness in Tourism.
Контролираното целеполагане или влиянието на контрола върху процеса на целеполагане
Контролираното целеполагане или влиянието на контрола върху процеса на целеполагане
(Controlled Goal Setting or Influence of the Control on the Process of Goal Setting)
- Author(s):Evgeniy Stoyanov, Venelin Terziev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Accounting - Business Administration
- Page Range:243-248
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Goal; Act; Process; Iteration; Management Control
- Summary/Abstract:The paper considers the process of goal setting in the modern organization. The main purpose of the study is linked to the critical analysis. The interest in it is motivated by the opportunity to try to answer whether it is a controlled act, or goal-setting process is an attractive object of the modern management control. A priority task of the examination is to search for an opportunity management control, along with its systems, to be interpreted as a real alternative in the improvement of this key to modern economic system and its subjects process.
Съвременни аспекти на управлението на таланта в бизнес организациите
Съвременни аспекти на управлението на таланта в бизнес организациите
(Contemporary Aspects of Talent Management in Business Organizations)
- Author(s):Kiril Dimitrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Business Economy / Management, Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:249-258
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Human Resource Management; Human Capital; Talent Management
- Summary/Abstract:This report reveals important aspects of "talent management" that matter in the contemporary business world by means of doing a concise etymological study as well as presenting and analyzing a concrete model in this sphere, applied by a leading consultancy.
Колективното трудово договаряне - важен аспект на корпоративното управление за устойчиво образование и професионална квалификация
Колективното трудово договаряне - важен аспект на корпоративното управление за устойчиво образование и професионална квалификация
(Collective Bargaining – an Important Aspect of the Corporate Governance for Sustainable Education and Professional Qualification)
- Author(s):Emiliya Markova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Education, Vocational Education, Adult Education, Higher Education , Human Resources in Economy
- Page Range:259-264
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Education; Qualification; Social Dialogue; Collective Bargaining; Collective Agreements; Business; Social Partners; Dual Training; Operating /Work/ Environment
- Summary/Abstract:The theme focuses on the social dialogue and his main forms – collective bargaining – as an opportunity to realize better education and professional qualification of the human resources. Based on the current review of the status, issues and good practices in the sector and existing sectoral and collective agreements, accept the necessary changes. Are suggested steps to promote the relations between business, education, social partners, etc., aimed at forming a modern corporate policies and strategies for education and qualification.
Критичен поглед върху институционалната система на Европейския съюз
Критичен поглед върху институционалната система на Европейския съюз
(Critical Analysis of the Institutional System of the European Union)
- Author(s):Monika Moraliyska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Political Theory, Economic policy, Political economy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting
- Page Range:265-286
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:European Union; EU Institutions; European Commission; European Parliament; European Council
- Summary/Abstract:The European Union is facing a number of serious challenges which shall be solved through utilizing its own resources – human, financial and intellectual. At the same time, its institutional structure is increasingly criticized - both externally and internally, by the European and national politicians, and increasingly by the European citizens. The disapproval of the EU is aimed both at the functioning and the activities of specific institutions and at the way in which they interact in the general structure, as well as against the implementation of certain policies. This report presents some weaknesses identified by the three main EU institutions - the European Council, the European Commission and the European Parliament. The second part presents the main critical directions to the EU institutional system - bureaucratic inefficiency, democratic deficiency and inefficiency of the EU policies. Their nature and opportunities for improvement are analyzed.
Индекс на риска на енергийна сигурност на България
Индекс на риска на енергийна сигурност на България
(Risk Index of Bulgarian Energy Security)
- Author(s):Svetla Boneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, National Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:287-296
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Energy Security; Energy Dependence; Energy Poverty; International Energy Security Risk Index; Indicators of The International Energy Security Risk Index; Factors Influencing National Energy Security;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper outlines the risk index of Bulgarian energy security in a comparative context with the risk index of the OECD countries for the period 1980 – 2012, as well as the factors, determining risk reduction policies in the field of country energy security risks. The reasons hindering the rise of energy prices, the guaranteed return on investment in the energy sector and the measures for future energy risks reduction have been pointed out. Special attention has been paid on the indicators (index components) determining the risk index of a country energy security according to which Bulgaria show lower results compared to the OECD countries and on the other hand the indicators according to which Bulgaria shows better results compared to the same group of countries. An analysis has been presented on the reasons for these results. Finally, the importance of the energy security risk index for analyzing the position of the energy sector in Bulgaria has been presented.
Приложение на концепцията за „кръгова икономика“ при икономиката на отпадъците
Приложение на концепцията за „кръгова икономика“ при икономиката на отпадъците
(Application of the Circular Economy Concept in the Waste Economy)
- Author(s):Mariya Petkova-Kozovska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental and Energy policy
- Page Range:297-307
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Linear Consumption; Circular Economy; Sustainable Development; Resource Efficiency; Waste
- Summary/Abstract:The current report aims to provide insight into the nature and main characteristics of the so-called ‘circular economy’ – an industrial system that is restorative or regenerative by intention and design, specifying its application in the economy of waste, too. First, the paper discusses the limits of the ‘linear’ economic model based on a ‘take-make-consume and dispose’ pattern, which nowadays proves unsustainable. The concept of the circular economy is described, as well as its origin and basic principles, which are a key to a more efficient use of resources and waste reduction. Next, the general direction and concrete steps that must be undertaken are outlined in order to be achieved an important progress towards the circular economy and to be met the current and future challenges of global pressure on resources and rising insecurity of supply. At the end of the report, the potential benefits of the circular economy are highlighted and barriers and challenges that it faces are examined.
Особености на глобалния пазар на екологични стоки и услуги
Особености на глобалния пазар на екологични стоки и услуги
(Characteristics of the Global Environmental Goods and Services Market)
- Author(s):Mariya Petkova-Kozovska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies
- Page Range:308-318
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Environmental Goods and Services; Globalization; Environmental Market
- Summary/Abstract:The current report aims to provide insight into the nature and main characteristics of the global environmental goods and services market by studying its dynamic development and structural particularities. First, the paper discusses the difficulties encountered in the process of classifying certain goods and services as environmental and the lack of classification criteria. The intensive development of the environmental market and the factors that influence its dynamics are examined, including the implementation of the sustainable development strategy, consumer preferences for environmental goods, and national and international legislation in that sphere. Next, the author looks at the division of environmental technologies into end-of-pipe and integrated technologies depending on which stage of the production process they are used in. The report analyses the concentration of environmental market activities in different regions and touches on the relationship between degree of development of "green" industries and level of overall economic development and per capita income. The structure of international trade is outlined and the different segments of the environmental goods and services market are described and its significance for the global economy is highlighted.
Проблеми с прилагането на Регламент (ЕО) №1907/2006 (REACH): Процедура за смяна на изключителния представител
Проблеми с прилагането на Регламент (ЕО) №1907/2006 (REACH): Процедура за смяна на изключителния представител
(Problems of Implementation of the REACH Regulation: The Procedure for Changing of the Only Representative Appointed as per the REACH Regulation)
- Author(s):Venelin Marinov, Bogdan Bonev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:319-324
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:REACH; Chemical Substances; Only Representative Change
- Summary/Abstract:The Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 of the European parliament and the Council {1} known as REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of CHemicals), is creating difficulties for the companies that are based outside the EU, but are selling their products on the market of the EU using the services of an Only Representative (OR). The present paper describes the procedure for changing of an OR appointed as per the REACH Regulation. The issues that may create problems during implementation are discussed. Solutions are proposed that are successfully implemented in practice.
Видове процедури за възлагане, предвидени в проекта на нов Закон за обществените поръчки
Видове процедури за възлагане, предвидени в проекта на нов Закон за обществените поръчки
(Types of Award Procedures Under the Draft Public Procurement Act)
- Author(s):Ilonka Goranova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Law on Economics
- Page Range:325-331
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Public Procurement Procedures; Competitive Procedure with Negotiation; Competitive Dialogue; Innovation Partnership; Negotiated Procedure Without Prior Publication
- Summary/Abstract:The subject matter of the present report deals with the forthcoming amendments to the legal framework of public procurement in the Republic of Bulgaria (RB) related to the types of award procedures. The amendments constitute part of the draft of a new Public Procurement Act, as proposed by the Council of Ministers and adopted on a first reading by the National Assembly. They stem from the obligation of RB, in its capacity of a Member State of the European Union, to transpose into its national legislation, by 18 April 2016 as a deadline, two new European directives – DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC and DIRECTIVE 2014/25/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors and repealing Directive 2004/17/EC.
Държавна политика в областта на здравеопазването и мястото на фондовете на ЕС при нейното провеждане
Държавна политика в областта на здравеопазването и мястото на фондовете на ЕС при нейното провеждане
(State Policy in the Field of Healthcare and the Place of The EU Funds in Its Implementation)
- Author(s):Stoyan Neytchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Sociology, Health and medicine and law, Welfare services
- Page Range:332-339
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:ERDF; European Union; Healthcare
- Summary/Abstract:This report performs a brief overview and analysis of the state policy of Bulgaria in the field of health and the place, role and contribution of the funds of the European Union (EU) in its implementation. For this purpose is prepared synthesized overview of the main problems in this area, short- and long-term measures that institutions take to overcome or minimize the negative manifestation having a direct and immediate impact on the social and health status of the population. In addition are displayed the main areas in health care being financed with EU funds. The report outlines the role of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in Bulgaria in the healthcare sphere as part of the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund in the 2007-2013 programming period, as well as the European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 as focus on both operational programs, namely "Regional Development" and "Regions in growth" in the respective programming periods financed by the ERDF.
Социално-икономическите ефекти за Северозападния регион от членството на България в Европейския съюз за периода 2007-2013 г.
Социално-икономическите ефекти за Северозападния регион от членството на България в Европейския съюз за периода 2007-2013 г.
(Socio-Economic Effects of the Northwestern Region of Bulgaria's Membership in the European Union for the Period 2007-2013)
- Author(s):Silvia Todorova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, National Economy, Sociology, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:340-348
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Planning Regions; Northwestern Region; Socio-Economic Indicators; Operational Programs of the EU
- Summary/Abstract:The report examines the status and prospects of the Northwestern Region (NWR) planning as a result of Bulgaria's membership in the European Union (EU). This is done by putting the results achieved by the utilization of funds under the EU operational programs for the period 2007-2013. and analysis of key socio-economic indicators for the same period. The objectives of the study are: to establish to what extent membership in community integration influences the development of NWR planning and what are the main problems to achieve better results and a more dynamic growth.
Парламентарно измерение на първото българско председателство на съвета на Европейския съюз – предизвикателства и възможности
Парламентарно измерение на първото българско председателство на съвета на Европейския съюз – предизвикателства и възможности
(Parliamentary Dimension of the First Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union - Challenges and Opportunities)
- Author(s):Mladen Lambev, Lidiya Simova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Public Administration, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:349-356
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Bulgarian Presidency; Council of the European Union; Presidency of the Council; Parliamentary Process
- Summary/Abstract:Following the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009, the national parliaments of the Member States of the European Union have been granted enhanced competencies to work on emerging issues on the European agenda. With the introduction of the new ‘yellow’ and ‘orange’ card procedures, as well as the strengthening of interparliamentary cooperation through a number of mandatory and complementary international conferences, the Parliamentary dimension has become an integral and essential part of the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU. As it is well known, the Presidency of the Council covers a period of 18 months and is in a "Trio" format - six months for each of the three Member States pre-approved by the European Council. Bulgaria was appointed to chair the Council of the EU in the second half of 2018 and to complete the Trio after Great Britain and Estonia. The events surrounding Brexit, however, have led to necessity of shifting the pattern, as a result of which our country will take over its leading role on January 1, 2018 (6 months earlier than planned). In this context, the paper hereby aims at outlining some of the key challenges and opportunities the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria faces on the doorstep of the first for our country Presidency of the Council of the European Union. They mainly concern issues of interinstitutional, political, economic, administrative-organizational, informational and communication nature. The adopted approach, without claiming to be fully detailed, is aimed at achieving clarity in the formulation of problems and finding the appropriate way to solve them.
A Study of Cross-Reference Relations in the Area of Sustainable Business Model Innovations Using Process Mining Analysis
A Study of Cross-Reference Relations in the Area of Sustainable Business Model Innovations Using Process Mining Analysis
(A Study of Cross-Reference Relations in the Area of Sustainable Business Model Innovations Using Process Mining Analysis)
- Author(s):Beata Gontar, Zbigniew Gontar
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Economy, Library and Information Science, Business Economy / Management, Classification, Electronic information storage and retrieval
- Page Range:357-364
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Sustainable Business Model Innovations; Meta-Research
- Summary/Abstract:Sustainable business model innovations are the subject of numerous articles in recent years. This paper uses process mining analysis to identify the structure of scholars and scientific publications in the area of this new subfield in business models domain, i.e. sustainable business model innovations and its evolution over time. The research papers have been compiled from Scopus and Web of Science. Cross-reference networks have been extracted from the source papers, enabling visualization of the relationships between the scholars and works and to uncover the disciplinary contributions which have supported the emergence of sustainable business model innovations as a field of academic study. The findings contribute to the sustainable business model innovations research by using process mining analysis technique to offer insights into the structure of sustainable business model innovations research.