Възможни сценарии за Гърция при напускане на Еврозоната
Possible Scenarios for Greek lefting the Eurozone

Author(s): Hristo Panev
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, National Economy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Greece, Euro Area; Eurozone; Drachma; Monetary Union
Summary/Abstract: From the very beginning of the debt crisis in the euro area it is considered that Greece is only one step away from leaving the eurozone. In 2010 main concerns were that this could initiate a chain reaction and lead to the disintegration not only of the monetary union, but also of the entire EU and that was the reason why this option was considered as inadmissible. In 2015 the possibility of Grexit is thought and spoken about much more calmly and certain ideas and proposals of senior Greek and German officials in this regard became public. Given that the history of the European continent is rich in examples of collapsing monetary unions and the way they have walked through was also different, this study aims to summarize the scenarios that countries followed in similar situations and to build a hypothesis about the likely scenario which Greece would follow if it leaves or gets suspended from the eurozone.

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