Имаджинеринг в туристическото стратегиране
Imagineering in Tourism Strateging

Author(s): Rumen Draganov
Subject(s): Economy, Tourism
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Imagineering; Tourist Attractions; Innovative Strategies; Hybrid Models
Summary/Abstract: Imagineering is one of the cultural technologies with which the conceptual design of the model of the new tourism products was fixed. It is part of creating a model of the new product and its market introduction. In even greater extent this is true when creating hybrid models based on existing tourist attractions – cultural and natural tourist attractions, or attractions related to intangible cultural heritage. The study investigates the basic new trends in innovative Imagineering strategies in order with the improvement of competitiveness in Tourism.

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