Romanian Military Thinking International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Military Strategy Coordinates under the Circumstances of a Synergistic Approach to Resilience in the Security Field
Romanian Military Thinking International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Military Strategy Coordinates under the Circumstances of a Synergistic Approach to Resilience in the Security Field

Contributor(s): Journal Romanian Military Thinking (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Security and defense, Military policy
ISSN: 2668-8115
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Keywords: Intelligence and Security; Military Theory and Art; Defence Resources Management; Resilience; STRATCOM;
Summary/Abstract: The second edition of the Romanian Military Thinking Conference, entitled “Military Strategy Coordinates under the Circumstances of a Synergistic Approach to Resilience in the Security Field”, proposes a topical issue: defence, approached synergistically and intelligently, increases efficiency in our noble mission, that of serving national interests. It is important for the actors involved to reach a common understanding of the concept of resilience, addressed in a double key, as it is specified in the National Defence Strategy for the period 2020-2024. From an organisational point of view, the conference had an academic component, focused on the presentation and publication of scientific articles, and a debate-based component, focused on a practical perspective. Both components of the conference were covered by three sections: Intelligence and Security, Military Theory and Art, Defence Resources Management.

  • Page Count: 464
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Language: English
Opening Remarks

Opening Remarks
(Opening Remarks)

Presentation of the Conference Round-Table Debates

Presentation of the Conference Round-Table Debates
(Presentation of the Conference Round-Table Debates)

Changing the Intelligence Community Centre of Analytical Interest

Changing the Intelligence Community Centre of Analytical Interest
(Changing the Intelligence Community Centre of Analytical Interest)

The Role of Strategic Communication in Contemporary Conflict

The Role of Strategic Communication in Contemporary Conflict
(The Role of Strategic Communication in Contemporary Conflict)

Social Media and the Threats against Human Security – Deepfake and Fake News

Social Media and the Threats against Human Security – Deepfake and Fake News
(Social Media and the Threats against Human Security – Deepfake and Fake News)

The Constitutive Elements of the Criminal Offence Represented by Communication of False Information. Case Study: Fake News in Social Media

The Constitutive Elements of the Criminal Offence Represented by Communication of False Information. Case Study: Fake News in Social Media
(The Constitutive Elements of the Criminal Offence Represented by Communication of False Information. Case Study: Fake News in Social Media)

Analysis of the Main Internal Components of the Black Sea Security System – The Main Characteristics of the National Security of Romania throughout the 20th Century –

Analysis of the Main Internal Components of the Black Sea Security System – The Main Characteristics of the National Security of Romania throughout the 20th Century –
(Analysis of the Main Internal Components of the Black Sea Security System – The Main Characteristics of the National Security of Romania throughout the 20th Century –)

Security’s Multidimensionality. Societal Security in the Age of Information Technology

Security’s Multidimensionality. Societal Security in the Age of Information Technology
(Security’s Multidimensionality. Societal Security in the Age of Information Technology)

Information Warfare, Security Intelligence and Military Intelligence. A Short Theoretical Approach

Information Warfare, Security Intelligence and Military Intelligence. A Short Theoretical Approach
(Information Warfare, Security Intelligence and Military Intelligence. A Short Theoretical Approach)

Intelligence Challenges at the European Union Level

Intelligence Challenges at the European Union Level
(Intelligence Challenges at the European Union Level)

The Influence of Migration on Societal Security in the European Union

The Influence of Migration on Societal Security in the European Union
(The Influence of Migration on Societal Security in the European Union)

Important Stages in the Development of the EU Capacity to Perform Autonomous Operational Commitments. Case Study – Operation Artemis

Important Stages in the Development of the EU Capacity to Perform Autonomous Operational Commitments. Case Study – Operation Artemis
(Important Stages in the Development of the EU Capacity to Perform Autonomous Operational Commitments. Case Study – Operation Artemis)

Realities and Perspectives of EU-NATO Cooperation in Security and Defence

Realities and Perspectives of EU-NATO Cooperation in Security and Defence
(Realities and Perspectives of EU-NATO Cooperation in Security and Defence)

NATO-EU Partnership – An Important Step Toward Accomplishing Global Security –

NATO-EU Partnership – An Important Step Toward Accomplishing Global Security –
(NATO-EU Partnership – An Important Step Toward Accomplishing Global Security –)

Smart Power – Challenges and Opportunities for Training and Education In Intelligence

Smart Power – Challenges and Opportunities for Training and Education In Intelligence
(Smart Power – Challenges and Opportunities for Training and Education In Intelligence)

The USA and Smartpower Policy

The USA and Smartpower Policy
(The USA and Smartpower Policy)

Global Agenda “Women, Peace And Security”: Mainstreaming Gender Perspective in the Security Sector of the Republic of Moldova

Global Agenda “Women, Peace And Security”: Mainstreaming Gender Perspective in the Security Sector of the Republic of Moldova
(Global Agenda “Women, Peace And Security”: Mainstreaming Gender Perspective in the Security Sector of the Republic of Moldova)

The Arctic Security System – The Stakes in the Battle for Power

The Arctic Security System – The Stakes in the Battle for Power
(The Arctic Security System – The Stakes in the Battle for Power)

The Merits and Limitations of Memoirs in the Intelligence Field: An Assessment of Truth and Deception Present in Kim Philby’s Book – “My Silent War”

The Merits and Limitations of Memoirs in the Intelligence Field: An Assessment of Truth and Deception Present in Kim Philby’s Book – “My Silent War”
(The Merits and Limitations of Memoirs in the Intelligence Field: An Assessment of Truth and Deception Present in Kim Philby’s Book – “My Silent War”)

Perspectives on Adapting Military Structures to the Requirements of Current and Future Operational Environments

Perspectives on Adapting Military Structures to the Requirements of Current and Future Operational Environments
(Perspectives on Adapting Military Structures to the Requirements of Current and Future Operational Environments)

Relational Approaches to the Resilience of Operational Logistics

Relational Approaches to the Resilience of Operational Logistics
(Relational Approaches to the Resilience of Operational Logistics)

Ways of Employing ISR Structures from Land Forces in Exercises Conducted on National Territory

Ways of Employing ISR Structures from Land Forces in Exercises Conducted on National Territory
(Ways of Employing ISR Structures from Land Forces in Exercises Conducted on National Territory)

The Dispute Revival for the Superpower Status

The Dispute Revival for the Superpower Status
(The Dispute Revival for the Superpower Status)

The Impact of the Security Environment on the Defence Strategies of Small and Medium States

The Impact of the Security Environment on the Defence Strategies of Small and Medium States
(The Impact of the Security Environment on the Defence Strategies of Small and Medium States)

Warfare Generations – Conventional and Unconventional in Warfare Evolution

Warfare Generations – Conventional and Unconventional in Warfare Evolution
(Warfare Generations – Conventional and Unconventional in Warfare Evolution)

The Perspective of War and Modern Armed Fight

The Perspective of War and Modern Armed Fight
(The Perspective of War and Modern Armed Fight)

Dimensions of Hybrid Conflict and Coordinates for Countering Its Effects

Dimensions of Hybrid Conflict and Coordinates for Countering Its Effects
(Dimensions of Hybrid Conflict and Coordinates for Countering Its Effects)

Cyberspace in the Operations Planning Process

Cyberspace in the Operations Planning Process
(Cyberspace in the Operations Planning Process)

Shaping the Operational Environment Through Cyberattacks

Shaping the Operational Environment Through Cyberattacks
(Shaping the Operational Environment Through Cyberattacks)

The Military Leader Competencies and Attributes in a Military Organisational Context

The Military Leader Competencies and Attributes in a Military Organisational Context
(The Military Leader Competencies and Attributes in a Military Organisational Context)

Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Military Expenditure: New Perspectives on European Defence Cooperation

Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Military Expenditure: New Perspectives on European Defence Cooperation
(Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Military Expenditure: New Perspectives on European Defence Cooperation)

Risks to National Security in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Risks to National Security in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
(Risks to National Security in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic)

Considerations regarding the Role of Human Resources in Ensuring National Security

Considerations regarding the Role of Human Resources in Ensuring National Security
(Considerations regarding the Role of Human Resources in Ensuring National Security)

Coherence, Synergy and Sustainability in the Development of the Romanian Naval Forces in the Medium and Long Term

Coherence, Synergy and Sustainability in the Development of the Romanian Naval Forces in the Medium and Long Term
(Coherence, Synergy and Sustainability in the Development of the Romanian Naval Forces in the Medium and Long Term)

Short Analysis of the Beginning and Use of Biological Means

Short Analysis of the Beginning and Use of Biological Means
(Short Analysis of the Beginning and Use of Biological Means)

Ranking of Replacing Medical Equipment – An Element of the Rational Use of Resources

Ranking of Replacing Medical Equipment – An Element of the Rational Use of Resources
(Ranking of Replacing Medical Equipment – An Element of the Rational Use of Resources)

The Generation and Role of the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons

The Generation and Role of the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons
(The Generation and Role of the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons)

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