Romanian Military Thinking International Scientific Conference Proceedings
Romanian Military Thinking International Scientific Conference Proceedings
Author(s): Journal Romanian Military Thinking
Subject(s): Security and defense
ISSN: 2668-7984
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Series: Romanian Military Thinking International Scientific Conference Proceedings
- Page Count: 320
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: English
Consolidation of Romania's Profile as a Proactive Security Provider in the Black Sea Region
Consolidation of Romania's Profile as a Proactive Security Provider in the Black Sea Region
(Consolidation of Romania's Profile as a Proactive Security Provider in the Black Sea Region)
- Author(s):Daniel Petrescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:8-11
- No. of Pages:4
Presentation of the Conference
Presentation of the Conference
(Presentation of the Conference)
- Author(s):Journal Romanian Military Thinking
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:12-33
- No. of Pages:22
Strengthening and Developing the Capacity to Analyse Information and Transform Romania’s Security Paradigm in the Context of Asymmetric Challenges in the Black Sea Region
Strengthening and Developing the Capacity to Analyse Information and Transform Romania’s Security Paradigm in the Context of Asymmetric Challenges in the Black Sea Region
(Strengthening and Developing the Capacity to Analyse Information and Transform Romania’s Security Paradigm in the Context of Asymmetric Challenges in the Black Sea Region)
- Author(s):Catalin-Gabriel Done
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:34-53
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:regional security; intelligence; threats; pragmatic capabilities; Black Sea region;
- Summary/Abstract:Developing the national intelligence system and strengthening the response capacity in conflict and crises is both a theoretical branch and a strategy within the framework offered by the International Relations studies. As the scope of regional threats continues to grow, Romania and the actors in the region need to develop programmes to strengthen the national security assessment system and the capabilities to gather intelligence to discourage and counteract elements of security destabilisation. Because of the changes in the regional security environment, the intelligence system is in high demand, requiring a new cultural design and pragmatic capabilities. Thus, the purpose of this article is to briefly assess the national elements of information analysis in a regional context and to propose, against the background of the current security environment, a model of transformative paradigm for strengthening the capacity to respond to threats.
Cognitive Warfare in the 21st Century Great Power Competition – Framing of Military Activity in the Black Sea
Cognitive Warfare in the 21st Century Great Power Competition – Framing of Military Activity in the Black Sea
(Cognitive Warfare in the 21st Century Great Power Competition – Framing of Military Activity in the Black Sea)
- Author(s):Olga R. CHIRIAC
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:54-71
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Black Sea; cognitive biases; cognitive warfare; framing effect; heuristics; irregular warfare;
- Summary/Abstract:The Pivot to Asia first signaled and then the December 2017 US National Security Strategy ushered in the era of renewed great power competition, a global strategic environment in which great powers compete for influence and in which the leveraging of new and disruptive technologies, globalization, climate change and a global pandemic have added to the complexity and fluidity of strategic imperatives of nation states and alliances. The nature of war has remained the same, nevertheless, the character has evolved, perspectives on what constitutes war in its entire spectrum have taken on different meaning for different actors. One particularly complex dimension of great power conflict is cognitive warfare in all its manifestations. The article is looking to analyze the way the framing effect, a cognitive bias, has been everaged as a means of perpetrating cognitive warfare in the Black Sea by reframing historical events of the last century in order to influence both individual and group beliefs and behaviors to favor or legitimize tactical as well as strategic objectives in great power competition.
Romania – A Stability Factor by Assuming the Mediator Role in the Conflicts at the Black Sea
Romania – A Stability Factor by Assuming the Mediator Role in the Conflicts at the Black Sea
(Romania – A Stability Factor by Assuming the Mediator Role in the Conflicts at the Black Sea)
- Author(s):Dorin-Valeriu Bădulescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:72-85
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:early warning; conflict prevention and resolution; mediation; Black Sea area;
- Summary/Abstract:The slowness with which the European Union asserts its role as a mediator in the international sphere must not be Romania’s own policy. Many EU member states ororganisations have developed their own systems to provide stability as a facilitator for peace processes or have developed early warning and conflict prevention mechanisms. Romania’s membership in various external structures enables it to use international expertise in creating and implementing internal structures capable of involving the state in the prevention andresolution of conflicts in the Black Sea region or in other areas of the world. The article analyses Romania’s potential to act regionally as a mediator and to generate stability and security if such a conflict approach is embraced.
Governance and Maritime Security – The European Union’s Approach
Governance and Maritime Security – The European Union’s Approach
(Governance and Maritime Security – The European Union’s Approach)
- Author(s):Ovidiu Cristea, Marius Roşu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:86-103
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:maritime security; law enforcement; integrated maritime policy; EUMSS; action plan;
- Summary/Abstract:At the level of European leadership in Brussels, it has been developed, based on preserving and affirming the European culture and civilisation, the idea of creating the conceptual and actional premises for “Europe ad integrum” to represent a “maritime force”. In this context, the Integrated Maritime Policy is a comprehensive approach to all European Union maritime and related policies. Basically, the Integrated Maritime Policy is the European Union’s response to develop the sustainable implementation of maritime governance, a concept in which maritime security plays a key role.This paper deals with the principles of maritime policies formulated at European Union level,which, in conjunction with the provisions of the European Union Maritime Security Strategy and Action Plan, form the European concept of maritime governance and security.
Information Operations – The Adequate Communication Response to Contemporary Threats
Information Operations – The Adequate Communication Response to Contemporary Threats
(Information Operations – The Adequate Communication Response to Contemporary Threats)
- Author(s):Cosmina-Andreea Neculcea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:104-115
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:ISAF; Taliban; information operations; information activities; target audience;
- Summary/Abstract:From immemorial time, information has been an indispensable and decisive element in winning the war. Although the morphology of conflicts evolves according to military capabilities, technologies, procedures and combat techniques, as well as the space in which they take place, the communication architecture of the battlefield remains a constant presence. Contemporary conflict can be characterised by increasing hybridity and the increasing role of information, both in the physical space itself and in the virtual space. With the digitalisation ofthe information environment (it directly affects the operational environment), the information sphere has become not only a crucial element, but also the battlefield in which the war takes place. In modern warfare, many of the tactics and techniques used by the armed forces have the role of informing/influencing and not destroying. Taking into account the diversity of participants (combatants, non-combatants), we can assert that the civilian population plays a preferential role. Therefore, interaction with a state’s own population and the population inthe area of responsibility is essential to ensure the support of participation in the conflict aswell as the acceptance of forces in the field. Nowadays, information operations (INFO OPS) are considered a force multiplier in the whole spectrum of military operations, and through technology, actions can be initiated to influence the target audience. The aim of this articleis to identify the role of information operations during NATO’s longest and most challenging mission: the International Security Assistance Force/ISAF, in Afghanistan.
Development of the Strategic Framework for NATO Commitment to Euro-Atlantic Security
Development of the Strategic Framework for NATO Commitment to Euro-Atlantic Security
(Development of the Strategic Framework for NATO Commitment to Euro-Atlantic Security)
- Author(s):Dragoş Ilinca
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:116-135
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:NATO; Strategic Concept; deterrence; resilience; forward posture;
- Summary/Abstract:In almost seven decades of existence, NATO adopted seven strategic concepts, which consolidated significantly the role of this organisation in ensuring Euro-Atlantic security. The priorities promoted through these documents derived from the implementation of the North-Atlantic Treaty signed in Washington, in April 1949. Furthermore, it provides the framework for continuous adaptation of the way in which NATO is working, while optimising the Alliance approach towards security evolution. From this perspective, the radiography of the past decades indicates the existence of several decisive stages in the overall development of NATO strategic approach. The outcome of this process has become visible both in the maturityof the organisational profile as well as in the comprehensiveness of the tools developed for providing collective defence. In this vein, the strategic concepts have represented the landmarks of NATO’s transformation process providing the practical and conceptual tenets, which have contributed to the efforts of maintaining the stability in Europe and to the consolidation of the activity of this organisation in the field of crisis management.
NATO and EU Contributions to Consolidating Security and Defence in the Euro-Atlantic Area
NATO and EU Contributions to Consolidating Security and Defence in the Euro-Atlantic Area
(NATO and EU Contributions to Consolidating Security and Defence in the Euro-Atlantic Area)
- Author(s):Alexandru Eparu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:136-153
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:ensuring security; strengthening defence; common defence policies; security culture;
- Summary/Abstract:Today’s world presents a contradictory picture that, along with economically prosperous areas, characterised by stability and integration trends, also includes poor, unstable regions,on the verge of disintegration. International threats and vulnerabilities have not disappeared,they have not diminished, they have changed. Instability has spread, and the danger of war has been replaced by a multitude of risk factors, the importance of which varies from situation to situation. Therefore, situations generate tensions that will become explosive and will inevitably lead to a whole range of domestic and international crises, crises that, as a rule, have ethnic, religious, territorial or economic roots. The multitude of actors involved in the process of ensuring security and defence in the Euro-Atlantic area makes it difficult to coordinate and streamline the initiatives launched foreach area. Hence the need for each “security actor” to try to develop comprehensive strategies to address defence consolidation.
The Role of Digital Diplomacy in the International Security System after the Declaration of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
The Role of Digital Diplomacy in the International Security System after the Declaration of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
(The Role of Digital Diplomacy in the International Security System after the Declaration of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic)
- Author(s):Cristina Bodoni
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:154-167
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:diplomacy; public diplomacy; digital diplomacy; international security; national security;
- Summary/Abstract:In this study, we start from the premise that the isolation imposed after the declaration of the pandemic with Covid-19 forced the diplomatic environment to assume its digitization,following a time when the digital diplomacy held a secondary role on Social Media on the Internet. The pandemic has forced the diplomatic and consular environment to accept their full digitization, almost overnight. It has quickly become a powerful tool for innovation and progress, a reliable element of international cooperation. Then, during the research, wehighlight aspects that explain the removal of digital diplomacy from the sphere of public diplomacy. We explain the central mission of contemporary diplomacy with the help of good practices and international cooperation in the field of regional security in the Black Sea region. Then we underline the reasons that could weaken national security. We also set out essential elements that lead us to believe that the digital diplomacy will remain relevant after the end of the pandemic, becoming an important element of interconnection of all stakeholders and apacifist protector of national security.
Maritime Operations and Exercises – Instruments for the Implementation of Regional Security in the Black Sea –
Maritime Operations and Exercises – Instruments for the Implementation of Regional Security in the Black Sea –
(Maritime Operations and Exercises – Instruments for the Implementation of Regional Security in the Black Sea –)
- Author(s):Marius Roşu, Dorin Ionita
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:168-183
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:cooperation; exercises; Wider Black Sea Region; maritime security; social security;
- Summary/Abstract:After the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Iron Curtain – realities corroborated by the geopolitical implosion of the former USSR in 1989, the Wider Black Sea Region has experienced a phase of acute transition, now becoming the centre of geopolitical and geostrategic interests of major state and non-state actors with global or regional values, as follows: USA, NATO,EU, Russian Federation, Turkey. The sustained interest in ensuring security in the WBSR isrepresented by the launch and development of various formats of cooperation and exercises that denote an almost continuous presence of Allied forces in the Black Sea basin, respecting the conditions provided by the Montreux Convention. Ongoing training, achieving a higher degree of interoperability through standard procedures and increasing the responsivenessof military and civilian forces through the planning and conduct of maritime exercises and operations in the WBSR is the projection of political will through military initiatives, CIMIC and law enforcement specific instruments.
Implications of the Forces Equipment with New Weapon Systems on the Combat Power Morale Component
Implications of the Forces Equipment with New Weapon Systems on the Combat Power Morale Component
(Implications of the Forces Equipment with New Weapon Systems on the Combat Power Morale Component)
- Author(s):Claudiu Valer Nistorescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:184-203
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:military weapon systems; combat power morale component; will to fight;
- Summary/Abstract:Today’s modern battlefield requirements impose more than a simply convenient force concentration in order to accomplish the mission and obtain a military success. Definitely, the factor of morale remains a force multiplier and an essential element of combat power. In this regard, we highlight that by equipping military forces with modern and performing weapon systems we can obtain a significant combat power increase. The superiority with respect to this military action’s dimension ensures the premises not only for a physical destruction of the opponent, but also for shattering its cohesion and will to fight. Tactical forces’ properequipment in terms of quantity and quality generates results not only for the combat power’s physical component, but also for its morale component. Therefore, my opinion is that the maintenance of morale is strictly related to the quality and reliability of providing forces with new weapon systems and other military equipment.
Romanian Naval Forces Contribution to Strengthening Romania’s Profile as a Proactive Security Provider in the Black Sea Region
Romanian Naval Forces Contribution to Strengthening Romania’s Profile as a Proactive Security Provider in the Black Sea Region
(Romanian Naval Forces Contribution to Strengthening Romania’s Profile as a Proactive Security Provider in the Black Sea Region)
- Author(s):Mihai Panait
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:204-217
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:security challenges; Wider Black Sea Region; militarisation; Ukraine; Crimea;
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, because of growing uncertainty and instability in the context of a changing geopolitical system, we should reconsider the Wider Black Sea Region as a place in which frictions between cultural, political and economic divergent communities would be more predominant. In addition, there are the consequences of globalisation that create a factual interdependence of countries geographically far away, when the effects of local crisis are immediately perceived at the worldwide scale. Countries around this region, and not only, rely on the maritime domain for trade, economic development, food, job and other types of security. In this context, the latest actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and the militarisation of Crimea have substantially modified the framework of security strategies in the area. The numerous frozen conflicts, due to Russian policy, represent a real threat across the region. With the Crimean Peninsula, Russia is able to extend its military reach over much of the Black Sea maritime domain, the South Caucasus littoral, Ukraine, Moldova, and, possibly, far beyond over Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey.
Emerging and Disruptive Technologies’ Impact on the Military
Emerging and Disruptive Technologies’ Impact on the Military
(Emerging and Disruptive Technologies’ Impact on the Military)
- Author(s):Sorinel Popescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:218-229
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:emerging and disruptive technologies; security and defence; security challenges; physiognomy of military conflict;
- Summary/Abstract:The article addresses the emerging and disruptive technologies domain, highlighting that they will provide opportunities for the development of society and security challenges, as well. In this context, national and international security systems need to adapt and go through an extensive process of transformation, allowing them to mitigate the effects generatedby the implementation of new technologies both in the civilian field, but especially in the military. Subsequently, the development of new technologies will lead to a new revolution inthe military, which will change the physiognomy of the armed conflict. Starting from these premises, the article identifies elements related to the impact that new technologies will have on planning and conducting an armed conflict, but also some opportunities and challenges to the military as a whole. The article concludes that emerging and disruptive technologies will have a decisive contribution in the human society’s transition to a higher level of development, but their malicious use will be one of the major challenges facing national authorities and international security organisations. In the development of the article, I used as study methods the documentation and qualitative analysis of some bibliographic materials that address the field of emerging and disruptive technologies.
The Potential of Hypersonic Weapons and the Great Military Powers Strategy regarding their Production – Case Study –
The Potential of Hypersonic Weapons and the Great Military Powers Strategy regarding their Production – Case Study –
(The Potential of Hypersonic Weapons and the Great Military Powers Strategy regarding their Production – Case Study –)
- Author(s):Romică Cernat
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:230-245
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:hypersonic weapons; hypersonic cruise missiles; hypersonic glide vehicles; capacity of maneuver; missile-defense;
- Summary/Abstract:Hypersonic missiles are a new category of weapons that have sparked intense debate among security experts. The hypersonic weapons, this combination of speed, accuracy, surprise, and maneuverability makes the defense against them more difficult than against standard ballistic or cruise missiles and therefore makes them more destabilizing. Capable of traveling over five times the speed of sound (Mach 5), and of performing evasive maneuvers mid-flight, they are considered practically impossible to intercept using conventional missile defense systems. Innovative nuclear and conventional weapon delivery systems are impressive and developing. These are grouped into three categories: intercontinental ballistic missiles, hypersonic delivery systems and new advanced strategic weapon delivery capabilities. These and other technological advances being made simultaneously may also impact arms control and strategic stability. Other characteristics of hypersonic systems, however, are potentially advantageous compared with ballistic missiles. Of particular interest are the ability to fly at low altitude, making detection by earth-based sensors difficult; the ability to maneuver during flight to avoid detection and interception; and the unpredictability of targets, since hypersonic vehicles do not follow a ballistic trajectory.
The Professionalisation and Performance of the Armed Forces – Key Elements in Facing Changing Global Trends
The Professionalisation and Performance of the Armed Forces – Key Elements in Facing Changing Global Trends
(The Professionalisation and Performance of the Armed Forces – Key Elements in Facing Changing Global Trends)
- Author(s):Alina-Elena Ionascu (Huluba), Toma Pleşanu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:246-259
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:professionalisation; performance; training; armed forces; trends; change;
- Summary/Abstract:The changing trends in military organisations have accelerated in recent decades against the background of societal changes, changes in the security environment and the rapid development of technology. These phenomena impose new requirements on armies in terms of effective human resources management and a key role is assigned to the provision of a high quality professionalisation process ensuring the performance of the armed forces and thus the ability of the military to fulfil its missions. By exploring literature, this paper starts with a conceptual background of the field that outlines the framework for transforming the training process from the perspective of interrelated key elements. In addition, the paper highlights challenging trends that have an impact on military organisations, emphasising the explorationof the way in which professionalisation is transformed so that military personnel can respond to challenging contexts, thus contributing to the performance of the armed forces. Finally, we propose some guidelines for future scientific approaches on this subject.
The Impact of Technological Development on Managerial Resilience in the Military Organisation
The Impact of Technological Development on Managerial Resilience in the Military Organisation
(The Impact of Technological Development on Managerial Resilience in the Military Organisation)
- Author(s):Diana Elena Ranf, Dorel Badea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:260-271
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:advanced technologies; change; resilience; management; defence;
- Summary/Abstract:The current course of the 21st century has challenged humanity as a whole in terms of the operationalisation of large-scale changes, both quantitative and qualitative, one of the directions for changing social functionality being subsumed under global technological governance. Trends specific to emerging and disruptive technologies, technological superiority, digital diplomacy and sovereignty, innovation ecosystems etc. have a major impact on amacro-indicator of analysis of contemporary global performance, namely resilience. The pace of implementing the solutions characteristic to these advanced technologies is a dynamic one, practically influencing all areas of activity. At the military level, there are concerns of interest at the level of NATO member states regarding space systems, robotics and advanced conventional weapons systems (laser, hypersonic weapons), innovative resources, digitisation, artificial intelligence, cyber security etc. In this context, the present article brings to attentionsome presumptive aspects regarding the modification of managerial resilience, in terms of military roles and responsibilities, starting from classical managerial theories. Directions for exploring the subject proposed by the title which are of interest to military decision-makers are also presented.
Multimedia, Catalyst for Resizing the Social Sector of National Security during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Multimedia, Catalyst for Resizing the Social Sector of National Security during the Covid-19 Pandemic
(Multimedia, Catalyst for Resizing the Social Sector of National Security during the Covid-19 Pandemic)
- Author(s):Cristina Bodoni
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:272-287
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:mass-media; multimedia; internet; security sectors; international security; national security; journalism;
- Summary/Abstract:The isolation imposed by the pandemic has produced the “rediscovery” of Internet utilities, the only window to the real world. The first areas that took over were the most connected to the sciences of communication. The media has retreated, quickly adapting to traditional functions. (Tele)Communications and the media, the internet and social networks have become reference media in recent years, environments that cause problems at all levels, from the individual to the most relevant to the international and where very few can keep pace with these evolutions. When we say that there are few who keep up, we turn our attention to the effects of change on the national security sectors. However, the laws and systems of protection of events, dangers and risks are far from implementing the general module, and the existing ones are outdated due to the complex vortex of changes and evolution of technologies that people have entered, where there are no borders, national laws or simple rules. of conduct, universally accepted, given that in the virtual space, the state is almost non-existent.
August 1944 in Constanța – The Case of Rear Admiral Horia Macellariu –
August 1944 in Constanța – The Case of Rear Admiral Horia Macellariu –
(August 1944 in Constanța – The Case of Rear Admiral Horia Macellariu –)
- Author(s):Valentin Ciorbea, Dan Dragoș Sichigea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:288-303
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Romanian Navy; Second World; 23 August 1944; Macellariu; Brinkmann;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper focuses on the role of the Romanian Royal Navy and of the personality of the most capable commander of its maritime forces during the campaign in the East, in the 23 August 1944 decisive moments – Rear Admiral Horia Macellariu. In the context of the country’s exit from the alliance with Germany and of the political-military changes, and under the impact of the proclamation issued by King Mihai I, in Constanța, the problem for the commanders of the Royal Navy was very sensitive: the detachment from the Romanian-German mixed command. The situation was characterised by uncertainties, the ships of the Maritime Naval Force being interspersed with many more German ships, which had a superior artillery equipment. Rear Admiral Horia Macellariu, the Commander of the Navy and directly responsible for the fate of the crews, was also under the Commander of the 9th Infantry Division. His orders, from the General Staff and the Naval Staff, to disarm or force the German troops to withdraw Southward, in Bulgaria, required special tact and diplomacy. The excellent working relationship between Rear Admiral Macellariu and German Admiral Helmuth Brinkmann helped to avoid a bloody confrontation, which could prove disastrous for the port and the city of Constanța After the withdrawal of the Germans, appointed Superior Commander of the Dobrujaterritory, Rear Admiral Horia Macellariu had the ungrateful task of receiving the Soviet troops, whose generals and admirals considered the Romanian Armed Forces defeated and treated them as such. A series of pressures followed, doubled by insults and hostile attitude on thepart of the Soviet occupant, culminating in the forcible takeover of Royal Navy ships on 5 September 1944.
The Allies’ Cooperation in the Re-entry of Romania Into the War on 28 October/10 November 1918
The Allies’ Cooperation in the Re-entry of Romania Into the War on 28 October/10 November 1918
(The Allies’ Cooperation in the Re-entry of Romania Into the War on 28 October/10 November 1918)
- Author(s):Silviu-Daniel Niculae
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Security and defense
- Page Range:304-319
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Allies; First World War; cooperation; capitulation; Danube;
- Summary/Abstract:When he drew up the operations project for the Allied armies in the East, in order to exploit success, after the capitulation of Bulgaria (16/29 September 1918), General Franchet d’Esperey certainly relied on Romania’s support, establishing the Danube Army strength to only three divisions. Indeed, it was the mission of this army to secure both the right flank of the main operation carried out in Belgrade’s direction and the left flank of the secondary operation carried out in the direction of Constantinople, against a possible intervention by the Austro-German armies in Romania. Henri Mathias Berthelot, former head of the French Military Mission in Romania, who had lived both the days of repression and the glory of theRomanian Army, was also a certain proof of the intention of the Allies to cooperate with Romania.The article presents aspects of the cooperation of the Allies with the forces of the Romanian Army that resulted in liberating the Romanian territory from the occupation of the Central Powers and in creating the necessary circumstances for the achievement of Greater Romania.