Romanian Military Thinking International Scientific Conference Proceedings
Romanian Military Thinking International Scientific Conference Proceedings
Author(s): Journal Romanian Military Thinking
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Military history, Security and defense, Military policy, Peace and Conflict Studies, Russian Aggression against Ukraine
ISSN: 2668-7984
Published by: Centrul tehnic-editorial al armatei
Keywords: Military policy; Security and defense; Peace and Conflict Studies; Russian Aggression against Ukraine;
Summary/Abstract: The Romanian Military Thinking International Doctrinal Conference was organised by the Defence Staff, on the occasion of the 163rd anniversary of the Defence Staff and the 24th edition of the Romanian Military Thinking Journal Awards.
Series: Romanian Military Thinking International Scientific Conference Proceedings
- Page Count: 368
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: English
Presentation of the Conference
Presentation of the Conference
(Presentation of the Conference)
- Author(s):Journal Romanian Military Thinking
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Security and defense, Conference Report
- Page Range:12-29
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Romanian Military Thinking International Doctrinal Conference; 24th edition;
- Summary/Abstract:The Romanian Military Thinking International Doctrinal Conference was organised by the Defence Staff, on the occasion of the 163rd anniversary of the Defence Staff and the 24th edition of the Romanian Military Thinking Journal Awards.
Perception, Cognitive Dissonance and Nuclear Deterrence in the Information Age, Possible Implications for the Euro-Atlantic Security Architecture in the Context of a New NATO Strategic Concept
Perception, Cognitive Dissonance and Nuclear Deterrence in the Information Age, Possible Implications for the Euro-Atlantic Security Architecture in the Context of a New NATO Strategic Concept
(Perception, Cognitive Dissonance and Nuclear Deterrence in the Information Age, Possible Implications for the Euro-Atlantic Security Architecture in the Context of a New NATO Strategic Concept)
- Author(s):Olga R. CHIRIAC
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Security and defense, Military policy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies, Geopolitics
- Page Range:30-41
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:cognitive dissonance; deterrence; European defence; perception; NATO; strategic stability;
- Summary/Abstract:The February 2022 military aggression on Ukraine has sent shock waves across European capitals as well as across the Atlantic. This “new normal”, namely a conventional war in twenty-first century Europe, is both hard to process and inherently ominous as to the future of the European security architecture and strategic stability on the continent. The aim of the article is to analyse the combined effects of technological advances in information/computing technologies and human cognition on strategic choices such as nuclear deterrence strategies. The paper is looking to address the proposed research questions through a cognitive psychology lens, with a particular focus on perception and cognitive dissonance. The plasticity of both the geopolitical environment and the information space present the optimal conditions for propagation of cognitive errors in human decision-making. The article is taking a closer look at what said vulnerability means for the Euro-Atlantic security architecture, most specifically for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
The Role of the National Security Strategy in the National Security of the United States of America
The Role of the National Security Strategy in the National Security of the United States of America
(The Role of the National Security Strategy in the National Security of the United States of America)
- Author(s):Plamen Bogdanov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Military history, Political history, Security and defense, Military policy, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today)
- Page Range:42-57
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:strategy; national security; USA; security environment; nuclear weapons;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyses the nature and role of the National Security Strategy within the national security of the United States of America in different historical periods of the country’s development and international relations. The US national security strategies since the end of the Second World War up to the present day have been studied and, on this basis, it is concluded that today the scope of the strategy’s purposes have been expanded, which further increases the importance and role of this fundamental document for the national security of the country.
The Digital Century and Its Implications on the International Security Environment. Digital Confrontations in Cyber Space and Real Space
The Digital Century and Its Implications on the International Security Environment. Digital Confrontations in Cyber Space and Real Space
(The Digital Century and Its Implications on the International Security Environment. Digital Confrontations in Cyber Space and Real Space)
- Author(s):Laurentiu-Paul Mandras
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Security and defense, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:58-79
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:security; digitalization; digital society; cyber attacks; digital threats;
- Summary/Abstract:Starting with the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, humanity is experiencing a new societal type, the information society. The emergence of computers, the Internet, digital information, artificial intelligence and digital devices with the ability to automatically process information, work autonomously, or even form networks with other devices, cyber and virtual space and so on have led to a technological explosion and the digitalization of societies. Under these circumstances, the digitalization and virtualization of many human activities and relationships in all societal domains constitutes a postmodern “game changer” of societies. Consequently, digitalization has major repercussions at the level of security and the international security environment. We are witnessing a transition from the nuclear century to the digital century, through the emergence of a new type of human confrontation, the digital confrontation. This new type of confrontation manifests itself both in virtual space, through what we so often hear as cyber war, and in real space, through digitalization of defence and the battlefield. Thus, if the security environment of the 20th century was characterized by globalization under the auspices of the nuclear threat, is it appropriate to consider that the 21st century will be characterized by de-globalization under the auspices of the digital threat?
The Black Sea’s Strategic Importance of the and NATO’s Role in Countering the Kremlin’s Military Domination
The Black Sea’s Strategic Importance of the and NATO’s Role in Countering the Kremlin’s Military Domination
(The Black Sea’s Strategic Importance of the and NATO’s Role in Countering the Kremlin’s Military Domination)
- Author(s):Ioan CRĂCIUN
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Special Historiographies:, Security and defense, Military policy, Geopolitics, Russian Aggression against Ukraine
- Page Range:80-93
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:geopolitical space; independent states; Ukraine; the Black Sea; NATO New Strategic Concept;
- Summary/Abstract:The Black Sea region has become one of the key geopolitical spaces for the competition between Russia and the West on which the very future of Europe ultimately depends. The Kremlin wants to keep the Black Sea in its sphere of influence through a strategy of regional destabilisation based on a special military operation against Ukraine, the illegal annexation of new territories, historically considered to belong to Russia, and the strengthening of the military presence in these territories or the direct military threat to the states in the region in order to limit as much as possible the possibilities of their accession to the Euro-Atlantic structures. On the other hand, the West is trying to respond to Russia’s expansion with an advanced defence strategy in which the Black Sea occupies a central place. Thus, the Black Sea region, which has traditionally been treated as a less important area, acquires new strategic features becoming a much more militarised, unstable and contested region, a region that is in dire need of a new regional status quo in order to stabilise. Considering this state of facts, this article has as its main objective the geopolitical analysis of the Black Sea region, given that Russia has become the main destabilising factor in the region, as well as the identification of solutions to achieve regional stability based on the increasingly consistent involvement of the North Atlantic Alliance.
The Strategic Nuclear Treaty Regime at a Crossroads. The (Im)Possible Search for a New Point of Balance?
The Strategic Nuclear Treaty Regime at a Crossroads. The (Im)Possible Search for a New Point of Balance?
(The Strategic Nuclear Treaty Regime at a Crossroads. The (Im)Possible Search for a New Point of Balance?)
- Author(s):Mario Marinov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Military policy, Geopolitics
- Page Range:94-111
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:USA; Russia; China; New START; nuclear weapons; nuclear proliferation;
- Summary/Abstract:The qualitative and quantitative balance in strategic nuclear capabilities between major global nuclear-armed states had been the subject of a longstanding international bilateral and multilateral treaty regime, which since the onset of the 21st century has undergone a process of continual degradation. With the gradual establishment of a more confrontational multipolar world order, the treaty regime as well as the guarantees it provided for international security have come into further peril. The present paper will examine the defining characteristics of the nuclear treaty regime, the factors leading to a point of balance in preceding decades between the nuclear superpowers of the United States of America and the Russian Federation, and the transformational factors, which have destabilised the balance in contemporary times. Furthermore, the paper will extend the discussion on the future of nuclear arms control to the changing geopolitical landscape and the rise of new major global powers such as the People’s Republic of China. Ultimately the paper attempts to establish the framework of the future evolution of the nuclear arms debate and the possibilities of reaching a new point of stability and deterrence between the mentioned state actors.
General Characteristics of the Kaliningrad Region
General Characteristics of the Kaliningrad Region
(General Characteristics of the Kaliningrad Region)
- Author(s):Șerban Grigoraș-Stănescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), International relations/trade, Security and defense, Military policy
- Page Range:112-129
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:exclave; Königsberg; Baltic Rim; NATO; Russian Federation; Intermarium;
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents a brief but informative examination of the Kaliningrad region in order to find out the mysteries of a geographical territory that belongs to Northern Europe, but currently represents Russia’s only European trophy after winning the Second World War. The paper contains general elements, as well as data that may seem new, through which the geography and history of the region are analysed in the first part. After understanding the natural state and the secular heritage of this territory, we will portray the policies of the Russian Federation imposed on its exclave, determine whether Kaliningrad is an important commercial actor on the international stage and investigate the evolution of the population from an ethnic, cultural and religious point of view. All these elements described previously represent an essential body of knowledge in our attempt to ultimately determine the importance of the Kaliningrad Oblastas a first-line geopolitical bastion in the eternal East-West confrontation in Europe.
The Battle of Kyiv – Aspects Regarding the Conduct of Military Operations at the Tactical Level
The Battle of Kyiv – Aspects Regarding the Conduct of Military Operations at the Tactical Level
(The Battle of Kyiv – Aspects Regarding the Conduct of Military Operations at the Tactical Level)
- Author(s):Claudiu Valer Nistorescu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Special Historiographies:, Security and defense, Military policy, Russian Aggression against Ukraine
- Page Range:130-155
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:combat operations; urban environment; new weapon systems; tactical implications; battlefield;
- Summary/Abstract:The military operations conducted on the territory of Ukraine during the conflict started by the Russian Federation on 24 February 2022 show that the chances for large-scale combat operations in Europe have significantly increased. Consequently, the way those operations are carried out must be carefully reconsidered. Adapting to the requirements of the modern battlefield requires rapid multi-domain integration of new technologies and modern weapons systems. Therefore, doctrinal changes are required. There is no doubt that the Battle of Kyiv is a valuable source of information for military leaders, regarding the conduct of military operations at each level. Therefore, a pertinent analysis in relation to the factors that have contributed to the battle’s outcome could be very helpful. The main objective of the analysis is to highlight lessons on the topic of planning and carrying out military operations at the tactical level. It emphasises both the determining factors for the failure of the Russian offensive and the features that gave the Ukrainian forces the upper hand, ensuring the successful defence operation. The research methodology is based on the qualitative evaluation of the available information, to enable an assessment of the battle from the combat functions perspective with the aim to identify possible gaps in Westernarmies’ way to carry out combat operations.
Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems – Emerging and Potentially Disruptive Technology
Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems – Emerging and Potentially Disruptive Technology
(Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems – Emerging and Potentially Disruptive Technology)
- Author(s):Romică Cernat
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Security and defense, Military policy, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:156-175
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:lethal weapons; drone; artificial intelligence; human operator; automation;
- Summary/Abstract:The renewal of the competition for the super power status has led to the revival of the emphasis on defence planning, by the great powers, on the capabilities intended for so-called high-end conventional, technologically sophisticated warfare, which involves large-scale and high-intensity military actions. Weapons that can be linked to waging high-end warfare actually include the military uses of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) and artificial intelligence (AI). The connection between robotics, autonomous systems and AI has the potential to change the nature of warfare. Theoretically, a lethal weapon system should be considered autonomous if it is designed so that it can modify its integrated programming, does not take into account the objectives initially set and modifies its rules of engagement without human intervention. Human judgment will remain essential, but the line between what humans and machines do best will constantly be shifting in the coming years. The most critical dimension of autonomy is the task the machine is performing. There are significant expectations and challenges, opportunities, and risks associated with LAWS across the full range of military operations. LAWS will influence military operations in the future and will have at least an evolutionary – if not revolutionary – effect.
Geopolitical Configurations on the Ponto-Baltic Isthmus in the Context of the Aggression in Ukraine
Geopolitical Configurations on the Ponto-Baltic Isthmus in the Context of the Aggression in Ukraine
(Geopolitical Configurations on the Ponto-Baltic Isthmus in the Context of the Aggression in Ukraine)
- Author(s):Andreea-Amalia Stănică
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Special Historiographies:, Security and defense, Geopolitics, Russian Aggression against Ukraine
- Page Range:176-185
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Ponto-Baltic isthmus; Black Sea; Baltic Sea; Heartland; NATO;
- Summary/Abstract:Starting the study from the theory of the Heartland, drawn up by Halford John Mackinder, according to which who rules Eastern Europe rules the world, we identify the geopolitical importance of the Ponto-Baltic isthmus. The region imaginarily bordered to the North by the Baltic Sea and to the South by the Black Sea has been a hotspot throughout history. Thus, the strategic importance of the Ponto-Baltic isthmus and the conflicting interests in the region are the current reasons for the confrontation between the Russian Federation and the West. The illegal aggression of the Russian state in Kyiv confirms the hypothesis that Moscow is the main threat to the security and territorial integrity of the states of the Ponto-Baltic region. In this respect, to become aware of the regional geopolitical realities, in the first part of the research both the geographical coordinates of the Ponto-Baltic isthmus and the historical coordinates stated at the national level will be outlined, in keeping with the writings of scholars such as Simion Mehedinți and Nicolae Iorga. Afterwards, the strategy of the Russian Federation in the region will be analysed, in relation to the permanent fuelling of conflicts on the territory of states that pursue their Euro-Atlanticvision. Romania’s role in the Ponto-Baltic region will also be identified, through its status of a regional pivot and a relevant actor in the process of consolidating NATO’s eastern flank. The research will be the result of the cross-use of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, for an in-depth approach to the subject under study.
The Proactive Nature of Warning in Anticipating Crisis Situations
The Proactive Nature of Warning in Anticipating Crisis Situations
(The Proactive Nature of Warning in Anticipating Crisis Situations)
- Author(s):Sorin-Iulian Carpen
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Security and defense, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:186-203
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:warning; crisis; proactive; risk; trend; Ukraine;
- Summary/Abstract:Adequate use of warning can contribute decisively to avoiding or reducing major consequences in case of crisis situations. This paper intends to emphasise the contribution that strategic warning can have in the proactive development of the decision-making process. The paper analyses the way in which the issue of warning was approached by a number of experts in the field. At the same time, it is noted that paying adequate attention to medium and long-term analysis methods could contribute to an effective transition towards a proactive approach to the warning, in order to avoid strategic surprise, adapt strategies and maintain competitiveness in the operational environment.
Disruptive Technologies in the Context of European Defence Cooperation
Disruptive Technologies in the Context of European Defence Cooperation
(Disruptive Technologies in the Context of European Defence Cooperation)
- Author(s):Dragoş Ilinca
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:204-221
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Strategic Compass; PESCO; European Defence Fund; Common Security and Defence Policy; Disruptive Technologies;
- Summary/Abstract:The development of disruptive technologies represents one of the main themes of the contemporary security agenda not only from a national perspective but also at the level of multinational cooperation. In this regard, the European cooperation carried out under the institutional auspices of the Common Security and Defence Policy has gradually addressed the impact of disruptive technologies on the way of structuring the EU’s response to contemporary security challenges. The approach to this subject has gradually evolved towards profiling a distinct typology at the level of which the specific character also derives from the particular parameters of the mode of interaction between the EU institutions. Equally, the specific nature of the European approach also concerns the way of financing the process of developing capabilities of this type, including in terms of complementing the national effort through opportunities offered by the EU budget. From this perspective, it can be concluded that the issue of disruptive technologies will become more and more visible on the European cooperation agenda, including in terms of the priorities advanced through the Strategic Compass as well as at the level of practical initiatives launched in the CSDP context, as is the case with PESCO and EDF.
Achieving Interoperability in a Federated Environment and in the Current Security Context
Achieving Interoperability in a Federated Environment and in the Current Security Context
(Achieving Interoperability in a Federated Environment and in the Current Security Context)
- Author(s):Doina Ilie
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Security and defense, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
- Page Range:222-235
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:interoperability; capabilities; Federated Mission Networking; communication and information technologies;
- Summary/Abstract:Joint missions, exercises and deployments have shown that it is crucial to continuously coordinate processes, training, documents and technologies on a multinational basis. Interoperability on the battlefield, be it on land, in the air, in space, at sea and in the cyber and information space, can often be achieved only after many years of technical and procedural preparation. Time that is no longer available when establishing concrete mission networks, as the war in Ukraine is currently showing us. With Federated Mission Networking (FMN), a framework was created and established that allows a significant reduction in this lead time and at the same time a certain degree of national autonomy in the choice of individual communications and information technology solutions.
The Strategic Compass – A Strategic Boost of Confidence in European Security
The Strategic Compass – A Strategic Boost of Confidence in European Security
(The Strategic Compass – A Strategic Boost of Confidence in European Security)
- Author(s):Oana Elena Brânda
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Security and defense, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment
- Page Range:236-247
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Strategic Compass; security; defence; capabilities; crisis management;
- Summary/Abstract:Issued in March 2022, the Strategic Compass is meant to create an active and, at the same time, reactive framework for the managing of EU security and defence-related aspects. After several failures in the process and much criticism of the EU’s inability to stand on its feet when it comes to protecting itself, the Strategic Compass comes with magic words, such as“reducing dependencies”, or the four directions – Act, Secure, Invest and Partner. The aim of this article is to provide a critical analysis of the Strategic Compass from the perspective of the confidence bestowed in the power of the European Union to actually become a security provider “for real”. Although the likelihood of that occurring in the near future is remote, the European Union has finally reached the mindset of turning the Strategic Compass into on-the-ground capabilities.
Strategic Trends of International Security Organizations to Achieve/Consolidate Regional and Global Security
Strategic Trends of International Security Organizations to Achieve/Consolidate Regional and Global Security
(Strategic Trends of International Security Organizations to Achieve/Consolidate Regional and Global Security)
- Author(s):Alexandru Eparu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Social Sciences, Sociology, Security and defense, Globalization, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:248-269
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:strategic trends; climate change; globalization; global power; inequality; innovation;
- Summary/Abstract:This article is an overview of the international strategic context in the next 20 years, designed to guide the work of international security organizations in achieving/consolidating regional and global security. The analysis is based on the work of international organizations as sound judgments on different alternative strategies that focus on the challenges of the most likely future themes. According to the assessment, the period up to 2040 will be a period of transition, characterized by instability, both in the relations between states and in the relations between groups within states. The world is likely to continue to face the reality of a changing climate, rapid population growth, resource scarcity, the resurgence of ideologies, and above all, shifts in global power from West to East.No state, group or individual can face these challenges in isolation, only collective responses will be adequate. Therefore, the struggle to establish an effective system of global governance capable of meeting these challenges will continue to be a central theme of the age. Globalization, global inequality, climate change and technological innovation will affect the lives of everyone on the planet. There will be a constant tension between greater interdependence between states, groups and individuals, and increased competition between them. Dependence on complex global systems, such as global supply chains for resources, is likely to increase the risk of systemic problems.
Romania in the European Cohesion Context
Romania in the European Cohesion Context
(Romania in the European Cohesion Context)
- Author(s):Ioana Nica, Daniel Dumitru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Military policy, EU-Accession / EU-DEvelopment, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:270-281
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:European security; cohesion; PESC; security policies; European cohesion;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper presents Romania’s strategic position on the main European security programmes reflected and accepted at the EU level, as well as a brief assessment of EU officials towards Romania and the concrete actions through which Romania decided to align with EU’ssecurity and defence standards. It discusses the main strategic objectives of Romania and the European Union, actions and measures to promote European cohesion in terms of security, but also other study elements, and research in the direction of national and international security.
The Impact of the Conflict in Ukraine on the Development of the Higher University Military Education Process – Adapting Maritime Operational Art to the Dynamics of Modern Military Actions
The Impact of the Conflict in Ukraine on the Development of the Higher University Military Education Process – Adapting Maritime Operational Art to the Dynamics of Modern Military Actions
(The Impact of the Conflict in Ukraine on the Development of the Higher University Military Education Process – Adapting Maritime Operational Art to the Dynamics of Modern Military Actions)
- Author(s):Lucian Valeriu Scipanov
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Social Sciences, Education, Special Historiographies:, Security and defense, Military policy, Higher Education , Pedagogy, Russian Aggression against Ukraine
- Page Range:282-293
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:doctrines; concepts; maritime operational art; analytical programs; command master’s degree;
- Summary/Abstract:Observing the evolution of military actions in the Ukraine conflict, one feels the need to capitalise on the lessons identified as a result of the innovative ways of applying the principles of military art, in the conditions of real war. Thus, within this approach, I set out to identify how the evolution of the conflict in Ukraine influenced military art in general. In essence, this approach is a corollary of the results obtained as a personal contribution to the development of knowledge in the field of military sciences. Analysing the existing situation, following evaluations of the potential national response capabilities in the event of an armed conflict in the vicinity of the Black Sea, I identified didactic ways to update the doctrinal contents. The didactic approach was based on the handiest research validation tool, the war game, by testing some tactical scenarios, experienced in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. From a didactic point of view, the result was useful for updating the analytical programs in the master’s degree programs, however, the benefit from this research comes from the action-structural field, regarding the ways of responding in the maritime environment with existing capabilities or identifying the capability requirements, emphasising the importance of military services and branches cooperation during the joint coastal defence operation.
War Psychology and the Military Moral Dilemmas
War Psychology and the Military Moral Dilemmas
(War Psychology and the Military Moral Dilemmas)
- Author(s):Cristian Dobre
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Philosophy, Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Security and defense, Military policy, Political psychology
- Page Range:294-309
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:war psychology; military; dilemma; morale; wound; conflict;
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents one of the most significant psychological aspects experienced by the military during their operations – ethics and morality. Thus, it dives deeper into the idea of “war psychology”, to then analyse the biggest ethical and moral dilemmas of the military during battle. Far from exhausting the subject, the article wants to draw attention to the fact that, in the end, the military is still human, and in the absence of adequate preparation for combat and adequate post-action psychological support at the end of the conflict, moral wounds can appear, which, most of the time, are as painful and devastating as the physical ones.
The Importance of the Economic Field in Modern Political Warfare. Case Study: NATO Eastern Flank Member States
The Importance of the Economic Field in Modern Political Warfare. Case Study: NATO Eastern Flank Member States
(The Importance of the Economic Field in Modern Political Warfare. Case Study: NATO Eastern Flank Member States)
- Author(s):Vlad Dumitrache, Andreea Stefania Cozmei
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Economic policy, Environmental and Energy policy, Security and defense
- Page Range:310-323
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:capabilities; resource management; energy security; defence expenditures; economic policies;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to present the importance that the economic field has in the concept of modern political warfare. Correlating the economic field with that of geopolitics and security has become a variable that NATO member states can no longer ignore. Using the descriptive analysis method, we aim to show the importance that economic policies have in influencing the political and strategic regional landscape, and have chosen the Eastern Flank countries to do that. We plan to test this theory by studying three major areas of economic policies that we consider have impacted the security and defence landscape in recent years. The first area is defence expenditure, the second one is fiscal policies and the third one is energy policies. Recent security events have fundamentally changed the European Union's green energy policies and objectives. Some of them have been postponed, others replaced, therefore, we seek to analyse the way in which European states on the Eastern Flank mitigate these rising issues, in terms of both the energy field and the correlation of energy policies with the other ones.
The Soviet Black Sea Fleet (1943) – Organisation, Dispersal, Command –
The Soviet Black Sea Fleet (1943) – Organisation, Dispersal, Command –
(The Soviet Black Sea Fleet (1943) – Organisation, Dispersal, Command –)
- Author(s):Alin Spânu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Military history, Political history, Security and defense, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
- Page Range:324-335
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Soviet fleet; Sea of Azov; intelligence service; Crimea; Second World War;
- Summary/Abstract:In 1943, the Soviet fleet in the Black Sea was clearly superior to its opponents (Germans, Italians, Romanians, Bulgarians), but there were no major naval confrontations in this theatre of war. In most confrontations, starting in 1941, the Soviet naval forces suffered losses and were forced to retreat. The Romanian intelligence services had data on the organisation of the Soviet fleet, the dispersal, the commanders, the naval constructions and the ways of action. At the end of 1943, when the Red Army was on the offensive and had begun the landing in Crimea, the Romanian-German naval forces started an operation to supply the defenders, and later, in 1944, an evacuation of their own troops. Despite the vulnerabilities, the Soviet fleet did not attack decisively, so the withdrawal by sea was relatively organised and saved more than 120,000 soldiers and civilians.
Kerch-Eltigen Operation in the War Diaries of the German Navy
Kerch-Eltigen Operation in the War Diaries of the German Navy
(Kerch-Eltigen Operation in the War Diaries of the German Navy)
- Author(s):Dan Dragoș Sichigea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Military history, Political history, Security and defense, Military policy, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of Communism, Fascism, Nazism and WW II
- Page Range:336-347
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Second World War; Germany; USSR; Black Sea; landing;
- Summary/Abstract:Almost in parallel with the withdrawal of the Axis troops from the Taman area in the Caucasus, the Soviets prepared a bold landing action on the Kerch peninsula in Crimea. The landings, carried out in two areas, south and north of the city of Kerch, were aimed at supporting the offensive from the north of the Sea of Azov and capturing Crimea. The present study focuses on the naval actions that took place predominantly in the area of the southern bridgehead, where the Axis naval forces were able to block the supply of enemy troops.
Considerations Regarding the Evacuation of the Romanian Troops Participating in the Bulgarian Campaign in the Summer of 1913
Considerations Regarding the Evacuation of the Romanian Troops Participating in the Bulgarian Campaign in the Summer of 1913
(Considerations Regarding the Evacuation of the Romanian Troops Participating in the Bulgarian Campaign in the Summer of 1913)
- Author(s):Silviu-Daniel Niculae
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Military history, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Security and defense, Military policy, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919)
- Page Range:348-367
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Balkan Wars; Tsarist Empire; groups of forces, mobilization; Bulgaria;
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of this article is to highlight the aspects of the evacuation operations from Bulgaria, executed by the Romanian troops participating in the military campaign in the summer of 1913, a chapter of the national military history less researched. The article is based on the documents studied in the national archives. In the summer of 1913, in the face of an unstable Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece decided to conclude a defensive alliance, a process completed on 19 May/1 June 1913, which aimed to establish their own interests in Macedonia against the Bulgarian ones. Moreover, to the tensions between the former Balkan allies were added the armed incidents near the outposts of the three armies that had the mission of preserving the conquered positions. In this context, Romania’s position became a very important one, in relation to the obligations assumed by the treaties concluded at international level, which is why Romania had to make a decision regarding participation in the ongoing war.