Национална научна конференция "25 години департамент "Право" Нов български университет 14 декември 2016"
National Scientific Conference 25 years Department of Law at New Bulgarian University 14 december 2016
Contributor(s): Ekaterina Mihaylova (Composer), Deyana Marcheva (Composer), Ekaterina Mihaylova (Editor), Deyana Marcheva (Editor), Veselin Metodiev (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Public Law, Law on Economics, EU-Legislation
Published by: Нов български университет
Keywords: Law; Conference; Civil law; EU law; EU law and international law; History law; Political law; Migration; Law & Economics
Summary/Abstract: The Law Department of New Bulgarian University is organizing a National Scientific Conference dedicated to its 25th anniversary. In focus of the discussion is the development of Legal Science and Education in Law from "Artes Liberales" Education perspective. The forum continues the tradition to provide a platform for research and creativity for academic staff at the Department on an annual base.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-954-535-985-9
- Page Count: 289
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Bulgarian
Ius Est Ars (Някои размисли за правото като изкуство или изкусно занятие и за неговото изучаване)
Ius Est Ars (Някои размисли за правото като изкуство или изкусно занятие и за неговото изучаване)
(Ius Est Ars (Some Reflections on Iusas an Art or an Artful Occupation and on Legal Education))
- Author(s):Malina Novkirishka- Stoyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law
- Page Range:19-35
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Roman Law; Roman Jurisprudence; Roman Legal Education
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the concept of law as an art in terms of Latin vocabulary and Roman legal practice. The development of legal education in Ancient Rome is presented in the perspective of both legislation and legal application, as well as the work of the Roman jurisprudentes.
Списък на автори
Списък на автори
(List of contributors)
- Contributor(s):Author Not Specified (Composer)
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Higher Education , Editorial
- Page Range:7-11
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Contributors
- Summary/Abstract:List of contributors
Списък на използваните съкращения
Списък на използваните съкращения
(Index of Abbreviations)
- Contributor(s):Author Not Specified (Editor)
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Editorial
- Page Range:12-15
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Abbreviations
- Summary/Abstract:A list of commonly used abbreviations
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
(In Memoriam)
- Author(s):Deyana Marcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Obituary
- Page Range:16-16
- No. of Pages:1
- Keywords:Obituary; Kristian Takov; Assoc. Prof. in Law; Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”; New Bulgarian University (NBU); Bulgaria; Legal Sciences
- Summary/Abstract:On July 11, 2017, Christian Takov, a lecturer in Law for 25 years, left us.The conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Law Department of New Bulgarian University (NBU), is the latest scientific conference with his participation. He did not succeed to send a report, but agreed on publishing a text, based on the audio and video recordings of his presentation "The Reaction of the Right against Abuse".For many, Christian Takov was the most generous and demanding lecturer, who loved students, and who to his last breath struggled for their souls and hearts so that a new generation of lawyers, irreconcilable with corruption and injustice, could be born.
Реакцията на правото срещу злоупотребите с него
Реакцията на правото срещу злоупотребите с него
(The Reaction of Law towards Its Abuses)
- Author(s):Christian Takov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Public Law
- Page Range:36-41
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Justice; Formalism; Abuses of law; Promissory note
- Summary/Abstract:This oral presentation discusses the immune system of the law against its abuses mostly in the administration of justice. The role of the judges is to ensure that justice is served whenever the people attempt to misuse or abuse of the legal instruments. Formalism in judicial practice, although criticized, is presented as a reaction of the law against its abuses.
Представите за качествата на политическия човек в конституционните дебати през ХІХ век
Представите за качествата на политическия човек в конституционните дебати през ХІХ век
(Notions of the Qualities of the Political Person in the Constitutional Debates in the Nineteenth Century)
- Author(s):Veselin Metodiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law, Constitutional Law, Ethics / Practical Philosophy
- Page Range:42-46
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Constitutional Debates; Political Person; Moral Qualities
- Summary/Abstract:This oral presentation outlines the notions of the political person that crystalize in the constitutional debates in Bulgaria in the nineteenth century. High standards to the moral qualities of the elected representatives and public officers have been set at the outset of the modern Bulgarian state. This historical account bears relevance to the present crisis of the image of the people in politics.
Имигранти и бежанци - опасност или възможност
Имигранти и бежанци - опасност или възможност
(Immigrants and Refugees – Danger or Opportunity)
- Author(s):Lyudmil Georgiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, International Law, Public Administration, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
- Page Range:48-54
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Refugees; Immigrants; Integration; Prequalification; Vocational and Continuing Education
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the technology for integration of refugees through projects run by unemployed Bulgarians with appropriate education, further education and the provision of employment. Shared significant European experience in organizing training and job placements for refugees, enabling to use any level of qualification of foreigners, and to ensure the security of the population.
За ролята и отговорността на националния съдия по прилагането на правото на ЕС (Необходимо припомняне на изводите от две исторически решения на Съда на ЕС)
За ролята и отговорността на националния съдия по прилагането на правото на ЕС (Необходимо припомняне на изводите от две исторически решения на Съда на ЕС)
(The Role and the Responsibility of the National Judge for the Implementation of the EU Law (A Necessary Recall of the Conclusions from Two Historical Judgements of the Court of EU))
- Author(s):Atanas Semov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:55-67
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:EU Law; Court of Justice of the EU
- Summary/Abstract:The role and the responsibility of the national judge for the implementation of the EU Law has been described and underlined very clearly by the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) in two historical decisions: Köbler and Commission v/ Italie. In Köbler the CJEU underlines the obligation of a member state (MS) for reparation of damages caused by incorrect application (non application) of the EU Law. That principle of the EU Law is applicable to any case in which a Member State breaches Community law, whichever is the authority of the Member State whose act or omission was responsible for the breach. The principle does not in itself have the consequence of calling in question that decision as res judicata.As to the conditions to be satisfied for a Member State to be required to make reparation for loss and damage caused to individuals as a result of breaches of Community law for which the State is responsible, the Court has held that these are threefold: the rule of law infringed must be intended to confer rights on individuals; the breach must be sufficiently serious; and there must be a direct causal link between the breach of the obligation incumbent on the State and the loss or damage sustained by the injured parties. The CJEU underlines that state liability for an infringement of Community law by a decision of a national court adjudicating at last instance can be incurred only in the exceptional case where the court has manifestly infringed the applicable law.In Commission v/ Italie (2003) the CJEU stresses on another very important principle of EU Law: an infringement by a member state will be faced only if an incorrect interpretation of an EU rule is a constant jurisprudence. In that regard, isolated or numerically insignificant judicial decisions in the context of case-law taking a different direction, or still more a construction disowned by the national Supreme Court, cannot be taken into account. That is not true of a widely-held judicial construction which has not been disowned by the Supreme Court, but rather confirmed by it. Thus the CJEU engages the State liability in all cases where a negligence of the EU Law is at stake and stipules that the main responsibility for preventing of all infringements lays especially on the national judge.Even if isolated situation of infringement of EU Law can stay out of the scope of the term of infringement under the art. 258 or 259 TFEU (as an exception), in any case the role of the supreme jurisdictions remains decisive – the last should disowne (by a decision or by an interpretation) the establishment of such a practice incompatible with the EU Law.
Хуманитарните науки не служат за нищо и това е добре: Екскурс върху възгледите на Стенли Фиш, професор по литература и право
Хуманитарните науки не служат за нищо и това е добре: Екскурс върху възгледите на Стенли Фиш, професор по литература и право
(Humanities Serve No Purpose and It’s a Good Thing: An Excursus on the Views of Stanley Fish, Professor in Literature and Law)
- Author(s):Yordan Eftimov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Law and Transitional Justice, Conference Report, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:68-75
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Law and Literature; Humanities; Interpretations; Terrorism; Promissory Note or Check
- Summary/Abstract:The report discusses the ideas of the American professor of law and literature Stanley Fish and how they can help us to realize not only the place of humanities today but also the usefulness of literary activities for the dense picture of life. Examples include discussions on John Milton's works as well as Bulgarian literary works.
Преподаването на материята за правата на човека - реалности и перспективи
Преподаването на материята за правата на човека - реалности и перспективи
(Human Rights Education – Realities and Perspectives)
- Author(s):Svetla Margaritova-Vuchkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Conference Report
- Page Range:76-82
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Human rights; Bulgarian Legal Education; ECHR
- Summary/Abstract:Over the past few years there were held a series of forums in Bulgaria dealing with university teaching of human rights and especially - the issues of the ECHR and the ECtHR case law. The Foundation "Bulgarian Lawyers for Human Rights" conducted a survey in 2014 among magistrates and advocates regarding their satisfaction with the training in this field at an academic and a professional level. The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is working on the amendments to the currently existing Recommendation No 4 of 2004 concerning the teaching of Human Rights at the universities. Whether the prepared draft of the Regulation on the uniform state requirements for obtaining higher education in the specialty "Law" as the professional qualification "lawyer" and included in this course "Fundamental Rights and Freedoms" will meet the requirements of the practice and will be adequate to the current trends in teaching in other European countries? Certain aspects of the project raised serious doubts and concerns.The publication draws attention to the lack of trained teachers in the field of Human Rights in the lectures on fundamental legal disciplines, which makes impossible the realization of the idea for the Horizontal training.Also the current legislation restricts the involvement of non-academic experts in the field of human rights as teachers in universities. In this respect they made a range of recommendations.
Методологията на правната наука и юридическото образование
Методологията на правната наука и юридическото образование
(Methodology of Legal Science and Legal Education)
- Author(s):Simeon Efimov Groysman
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Law and Transitional Justice, Higher Education
- Page Range:83-94
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Legal Methodology; Legal Education; Juristic Method; Legal Profession
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyzes the different methodological systems used in Bulgarian General legal theory. The choice of methodology is seen as a mean of achievement of the goals of legal education. I accept, that good legal education must prepare legal faculty graduates for the different social roles of modern jurists. In that connection the paper investigates the matter of the “non-legal” knowledge and gives an answer, if the legal education must provide social, political and philosophical knowledge to the students.
(Table of contents)
- Contributor(s):Author Not Specified (Editor)
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Criminal Law, Civil Law, International Law, Higher Education , Editorial, Conference Report, Law on Economics
- Page Range:3-6
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:TOC
Прилагането на забраната за злоупотреба с по-силна позиция при договаряне
Прилагането на забраната за злоупотреба с по-силна позиция при договаряне
(Application of the Prohibition on the Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position)
- Author(s):Metody Markov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
- Page Range:97-104
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Superior Bargaining Position; Commission for Protection of Competition; Case-law
- Summary/Abstract:The article offers an overview of the few cases reviewed by the Commission of Protection of Competition during the first year of application of the prohibition on the abuse of superior bargaining position in Article 37a of the Protection of Competition Act. Furthermore, the application of the accompanying prohibitions of the same type in the special laws, such as the Food Act are also anlyzed and discussed.
Необходим ли е чл.19 от Закона за защита на конкуренцията за ефективното прилагане на забраната за злоупотреба с пазарно господство
Необходим ли е чл.19 от Закона за защита на конкуренцията за ефективното прилагане на забраната за злоупотреба с пазарно господство
(Is Article 19 of the Law Act on Protection of the Competition Necessary for the Efficient Application of the Prohibition of the Abuse of a Dominant Position)
- Author(s):Emilia P. Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Commercial Law
- Page Range:105-117
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Dominant Position; Monopoly Position;Exclusive right
- Summary/Abstract:The Protection of Competition Act includes the legal definitions of both notions “dominant position” and “monopoly position”. The conclusion drawn from existence of both definitions is that the Bulgarian legislator considers the dominant position and the monopoly position as two separate legal phenomena. This research aims to present their specifics and to explain whether the distinction between them is necessary for applying the prohibition under Art. 21 of Protection of Competition Act. In the light of the above mentioned problems it is examined the national legislation and the practice of the national competition authorities in the area of the abuse of a dominant and monopoly position. The analysis compares the national regulation and practice with the applicable legal rules of the other national EU jurisdictions and the practice of the European Commission and the Court of Justice of the EU concerning the abuse of dominance. It is concluded that the monopoly position is a form of the dominance and therefore the distinction between them is unnecessary for the application of the Art. 21 of the Protection of Competition Act. This conclusion provides a solid basis for de lege ferenda changes.
За характера на срока за предявяване на иска при допуснато обезпечение
За характера на срока за предявяване на иска при допуснато обезпечение
(Regarding the Chracteristics of the Deadline for Submission of an Action in an Admitted Injunction)
- Author(s):Tanya Gradinarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law
- Page Range:118-127
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Injunction for Future Action; Crucial Deadline; Characteristics of the Deadline for Submission of a Future Action
- Summary/Abstract:In the period since the entry into force of the current Civil Procedure Code (CPC) an extensive case law has accumulated on its application, including with respect to provisions that have introduced new institutes in the proceedings covered by the CPC. Unfortunately, in many cases this case law is controversial and necessitates the Supreme Court of Cassation (SCC) to align it through its interpretative powers under Art. 124, para. 1 of the Judicial System Act. Regarding the injunctions for a future action, the Bulgarian legislator through the provisions of Art. 390, para. 3 of the CPC has introduced two new rules for the court of the injunction: a maximum legal duration of the period for submission of the future claim of one month and the obligation of the court to revoke the granted injunction with own motion in the absence of evidence that the action was submitted within the deadline determined by the court within the one-month period. The application of these new rules has entailed different opinions in the case law, including on the level of the Supreme Court of Cassation. In many orders, held under the cassation proceedings for appellate orders under Art. 274, para. 3 CPC, the separate configurations of the SCC have held controversially on the issue: “Is it possible to extend the deadline under the conditions of Art. 63, para 1 CPC determined in the scenario under Art. 390, para. 3 regarding the submission of a future action.” The finding of different resolutions regarding the same procedural and legal issue within the current case law to the extent of court orders under Art. 274, para 3 CPC, held by different Chambers of the SCC is within the scope of the regulations under Art.292 CPC and reasons an initiation of proceedings for the upholding of an interpretive decision. In order to unify the controversial case law by the different Chambers of the SCC under the upheld procedural issue the Chairman of the SCC has held with a regulation from the 08th December 2015 an interpretive case No 4/2015 to be initiated by the General Assembly of the Civil and Commercial Division of the SCC, which is still to be held upon. The issue under discussion within this report is the critical analysis of the regulations under Art. 390, para 3 CPC as well as the existing two statements in the procedural theory and case law regarding the nature of the deadline for submission of an action in an admitted injunction. The author reasons her own statement in relation to the answer which the interpretive issue before the General Assembly of the Civil and Commercial Division of the SCC is supposed to resolve. As per the author, the deadline for submission of future action in an admitted injunction is crucial in its nature and cannot be extended beyond the determined by the CPC one-month period.
Правните последици на местното арбитражно решение – недостатъци в правния режим у нас и последните стъпки за преодоляването им
Правните последици на местното арбитражно решение – недостатъци в правния режим у нас и последните стъпки за преодоляването им
(Legal Effects of the Local Arbitration Judgment – Disadvantages of the Bulgarian Legal Order and the Recent Steps for Overcoming Them)
- Author(s):Margarita Zlatareva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Commercial Law
- Page Range:128-137
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Arbitration; Form of Arbitration Agreement; Recognition and Execution of Local Arbitration Judgment
- Summary/Abstract:This article analyzes the reasons for the mistrust of the arbitration’s activity and discusses the latest legislative amendments in the field – in the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) and the International Commercial Arbitration Act (ICAC), promulgated in the State Gazette, issue 8 of 24 Jan 2017. Firstly, it concludes that in the national source the form has been determined too widely, liberally and with an option for broad interpretation. The latest amendments to Article 7 para 3 ICAC that enlist the procedural actions of the defendant in the arbitration proceedings and satisfy the conditions for a valid arbitration agreement, practically make the framework narrower. The articles suggests that the requirements to the form of the arbitration agreement need to be more restrictive and that some optional forms, such as any “other” communication between the parties or a defendant’s consent by conduct need to be removed. Such conclusion is backed up by a comparative legal analysis of German and Austrian legislation. Secondly, the article comments on the narrowing of the scope of disputes admissible for consideration by arbitration in last amendment of Article 19 para 1 CPC that has taken out of the scope of arbitration agreements all disputes with consumers. As such arbitration judgment needs be declared null and void as it has been made on a dispute that cannot be subject to arbitration the article raises the question about the authority competent to declare it null and void. In principle this could be a civil action to the Supreme Court of Cassation. However, is it possible for the court competent to issue a writ of execution to declare incidentally such arbitration judgment null and void and to refuse the execution writ? The conclusion is that this is a check in the substance of the judgment that would functionally change the proceedings for issuing an execution of writ. Thirdly, the articles points out as a risk in the arbitration proceedings the direct effect of the local arbitration judgment similarly to the effects of the court judgment. Our law does not provide for court’s recognition of local arbitration judgment. However the author finds it necessary for the law to provide for such a court’s “sanction” mostly in the authority of the state (judicial) power to allow for the legal effects of the arbitration judgments only if ther comply with the ordre public that is the state legal order. The latest amendment of Article 47 ICAC removes the possibility for ordre public compliance check by the Supreme Court of Cassation. Such check is not provided in the proceedings for issuing a writ of execution as well. Given the liberal method of creating instutional arbitration courts and/or the lack of criteria for selection of arbitrators it is possible for many arbitration judgments to be made contrary to the principles of equality nd fairness that are fundamental for any administration of justice. The risks of the direct effect of local arbitration judgment could be overcome if the proceedings for issuing a writ of execution include a check of the minimum requirements for the debtor to be notified.
Няколко американски истории и задължението да окажеш помощ
Няколко американски истории и задължението да окажеш помощ
(Several American Stories and the Duty to Rescue)
- Author(s):Silvia Tsoneva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Page Range:138-147
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Tort Liability for Omissions; Duty to Rescue
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the issue of tort liability for omissions in the case of the duty to rescue. The legal treatment of this question in the Anglo-American and Bulgarian laws is laid down in parallel. The approach of the two legal systems is compared and major problems of the liability for omissions are brought to light.
Ползването на отпуск като хипотеза на изменение на индивидуалното трудово правоотношение
Ползването на отпуск като хипотеза на изменение на индивидуалното трудово правоотношение
(Taking a Leave as a Hypothesis of Amendment to the Individual Employment Relationship)
- Author(s):Ivaylo Ivanov Staykov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Labor relations
- Page Range:149-162
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Employment Law; Employment Relationship; Amendment; Subjective
- Summary/Abstract:This scientific study explores and provides argumentation for the thesis that exercising the right to leave (its use) is a hypothesis of an amendment of the individual employment relationship. The concept “amendment to the employment relationship” is analyzes in broader terms beyond the legal regulation in Art.118-123a of the Labour Code and in connection with lots of its possible manifestations. In this article the author also takes a position on the related theoretical issue how the right to leave needs to be classified within the doctrinal scientific classification of subjective rights.
Установяване на частична трансформация по отношение на имот, за който в бракоразводното споразумение е уговорено, че остава съсобствен
Установяване на частична трансформация по отношение на имот, за който в бракоразводното споразумение е уговорено, че остава съсобствен
(Establishment of Partial Transformation of Property That Has Been Specified as Co-wned in the Divorce Settlement)
- Author(s):Ventsislav L. Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Sociology, Family and social welfare
- Page Range:164-169
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Property; Co-owned Property; Partial Transformation; Divorce Settlement
- Summary/Abstract:The reason for this article is Interpretative civil case No 3/2015 of the Supreme Court of Cassation. In the article are examined the controversial court decisions and the views in the legal literature. The author states that the action for partial transformation of own property for which in approved by the divorce court settlement spouses agreed that it remains co-owned between them without specifying in what units, can be accepted by court.
Правна сигурност и справедливост в наказателното право
Правна сигурност и справедливост в наказателното право
(Legal Certainty and Justice in the Area of Criminal Law)
- Author(s):Dilyan Nachev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law
- Page Range:172-180
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Legal Certainty; Justice; Criminal Law; Predictability; Social Justification
- Summary/Abstract:The issue of the ratio between the principle of legal certainty and the principle of justice of the legal system is one of the most important and controversial topics in legal theory. Finding the balance between them is, however, a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the legal system. This is particularly noticeable in the area of criminal law in which the competition between those two legal principles is greatest. In this article, I argue that the balance between the predictability of law and its social justification may be sought in the field of positive law, since the legislature often establishes mechanisms and rules in order to achieve said balance. As an illustration of this, I have pointed out such legal phenomena as insubstantial acts, relatively-fixed criminal penalties, prescription terms etc.
Значение на психичната болест на извършител на изключително тежко престъпление при индивидуализацията на най-тежките наказания доживотен затвор и доживотен затвор без замяна в българската съдебна практика
Значение на психичната болест на извършител на изключително тежко престъпление при индивидуализацията на най-тежките наказания доживотен затвор и доживотен затвор без замяна в българската съдебна практика
(The legal relevance of the mental disease of the perpetrator of an extremely dangerous crime in the process of individualization of the gravest penalties - life imprisonment without commutation and life imprisonment - according to the Bulgarian judic)
- Author(s):Iva Pushkarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Psychology, Criminal Law, Sociology, Individual Psychology, Penology
- Page Range:181-196
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Schizophrenia; Alcoholism; Hallucinatory Syndrome; Paranoid Syndrome; Life Imprisonment; Grave Penalties; Individualization of Penalty
- Summary/Abstract:Perpetrators of extreme crime often suffer from brain diseases which do not exclude legal sanity – schizophrenia and alcoholic disease. Traditional judicial practice regards them as mitigating circumstances which prevent the imposition of the gravest penalty prescribed. However, after the introduction of life imprisonment (1996) and life imprisonment without commutation (1998) judicial approaches deviate from that concept thus establishing conflicting solutions. The article argues that traditional concepts should be restored. The article is based on a case-law study and an in-depth analysis of a selection of cases.
Трансфер на пробационни мерки, постановени в държави-членки на Европейския съюз
Трансфер на пробационни мерки, постановени в държави-членки на Европейския съюз
(Transfer of Probation Measures in the European Union)
- Author(s):Ralitsa Kostadinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Criminal Law, International Law, Sociology, Penology, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:197-206
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Criminal law; Penitentiary Law; Probation; Probation Measures; Transfer; Suspended Sentence; Council; Framework; Decision 2008/947/JHA
- Summary/Abstract:Under the Bulgarian Criminal law the court may impose probation as punishment or impose a probation measure during the testing period in the case of suspended sentence and early release. Once imposed they become part of the probation regime during test period and any failure to observe them triggers consequences unfavorable for the sentenced person. The adhesion of our country to the European Union in 2007 and the free movement of persons and services faced criminal justice science with new challenges. In 2012 Bulgaria transposed Council Framework Decision 2008/947/JHA dealing with the transfer of probation measures and the application of the principle of mutual recognition of probation decisions and alternative sanctions. The basic principles and aims of the Decision are implemented in the national legislation through the Act on the recognition, execution and forwarding of judgments and probation decisions for the purposes of supervision of the probation measures and alternative sanctions.
Проектът BEPS в контекста на борбата срещу избягване на данъци
Проектът BEPS в контекста на борбата срещу избягване на данъци
(BEPS Project in the Context of the Fight against Tax Avoidance)
- Author(s):Ginka Simeonova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Law on Economics, EU-Legislation
- Page Range:207-215
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:EU; BEPS; Tax Avoidance; Gaps in Tax Systems
- Summary/Abstract:Tax avoidance has received a lot of political attention over the last few years in Europe. By raising civil society's attention to tax justice, the EU is stepping up efforts to achieve a more transparent, consistent and coordinated tax system. The BEPS program is presented as a response to the growing concern of governments about the low levels of tax paid by some multinational companies, which benefit from gaps in the tax systems of different countries and old double tax treaties that are significantly lower in regulating than modern business models are.
Целите за устойчиво развитие на ООН
Целите за устойчиво развитие на ООН
(UN Sustainable Development Goals)
- Author(s):Katerina Yocheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, International Law
- Page Range:216-230
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:UN; MDGs; SDGs; Goals; Targets; Overview
- Summary/Abstract:In the paper the author makes an overview of the 17 United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals of 2015 which build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals of 2000. The new Goals are unique in that they call for action by all countries, poor, rich and middle-income to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. While the SDGs are not legally binding, governments are expected to make efforts to achieve the 17 Global Goals by 2030.
Оценка на въздействие на нормативни актове - същност и видове
Оценка на въздействие на нормативни актове - същност и видове
(Nature and Types of the Legislation’s Impact Assessment)
- Author(s):Rayna Nikolova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Public Law
- Page Range:231-239
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Achieved and Expected Results; Aims of the Law; Code; Enactments; Impact Assessment; Instruction; Law; Ordinance; Rule
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the regularities in the development of the legislation in Bulgaria after 1st January 1992. It aims to reveal the legal nature of the impact assessment in legislative drafting and implementing. Analyzes the types of impact assessments.
Свободата на сдружаване според Търновската конституция (1879-1912)
Свободата на сдружаване според Търновската конституция (1879-1912)
(The freedom of Association according the Constitution of Tarnovo (1879-1912))
- Author(s):Alexandra Aytova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, History of Law, Constitutional Law, Public Law
- Page Range:240-255
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Freedom of Association; Political Parties; Constitution of Tarnovo
- Summary/Abstract:The freedom of association is not unfamiliar legal construction for the Bulgarian public life. It's foundations were established before the Liberation of Ottoman rule, and it's existence was inevitable mark of Bulgarian culture identity. Although the freedom of association wasn't incorporated in the Russian project of Bulgarian constitution, the father founders managed to validate it as a fundamental freedom. Thus until 1912 the latter showed it's potential and that was one positive aspect for the political and economical development of our state.
Отчетна ли е прокуратурата според чл. 84, т. 16, изречение второ от Конституцията на Република България? (Коментар на решение № 6 по к.д. № 15 от 2016г. на Конституционния съд на Република България)
Отчетна ли е прокуратурата според чл. 84, т. 16, изречение второ от Конституцията на Република България? (Коментар на решение № 6 по к.д. № 15 от 2016г. на Конституционния съд на Република България)
(Is the Prosecutor’s Office Accountable according to Article 86, point 16, sentence 2 of the Constitution of Republic Bulgaria? (Comments to Decision No. 6 on Constitutional Case No. 15 of 2016 of the Constitutional Court of Republic Bulgaria))
- Author(s):Ekaterina Mihaylova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law
- Page Range:256-267
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Bulgarian Constitution; Accountability of Prosecutor; Parliament; Reports of Chief Prosecutor; Constitutional Court Case Law
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the accountability of the prosecutor’s office according to Article 86, point 16, sentence 2 of the Constitution as interpreted in the case law of the Constitutional court of Republic Bulgaria. It provides a critical analysis of the narrow interpretation of the constitutional text made in Decision No.6 on constitutional case No.15 of 2016. The articles develops an argument that the implementation of prosecutor’s accountability requires a broader interpretation of the parliament’s powers to hear reports from the Chief Prosecutor.
Към публичноправно понятие за авторитет
Към публичноправно понятие за авторитет
(Towards Public Law Concept of Authority)
- Author(s):Deyana Marcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Public Law
- Page Range:268-289
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Bulgaria Public Law; Authority; Power; Rule of Law; Authority of Law
- Summary/Abstract:The article advances the argument for introducing a concept of authority in Bulgarian public law. It analyses the deficits in our public law doctrine that is confined to the concept of power and coercion and has a very limited understanding of authority. The author suggests that the lack of Bulgarian legal term authority is rooted in the legacy from the communist past. The roots of the Roman law term auctoritas have been explored to back up her argument that the concept of authority is indispensable in public legal context. The public law concept of authority has been introduced through the theoretical framework of the “authority of law” by Joseph Raz. The article implies that rule of law principle would never be effectively implemented in practice without an understanding of authority and authority of law.